Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 677 8. As Long As You Are Waaagh Enough! Everything Is Negotiable

Chapter 677 8. As long as you are Waaagh enough! everything is negotiable


A difficult whimper sounded in the cave behind Frostwolf Fortress, representing a guy who had been poisoned and comatose regained his sanity. But the old orc with the black cloth on his eyes didn't wake up because he was detoxified.

In fact, he is still suffering from the pain of toxins.

This Ravenholdt's secret poison also has a destructive effect on the mind. When it takes effect, it is difficult for the poisoned person to recover their sanity on their own.

The moment the old orc woke up, he felt pain everywhere in his body.

The dull pain in the numbness of the wound made him unable to bear the overwhelmed response.

However, the severe physical pain could not interfere with his excessively sober mind at this time. The immobile body was like a cage, trapping his awakened soul in it.

As a legendary shaman, Drek'Thar of the Frostwolf Clan immediately realized that something was wrong with him, as if some kind of weird magic was working on his spiritual level.

"Hold on, I'm not a doctor, I'm not a priest, I can't get rid of toxins. But I have a special 'cure' that revives your mind before your body.

I know it hurts.

But I also know that for a legendary shaman, as long as your spirit recovers, the physical pain will naturally have magical elements to help you relieve it. "

A strange but not unpleasant voice came into the ears of the legendary shaman, making Drek'Thar alert in the excruciating pain. The old orc gritted his teeth to prevent himself from showing his weakness in front of strangers.

He moved his thirsty and chapped lips, calling out almost silently, and the power of gentle flowing water turned into healing waves rolling in his body.

While calming the pain, it brought moisture to his body that desperately needed moisture.

Bu Laike watched the process calmly, and watched the old shaman in front of him heal himself silently.

While Drek'Thar called for the healing water, he also searched around in the cave, and finally got up and went to the corner, where he retrieved an ancient wooden totem as tall as a third of a person.

This is the unique medium of spellcasting for shamans.

Don't look at it on the surface, but it's amazing when it works.

Each totem is made by the shamans themselves, who personally summon the power of the elements to infuse the totems so that they can carry and integrate with the power of the elements.

The more powerful the shaman is, the more totems they make. They will pour different elemental powers into different totems, and they can be activated when needed.

The most amazing thing is that totems are different from wands and wands. All of its magical effects are limited and semi-permanent.

As long as the shamans can sustain themselves, they and their comrades in arms can permanently obtain the effect of totem magic. The more advanced the shaman is, the stronger the power of the totem will be.

And once the power covered by the totem exceeds four, it is enough to double the combat power of a warrior.

So when you see a shaman has dropped four or five colorful totems and started rubbing lightning bolts at you, no matter what bad things you want to do, you should run away rationally.

"If I'm not mistaken, this should be a totem specially designed to heal toxins, right? It's really a rare high-level totem. Today is an eye-opener."

Bu Laike observed the wooden totem with a strong orc clan style in his hand, he said something to Drek'Thar who looked better, and put the half-old totem beside him.

The old orc still didn't answer.

But the moment the totem was planted, a stream of beautiful and gentle elemental light began to dance and twine on the surface of the totem. It shone very rhythmically, with a frequency of about once every five seconds.

The power beat against the old orc and Bo Laike next to him like a gentle wave, and the pirate could feel a rush of fresh elemental power.

It flows within itself, dispelling all possible toxins.

"What an amazing experience."

The pirate commented with the insight that a master warlock should have:

"It is gentler than the scorching holy light, faster than the mysterious moon god magic, and faster than the druid's natural magic. In addition to the extremely high talent requirements and the unstable effect, the shaman's elemental spell It does have merit.

I seriously doubt that the green skins were blind at the time. How can this kind of magical power compare to the warlock magic that can only destroy? "

"Be careful what you say, stranger, in front of you is the 'green skin' you call."

With the help of the detoxification totem, the old orc finally heaved a sigh of relief. The toxin in his body was still being destroyed, but it was much better than before.

Holding the wound on his chest, he got up with difficulty, leaned against the stone wall beside the blanket, and said to Bu Laike in Orc language:

"The power of the elements is an excellent power for healing and assistance, but its effect is too dependent on the level of communication between the shaman himself and the elements, and he is not good at frontal combat.

After the Horde was formed, after they drank the blood of demons, when they decided to cleanse Dellano, they didn't need healing or assistance.

In that case, the power of the elements is far better than the way of the sorcerer who can only cause destruction.

After all, it takes several years at the shortest to cultivate a shaman, and becoming a warlock only needs to sign a contract with fel energy.

Are you human?

Why did you appear in our territory? "

"Let me correct your two statements, Mr. Drek'Thar."

Bu Laike was sitting on a stone next to him, holding a flame totem in his hand and studying it. While observing the elemental symbols on the totem, he said academically:

"First, it's not that the way of elements is not good at frontal combat. Your Dellano's shaman is weaker than fighting because the four elements you once believed in are too weak.

It's not your fault, it's the world's fault.

I think you have already experienced this point after seven years of seclusion in Azeroth. After all, you've had more than one major snowstorm in the Alterac Mountains in the past seven years

If such power is still evaluated as 'not good at combat', then 90% of the casters in this world should commit suicide in shame.

You already know how powerful the elements are in our world.

Your understanding of shamanism should also evolve with the times. "

The pirate paused, and he "looked" at the old orc with red blindfolds on his eyes, and the old orc looked at him too, with black blindfolds on his eyes.

This scene is really like two blind people communicating their illnesses in the dark.

If the flame totem in Bu Laike's hand is replaced by a huqin, the scene should be more joyful.

But the two who talked to each other didn't feel that there was anything wrong.

Bu Laike continued:

"Secondly, it's true that I'm a human being, but I'm not in 'your' territory. Drek'Thar of the Frostwolf Clan, I hope you can look at this issue rationally.

You are a group of invaders, even though the Frostwolf Clan never joined the old tribe's war against the Eastern Continent, you have chosen to exile yourself since you crossed the Dark Portal.

But that still doesn't change the fact that you are part of the invaders.

This is not your territory.

This is the territory of the human kingdom.

You're just a bunch of 'uninvited' jerks.

You have lived in seclusion here for seven years, but it does not mean that this land really belongs to you.

Now that my people are coming to take it back, they're going to drive you off your land, and I don't see a problem with that.

What do you say?

A wise and peaceful legendary shaman. "

The old orc fell silent.

After a few seconds, he sighed and said:

"You're right, human.

But many people can see this problem, we just can't find a solution, we sent envoys to try to communicate with the official of Alterac Kingdom.

Even if it is leased

We just want to live in peace.

You also said that we have never joined the old tribe's war against you in the past, and we did not join him even when Altrim led soldiers across the Alterac Valley to attack Lordaeron.

We avoid them.

But this proposal for peace was met with an assassination."

"That's the problem, old orc."

Bu Laike crossed his legs, sat on the stone and spread his hands and said:

"I can tell you responsibly that the envoys you sent have never met the future king of Alterac, and the letters you wrote with your own hands have never reached the desks of the high-level alliance.

And this assassination was not arranged by Oriden Perenolde, you know what I mean?

Someone is stopping you from seeking peace.

Of course, even if they didn't stop them, at this juncture, when the Orc War ended just one year ago, and Lothar was seriously injured in the attack, there would be absolutely no peace between you and us.

Your yearning for a quiet life impairs your good judgment, Drek'Thar.

And that's why I came here. In the traditional culture of your orcs, there has always been a tradition of revering prophets. You call powerful psychics and shamans prophets, even though they do not have the ability to see the future.

But I am different.

I am a true prophet.

I am here to talk to you, it is to guide you the correct path for the future of the Frostwolf Clan, your hope is not in this bitter, cold and barren place.

Your future lies in the South, where you first set foot on this world.

Your future is in your world, not in this land that does not welcome you. "

"You mean the 'orthodox tribe' of the Burning Plains?"

The old orc hesitated, and said:

"Red Blackhand did send an emissary, but I don't trust the future he describes."

"It has nothing to do with whether you believe it or not. Are you a prophet, or am I a prophet? Since I have made a prophecy, you can just follow it. Will this do any harm to the Frostwolf clan?"

Bo Laike stood up, put the Searing Totem aside, and said to the old orc with his arms akimbo:

"The Son of the Frostwolf and the Legendary Warlord are on their way, you can hear what they say, and you can judge the identity of the Frostwolf wanderer who is about to join you.

You are now awake, and you can decide whether you go or stay.

And if my guess is correct, after the assassination of you, those behind-the-scenes masters will also carry out the assassination of the high-level human beings, and I have even guessed who the executor is.

I will bring him and he will tell you the truth.

Red said that the orcs under his leadership will no longer succumb to any plots and tricks that try to take advantage of you, and you orcs will only fight for yourself and your people.

I think what he said makes sense.

So, wait and see. "

With that said, the pirate turned and jumped into the shadows. Before leaving, he turned to the old orc shaman who was struggling to get up and said:

"Of course, if you finally decide to stay and fight for this land that never belonged to you, I have no regrets. After you have suffered a disastrous defeat and have nowhere to go, my fleet will open the door to you.

Do it bravely, it doesn't matter if you lose the battle.

At worst, you can still be a pirate.

There is no threshold for this profession, and it is convenient to plug and play. In short, our "Azeroth Scum League" always welcomes you invaders. "

After leaving this sentence that seemed to be an invitation, but also a mockery, Laike disappeared into the darkness of the cave, and the way he left made the old orc tremble.

Even though he was weaker than ever before, the power of elements protected this cave. In a place full of elements, he couldn't feel any aura after the disappearance of this human being.

if he was going to assassinate

He and the commanders of the Frostwolf Clan died quietly long ago.

Perhaps this is a warning?

"Son of the Frostwolf."

But then the old orc thought of the "prophecy" left by the human being. He savored the name, a trace of anxiety and anticipation flashed across his face, he tried his best to support his sick body, supported the stone wall of the cave, and walked out with difficulty. go.

He could already hear the commotion from outside.

At this time, outside the Frostwolf Fortress, a group of Frostwolf warriors and wolf cavalry headed by Captain Galfan were surrounding the "guests" in front of them with unkind eyes.

"You are not welcome here!"

In the ice and snow, Captain Garfan, who was naked to the waist and held a big axe, roared angrily:


"Shut up! Brat!"

Va Locke Saurfang stood in the encirclement with folded arms, facing the hostile Frostwolf orcs, the legendary warrior didn't even touch his battle axe.

He scolded a group of compatriots in front of him:

"You have no place to speak here! Let Drek'Thar come out! I am here on behalf of the Kor'kron clan and Chief Red, and I have something to say to him."

"The Frostwolves don't want to listen to you sons of bitches who succumb to the blood of demons!"

Captain Galvan was enraged.

As he snarled and strode forward with his tomahawk in hand, Va Locke sneered and flexed his fists. He's a standard orc, and he knows how to deal with these angry guys.

You have to "convince" them physically before you can teach them mentally.

But behind him, the sly Evil Eye was whispering to the young man beside Thrall:

"Do you want your clansmen to accept you? Let me teach you the fastest way, Guyel, we orcs admire warriors the most. As long as you are strong enough, they will respect you in the same way as warriors.

And once you've earned respect, it's easy if you want to fit in with your clan.

go. "

With the cunning that a happy orc should have, Xieyan urged behind Thrall:

"Take your axe and knock down that big green man. Don't be afraid, fight bravely, even if you can't win, show blood.

You gotta learn to be an orc, right?

You have to take the first step, you can't let Overseer Saurfang do everything for you, can you?

You are the son of the Frostwolf!

Your parents are watching you from the sky!

They want you back among your people.

What better way than to show your courage in front of your clansmen? Go ahead, put your wits to rest, now it's time to let your strength shine.

I will secretly support you, come on!

hurry up! Give them some fun and see.

You foresighted little brat. "

(end of this chapter)

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