Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 776 107. Money? No Matter How Much Money It Is, I Will Set It Up - Add More For Your Brother

Chapter 776 107. Money? No matter how much money it is, I will make it - add more for your brother Canaan [1415]

Early the next morning, Bo Laike drank a bottle of wine as soon as he woke up, moistened his throat, and let his drowsy head rest by the way.

Originally, the dwarf race was born with a neurotic "noisy aura".

Their shrill voices could be heard through several walls. Now I have encountered a group of gnomes who have mechanized themselves, each of them is full of vitality and hardly needs rest.

It was noisy at night, and those bloody machines were running all night, so loud that Laike almost didn't sleep well all night.

He even made up his mind to get out of bed and smash the machines.

But after thinking about it, once Mechagon is recovered, these machines will be used to produce various war supplies for himself, and after all, they are also assets of his side.

So, I endured it.

But this damn Mechagon can't stay anymore, if he stays for a few more days, and if he doesn't get enough rest, the smelly pirate feels like he's going to have a nervous breakdown.

He simply washed up with the magic water that Jaina prepared for him last night, and walked out of the room with the wine bottle. Just as the sun was about to rise and the night and day alternated, he stretched his body when he saw the stupid warrior Fen Na was talking to a mechanical gnome.

The pirate rolled his eyes and leaned over to eavesdrop.

It turned out that the dwarf was using a special caliper to measure the muscles on Fenner's arm. While measuring, he also praised in a strange tone:

"Machine, this musculature is exaggerated. I only see one goal in your muscles, and that is to fight! To destroy!

Rush into the battlefield and sing the triumphant song!

But we can perfect these muscles and let them help you accomplish this goal better.

Alternatively, we can also replace it.

I'm not saying your muscles aren't perfect, but we can replace them with more perfect mechanical tissues! "

The dwarf who transformed his eyes into electronic eyes like Trixie picked up a wrench from his hand, and said to the bewildered Finna Jinjian:

"I've also been a Sentinel in Kul Tiras, and I've talked to some drunken warriors in the taverns there, and they wouldn't give up the pain and blood they felt when they were attacked in battle.

Those idealistic idiots can't get rid of the cliché of the theory of spiritual victory. They think that pain gives them strength, and blood catalyzes their brutality.

But not like this.

Take my advice, beautiful and powerful warrior, you should replace your limbs with stronger machines!

Like our choice, as for the fighting emotions you may lose, these physiological responses can be simulated by artificial chip stimulation.

All you need is a pocket computing device and three punch card chips tailored for fighters, and I guarantee that you can complete one horrible massacre after another in absolute calm.

how about it?

Want to try it? I can help you with this operation for free. If you have any doubts about my deduction, then we can try another arm first.

It's a minor operation, and we mechagnomes are experts at it, and it only takes a day to do it.

Give it a try, you will definitely not suffer a loss or be fooled if you try. "

This little dwarf's eloquence was really good, and Fenner was taken aback for a while.

She touched her muscles and said suspiciously:

"Is it really as powerful as you said? Mechanization or something, I've never heard of it before."

"Sure, sure and sure, if it doesn't work, why do we mechanical gnomes have to do a whole transformation?"

The dwarf technician's electronic eyes flashed, and she said:

"And the biggest advantage of mechanization is that it can prevent your body from aging. If you can accept some costs and replace parts regularly, we can even let you live for thousands of years with ease.

Your various physical characteristics look like a hybrid of humans and elves. I have heard of your race in Kul Tiras. Your lifespan is longer than humans, but far less than that of orthodox elves.

This means you will lose your human kin before your elven kin, which means you are doomed to be sad twice in this lifetime

But if you can accept mechanization, and then bring your human relatives over, I will transform him or her as well, and your family can live happily until you don’t want to live.

how about it?

You can't refuse this benefit, can you?

Why are you still hesitating, come on, sign this surgical accident understanding agreement with me, then go to my mechanical room and lie down, I will immediately call my friends to do the first stage of transformation for you."

"cough cough"

Bu Laike finally couldn't listen anymore after hearing this, and more importantly, the idiot Fenner had already shown a pensive expression.

As we all know, when the warrior thinks, the god laughs.

Showing this expression meant that Fenner was going to be tricked.

This is where Laike comes in.

"Her 'guardian' is here!"

The smelly pirate jumped out of his hiding place, pointed to himself, and said to the eloquent mechanical dwarf technician:

"If she wants to have surgery or something, she must get my consent. As you can see, her brain is not very easy to use. So, I want to ask, do you have 'wisdom upgrade' surgery?

I mean, the kind that makes people smarter. "

Facing the pirate's question, the little dwarf tilted his head and thought for a while, then waved a wrench seriously and said:

"You mean 'whole brain replacement' surgery. I haven't recommended this before, but well, you can try it this time. Her body is very strong and should be able to withstand the sequelae of the surgery."

"What the hell do you mean? Turning the corner and calling me stupid?"

Fenner didn't realize it until this moment, she stood up suddenly, and yelled at Bo Laike ferociously.

The pirate shrugged his shoulders, took a sip of his wine, and the magic eyeballs on his shoulders spun around, looked at Fenner, and gave her a look of "experience yourself".

He hooked his fingers again, motioning for her to follow.

"I'm not saying you're stupid, but I'm curious, why did you think about undergoing enhanced surgery?"

Bo Laike took Fenner around Rustbolt, and the noisy machinery around them made the pirate's head buzz.

He saw a group of mechanical gnomes who just got up were queuing up to receive today's energy cells and parts from the Rustbolt Quartermaster, just like civilians in the human world were receiving bread and wine.

It seems that the situation here is indeed not very good. Prince Erazmin has implemented material control in his own town.

Facing the pirate's question, Fenner pursed her lips. This powerful warrior considered his blood relationship with Bu Laike, and felt that there were some things that should not be kept from him, so after a few seconds, he whispered:

"I think what the little dwarf said is quite reasonable. I talked to my mother before, and she said that she would lose the annoying Dai Lin first, then lose me, and finally wait alone for death.

That kind of fate was too painful for a mom, and I just thought, if I could, I."

"No, she wouldn't want to see a mechanized daughter, that would only scare Mrs. Golden Sword and make her feel terrible guilt instead of comfort.

That's not how a daughter should repay her mother. "

Bu Laike shook his head, he said:

"Instead of worrying about the future in a few hundred years, you should think about how to live well now, with your way of resisting Dai Lin, even if you accompany Mrs. Jinjian to the moment of death, so what?

You're still forcing her to choose between you and Dailin. "

"I don't."

The stupid warrior denied it.

But Laike didn't want to talk to her about it anymore.

He complained in his heart that everyone in the Proudmoore family had psychological problems, except for Tandred, that stupid kid was probably the most relaxed person in the family.

He has almost no secrets in his heart, enjoys his teenage years wantonly, and is interested in everything.

For example, now, when he was rounding a corner of Rustbolt Town, Braike suddenly saw Tenred in a hunting suit, holding a box full of parts and batteries, happily with a group of mechanical gnome craftsmen in a strange place. There is a queue in front of the gadgets.

From time to time, he chatted with some dwarf artisans from Gnomeregan beside him.

Looking expectantly.

"Where is your brother and what is he doing?"

Bu Laike stood aside and said to Fenner next to him:

"He's playing with powers he doesn't understand again, go, call him back.

The things of the mechanical gnomes look cool, but in fact everything has a certain degree of danger, especially for children who don't understand anything.

You should shoulder your responsibilities as big sister, Fenner, and you should take care of him and Jaina. "

"In theory, I should take care of you."

Fenner rolled her eyes and complained:

"But look, can I control you? You stinky brother."

After complaining, Fenner adjusted her clothes and strode forward to the expectant Tanrad, trying to bring him back by ear.

But Tandred said a few words to Fenner in a begging tone, the stupid warrior hesitated, and asked a few more words, and the dwarves next to her said a lot to her.

Finally, under Laike's speechless gaze, Fenner also took a large box of parts and batteries from the dwarf agent Kelsey, joined them, and lined up happily.

She also waved at the pirate, beckoning him to come too.

The pirate slapped his forehead and walked over with a headache.

It turned out that the current-limited electricity at night was activated, and the big golden robot standing in front of everyone made a buzzing sound, and then spewed out black smoke from the exhaust pipe behind it, entering the activation process.

Its activation caused the surrounding dwarves to cheer in unison, and they began to prepare for today's production noisily.

The shape of the big robot is also very strange.

It is not as short as other creations of mechanical gnomes, but as tall as a clockwork titan. The shell armor is very delicately made, and blue energy surges can be seen between the gaps in the armor.

It looks very sci-fi and futuristic, and it fits the shape of the Titan creation in Bu Laike's memory. It doesn't look like it was made by ordinary mechanical gnomes.

Its armor design reminded the pirate of the form of Prince Erazmin whom he had seen once last night.

This design should have come from King Mechagon.

Bo Laike curled his lips, he recognized the thing and knew what it was for.

So he reached out to pick up a box of prepared parts and batteries next to him, walked over, and patted Fenner behind him.

"I want to make a three-type gyroscope!"

The mechanical dwarf in the front line shouted to the robot waiting in front of him with familiarity, and then put the parts and battery in his hand into the feeding port of the big robot's abdomen.

"Request accepted! Blueprint selected! Production begins!"

The big robot made a strange electronic sound, swallowed the abdominal parts into its body, and after a while of rattling, took out a very delicate mechanical gyroscope from its chest, and handed it to the dwarf.

The latter left happily.

The second one is Tanred who got up early and queued up. This little Proudmoore imitated the mechanical dwarf before, and put the parts and batteries in his hand into the feeding port of this big robot. After thinking about it, he shouted arrive:

"I'm going to make a...well, a fun thing!"

This request made the big robot stunned for a moment, and then it asked back with an electronic voice:

"The keyword 'fun' is detected, and the system lists three kinds of manufactured products labeled as 'toys'. Please indicate the specific production target."

As the electronic sound fell, three icons appeared on the monitor in front of the robot's chest, namely a mechanical parrot, a mechanical cat, and a clockwork boxer.

This made Tandreid have a difficult time, and he didn't know which one to choose for a while.

"Stupid you!"

Fenna behind him stretched out her hand and knocked on the head of the smelly brother, saying:

"Why choose one? Of course you want them all."

"But I don't have enough parts and batteries."

Tandred held his head and said:

"Trixie just found these for me. She said there's only enough for the daily ration. It's only enough to make one. You'll have to wait until tomorrow for the second one."

"Use mine."

Fenner also poured the parts and batteries in her hand into the feeding port, but she could only choose two. Kelsey next to her was chewing gum, and also poured the parts in her hand.

She doesn't need the big robot in front of her to do anything for her.

She is an engineer, she can make what she needs by herself.

She just wanted to see if the big robot in front of her, which was exaggerated by the mechanical gnomes and also known as the "Wishing Machine", was as powerful as it was said to be.

After enough parts and batteries were available, the big robot accepted Tanred's request of "all three" and was about to start production, but was stopped by Bu Laike who came behind.

The magic eyeball on the pirate's shoulder glanced at the three people who were eager to see through, and he said in a drawn out voice:

"That's not how it works, you three idiots, look at me!"

After finishing speaking, he poured the parts and batteries in his hand into the feeding port, cleared his throat again, and said to the big robot waiting for orders in front of him:

"Hello, Pascal K1N6, I need to commission three things, please wait for the order."

"Hello, fleshy friend."

The big robot replied politely:

"Pascal awaits construction orders."

Bu Laike grinned, looked back at the three people behind him, and showed a "learn" expression.

He said loudly:

"I need a red-painted X-995 mechanical cat, a 'Mechanical Wing' combat parrot, and finally, a fully equipped combat nano cutting saw."

"Order received!"

The big robot that Bu Laike called "Pascal K1N6" let out a high-pitched neigh, and the dark blue eyes on its head shone brightly, saying:

"But fleshy friends need higher authority to complete the combat weapon making process."

"Made with my authority."

Just as the pirates were rubbing their heads and worrying about the authority, the voice of Prince Erazmin came from the side. The big robot recognized the voice and greeted it happily.

Then, it entered the production process. After a few minutes of waiting, the big robot took out a red-painted mechanical cheetah from the production opening on its chest, and handed it to Fenner.

He took out another golden-yellow cool mechanical parrot that was waiting to be activated and could fly with people, and handed it to Tanred.

Finally, he handed Kelsey Gangshuo a domineering and ferocious cut-saw chain sword that fit the dwarf's size, causing the three of them to exclaim in joy.

Bu Laike didn't make anything for himself, because he didn't need it. He turned around with a dwarf pipe in his mouth, and said to Prince Erazmin who was walking behind him in a big man's tone:

"This 'Wish Wishing Machine' is good, I want it."

"Make an offer, Your Highness."

(end of this chapter)

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