Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 674 5. Skull Collector

Chapter 674 5. Skull Collector

With a strong background, a bad temper, and always talking coquettishly, Sakir's Skull finally chose to give in.

no way.

Bu Laike took advantage of its weakness.

Well, ribs in the physical sense.

Sakir's skull and its spine are a set of magical instruments, and only when combined can they exert the greatest effectiveness.

Once its spine is swallowed by a scythe as evil as it is, its skull will not be damaged, but its weather-beaten soul will definitely suffer a terrible impact.

For a person who lost everything tens of thousands of years ago, his remaining sanity and memories are the only things he has.

It does not allow the other to take it away.

This may be a punishment, a punishment from its hometown.

When Sakir tried to show his "demonic power" to the other two leaders of the triumvirate in the world of Argus, and proposed to replace Argus' original magic inheritance, he was rejected by the prophet Velen.

Velen and Kil'jaeden asked Sakir not to continue to study the power of evil, but the most powerful summoner in the Argus world, like the warlocks in other worlds, did not give up the pursuit of power.

He has gone too far.

After long-term thinking, he decided to gather his students to rebel against the triumvirate. He really believed that the study of fel energy was the future of the world of Argus.

The power born in the darkest place of the stars will keep the world of Argus strong.

He is just protecting his hometown in his own way.

But the insurgency failed before it even started.

His most optimistic, most proud, young disciple who is the most sweet-talking but scheming, betrayed him. Archimonde, the high-level enlightener of the Academy of Enlightenment, sent a letter to Prophet Velen and Lord Kilga on the eve of the action. Dan tipped off.

Driven by ambition, the once extremely loyal and docile disciple personally led a team of spellcasters to raid Sakir's secret territory. When the enlightener master was caught off guard, he cut off his head with a fierce knife.

Along the way, its spine was extracted, and it inherited his legacy.

Archimonde became the director of Argus's most famous school of enlightenment, and became a symbol of civilization and rationality among the eredar.

The two "heritages" from Sakir were embellished with special metals and precious stones by the best jewelers invited by Archimonde, which not only imprisoned Sakir's soul, but also enhanced the power of the skull artifact. spellcasting ability.

Archimonde claimed that this was to warn the world not to make the same mistakes as Sakir.

But in fact, the ambitious new dean of the Enlightenment Academy just continued to study the powerful dark force in order to preserve the mentor's sanity and memory.

Archimonde didn't know that Sakir was just a "forerunner".

A more terrifying dark existence showed Archimonde his might through this failed bug, transforming him from an ambitious and wise Eredar spellcaster leader to finally spreading evil energy in the stars The great demon of pollution.

"He conveyed his will to Archimonde through me, and promised him invincible power, and my stupid apprentice surrendered without much resistance.

It also interfered with Kil'jaeden, and is still trying to interfere with Velen.

But Velen's will was extremely firm, and his belief in the Holy Light was as passionate as a thousand suns. Archimonde and Kil'jaeden failed to induce Velen to fall.

But they also succeeded in dedicating Argus to Sargeras and his invincible legions. "

On the Warlock Tower, the Skull of Sakir finished his story to the people around him in a complicated way. At the end of the story, this weird skull sighed humanly.

it says:

"This is a story full of warnings, but you bugs don't need to pay attention to it, because my story has long been ignored. Along with the destruction of Argus, it was forever frozen in 25,000 years ago.

Now you see a powerful existence like me, already prostrate at your feet, are you satisfied? "

Grandpa Saqier changed his tone, and said with a sneer:

"Once upon a time, for this power to command demons, I sacrificed everything, everything I had! And one day, you people like me will have to pay the price for your ambition.

This is always the case. "

It dropped a sentence like a prophecy, and then spun in the air flexibly, staring at Bu Laike who was holding a sickle in his forehand with his dark eyes, and cursed very rudely:

"Okay, the story is over, now give me back my spine, you idiot! You don't know how to use its power."

"Actually I know. Well, wait a minute."

Bu Laike looked at the Deadwind Harvester's scythe, which was undergoing its second form change by absorbing Sakir's evil power and "eating" part of Sakir's spine.

He said to the noisy old man's skull:

"Also, if you call me 'fool' one more time, I'll feed it your entire spine. Have you heard of the name Ulthalesh?

I think you must have never heard of it.

Otherwise, you should know what my threats represent! You still dare to talk to me so loudly, I think you are tired of your life, Mr. Sakir.

This is a powerful demon who dares to fight Lord Sargeras!

Although it and its world were given a second by the sword of the Dark Titan, this does not mean that it is weak. "


The pirate's explanation silenced both Sakir and Usales at the same time.

They felt that Bo Laike humiliated both of them at the same time.

But in the face of the glorious record of the Dark Titan Sargeras, these two guys who have seen the mighty power of the Dark Titan with their own eyes really have no way to refute.

Bo Laike also ignored these two guys.

He stroked the Featherreaper's scythe, which had changed shape in the stream of energy in his hand, and the strange power from Sazier's spine was prompting it to transform into a form more suitable for spellcasters.

Bu Laike has suffered a loss before.

This time, he was determined to completely abandon the flashy melee power and make this dark scythe the most suitable medium for casting spells.

A few minutes later, in the Stinky Pirate's character card, the new entry for Ulthalus Deadwindreaper was finally reshaped:

Name: Ulthalesh Reaper of the Wind

Quality: Excellent·Legendary quality. [Shadow Relic]

Form: Caster Spine of the Sinner

Attributes: Excellent Shadow Enhancement, Excellent Casting Haste, Extraordinary Life Absorption, Extraordinary Soul Imprisonment, Extraordinary Curse Release

Item effects:

1. Life grabber: All the lives killed will be blessed back, the more lives killed, the stronger the life form of the holder.

2. Soul Reaper: The killed souls will be imprisoned and used to restore the power of Ulthalesh, or be used to temporarily strengthen all shadow spells, greatly increasing the destructive power of spells in a short period of time.

3. Artifact form: cast by a Titan, with special divine power. According to the different strength of the user, the shape can be changed freely, so as to change the strength of the weapon.

4. The curse of the gods: from the curse of the dark titan, Ulthalus will never have a real master. If you become weak, you will also become the food of Ulthalus.

5. Sinner's Doom: During the battle, the souls imprisoned in the Deadwind Reaper will be released by the cruel primordial dreadlord. Can smash them before they can escape the control of the evil scythe, the user will be temporarily enhanced by magic.

While allowing you to restore a lot of mana, it will also increase the destructive power of all the magic you release by 20%.

Item description:

You have found strengthening powers for the weakened Ulthalesh, rid of the weakened magical wonders, and finally fed him after his long weakness.

This allowed Ulthalesh to fully appreciate your abilities.

It begins to open its core strength to you, helping you become stronger, in order to plan to use your hands to complete its mad revenge on Sargeras one day in the future.


Bo Laike held the newborn Deadwind Reaper in both hands before his eyes, admiring the scythe's new form.

Very cool shape.

It is no longer as low and gloomy as the previous steel sickle, but has been shaped into a more delicate and fragile crystal form, especially the sharp blade of the war sickle.

It has been completely crystallized and passivated.

It's like a purple shadow crystal curved into a sickle shape, and the handle of the scythe is filled with a curved spine-like bone.

It also has sharp bone spurs on it.

At the junction of the scythe's blade and the handle, a weird Nathrezim skull was molded. Under the black demon horns, the surface of the skull was engraved with gloomy runes and covered with magic steel metal. Keep it strong.

This form is completely unusable for melee combat.

Its perfect balance was completely destroyed. At this time, the war scythe is more like an evil and depraved artwork than a weapon. It has truly become a spellcaster weapon.

All attribute entries are shaped into powers that are beneficial to casting spells in the form reshaping.

Braike held the sinner's spine, waved his hand and threw a ball of shadow arrows at the training dummy on the edge of the warlock tower. Before this, the "black coal ball" that required half a second of casting time would have already Achieved instant.

"Even with the exaggerated aesthetics of the Elven Empire period, this sickle and staff is enough to be called a work of art in the dark and evil realm."

The super-aesthetic Prince Farondis looked at the scythe in Bu Laike's hand with an admiring gaze, and he praised:

"It's really a weapon worthy of the status of a master warlock."

"I feel the same way."

Bu Laike grinned, and in the deep laughter of Ulthalesh, he put the sickle and staff behind his back, and hooked his fingers towards the floating Sakir's head next to him.

Grandpa Sakir has a temper.

It is intended to be completely unseen.

Then, it saw Bu Laike toss the purple crystal's sigil of enlightenment into his hand, causing the thirty-thousand-year-old eredar grandpa to let out a snarl of exasperation.

But in the end, he reluctantly levitated to Bu Laike.

The stinky pirate laughed and held Sakir's head with his left hand, and didn't play any tricks.

Using his own magic power to blend with Sakir's magic power, after completing the "binding ceremony", he violently stuffed the large purple crystal into the hollow skull of the old man.

At this moment, the flames of shadow entwined on Sakir's skull suddenly erupted, and amidst its wild laughter, the sealed knowledge belonging to it was being quickly unraveled.

On the character card of Bu Laike, the entry of this special magic weapon also appeared:

Name: Skull of the Fallen Sakir

Quality: Excellent·Legendary quality [Summoner Relic]

Attributes: Excellent Demon Knowledge. Excellent Constant Summoning. Extraordinary Magic Power Conversion. Extraordinary Life Squeeze. Extraordinary Magic Impact

Item effects:

1. The Swallowing of Sakir:

Archimonde cast the spell himself, retaining Thalkiel's thirst for life-draining dark magic.

In battle, Thakir will devour the life force of the user and even the demon's servants, and after a mysterious transformation, convert the life force into a shock of scorching magic energy, which is used to destroy the body and soul of the enemy.

The effect of mana impact depends on the total amount of life force devoured by Sakir, the more devoured, the stronger the impact damage effect.

The maximum destructive power of mana impact is [Demigod Strike]

2. Sakir's torment:

During the 25,000 years of imprisonment, the skull of Sakir was constantly changed hands as the summoning artifact of the Burning Legion. It was used by countless demon commanders to summon countless demon armies to destroy one world after another.

Such a cruel experience gave Sakir the ability to mentally torture his opponents.

In battle, it can use the magical teleportation technique to come to the enemy according to the user's command, and inflict mental torture and various curse effects on it.

Effectively interfere with the enemy's counterattack and interrupt their spellcasting.

Or apply the effect of [Howl of Fear], the effect of mental torture depends on Sakir's obedience to the user, and the mood of this mad fallen person.

When it's in a good mood, it has the potential to inflict three of seven different curse effects on enemies.

When it's in a bad mood, it will cast its gloom on enemies, inflicting six of fourteen different curse effects on them.

When it is in a bad mood, it will mistake the enemy for the traitor Archimonde, and pour all its anger on the enemy, inflicting twenty-one of the twenty-one different curse effects on them.

Note: In this state, Sakir will enter a manic state of indistinguishable from friend or foe. You'd better wait for it to recover before giving it new orders.

3. Sakir's rule:

As the best summoner in the world of Argus and even the entire stars, even after death, the Skull of Sazier still possesses great power in summoning.

When holding the head of Sakir, the warlock's soul will be greatly extended to tenacity, the number of demons that can be contracted is doubled, and the number of wild demons that respond to summoning is doubled.

As long as the mental pressure can be withstood, there will be no upper limit on the demon servants that the skull holder can control at the same time.

4. Thakir's Hate:

When holding the head of Sakir, the user will have a constant [hatred] effect, and while all the demons in the Archimonde faction are regarded as mortal enemies, they are also regarded as mortal enemies by those violent demons.

Once the two sides meet, only one side can survive.

This curse is permanent and cannot be dispelled.

When the holder gets close to any demon under Archimonde's command, he will be sensed immediately and cause the [taunt] effect.

As long as it is within the opening range of the Twisting Nether Portal, there will be a certain chance to attract the elite demons under Archimonde to hunt down the holder.

This curse can be dispelled by sacrificing any of Archimonde's Skull, Defiler's Heart, or Defiler's Brain.

5. The Teachings of Sakir:

Because the seal of enlightenment unlocks the seal of wisdom, now the user can ask the mad Sakir about the mysteries of demon lore, and get the secret method to quickly improve the summoned demon from him.

But beware, Thakir is a volatile lunatic, and learning from him comes at a price.

Item description:

What you hold is the last proof of a madman's existence.

It is the ladder of the strong and the end of the weak.

"I always feel that my painting style is deflected towards a cannibal monk hiding in the river. Going out like this will definitely scare children, but these things are a bit barbaric, but they are really very practical. .”

Bu Laike flicked the skull of Thakir's head, and took another look at the head of Gul'dan hanging on his chest. He whispered:

"Fortunately, I gave away the Skull of Magic and the emblem of the Berserker, otherwise, if this continues, I will be called 'Skull Collector', bah, I don't want that terrible nickname.

Ahem, but, with such a great new weapon, I have to find a bastard to practice. Come, little fool, bring me my 'Book of Hate'.

Let me see, which unlucky person will be so lucky to be picked by me to become a sacrifice to the dark wisdom."

(end of this chapter)

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