Back to the 60s: The Struggle Career of a Charmed Wife

Chapter 611 Arriving one after another 1

Under Zhu Rong's supervision, will Wang Baozhu, Zhu Fugui, Zhu Fuqiang, mother and son change their ways?

Not only Feng Qingxue, but also most of the soldiers in the army also had this question.

"If you change it, everyone will be happy. If you can't change it, Zhu Rong will be with the outpost all his life." Zhu Rong is an upright person and attaches great importance to his promises. He will definitely fulfill his ambitions in front of Commander Chen, Ye Zhengjun and others.

After hearing Lu Jiang's words, Feng Qingxue nodded slightly, "I hope they can abandon evil and do good."

If evil people do good things, the world will be a better place.

"If they don't change, they won't be able to harm other people." Lu Jiang stretched out his big toe and pushed Xibao's fat butt. Xibao turned around and gave him an angry look. He was lying on the kang with his butt sticking out and playing with straw. The Grasshopper said, "The outpost chosen by Zhu Rong only requires one or two sentinels, not an important outpost stationed by hundreds of sentinels. Therefore, mother and son cannot show prestige to others."

Feng Qingxue was stunned, "One or two sentries?"

Lu Jiang nodded, "Yes, it's not in the fortress, so one sentry is enough. The reason why we arranged two is to keep each other company. If I remember correctly, those two sentries have not gone down the mountain for five years. Zhu Rong takes over from them and the whole family goes together. The two sentinels can go down the mountain and go home if there is a chance."

Feng Qingxue couldn't say a word for a long time, her heart was filled with admiration.

I haven’t gone down the mountain in five years!

Five years!

Not five days, not five months, but five years. He did not go down the mountain for five years and was stationed at his post. The only people he saw every year were probably the supply and logistics soldiers. Such soldiers are the heroes of the country and the people. hero!

Therefore, the arrival of the two sentries was welcomed by the entire military camp.

Commander Chen and others personally welcomed them back to the military camp. The two of them wore the red flowers that Su Jun and Lin Baixue wore when they got married, like triumphant heroes. The scene was so lively that Feng Qingxue could feel it from a distance.

"Mom!" Xibao put one hand in Feng Qingxue's and pointed to the lively scene with the other.

"Baby, that's Uncle Hero coming back, and everyone is welcoming him."

"Xiong!" Xibao parrot imitated.

Feng Qingxue said patiently: "Not a hero, but a hero."

"Xiong!" Xibao still didn't change his mind and pulled Feng Qingxue on the way home, "Rener, go home!"

Feng Qingxue suddenly laughed.

Yes, the sun rises, the sun shines on the earth, and the temperature rises all of a sudden. Even if you are wearing clothes, you can still feel the burning sensation. No wonder Tibetans all wear Tibetan robes, fully dressed in the morning and evening, and take off one sleeve at noon.

Feng Qingxue was afraid of getting tanned and wore a big hat, while Xibao wore a small straw hat.

Lu Jiang found it for her and her mother.

After taking off his coat, Xibao only wore a fleece jacket and trousers, making him look even more short, white and fat.

Although Xibao's face is fat and his double chin is obvious, his face is actually very small, not a big face, so everyone praises him for being cute. When he wears thick cotton clothes in winter, the flesh on his body is not visible, so he wears clothes to make him look slimmer. The model of taking off clothes to show off your body is different now. Thin clothes immediately expose the little fat all over your body, and your velvet clothes and trousers are tight and tight.

"Go home! Go home!" Xibao held Feng Qingxue's hand and let go after a while. He ran in front. His fat ass was particularly round and round, and his walking posture was very awkward.

Ye Zhengjun's revolutionary friend Guo Cui saw this scene as soon as he got out of the car, "Is this the Xibao you're talking about? He's really fat!"

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