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Chapter 1170: ? Bury Schroeder

In the evening, Lu Feng went downstairs and drove home. Jiang Xiaoyan hadn't come back yet, so Duoduo brought a few classmates to make a fuss at home. Lu Feng thought they were too noisy, so he simply played a video for them.

"Dad, I'm hungry." Duoduo yelled, "You didn't bring me a gift when you came back?"

"If you're hungry, check out what's in the fridge and warm it up in the microwave. What gifts do you bring? There's nothing there in Xiangjiang. Let your mother take you to Xiangjiang after your summer vacation." Lu Feng fooled.

It was getting dark outside. Lu Feng calculated the time difference and made sure that it was morning in the United States. He picked up his mobile phone and went out. He lit a cigarette and walked towards the beach not far away. With the sea breeze blowing, he dialed Zhang Fengxia's phone call.

After ringing several times but no one answered, Lu Feng felt a little worried, and finally someone picked up the phone, and asked in English, "Who is it?"

"I'm Lu Feng, Fengxia, how are you doing?" Lu Feng asked concerned, "Are you about to give birth?"

"You still remember me!" Zhang Fengxia said with a slightly disappointed voice, "Just a few days ago, I was admitted to the hospital the day before yesterday, and everything was fine."

"I've been very busy recently." Lu Feng explained a few words.

"I know you're busy, so I didn't bother you. I'm fine here. Let me tell you something. This child is a daughter." Zhang Fengxia tentatively said.

"My daughter is fine. Dad's little padded jacket. Which hospital are you in? Let's go to the best private hospital. Let me arrange it for you."

"No, the Mount Sinai hospital I booked is already very good. I still got in touch with my parents. Things have reached the point where they are today, and they have to admit that my mother will come to take care of me after a while , By the way, you can give the child a name, she was born in the United States, I want her to become a citizen of the United States." Zhang Fengxia said.

Lu Feng originally wanted to call him Shaoshao, but the name was too casual, so he thought for a while and said, "My name is Miaomiao, how about it?"

"Very good. I plan to take her back when she is one year old and meet you."

"As long as the child is able to take the plane and come back anytime, I will let the plane pick you up." Lu Feng said hastily.

The two chatted a lot, and Lu Feng repeatedly expressed his apologies to her on the phone, and would make up for their mother and daughter in the future. Lu Feng wanted to send her some more money, but Zhang Fengxia refused on the phone.

After hanging up the phone, Lu Feng made a phone call to the company's accountant, transferred two million US dollars to Zhang Fengxia's bank account, and then turned around and walked home.

The house was already brightly lit, Jiang Xiaoyan came back to discipline her, and then asked her driver to take the children away, Duoduo was already sitting there obediently doing homework.

"When did you come back?" Jiang Xiaoyan tidied up the sofa and asked without looking back.

"In the morning, I'll be back soon after dealing with things."

"Why are you still running on the beach? I think you seem to be calling someone. How windy is it at the beach?" She continued to tidy up and said, "

Who are you talking to so passionately? "

"No one, just an old friend, polite." Lu Feng hurriedly stopped her inquiry, and asked, "What's for dinner?"

"Fumanlou has ordered food, and it will be delivered in a while." Jiang Xiaoyan sat down and stared at Lu Feng with swaying eyes.

Lu Feng admitted that he lied without blinking, but at this moment, he didn't dare to look at her. He subconsciously looked aside and walked towards Duoduo to see how she was studying.

"It's summer vacation in two or three months, right? It's the third grade when school starts."

Duoduo raised his head and gave him a white look, and said, "Dad, after this summer vacation, I will be in the fifth grade, and I will take the high school entrance examination next summer vacation."

Lu Feng smiled awkwardly, told her that he had passed the exam, and let her take her private jet to go wherever she wanted.

After a while, three cooks came, and the things they delivered were all semi-finished products. It would be quick to cook at home. Jiang Xiaoyan seldom cooks now. She felt tired, so she reached an agreement with the restaurant called Fumanlou. They are processed and made at home.

Although the family no longer hires a nanny, the housekeeping is done by housekeeping, cleaning every two or three days.

The three cooks moved quickly, packed up and left in less than fifteen minutes. The family of three was eating at the dinner table, and Jiang Xiaoyan was chatting about Huasha's recent situation.

This year, she established seven of her own brands, established marketing, branding, advertising and other departments, and expanded a large factory in Zhejiang. This year, the market competition is fierce. Fortunately, Huasha is the largest brand among private enterprises. Laundry products, soaps, oil sticks, and creams are sold in tons.

Lu Feng inquired about her current employee size, production scale, and market share. After getting the data, he was secretly smacking his tongue. After a rough estimate, the market share of Huasha's wholesale and private label products exceeded 100%. thirty.

Zhang Fengxia has prepared enough sales channels for her before. All kinds of OEM and wholesale merchants in the market come to her. The profit margin of wholesale is only less than 10%. The reliance is large and the profit margin is low. Almost invincible.

In addition, Jiang Xiaoyan is a more honest person, and the amount of her own brand is relatively large. Others give 30 grams of cream for two yuan, and her brand gives 45 grams of cream.

It is purely a price war that squeezes other people out of the door and builds a moat for itself.

"Recently, I sent a few teams to the north to explore the market there. Several people in the management team said that they want to develop overseas markets, but they don't have enough money now, so they are clamoring for a backdoor listing." Jiang Xiaoyan said while eating: "I also want to go public." After studying for a long time, I still feel that the road to listing is not good, and I feel more at ease when I have money and goods.”

"Stay safe!"

Lu Feng listened to her business philosophy for Huasha all night, and he summed it up in one sentence. She still has the kindness and simplicity unique to rural people in her bones. This kind of philosophy reminds Lu Feng of a person, Tao Bihua!

Maybe she is more down-to-earth than herself, at least her thoughts are not like a modern businessman playing with capital.

At the moment, Europe, the London Futures Exchange.

With the opening of the market, everyone stared at the price of tungsten ore with bated breath, and some people even shouted in a low voice, the price of tungsten ore has gone crazy this month, and all three-month tungsten ore contracts have been sold out. Even if you have money, you can't buy it now.

As soon as the market opened, the price of tungsten ore rose sharply, and the trading volume could be counted on one lot. In just a few minutes, the price went from 28,000 per ton to 40,000. This price was unprecedented in history.

"Who has a tungsten ore futures contract? I'll buy it at a price of 45,000!" Someone shouted in the trading hall.

Everyone at the scene looked at each other in blank dismay. Now that they have a tungsten ore futures contract in their hands, it is equivalent to Maotai with a price of 2600 yuan, an absolute representative of wealth.

Almost all the chips are concentrated in the hands of Schroeder and several major Wall Street funds. They have the final say on whether it goes up or down. People on both sides know that it is impossible for everyone to play until May, and the price must be lowered before the delivery. , because not only South Africa has tungsten mines in this world, but other countries have a considerable amount of ore in their treasuries.

In the office of Schroeder Investment Bank, John looked at the numbers flashing on the computer without any disturbance in his heart. The office door was knocked open, and several managers walked in.

"Today's situation is still the same. When will we ship? According to the latest survey data in South Africa, those American tungsten ore refining enterprises in South Africa have now stopped production, and it is said that they are still in a stalemate." A manager said.

"A few of us believe that Wall Street will not insist on the delivery date. In any case, these trading parties are all companies in the United States. If they fail to trade when the date comes, they will have to pay liquidated damages." Another person said.

"There is also a worry that they will not be able to deliver the goods, and they will use the domestic reserves of the United States to carry out the delivery. The risks involved are relatively high. Lu Feng's tungsten mines in South Africa cannot be controlled by gambling on futures alone. These companies, and there is news that South Africa is now negotiating with the United States, this matter will become a bargaining chip."

John leaned on his position without saying a word. The United Kingdom still has control over South Africa. He had already received news yesterday that the United States was indeed talking to South Africa, which included many higher-level demands. He estimated that the United States would not easily agree. down.

There are many forces involved in this matter, and many people are taking advantage of it. As far as he knows, Huaxia's foreign affairs department has also had a headache recently. After all, no one can prove that Lu Feng is Lu Feng, not the invisible branch extended by Huaxia. hand.

"There is still more than a month left. Why is UU reading in a hurry? Soros and Robertson are not in a hurry. Why should I be in a hurry?" John said confidently: "Pull up the price again, let everyone The major financial media should publicize Jiafeng Group more and push him to the bright side."

Ten minutes later, amidst the exclamation of the crowd, the price of tungsten ore broke through the $40,000 mark and was fixed at $46,000 per ton.

The major financial media seemed to be crazy, using the sensational title of "Tungsten Demon King" strikes on their front pages, and at the same time, the stocks of other related products rose one after another.

The name of Lu Feng resounded throughout the European financial circles. In order to win sales, the major media made up his stories like myths, a model of self-made, a wanted fugitive in Europe, a hero of Wall Street, and so on.

Wall Street, Robertson and Soros sat in a conference room, and the two had a brief exchange on the current situation. They also recently contacted those tungsten ore processing companies in South Africa, and the news they got was that they did not have much China's inventories can be delivered to May futures, but they are already seeking treasury support, and there is no problem with May deliveries.

After flipping through the information, Soros took a puff of his cigar, smiled slightly at Robertson and said, "Next, bury Schroeder!"

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