Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 729 60. The Legend Of Mechagon

Chapter 729 60. The Legend of Mechagon

In the evening, in the large dining room on the third floor of the Nagfar ship's poop, Bo Laike, as the captain, kindly invited the guests to come and have dinner.

In addition to Bo Laike's "hospitality", it is more because these dwarves have spent a lot of money on VIP services, so it is natural to let them feel that the money is worth it.

Then look forward to making some money off of them next time.

In order to achieve this goal, the ghost chefs on the Nagfar have shown their true skills tonight.

From the candied moss as a starter, to the dragon's breath red pepper as a starter, then the Selsama blood sausage as a main course with sweet potato bread to accompany, and the creamy ice cream for dessert.

And for snacks, delicious vulture meatloaf and Gnomeregan gummies in the style of a gnome's homeland, kirsch and more.

These rare local delicacies make all the dwarves eat mouth full of oil and enjoy their mouths. These little guys are born with a happy heart.

When they were having fun, they sang songs and clinked glasses with each other, with a happy attitude of both the host and the guest enjoying themselves.

Of course, some people's focus is not only on the delicious dishes.

For example, Kelsey Steelshine, the dashing Gnomeregan agent lady, gnawed on a delicious blood sausage while crying, and said to Bu Laike beside her:

"Whoa, those ghost actors are so superb, I admit, this is the best scene I have ever seen in The Wizard of Oz, especially the little actress Dorothy, she is just like the little girl in the story.

Woohoo, I'm crying. "

Well, Miss Agent was too immersed in the wonderful opera dedicated by the Karazhan Opera Troupe just now before the meal. To be honest, the opera troupe on board Braike is definitely the most professional performance in the entire Azeroth By.

Best of all, these performers are not only perfect on stage, they can also transform into the enemy's worst nightmare should foreign enemies invade the Naglfar.

"Eat first, don't think too much about it."

Bo Laike held a glass of South Sea Gold Rum, handed the tissue to Kelsey, who was crying and sad, and said:

"After dinner, you can still go to see it. There will be a performance of "Romeo and Juliet" in the evening. Tomorrow's play is my favorite "Raiders".

That's a war opera based on the actual experience of the Immortal Fleet, which is very interesting.

Especially myself played by my master of opera, Mr. Barnes himself. It simply described my wise command and handsome and unrestrained portrayal at the time, and everyone who watched it said it was good.

Well, I highly recommend it. "

"Then can I play a role in it?"

Kelsey wiped her eyes, she blinked and said:

"Actually, I wanted to be an actor when I was a child, and then somehow became a secret agent, but I have always dreamed of being an actor, if I can."

"Of course, you are honored guests."

Bu Laike said with a smile:

"During the next month's travel, you can try to join my opera troupe, as long as Lord Barnes thinks you are qualified, you can become non-staff members of the opera troupe.

For those who don't like opera, two hours before midnight, there is a "Speed ​​Snail Grand Prix" held by the murlocs in the lower deck of the Naglfar.

That's our Nagfar's repertoire, and the prizes for the top three are very generous.

If you are not interested in this, then there is also a chess room and a small dance hall on the second floor of the poop for entertainment. Huh? Is Master Overspark at work?

He's been writing and drawing, is the food on board not to your liking? "

"No, Captain Laike, the food is wonderful, the accommodation is very comfortable, and the underwater scenery is even more amazing! I'm starting to like this kind of underwater travel, and the quiet environment it brings helps me think."

Overspark looked up in gear goggles, and said to Boo Laike in the high-pitched voice of the gnomes:

"I just suddenly had some whimsical ideas, and I am designing the next 'hit product' of my laboratory, which I believe will spread the reputation of dwarf engineering to the whole world.

Uh, now that I've gotten to this point, I have to ask again. "

The Master Tinkerer flicked off his goggles to reveal his radiant eyes, and as he ate a vulture loaf with a fork, he said:

"The last time we met in the big army camp in the Valley of the Kings, you told me that there has always been a legend about the 'mechanical thief' in your port of Boralus in Kul Tiras.

Can you talk about it in detail? "

The dwarf engineers who were drinking and singing nearby also fell silent.

One by one, they held their wine glasses and looked at Bo Laike.

Those who can join this expedition are craftsmen who are very interested in the legend of mechanical gnomes, otherwise they would not leave the noisy and comfortable mechanical city and come to the sea to join in the fun.

Even Kelsey Steelspark, who never believed in the existence of mechagnomes, looked up at Laike while chewing on the amazingly spicy dragon's breath red pepper.

This cute little dwarf really has a strong taste.

"Well, there's nothing you can't say."

Braike put down his wine glass, picked up the dwarf pipe, and the first mate standing beside him gave the captain a good look and lit the tobacco. In the slow and comfortable swing of the ghost ship moving forward on the bottom of the sea, the stinky pirate entered the kind of old man telling stories. in the posture.

He coughed and said:

"I was born in Boralus Port, and I grew up in that city's more chaotic, or more lively Sailor Street, where the residents are all a group of old sea dogs.

They are very superstitious, full of awe of the sea, and talk about things like storms.

However, Boralus Port is a typical seaside city, and it is close to the tropical currents of the South China Sea, so storms are not uncommon all year round, with one or two rainstorms falling every month.

At that time, people in the whole city would hide in their homes and enjoy their leisure by the warm fireplace.

But the legend also started at this time. "

Bu Laike's voice suddenly became sinister, causing the dwarves beside him to move their shoulders uncomfortably. They heard the smelly pirate say in a mysterious tone:

"In fact, there have been rumors a long time ago, in my grandfather's generation.

It is said that in every storm that hits Boralus, there will be little mechanical thieves operating in Sailor Street or other corners of the city.

They will use the cover of the storm and use some miraculous means to sneak into the warehouses and shops in the city to search for all kinds of supplies they need.

After every storm, multiple shops are stolen.

It is said that some people have seen some weird mechanical creations flying under the clouds in the storm that covered the sky and the sun. Those things have rotorcraft-like wings and sharp grapples underneath.

They will bring all kinds of crated supplies, even living things, and fly away from Boralus in the rain, heading northwest quickly. "

"Hmm, this sounds a lot like some kind of mechanical transport device that finds its way!"

Overspark frowned, and discussed with several other dwarf artisans beside him:

"If they can take off and land in a storm without getting lost, it proves that those transport devices have advanced propulsion systems and technology far beyond the gyroscopic technology we currently have.

There are also those "mechanical thieves" who only operate in storms. According to the description of Lord Bu Laike, they should be the forerunners sent by the mechanical gnomes to collect supplies!

This is very similar to the 'sentry tactics' used by our dwarf ancestors before Gnomeregan was established!

Send the bravest and sharpest clansmen as sentinels to protect the rear base camp. "

"You guys are preconceived!"

With some disdain, Kelsey picked up a piece of sweet potato bread with a fork, broke it open in her hand, and ate it with the dragon's breath red pepper. While sucking her mouth, which was a little bit stinging because of the too hot, she said to her fellow dwarves:

"Those mechanical thieves are most likely native troggs of Kul Tiras, hatchlings about our size and as agile and rudimentary intellect.

As for the devices that took off in the storm, it may also be some garbage that was swept into the sky.

Bu Laike said it all, these are just legends!

You can't be so optimistic that the mechanical gnomes must exist. "

"Well, Kelsey has a point."

Bo Laike nodded too, pouring cold water on the gnomes, but then, he laughed and said:

"But I can be sure that those small thieves who are active in the city are definitely not cavemen. Because they will leave the same value of money in place every time they steal supplies, and sometimes even give more.

It is precisely because of this "fair trade" that their theft can continue for hundreds of years

In fact, many people in Boralus Harbor now think that those thieves are actually 'sea elves', and they think that places that can be visited by those guys are places that can bring good luck.

There are even some extreme superstitious people who will take the initiative to put materials outside the warehouse and let thieves take them.

But even so, there will still be an equivalent amount of money left each time.

So, even though it's an urban legend, we Kul Tirans don't dislike little thieves, and no one takes the initiative to find them. "

Having said that, the pirate shook his head, raised his glass, raised his hand to the pensive Overspark, and said:

"I'm not sure that those are the legendary mechanical gnomes, but I'm sure that they have the ability to protect themselves, and they will become very dangerous when encountering a crisis.

In my memory, more than ten years ago, the Admiralty organized a large-scale hunt to find out the protagonists of these urban legends.

As a result, before the team of 300 people walked out of Sailor Street, they were all thrown to the ground by a mysterious force. The few chasing guys led by them were even pierced through their armor and body by some kind of light.

Afterwards, people said that it was the punishment of the sea elves.

I mean, if you're going to pursue this lore, you'd better be prepared for conflict. Those guys know how to hide, and they're not afraid of a challenge.

But what I'm more curious about is, what if... I mean, what if, if the mechagnomes existed, what would you do to find them?

Win them over? Or take them back to Gnomeregan?

You are all called dwarves, do you have any connection with each other? "

"There's nothing we can't say about this. It's all generously recorded in Gnomeregan's library, but we rarely pay attention to it ourselves, let alone other races."

Overspark picked up the cherry wine and took a small sip. He praised and said:

"According to the records of our ancestors, long, long ago, in an unknown time, we gnomes were also Wang Quan society, but only for a short time.

Our last king was called Mechagon.

He is a wise and generous ruler, committed to leading the gnomes to a more civilized and open future, but at the end of his reign, His Majesty Mechagon got some hidden knowledge from unknown sources.

After leaving a few words, he left the mountains of Khaz Modan with a group of loyal subjects. It is said that he was going to find the true origin and true power of the dwarves.

He also declared that he would help all life in this world to get rid of a disease called "flesh and blood curse". "

The master craftsman shrugged and said:

"After I found those materials, I asked human priests, dwarf shamans, and even the elves' druids and moon god priests some time ago.

But no one can tell me what the "curse of flesh and blood" is, nor can I know where King Mechagon's worries come from.

But what is certain is that His Majesty Mechagon's adventure has succeeded.

He should indeed have found the lost power of the dwarves. It is said that a long time ago, there were messengers of mechanical dwarves who visited Khaz Modan.

But that meeting was abysmal.

They professed a dangerously radical idea, and our ancestors declined their invitation, and gnomes and mechagnomes have been completely cut off since then.

It should have been thousands of years ago. "

Overspark put down his glass and said to Boo Laike:

"As for why we have to find them, the reason is also very simple, because although all the current scientific research projects in Gnomeregan are still progressing, they have already seen the bottlenecks visible to the naked eye.

We cannot break through the existing knowledge to complete the breakthrough and upgrade of wisdom, so I choose to find the answer from the past history.

If King Mechagon and his mechanical gnomes can be found, maybe the science and technology of the gnomes will usher in a huge innovation. "


Bu Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"Archaeological technology tree!"

"Uh, your statement is a bit weird."

Overspark curled his lips and said:

"But that's basically what it means, so as long as we can find traces of King Mechagon, the whole of Gnomeregan will thank you."

"Don't be so optimistic, Overspark."

Kelsey Steelspark took a different view.

The dwarf agent killed a whole plate of dragon's breath red peppers by herself. She ate the bread to relieve the spicy taste in her mouth, and said vaguely:

"Not to mention whether they really exist or not, or the imagination of our ancestors, even if there are mechanical gnomes, you have to consider their reaction.

We have lost contact for thousands of years, and we are completely two races and two civilizations. And what you ask for from them is the most precious knowledge.

Why do people share this with you?

If they don't give it, do you still have to fight them?

Believe me, Mekkatorque won't agree. "

"Don't be so pessimistic, my friend."

Bu Laike suddenly exhaled a smoke ring, and said faintly:

"Maybe the mechanical gnomes have a terrible disaster, and they will ask you for help? Right? In this world, anything can happen.

So, look forward to it. "

(end of this chapter)

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