Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 757 88. Escort! Escort! There Are Assassins!

Chapter 757 88. Escort! Escort! There are assassins!

At the dawn of the next day, on the way from Arom's Terrace to Klein City, in the Pope's carriage, Bu Laike was talking with the Pope, and Nasa was listening.

The watchmen have received permission from the Pope to follow his caravan.

However, the princesses who said they would come to Drustvar with the Pope did not accompany them this time. It is said that Dailin invited them to accompany him because of a sudden "visited guest" from Dai Lin's side.

They will arrive at Vic Reiss Manor the day before the wedding.

"Lord Stormsong is an excellent clergyman, and I have to be amazed by his level of understanding of the tidal scriptures. To be honest, I don't want to believe that such a lord will be the darkness in your mouth leader."

The Pope turned the rosary in his hand, and flipped through the "General History of Drustwa" brought by Bu Laike in front of him. While looking at the ancient stories on this land, he casually said:

"The first time I met him was at... well, Prince Drake's birth celebration."

The Pope recalled:

"At that time, I was invited by King Dailin to come to bless the prince. During that celebration, my lord and I had a great conversation. Although our beliefs are different, this does not prevent two sincere souls from forming a friendship.

Laike, you are a local, do you know the development of the Church of the Storm? At what point do you think they dabbled in the dark? Are they drawn to darkness?

Or was he born in darkness? "

"You are asking the right person about this, Your Majesty."

The pirate leaned back on his chair, looked at the dark forest passing by on both sides and the snow-capped mountains in the distance, took a sip of wine, and said to the Pope and the watchman's adjutant:

"The Church of the Storm was established very early, and their history can even be compared with the Church of the Holy Light. It is said that its seeds were born among the first pioneers who arrived in Kul Tiras 2,700 years ago.

This can also be seen in their teachings.

When the pioneers first arrived in Kul Tiras, the conditions were very poor. There were wild half-vrykul Drusts making trouble on the Drustvar side, and wild boars and elemental creatures were making trouble in Stormsong Valley.

Drustvar has a leader like Colonel Arom Vick Reiss, and Stormsong also has the original Stormsong Lord to preside over the overall situation.

They fought against the savage creatures on the land, and opened up settlements for the people. At the beginning, they lacked everything, especially food.

But after a certain accident, the big tide brought rich catches and resources to the pioneers who lacked food and clothing, and they regarded it as a kind of natural grace.

A sacrifice was also held for this purpose.

Then a miraculous thing happened. After the sacrifice was over, every time there was a tide, the people of Stormsong Valley would receive the 'gift of the sea'.

Either food, or some rusted armor and weapons washed ashore, even some healing seaweed, and magic items hidden deep in the ruins of the seabed.

Relying on these continuous 'supports', the pioneers in Stormsong Valley quickly stabilized their situation, and they began to fight back.

Drive the quilboar back to their ravines, and suppress the elemental creatures on the snowy mountains.

So, with the blessing of the sea, they had the rich Stormsong Valley as their territory.

The Church of the Storm was established at that time.

Lord Stormsong, as the first person to discover the blessing of the tide, was naturally elected as the leader. "

At this point, Bo Laike grinned.

He shook the jug in his hand, and asked meaningfully:

"Then, what do you two think is the truth about the so-called 'blessing of the sea'? Is it the luck of the pioneers? Or is there something secretly helping?

If you think this example is a bit far-fetched, then I will tell you another thing as a local.


Ms. Nasa should be familiar with this kind of vicious deep-sea soft-skinned snake. Most of the watchman's tasks are related to them who are eager to covet the whole world. "

The stinky pirate coughed, took out a map of Kul Tiras from his pocket, and spread it out in front of the Pope and Nasa. He picked up a quill and swiped at the coasts of Tiragarde Strait and Stormsong Valley. Shua Shua drew several lines.

He pointed to the areas surrounded by lines, and said to the two people in front of him:

"Kul Tiras is a wealthy island country, and such a place must be spied on by the naga. Long, long ago, before the Proudmoore family became a royal family, the naga invaded the country's long coastline .

Except that the area of ​​Drustvar is not suitable for naga landing operations, there are traces of these soft-skinned snakes raging in other places.

I once read the notes left by a lieutenant commander hundreds of years ago. At that time, the navy of Kul Tiras was far less powerful than it is today. Facing the attack of the naga, the entire Tiragarde Sound was terrified.

After every storm, those soft-skinned snakes would ride the waves to the land, plundering wantonly, and even rushed into Boralus City several times when they were at their craziest.

Stormsong Valley is also attacked by naga, where the coastline is flatter and more suitable for naga landing.

But the problem is that in the past few hundred years, every naga harassment of Stormsong Valley will stop at the coast, and the Church of Storms claims that it is the sea that protects them.

This statement does not hold water at all!

Anyone with a little vision knows that the advantages of naga in the endless sea are infinite. They can break through Boralus Port, just like they can go deep into Stormsong Valley.

But every time it's just a taste of it.

It is not so much a robbery, but more like a perfunctory co-star, scaring those unbelievers to quickly convert to the power that can protect them.

And the most peculiar thing is that after the Kul Tiras fleet formally invited sea sages to enter the fleet more than a hundred years ago, the naga's attacks on Kul Tiras suddenly subsided.

It was as if they were really afraid of Haixian.

In this way, with the strength of the Kul Tiras fleet, the influence of the Church of the Storms began to rapidly expand to the entire South China Sea, and even the entire Endless Sea.

Sounds like a mutual accomplishment.

But to be honest, this is more like a premeditated plan. "

After thinking about it, Laike said, for example:

"It's like the titan got a weapon that can make him stronger. It wields the weapon and kills all directions, but this weapon has its own consciousness.

Its biggest side effect is that it will seize the mind of the titan.

Until the end, titan became the king of the world, lost all his sanity, and became a puppet controlled by weapons.

You see, the navy of Kul Tiras is already the most powerful sea force in Azeroth. Dai Lin commanded this fleet to run across the world, and he is about to embark on a journey to conquer the final sea.

The Church of the Storm has also extended its tentacles to every sea area in this world.

Does this resemble the metaphor I was talking about.

Titan is about to be king.

The moment it sat on the throne with a face full of joy was also the moment it completely lost itself.

They are only one step away from the final victory.

They just need to capture Daelin.

They only need to turn the stubborn old man into one of them, put the crown of the king of the sea on his head with their own hands, and then they can rule the world by manipulating the navy.

They even recruited the power of the entire world for their evil gods to rebuild a dark empire. "

After Bu Laike's voice fell, Nasa shuddered quietly, while the Pope was serious. Although they were unwilling to think about the problem from such a pessimistic perspective, the pirate's "dark prophecy"

Honestly, a little too scary.

"Okay, don't be afraid, we still have time."

Bu Laike waved his hands, propped his chin and said:

"Even if we are about to die, the real 'good people' still need to see tangible evidence before they can take action, I understand, procedural justice.

So I have to think about how to present the most original evil face of the Church of Storms to you two in this wedding.

I have to prove they are evil. "

"It's not without good news."

Nasa said softly:

"During the moonlight prayer last night, I received a reply from the Moon Priests of Mount Hyjal on this matter. The Sisterhood of Elune has coordinated with the hunters of the Hidden Passage who are best at hunting and the Cenarion Order. The druids meet.

They will send a small force to Kul Tiras to help the Warden save their fallen companions. "

"Wait, the secret passage?"

Bu Laike suddenly stretched out his hand and interrupted Nasa's words. He rubbed his chin and said in a strange tone:

"Can you send me a letter to Lady Emmoreel Shadowguard?

I know that they have just accepted two 'apprentices' over there, and I want the big 'Batman' to help me, and the small and weak chicken can stay in the sharpshooter camp to continue his studies. "

"How do I send this message?"

Nasa said dissatisfied:

"Besides, they have already set off, and it's too late to change.

It is said that the druids miraculously discovered a small exit of the Emerald Dream in the Drustvar Mountains of Kul Tiras in the past two days, which allowed them to come here in the shortest time through dream walking.

It should be related to Master Alpha.

The indifferent Great Jing Whisperer offered us much-needed assistance, even though he said he wasn't going to help. "

"You still say that they are indifferent? They saved you remnants and defeated generals from a group of dangerous Kexier, you heartless elves.

This is a life-saving grace, it's fine if you don't pay others, and you secretly tease them. "

Bo Laike curled his lips and said something.

Seeing him start "routine nonsense", both Nasa and the Pope lost interest in the conversation.

The rest of the journey was very boring. After two or three hours of galloping along the mountain road from Arom's Terrace to Klein City, the convoy finally entered the largest city in the area.

Of course, Drustvar is a famous "poor place" in Kul Tiras, the largest and most prosperous Klein City, and even some second-tier cities that are not as good as the Kingdom of Lordaeron.

Until Arthur's new wife, Miss Meredith, gets a "political contribution" from Boo Laike, the Vic Reiss family suffers from poor finances every year.

According to the gossip, the reason why the old Earl, who has always been rigid, agreed to the marriage between Arthur and the humble Miss Meredith so quickly was because Miss Meredith not only brought a fortune so rich that many The dowry that the nobles envy, she has her own chamber of commerce.

And very profitable.

This allows the poor financial situation of the Vic Reiss family to be greatly improved and improved once Miss Meredith passes the door.

This statement is somewhat utilitarian.

But there are even more exaggerated rumors. It is said that the old earl has already handed over the management of the family finances to his prospective daughter-in-law before he got married.

Vicious gossip accuses the young soon-to-be Earl Arthur Wick Reiss of being a puppet of shrewd Miss Meredith, etc.

But these are just some crazy words without reason.

Because the locals knew that Arthur and Meredith had a very good relationship, and the two wanted to be together 24 hours a day.

No matter where Arthur goes to work, he will bring his fiancée with him. And of course there are some outrageous rumors about how Mrs. Meredith can seduce men.

But again, no one in the Vic Reiss family, the traditional aristocratic family, expressed dissatisfaction with the wedding.

People are willing to do it internally, but it's the turn of a group of monsters outside to make irresponsible remarks.

Because Arthur's wedding will be in a few days, the atmosphere in the city is very lively. The pope got off the carriage, and immediately saw the locals flocking on both sides of the street to welcome him.

Those believers shouted the Pope's name, and some were even moved to tears.

They were so enthusiastic that Braike even had to play a cameo role as a "Secret Guard of the Pope", working with the paladins to physically separate the believers who were overly enthusiastic, lest they pounce on the Pope's legs and cry .

Such an embarrassing incident has happened more than once in the Eastern Continent. Some believers will even try to take off the Pope's old man's shoes and take them home as "sacred objects."

But in the process, the pirates discovered some strange places in the city.

He noticed that in some unobtrusive corners, in the shadows of those walls and corners, there were some weird graffiti that seemed to be daubed with charcoal.

While walking through the center of the city, he also smelled some faint smell of blood, and saw several huge scarecrow statues erected on the central square of the city.

It was built with willow wood and some wild animal bones, filled with a lot of dried straw, shaped like a titan, and all kinds of firewood had been placed below it in advance.

This is a local custom.

In festive and lively scenes, the host family will personally burn these ominous scarecrows as a ritual of "expelling bad luck".

Similar rituals also exist in other places in Azeroth. For example, during the Midsummer Festival, many places have the custom of burning scarecrows to disperse bad luck.

But Bu Laike walked all the way, and the more he watched, the more frightened he became.

After sending the pope to rest in the Vik Reiss family manor in the north of the city, he immediately found Dathrohan and said to him:

"There are rebels in the city trying to harm the Pope!

I'm pretty sure of that, they've pretty much got their weird, cheesy dark sorcery pretty much set up, and hell, thank goodness I'm here, otherwise this wedding would have been a hell of a lot of fun to watch.

If the old pope is assassinated here, I dare not even think about it.

With this shit on Dai Lin's head like this, even if he didn't want to start a war, he would have to be permanently hostile to the Eastern Continent.

Tsk tsk, I don't know who planned it, this attack is really ruthless. "

(end of this chapter)

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