Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 689 20. All Dps! Make A Woolen Book And Wait Until It Dies, Bastard

Chapter 689 20. All DPS! Make a woolen book and wait until it dies, bastard

That afternoon, in the evening.

Lordaeron Ranger General Nathanos Marris, who was in a hurry, walked out of the portal with a serious face and set foot on the land of Stratholme City.

From his expression, it can be seen that his trip is for business.

However, Nathanos felt a little restless in his heart.

As the leader of Lordaeron's newly formed Ranger Legion, he should follow General Turalyon's army in the Alterac Mountains to expel the Iceaxe trolls, snow monsters and ogres entrenched there.

The intensity of this war originally prepared for the Frostwolf orcs was moderate, and it was very suitable for military training. The young men under his command performed very well. In the Snow Mountain Canyon yesterday, he alone wiped out a small troll clan with hundreds of people.

And Maris has already planned to ask the military for leave to go to the Broken Isles to find a camp with a hidden passage after this war is over, so as to complete his promotion in the way of hunting.

These are all really important things.

But because of today's secret call from Stratholme City, his preparation rhythm was disrupted.

But I can't help but come.

Because it was an important person who issued the call.

"Welcome, General Maris!"

At the gate of the low-key manor in Stratholme City, Captain Falrick, the attendant of His Royal Highness, was there to greet him. This high-ranking warrior in mighty armor gave Nathanos a military salute.

And said:

"His Royal Highness is waiting for you in the manor, and several guests are also there."

"Ah? Isn't His Highness alone?"

Nathanos raised his eyebrows, jumped off his beloved Quel'dorei warhorse, pulled the reins, and followed Captain Farric into the manor.

He asked in a low voice:

"His Highness said in his letter that there was an important mission to call me, and what's even more outrageous is that the military department actually passed this urgent transfer order, completely ignoring the battle I was still commanding in Alterac.

I don't think the military department will make jokes according to His Royal Highness's will, so I'm curious, what is the so-called important task? "


Captain Farik hesitated for a moment, and with the confidentiality expected of a royal attendant, he said:

"Let His Highness tell you the story. But please believe me, the importance of this matter is definitely higher than your expelling those savage trolls in Alterac."

"Really? I'm really getting more and more curious."

Nathanos curled his lips and walked quickly into the hall in the center of the manor. As soon as he walked in, he saw the guy who was sitting on a chair, smoking a pipe boredly!

"Why are you here?"

Marius said to Bo Laike in surprise:

"Didn't you say you were going to do something big?"

"That's right, it's time to do something big."

Bo Laike spread his arms, gave a malicious smile, and said:

"I need an elite team to accomplish a feat that is considered a feat in the human world, and His Royal Highness is willing to devote his strength to this.

I mobilized my contacts again and pieced things together.

In the end, I found that there was one less guy who could do some auxiliary work and run errands, so I immediately thought of you. Look, I treat you well, right? "

"I really want to shoot you with an arrow."

Maris complained in a low voice.

He ignored the ridicule of his bad friend, and looked around the hall. A young mage with red hair and beard immediately stood up, saluted Nathanos respectfully and said:

"It's an honor to fight with you, General Maris!"

"Master Rhonin?"

Nathanos said something in surprise, and at the same time took a step back indistinctly.

Apparently, he had also heard about Rhonin of Dalaran's fabled "good reputation". This action greatly hurt the enthusiastic and confident young mage's heart, and made him feel depressed all of a sudden.

Even the response became weak, and he sat back on the chair, secretly sad.

"Hello, Nathanos, long time no see."

Compared to Luo Ning's poor posture, in this hall, the only "bold man" who dared to sit beside Luo Ning got up generously and said hello to Maris.

This is an elf ranger with snow-white hair and sharp eyes, wearing a set of armor of the Farstrider Legion that Maris is very familiar with, carrying a Windrunner family bow and a set of blue quiver.

Dressed in a heroic manner, every move can attract the attention of all the men in the hall.

Well, except for Boo Laike.

He is playing a mysterious "blind man", so naturally he can't reveal his secrets.

"Hello, Vereesa."

When Maris saw Vereesa, her eyes changed a bit, but she quickly regained her composure, and said hello to Vereesa very politely. During his years as a student in Quel'Thalas, he and Vereesa had a good relationship.

"Your sister, are you okay?"

Nathanos didn't want to ask, but he finally couldn't stop the thoughts in his heart and asked softly.

This question made Vereesa cover her mouth with a chuckle.

This "young" Windwalker girl coughed a few times, and said solemnly:

"It's okay, her injury is almost healed, she can walk on the ground by herself and has started rehabilitation training, but she is colder and more silent than before.

I saw her sitting alone on the top of the Windrunner's Tower several times at night, and I didn't know what she was thinking, or who she was missing.

But I heard that the second sister may have a plan to go to Northrend in the next few months.

It is said that it was a precious message left to her by a friend. In that frosty world of ice and snow, there are hidden treasures that all hunters long for. "

Vereesa blinked and asked suddenly:

"General Maris, do I have my share in that treasure?"

"cough cough"

This question made Nathanos cough a few times in embarrassment. He raised his eyebrows and looked at Bo Laike, who was manipulating the magic eye and watching the show with gusto.

The stinky pirate pouted, reached out and touched the phantom head of the big bear dozing off beside him, and said instead of Nathanos:

"Not for you!

Don't even think about it, but if you perform well this time and let my mentor be satisfied with your "growth" and see your "aspiration", I can share a very interesting message with you instead of her.

Lo and behold, there are rewards.

So, little girl must fight hard. "

"Got it, Master."

Because of the previous encounter in Dalaran, Vereesa has a good feeling for Bu Laike.

Although the relationship between the human master assassin in front of him and his mother is somewhat unclear, he was the one who saved his good friend Valeera after all.

This favor made Vereesa not resist the call from Bu Laike.

And Ronin.

This guy was recommended to Boo Laike by the old lich.

Originally, the pirates planned to find little Jaina to help her earn her reputation, but recently, it was said that little Jaina was studying an important magic and couldn't leave.

This mistake made Bu Laike feel that the world is impermanent.

Sure enough, some things are meant to be experienced by special people.

"Okay, everyone is here, let me tell you why Master Bu Laike and I called you here."

After Nathanos sat down, Arthas Menethil, who was about to celebrate his twelfth birthday, stood up wearing a sackcloth gown.

He seems to have matured rapidly during this period of time, and his speech at this time seems to be smooth, short and unusual, and he already has a little grace.

All eyes turned to Alsace, the little prince coughed and said:

"We have received a call from the warriors of the Blue Dragon Legion. The respected Blue Dragon Warrior, His Royal Highness Stellagosa, is going to gather a team of mortal warriors to carry out an extremely difficult task.

We all know that during the Orc War, the noble red dragon queen was manipulated and controlled by the evil green skins in a vicious way, making many red dragons that should have been born noble become tools of war.

The orcs have failed, but the evil Dragonmaw clan has not been liquidated.

They are still entrenched in the mountains of the wetlands, occupying Grim Batol, the ancient city of the Wildhammer dwarves, planning to invade again there.

In the previous chaos in northern Xinjiang, they sent red dragons to participate in the assassination of Marshal Lothar by the orcs, which once again proved their danger.

If they are not eradicated, the whole northern Xinjiang will never have peace!

Therefore, this battle is not only the salvation of the dragons, but also our mortals' response to the evil residue! "

"Okay, little prince, don't say these clichés anymore, the people here are all smart people, tell them the truth."

Bo Laike interrupted Alsace's narration, he said:

"If you want a group of smart people to take the initiative to help you, the best way is not to hide."


Alsace was silent for a moment.

A few seconds later, the little prince gestured to Falrick and Marvin who were guarding the door, and the two prince's attendants immediately closed the door from the inside, isolating the room.

The light in the entire room dimmed for a moment. In this quiet atmosphere, Alsace said in a deep voice:

"I don't want to hide it from everyone, the reason why I summoned you in my name is because there is a villain in this operation that I can't let go!

According to the precise information provided by Master Braike, one of the culprits behind the plot to assassinate Marshal Lothar in northern Xinjiang, the leader of Ravenholdt, the master assassin Jorach Ravenholdt will also appear in Grim Batol. In the expulsion battle.

The bastard who would rather sacrifice the innocent for his own gain has turned to the dragon, knowing that there is no place for him in the human world.

But I won't let him go!

Even with the protection of a giant dragon, I am not afraid.

Before I go to another world to complete my experience, I must get rid of him to relieve the endless anger in my heart"

"Is that the reason?"

Nathanos narrowed his eyes, and the Ranger General coughed and said:

"Then I will join, Your Highness."

"Marshal Lothar is the successor of the Millennium Contract between humans and Quel'Thalas. It is our elves' duty to defend him. His serious injury has shamed the entire Quel'Thalas."

Vereesa also said sharply:

"This is also a disgrace to the Windrunner family. I will join your team, Your Highness, the murderer who has committed evil deeds cannot just go on like this!"


Luo Ning hesitated a little, but his hesitation was not because of fear.

He glanced at Bo Laike sitting behind the prince, and said softly:

"Before I left, Master Meri told me to obey Master Bu Laike's arrangements, and I personally feel very sad about what happened to Marshal Lothar.

But that was a master assassin after all.

We had to hunt him down in a strange city full of orcs, and it was too difficult. "

"We have help."

Alsace smiled and said:

"The city of Grim Batol was once the capital of the Wildhammer dwarves. Although the city is said to be cursed by some evil forces, the Wildhammers have always been very dissatisfied with the city falling into the hands of orcs.

I have requested support from the Wildhammer clan through my connections, and Highlord Falstad has promised to personally lead the Griffin Riders to support us when necessary.

And we have the aid of Master Bo Laike, who has promised me that he will be in charge of hunting Jorach Ravenholdt. "

"Then I have no problem, Your Highness."

Luo Ning said in a deep voice:

"I can go anytime."

"Let me take a look."

Bu Laike, who seemed to be wandering in the sky, suddenly came back to his senses at this moment. The eyeballs on his shoulders scanned his eyes, looked at Alsace and his two guards, and said in a low voice:

"Three fighters, including two weapons and one defense."

Looking at Nathanos and Vereesa again, he said:

"Two hunters, one shooter and, three-line hunter."

Finally, he looked at Luo Ning, pouted and said:

"A sorcerer of ice and fire Austrian trinity."

The pirate counted a circle of heads, and counted the Wildhammer dwarf Falstad who would come to support at the critical moment, and finally complained in a voice that only he could hear:

"Only me, the 'head' of the little yellow man, is professional and mighty. But with this kind of bad configuration, I don't even bring a healer! Kill you bastards who only know how to increase dps. "

After a few seconds, he coughed and said to Alsace:

"Before you leave, you should find a healer. Well, I mean a priest, or a paladin. Given your contacts in the Knights of the Silver Hand, it shouldn't be difficult to find.

Remember to find the elite.

I will use my resources to get a great pastor involved in this operation.

In addition, this matter is still a covert operation in essence, so the number of people should not exceed ten, and all kinds of materials must be prepared in advance. You have to take into account possible personnel damage, it is best to bring a few cannon fodder.

Ahem, I mean substitute members. "

After speaking, he said to Nathanos again:

"Maris, you are here to assist your prince in completing the pre-war preparations. Four days should be enough for you to rest. After four days, I will wait for you at Menethil Harbor.

Remember to come on time, no waiting for overdue. In addition, in the process of action, you must learn to obey the command. If you don't follow the command and act indiscriminately, I will teach him a lesson that will never be forgotten. "

After speaking, Bu Laike stood up and walked towards the door.

Maris followed him, and as he left the hall, the Ranger-General whispered:

"What the hell are you planning? They don't know your strength, but I know it. As long as you are willing to pay a little price, you can complete the hunt for Duke Choraz by yourself.

I can go with you, there is absolutely no need to bring so many people, they are more like a burden. "

"No, they're not, they're useful."

Bo Laike gave a cocky smile, and he said to Marius:

"The dragons may be angry that I killed the villain they had protected, but if Jorach's killing was a group of important people in the mortal world, they would not be able to spread their anger on me.

Besides, don't you have to have a sense of ritual in everything you do.

Only if you attract attention on the bright side, will it be convenient for me to do some small 'bad things' under the eyes of the giant dragon. "

(end of this chapter)

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