Back to 1990

Chapter 1153: ?The more you talk, the more outrageous

As for mobile phone accessories, Lu Feng is also worried that his price is too low, and some people buy them in large quantities, so he has been controlling the shipment.

In February, Zhu Lidong communicated with the municipal government several times, hoping to stimulate a group of small and micro enterprises or small workshops through subsidies.

Lu Feng also went to several meetings to talk about his ideas. The city said that the current production process is not up to standard, and the threshold for various assembly lines is high, and it is impossible to create the market environment that Lu Feng conceived.

For such an answer, Lu Feng also felt helpless.

After thinking about it for a few days after returning, he decided to let the state promote this matter. Lu Feng contacted the Science and Technology Commission and shared his thoughts. He believed that the state subsidized chip research and development, and the money was wasted. This model cannot be used. lasts, and has no effect.

In the letter, Lu Feng also wrote a proposal for a large fund for the semiconductor industry, focusing on the construction of mobile signal towers. He believes that landline phones are a process of the development of the times. We should directly bypass landline phones and move towards mobile communications to catch up by leaps and bounds.

After the letter was sent out, Lu Feng took a lot of thought to get the people from the Science and Technology Committee to push it to the Mechanical Department. As the matter began to be discussed internally, various voices began to appear. Lu Feng also went to Beijing many times later, and finally he 1997 to promote the implementation of this matter.

The process is rugged and difficult, so I won't go into details here (don't dare).

Lu Feng knows that the national level will not end. It is absolutely impossible for some companies to develop the market by themselves. If you want to change the trend of history, you must persuade the country to build large infrastructure in advance. So where will the money come from?

Lu Feng already knew that the chip subsidy was a failure, so he simply stopped subsidizing it and used it to invest in the signal tower, which also caused him to attract a lot of abuse and attacks.

London, the futures market, the opening of the day was normal. After ten minutes, the price of tungsten began to strengthen. The bears felt that something was not right and immediately sold orders to suppress it. , no matter how many orders are thrown, they will be eaten.

The trading volume of tungsten is considered a niche in commodity futures trading, and the sudden influx of funds has attracted the attention of Wall Street and European financial companies.

People from several exchanges made a rough calculation and found that the funds for long tungsten mines in the morning were at least hundreds of millions of dollars.

The so-called futures are orders, future orders, take a simple example, building futures, your home is a developer, and you are afraid that there will be no buyers after the house is built, so you can trade on the platform, even if your home does not even have a construction team, You can also place an order on it and wait until the building is finished to deliver.

There will be a lot of fluctuations from the time the order is placed to the delivery. You think the price of the house will increase. You buy it. After you buy it, there is a news that the best schools, the best hospitals, and the best schools are planned here. Commercial Plaza, when you bought it, it was 11,000 square meters. Now it has risen to 100,000. If you sell the contract directly in your hand, you will make a profit of 1000%!

What is empty?

Take the house as an example. Your community is 100,000 square meters. You want to sell the house, but you can't sell it for 100,000 yuan per square meter. You feel that there is a problem in this market and there is a bubble.

For example, the real estate market is not good (that is, for example).

You borrowed a contract for a part of the house in your community and promised them to return it after 30 days, with a monthly interest of 5%. After you get the contract, you immediately sell it at a low price. When you sell it to the outside world, people in your community see that the house price has dropped so fast, and quickly join the team of selling houses.

At the same time, news came out that the school district in this community will soon be gone, and everyone is vying to sell it. After a month, the price has become 21,000 square meters.

You repurchased the previously sold house at a price of 21,000 square meters, and gave the owner of your community plus 5% interest. This is called empty.

What is Zhuangzhuang?

The developer sells the house, but no one buys it. They hire a bunch of people to snap it up. Among the ten people, you are the real owner. The next day, the price is announced. Go in and buy, this is Zhuangzhuang.

What is allocation?

Fund allocation means that if you don’t have enough money to buy a house, borrow money from the bank. This is capital allocation, and the futures market is basically a high-leverage allocation.

What are chives?

Forget it, simple science, back to the topic.

The person in charge of Jiafeng’s finance opened accounts for Lu Feng and several people, and bought 50% of the capital. Futures traders in London and Wall Street were puzzled by the fluctuation of tungsten prices. Tungsten is produced in a concentrated area, and the price is stable all the year round. , there must be a reason they don't know behind such a big purchase.

Record the situation as soon as possible and report it.

In South Africa, Ma Wanjun watched several waves of people smoking cigarettes in front of him in his office. These waves of people all claimed to be fund managers of Wall Street investment banks.

"We want to know if production has been stopped now, when will it resume production, and what is the tungsten ore gap during this period? Will production capacity be expanded after production resumes?"

"A large number of futures tungsten will be delivered within three months. Do you have any action in the futures market?"

The other party's questions are thrown one by one, whether there is inventory, and whether the price will increase?

"I repeat, we are only producers of tungsten ore, not futures trading of finished tungsten, and there is no need to answer your questions!" Ma Wanjun stared at them and said, "Get out now!"

The three teams were kicked out. One of the fund managers was very clever and took out a stack of US dollars from his bag, quietly stuffed it into Ma Wanjun's pocket, and asked in a low voice, "Just tell me if you can recover within three months. Production? Please!"

"I don't know, I'm also waiting for the notice!" Ma Wanjun took the money and closed the door.

This group of people stood guard at the door of the company. As soon as they saw people coming out, they caught them and asked them. After two whole days, they sorted out the information they got and learned that this company is controlled by Jiafeng Group of Huaxia, and the major shareholder of Jiafeng Group is Schroeder Group.

After some serious and rigorous reasoning, they came to a shocking result. Europe wants to go head-to-head with the US on metal energy!

They don't think a small Jiafeng Group can do such a thing, not to mention that South Africa is now the leader of the African continent, and with rich minerals, it is the target of all countries in the world to win over.

These people asked their fund companies to buy long tungsten mines and reported the matter at the same time. As soon as the London Stock Exchange opened in the afternoon, the price of tungsten was quickly pushed up by 4%, becoming the most dazzling in the market. exist.

If it is said that talents in the 21st century are the most valuable, then the news is the most valuable at the end of the 20th century. The investigations of these fund managers were quickly reported.

First of all, South Africa was once a British colony. After independence in 1961, it was still secretly controlled. After Mandela came to power, he chose to develop independently and independently. The United States and Europe invested a large number of enterprises here and controlled various mineral resources. It can be said that this is the United States. A place to compete with Europe.

This is also the reason why Lu Feng is not afraid of pressure from the United States, and makes Ma Wanjun pay attention to the safety of his life, because at this time point in South Africa, chaos has begun, and the reason is the influx of a large number of refugees.

In a large conference room, more than a dozen important people from Wall Street were present. Everyone frowned at the document in their hands, but Lambert was relieved. Obviously, this was Lu Feng's counterattack.

"I can't understand the purpose of convening so many people for the meeting with the information in hand." Lambert took the lead and said: "The rise in the price of tungsten in the futures market is our retaliation for suppressing Jiafeng Group. Just disintegrate this newly established tungsten mine association."

A congressman diagonally opposite shook his head and said: "I think this matter is very serious, this is a resource war, obviously this is a test arranged by Europe, as long as we don't respond, then the gold mines, diamonds , the production of various resources will appear one after another, which will become a bargaining chip and strategic containment for South Africa and Europe."

"Once we fall into a passive state, we will pay more in terms of energy prices, so we should be tough in the face of this kind of temptation, and now private enterprises will fight back, and then at the national level, if it still doesn't work, I think we can send an aircraft carrier. past!"

Lambert was dumbfounded when he heard it, this is just revenge by Lu Feng, why are there still wars? What's the matter with Europe?

"I also think that Mr. Lambert's pattern is This kind of thing is carefully arranged at first sight. It can never be made by a company. There must be European arrangements behind it. According to my According to the data, the Schroders Group is the major shareholder of this company, and the UK still has a lot of influence in South Africa, so many mineral acquisitions were completed without much movement, without the assistance of the UK, is it possible?” Another person said.

As soon as this logic came out, everyone nodded in agreement, but what they didn't think about was that in order to obtain low-cost raw materials, they would press down the price of local tungsten ore again and again, and squeeze the profit again and again, the Ronald family did not want to done.

Lu Feng completed the acquisition after spending more than 100 million US dollars. The process is extremely simple.

These people chatted more and more around the table, from resource competition to African strategy, then global layout, plus Schroder's investment in Jiafeng many years ago, Lu Feng secretly bought mines, this is simply a good show in the dark!

Thinking about it makes the back of your neck get chills. You must know that South Africa has 60% of the world's gold reserves, and the reserves of various mineral resources rank among the top in the world. If Europeans account for this, the euro will be linked to gold again. That's a big impact.

Lambert is sitting there and doesn't want to talk anymore, the more these people talk, the more outrageous they are!

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