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Chapter 925: Return home

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Everyone in the international business community knows that it’s not difficult to do business, but the difficulty lies. People tell you not to do business. The canine teeth between countries and the intricate relationships are complicated. Once you are excluded from the core circle, your life will be Don't want to be bigger.

However, Lu Feng was still able to break out of the siege under the siege. This was definitely not something ordinary people could control. He needed to move from side to side and grasp every opportunity.

After Li Lin got the fax, he immediately called John, the head of Schroder Electronics Group. Li Lin said on the phone that Jiafeng Electronics has made a major breakthrough in overseas business.

Several senior executives of John met with Li Lin urgently. At the meeting table, Li Lin handed in relevant materials, and everyone present was silent after watching.

They didn't know what Lu Feng had done in Thailand during this more than a month, but such a turn against the sky happened before their eyes.


When John said such a word, everyone in the audience applauded.

In the past, what was the relationship between Lu Feng and Lewinsky, or how many of them were true or false, didn't matter at the moment. They saw Lu Feng's ability.

When a boss starts to understand how the international community plays this game, then he will be like a fish in water. If he doesn't vote for this kind of person, who to vote for?

"Within one month, we have completed the investment contract, and the first batch of 500 million US dollars will arrive first!" John was extraordinarily bold, stood up and shook hands with Li Lin; "I also thank you for your persistence. In such a long time, Your persistence is meaningful."

Li Lin's eyes were red. The past few months have not been easy. Not only has to contact the country, but also face the changing situation at any time, choked up and said: "Thank you!"

Wall Street's reaction to Jiafeng Electronics was even more surprised. This small company that had been mocked for more than half a month actually ushered in a gorgeous counterattack.

The world is paying attention to the Toshiba incident. Only Lambert is staring at the news of Jiafeng Electronics. The office is a little quiet. He really did not miss Lu Feng. This person has great potential.

However, such a potential person cannot be suppressed abruptly, and he is still standing with the Financial City. Now is an important time for the United States to compete for the high point of global high-end manufacturing. If Lu Feng rises up and intervenes, don’t blame it. You're welcome to these Wall Street companies.

Lambert picked up the phone and called Eisen.

"Come to my office!"

A few minutes later, Eisen knocked on the door and walked in, saying, "What's your order?"

"Check what Jiafeng Electronics has overseas assets? To be targeted, this company began to focus on it, and maintained proper contact with Lu Feng, telling him that we are willing to invest." Lambert said in a deep voice.


The Toshiba incident completely obscured the affairs of Jiafeng Electronics. The Thai people were a little confused in the face of Toshiba, which had withdrawn overnight, for fear that Motorola had also gone. The hoarding scalpers began to dump goods in large quantities, while Guangming Electronics took the opportunity to go crazy. Occupies the market.

Two days passed in a flash. These two days were the craziest days for Guangming Electronics. Lu Feng watched Tunpala accept all kinds of praise in the media and watched him walk towards the altar.

The company here is on the right track. After completing the company’s layout, Kevin will be transferred from China to a branch vice president to oversee. The chairman is Tom Pala and the executive president is a local professional manager. The three parties supervise each other and work together.

And he himself wants to move to Malaysia!

Lu Feng has also booked a flight ticket to return home tomorrow. According to the preliminary plan, the Thai market will bring a profit of no less than 50 million yuan to the headquarters this year, and it is estimated that it will not be less than 200 million yuan each year.

This kind of profit has confirmed the unshakable position of Jiafeng Electronics in the country. Any domestic company who wants to catch up or even kill Jiafeng Electronics in a short period of time is wishful thinking.

I called Jiang Xiaoyan in the evening and chatted with Duoduo for a while, planning to go to the airport tomorrow to buy some gifts and then go back. Just hung up the phone, it rang again.

"What's the matter?" Lu Feng thought Duoduo was calling again.

"I heard that you are leaving." Chalun's voice came from the other end of the phone.

"Ah! Yes, time is too rushed. If you have the opportunity, I will definitely have a meal with you." Lu Feng said politely.

"It's okay, I can understand. I didn't want to disturb you, but I feel that after this call, I don't know when I will see you. That's good. From now on, there will be a period of time at each end of the world." Cha Lun was a little bit emotional. road.

"There will be a period later!"

"Beep!" Chalun hung up the phone.

Lu Feng can feel his loss. He knows that feeling. There is a lot of love in this world, and there is also a lot of unwillingness to ask for it. No matter what kind of love it is, it should exist. The premise of existence is to respect everyone. Bother each other.

Forgetting in the world is a kind of free and easy, no matter whether you are willing or not, it is all over. When the sun rises, put that person in the deepest part of your heart, raise your head to look forward, and walk forward!

The next day, at around nine o'clock in the morning, at Bangkok Airport, Lu Feng took a few assistants and boarded the plane. When he came, the bodyguards had already returned to China, and the captain also stayed at the Regal Security Company, which was considered a good place to stay. .

As the plane took off, Lu Feng took a deep breath, feeling a little excited.

Two generations of people, he finally became the boss of the enterprise, how could he not be excited, there are people who are more excited than him, Sun Hung Kai’s Zhenkun, and the major shareholder of United Capital, as the dust settles, their salvation will finally be possible. Put it down.

At the headquarters of Jiafeng Electronics Group, good news came one after another. The entire executives were all smiling today. Du Guoying even held a meeting at which he bragged to sell pagers to the United States.

The whole group is harmonious. Wei Yandan asked the people in the administration department to organize a welcome party to meet Mr. Lu at the airport. Wei Yandan, Zhu Lidong, and Du Guoying all passed by.

Even the most worried person in charge of finance is smiling today. The Schroder Group’s investment has not yet arrived, but news has come from Sun Hung Kai that 300 million yuan of funds will be paid in this week.

It can also be regarded as alleviating the financial dilemma. After the financial calculation, the follow-up Schroder Investment Group's 500 million US dollars has been received. This year, even if the other departments lose money again, they will not be short of money this year.

The entire financial staff became excited. For such a large group company, the most important source of money is not to make money from products, but to raise funds everywhere.

It can be regarded as the only one in the industry.

As Lu Feng walked out of the VIP channel, a banner had been raised outside, saying a warm welcome to Mr. Lu Feng, the chairman of Jiafeng Electronics Group, to return home.

"Oh, is it so lively?" Lu Feng was a little surprised when he saw everyone.

"Hurry up and present Mr. Lu with flowers!" Wei Yandan said excitedly.

Several bouquets of flowers were placed in Lu Feng's hands, and Wei Yandan, Zhu Lidong, Du Guoying, and Liu Cheng took a group photo to record this important moment.

Standing beside him, Liu Cheng was extremely excited, his eyes kept on Lu Feng's face, and he almost wrote the word "give money" on his face.

"Okay, okay, we have taken an important step, this step is not easy, but we survived, the darkest time has passed, and then it is time to welcome the light." Lu Feng looked at the people.

Everyone present had a bit of emotion on their faces, and Wei Yandan's eyes blushed even more.

"Well, this is not a good place, let's go back to the company first."

Five commercial vehicles were already waiting outside. After getting in the car, Lu Feng glanced at everyone, fixed his gaze on Liu Cheng's face, and asked, "How is Ruixin Lab?"

"It has been officially launched. At the end of this year, there should be some results in digital communication. If the speed is fast, we will have our own mobile communication digital information technology next year. It should be no problem to launch a mobile phone." Zhu said with a smile: "We have achieved good results in many cooperative laboratories around the world. At least we have made breakthroughs in the key areas of design, motherboards, materials, display screens, information decryption, information compilation, and digital transmission. , We are generous, those foreigners say everything."

"Hahahaha!" Lu Feng smiled triumphantly: "It's **** good to have money."

"It's so **** good." Liu Cheng said happily.

Zhu Lidong sat behind and smiled bitterly.

"Mobile phones will be the key business next year. I will see the project landing next year and officially go on the market in 1996." Lu Feng gave them time.

Since I am developing in this direction, things like PHS should be directly submerged in the long river of history.

Jiafeng R&D Company has caught up with the domestic first-tier technology in all aspects of TV sets, and is approaching the first-tier manufacturers such as Panasonic and Sony. In the market, its market share has reached 85% of Changhong’s, and it has officially entered The era of two heroes fighting for hegemony.

Other businesses have not fallen. Now the biggest competition point for major companies is high-quality students. Large companies have followed Jiafeng Electronics and established talent transmission channels with major universities. The wages of high-quality students have started to rise.

The field of VCD is also making crazy efforts. UU Reading, especially Sony, has already figured out the technology of VCD and is rushing towards the direction of DVD. On the basis of VCD, Jiafeng R&D company has already mastered it. With the addition of CD and LD technology, new breakthroughs have been made in vocal cords, picture quality, and storage technology.

And it is also seeking a breakthrough on DVD.

All the way, Liu Cheng was talking about the fact that so much money was spent, in exchange for the number of official engineers of the R&D company plus external engineers exceeded the 2,000 mark, and 47 project teams, all with their own research directions. As for It is not known how many of these project teams are blindly researching and consuming funds.

There are some things that you have to keep going even if you know that the money is in vain.

The car stopped at the entrance of the group building. Lu Feng got out of the car and asked Wei Yandan, "How is the production situation?"

"The two large factories are now in full production, but the initial construction of the Tianjin factory has been completed. It is expected that all the equipment will be installed in November, and the recruitment of personnel is already underway, and production can be put into operation early next year." Wei Yandan replied.

"This matter is particularly important. With the development of overseas markets, product production must keep up, but there are too many employees. Last time I took a look, these German assembly lines have achieved semi-automatic production?" Lu Feng asked road.

"Yes, when the new factory only needs 20,000 people, it will be able to achieve the current production volume of 100,000 people, and the efficiency will be greatly improved, but the price will be more expensive."

Lu Feng knows that the number of employees of Jiafeng Electronics will be the largest in the history of the group. With the full automation of the assembly line, there will be fewer and fewer employees. These migrant workers will be driven from large enterprises to small workshops. As the issue of state-owned enterprise reform is imminent, the layoffs will still repeat itself.

These people will not be swallowed until small workshops in southern coastal cities appear in batches!

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