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Chapter 815: Attend class?

"What? Mr. Huang started to do this kind of thing? Isn't Mr. Ge telling me that he should be pulled out and shot?" Lu Feng looked at Huang Hongsheng and joked.


   "Why? I'm afraid that Mr. Ge will come close to you and become your brother when he stumbles. That would be inappropriate." Huang Hongsheng smiled.


   "Mr Ge should be happy."


   Ge Quanshun is in his fifties. Facing these two young people who are much younger than him, he couldn't stand it for a while. He didn't know what they were talking about, so he could only smile awkwardly.


  The county is so big, the population of the county seat is only more than 100,000 people. You fart in the east, and soon you will hear it in the west. How can there be such a big battle in the county today, how could no one know?


Some companies in    County have heard the news for a long time, especially the news of Jiafeng Electronics’ arrival has spread in private. This small town seems to be undergoing a thousand-year upheaval within a few days.


There are only a few companies in the county. One fertilizer factory has been changed from a state-owned enterprise to a mixed system, and the other is a large sheep farm. There are no high-end industrialized enterprises in the entire county. These two companies are regarded as the two leaders. Most of China's economy is developed around these two enterprises.


   In the room, Zhu Lidong was stunned. He smoked a cigarette and looked at Lu Feng and said, "How come out of the economic zone again? What should I do now?"


   "Don't worry, things have already started to develop on their own, and we don't even need to build momentum on our own." Lu Feng leaned on the chair and said, "We have to pave the way for them within a week!"


   "How can you shop?" Zhu Lidong is really not good at this aspect.


   Just as Lu Feng was about to speak, the waiter knocked on the door and asked Lu Feng, "Mr. Lu, the boss of Renhe Fertilizer Factory wants to see you, do you think?"


   "Fertilizer factory?" Lu Feng couldn't figure out what the fertilizer factory was looking for.


   "This is our big boss, but he has money." The waiter felt his doubts, as if he looked down on the boss of this small place, and there was a bit of comparison in his words.


   "Oh, see you there!" Lu Feng stood up and tidied his clothes, and said to Zhu Lidong, "The paving bricks come by themselves."


   Lu Feng went out and saw a forty or fifty-year-old man in the living room, wearing a suit, bloated, with a briefcase on his arm, quite the style of Lu Feng a few years ago.


   "Hello, I am Lu Feng of Jiafeng Electronics!" Lu Feng stepped forward and stretched out his hand politely.


"Hello, I'm the general manager of the fertilizer plant. Just call me Mr. Hao. Sit down. You are welcome!" Mr. Hao said, sat down with Erlang's legs, took out a pack of Chinese cigarettes, and handed it to Lu Fengyi. Gen, coughed, got stuck in a mouthful of sputum, spit in the small trash can by his feet, lit a cigarette and said to Lu Feng: "I have heard of your company, but it is the first time I know you are so young. This person doesn't like to go around the corners, and ask straightforwardly, what are you doing here?"


   The set of actions he just saw, especially the mouthful of phlegm, was taken aback by Lu Feng, and said, "Since you are refreshed, I am also very happy. Do you know anything about the Northern Economic Development Zone?"


   "Northern Economic Development Zone?" Mr. Hao's face was full of interest.


"Yes, this is a big deal. Don't tell anyone else, you know? And I'm here for investment. You'd better have a good relationship with the leaders of the county." Lu Feng Said enthusiastically.


"I and County Mayor Ye are good buddies. I have driven one-tenth of the jobs in this county. Once the fertilizer plant was shut down, after two days and the spring, all the farmers in the village were finished! I told you this, eat, Call anytime to come out at any time." Mr. Hao's tone was full of show off.


"That was before, you think, once you become Shenzhen in the north, will people take care of you? Why did I come so far? It's just to slacken my beards." Lu Feng said in a low voice, "Think about it, I'm right. wrong?"


   Mr. Hong didn't know if what Lu Feng said was true or false, but with so many big bosses gathered in this small place, he really couldn't think of a second reason for a while.


   "Then Mr. Lu, what do you mean by telling me such a big news?" Mr. Hao wondered.


   "You have also seen it. I am not the only one here. Others are competing with me. I need to win over a few locals, don't you understand?" Lu Feng winked at him.


   "Oh, oh, that's it." Mr. Hao accepted the reason.


   The two sat down and chatted a lot. Mr. Hao is definitely a presence in the local business community. Although he is worth less than six or seven million, in the eyes of ordinary people, this is already the ceiling of imaginary wealth.


  Lu Feng's words are also very simple. This place has been divided into the next Shenzhen, and a lot of companies will come in the near future. At that time, the broker is a business, so Lu Feng is here to meet the leaders.


   Get along well with the leader, but still lack opportunities?


  What is opportunity? It didn't belong to you, but suddenly it was given to you one day. What the leader held was all opportunities. If you say you can do it, you can do it, or you can do it if you don't!


   "Then Mr. Lu meant to find a local collaborator?" Mr. Hao finally felt something.

   "President Hao is so smart, you and Mayor Ye have been close to each other, and now you need to deepen the relationship." Lu Feng clicked.


   "It's easy, let's do it, you give me one hundred thousand yuan, and I will send it to you." Hao said directly.


   "Don't don't don't, this technique is very inferior, very rude! Very insulting!" Lu Feng hurriedly stopped his thoughts.


   "Mr. Lu, you have a lot of things. Gifts are not about a bottle of Moutai with a stack of money underneath. Then what do you think?" Mr. Hao is already a little impatient, too frustrated!


"This is a kind of art. Don't be rude. My idea is to use TV as a medium. We cooperate with the county, and then you buy it. Then I will buy these TV sets from your hands. Here, the leader helped the entrepreneur, and the entrepreneur thanked him for making money." Lu Feng clapped his hands and said, "His face is also very beautiful!"


   Mr. Hao sighed, reluctantly agreed to Lu Feng's method, and said, "Then what good do I have?"


   "This is all good!" Lu Feng stared at him wide-eyed. Participating in this matter is all good. Why doesn't he understand?


   "What are the benefits?" Mr. Hao asked with a dazed expression.


"At least you have a close relationship with the leader, you think, if you want to set up a development zone, then you must build it first. These projects are all money, and secondly, you can occupy the land and sell it to the following companies. It is really not good. Help people. Introducing leaders, there are all opportunities." Lu Feng looked at him, this person was almost feeding the food to his lips, so he still didn't know what to do?


   Mr. Hao looked awkward and shook his head and said, "You said that the money is too slow. Is there any directness?"


  Lu Feng has never seen such a short-sighted boss. Did he come to work as a day job? Do you need a day's money for a day's work? Lu Feng hates this kind of person the most, because it's not easy to fool!


   "Well, you buy a TV set from the leader and return it to me. I will add ten yuan to you, how about it?" Lu Feng had no choice but to make an offer.


   "Then do this first, I'll go back and think about it!" Mr. Hao stood up, picked up the bag and said.


"Mr. Hao, there must be a big picture in business. You must understand this sentence. When you dare to give up the millions in front of you, there will be hundreds of millions rushing towards you tomorrow, and there will be earth-shaking changes here." Lu Feng moved towards He said seriously.


"My little place earns all the money in front of you. If you go to the village to collect food, you will be deducted one cent from you. Next time I will talk about the next time." Mr. Hao smiled and said: "First Go away, go back and discuss it with my wife."


  Lu Feng watched him leave. If you want to stir up this matter, you must first stir up these local companies, or else Huang Hongsheng won't get caught up at all.


   Ten minutes later, Lu Feng found the phone number of the owner of the sheep farm. After the call was connected, Lu Feng first greeted a few words and introduced each other.


   "Mr. Lu, what are you doing here?" The other end of the phone curiously asked, "How about I invite you to dinner tonight?"


"I'm relatively busy too. I know Mr. Niu, you have a big business here and are very powerful, so I want to find you to cooperate. Let me tell you that Huairen is planning to enter the Northern Economic Development Zone. Don't go out and talk nonsense, I only told you alone." Lu Feng is mysterious.


   The cow head suddenly became energetic when he heard the call. He has been wondering how all the gods are running to this small place. It turns out that there is such a big thing in it.


  Lu Feng told Mr. Niu again about that set. After Mr. Niu heard it, he asked, "I just want to ask a question. What benefit can I get?"


   "There are opportunities everywhere in Can't you feel it?" Lu Feng was almost crazy.


"I am a sheep breeder. Now our company has 60,000 sheep, which involves the wool industry, mutton industry, sheep miscellaneous industry and sheep dung industry. You and I don't know much about it. How can miscellaneous make money?" Mr. Niu was very puzzled. .


Lu Feng tried to clarify the key to him, how many industries a place would develop, such as technology, electronics, mass consumption, luxury goods, mobile communications, wireline telephone, finance, infrastructure, etc., but Mr. Niu knew Raising sheep, he didn't understand what Lu Feng said, and he felt annoying on the phone!


   "Mr. Lu, should I tell him?" Zhu Lidong tried to say from the side.


   Lu Feng knew that he couldn't tell. He wanted to arouse their emotions. It couldn't be too complicated. Suddenly Lu Feng thought of a way and said, "Well, come here at night, and I will tell you in detail, you call more people, and all local people with good looks, okay?"


   "No problem, I also want to see the boss in Shenzhen." The other end of the phone seemed quite excited.


   Lu Feng hung up the phone and called Mr. Hao again, asking him to come to class at night, but the time was staggered with Mr. Niu.


   "President Lu, what class do you have?" Zhu Lidong wondered.


   "To get them excited, and believe in my class, you can ask someone to communicate with the hotel. We need a conference room, microphones, speakers, and other equipment." Lu Feng ordered.

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