Most of the packages were moved directly into Lu Jiang's house and handed over to Feng Qingxue. Cao Hui said breathlessly: "Brothers and sisters, Xibao, his grandfather, his godfather, his grandfather Cheng, grandma Cheng, his aunt Chen, his uncle Shen asked me to bring it to you. ”

He finished speaking in one breath, and Wang Xinru was confused.

"Who are you talking about?"

Song Gang was not in good spirits, but he did not forget to hug Xibao. The two brothers were very affectionate. After hearing Wang Xinru's question, he explained to his mother, who had already recognized him after getting off the car: "Grandpa Xibao is Grandpa Lu. Bao's godfather is Uncle Zhao Anbang, and Xibao's grandpa Cheng and Grandma Cheng are the mayor. Xibao and his aunt have been at home several times since they went away. Xibao's uncle and grandpa are very respectful to him! Aunt Chen Xueniang and Uncle Shen Feihong specially asked Dad to bring something to Xibao."

The timid little guy who came to the Lu family when he was four years old has now grown up, is sensible, and speaks fluently.

"Gangzi is right. Brother Anbang and his sister-in-law know about it. As for the others, my sister-in-law has never seen them, so of course she doesn't know who they are." Feng Qingxue said while asking Cao Hui what he had brought.

Cao Hui took a few sips of water and said, "Xibao's grandfather was afraid that you and Ajiang would make Xibao lose weight due to hunger, so he asked me to bring you two bags of noodles, one bag of fifty kilograms of corn flour, and one bag of fifty kilograms of white flour. The rest are food, drink and clothing. I can’t tell who sent them. I didn’t look carefully at the packages and luggage bags packed by Xibao’s grandfather. They are all yours anyway. You can see for yourself later. . I will give you and Xibao’s household registration documents first, and you will submit them later to confirm your household registration.”

Feng Qingxue and Xibao originally had rural household registrations, but when they were transferred to the military station, they immediately became urban household registrations.

The biggest difference between urban household registration and rural household registration is that people with urban household registration can eat commercial grains and enjoy non-staple food treatment.

After all the procedures are completed, the couple can receive the army's subsidy for unemployed military dependents, which is the minimum living standard. However, Feng Qingxue's work arrangement will soon be settled for non-military urban residents, so the military subsidy is not available to them.

The army arranged for her to be a health worker. The health worker under Guo Xiuying was actually another name for a medical soldier.

After receiving the order, Feng Qingxue couldn't help but laugh when she saw Lu Jiang's worried expression, and said angrily: "Don't do this in front of outsiders. If you show such a look outside, people must not say that we don't know what is good and what is good." ?”

Her work has attracted the envy of many military family members.

As Guo Xiuying said, not everyone has such an opportunity.

Lu Jiang looked at her belly and said, "You are pregnant now, and you have to take care of Xibao. As a health worker, you have to monitor the soldiers' health and other issues at all times, which is very energy-consuming." He was just worried, worried about his wife I am tired and worried that my wife will follow the army's command and go to the battlefield in the future. This is not a question of whether she is willing or not. All soldiers must obey the command.

Feng Qingxue touched his face and said, "These are not problems."

In the 21st century, how many professional women only start taking vacations when they are due to give birth? Why can't she? She also really wants to have her own career, whether in the 21st century or this era.

Guo Xiuying followed Zhao Yong, and she wanted to follow Lu Jiang all the time.

. . . My head hurts when I look up military medical information. I have an old cousin and a classmate who are in the military, but I can't contact them. They can't leak information about the army casually. Anyone who has relevant information can leave a message, otherwise I can only make it up.

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