Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 670 1. Answer Me Loudly, Whose Lucky Color Is Blue!

Chapter 670 1. Answer me loudly, whose lucky color is blue!

"Oh, it's such a good feeling to be back in my little master's heart after a long absence. Your heart is still beating so hotly, like a flower of blood blooming in the middle of the night, waiting for a lady's response in a commotion.

Otherwise, I just won't leave, right?

Without my company, little master, how lonely you would be. "

Xal'atath, who was recalled back to consciousness, chattered flirtatiously in the pirate's ear, like a flattering female licking dog, and seemed to have returned to the happy time with Bo Laike in the past.

But because her inside is much more terrifying than a female licking dog, so Bu Laike, who is arranging the demon summoning ceremony on the warlock tower in Tol Barad, chose to turn a deaf ear.

No matter how much Xalatas chatted, he just didn't respond.

It made Miss Void Essence look like she was dissatisfied with her desires, and after being flattered, she became a classic woman who cried, made trouble, and hanged herself, and the stinky pirate kept crying plaintively.

Like a little girl who knew that her lover was out there, she annoyed Bu Laike.

"Shut up, I'm looking for you for business, not for fun."

The pirate scolded coldly in his heart:

"Prove something to me, or you will leave! I don't need a Void Essence that will only hold me back."

"Didn't everyone say that little Bie is better than a newlywed?"

Xalatas made a nasal sound dissatisfied, and she retorted:

"How come you are so cruel? You hard-hearted man, I was really blind at the time, look at me, a miserable person, I was betrayed by you, and I will help you deceive the black dragons.

I have worked so hard for you outside, and I am always by the side of the dangerous Dragon Mother as an undercover agent, but you don't even give me a good face. "

"Do you want me to treat you better? OK, no problem, first help me get rid of this guy who is coming to 'guest' right now."

Bu Laike threw a fel stone under his feet and gestured again. The giant magician beside him immediately ran over and half-kneeled on the ground to help his captain correct the position of the fel stone.

In front of their eyes was a super demon summoning ceremony that had been completed for the most part.

It is the result of two days of busy work by Bu Laike, the master warlock, two high-level warlocks Gazalak and Kanrethad, plus a group of warlock apprentices personally taught by Bu Laike.

During this process, Dean Lanyue came to check from time to time for fine-tuning.

Such a sophisticated and grand demon summoning formation, as long as it is equipped with a sufficiently powerful energy source and a directional spellcasting core, is enough to summon a big demon like the polluter.

Ordinary warlocks, not to mention arranging such a magic circle, have difficulty even understanding the magic power of this magic circle, and they lack enough vision and insight to distinguish the multiple effects of this summoning ceremony.

That's right.

It is not just a demon summoning ritual, it is a dark cycle ritual that combines the effects of summoning, suppression, weakness, extraction, restraint, and repatriation.

This is the dark and forbidden knowledge that Bo Laike learned from the pages of his private book of Medivh, a by-product of studying demonic secrets when Medivh lived alone in the tower of Karazhan.

It's really hard to say whether the birth of this cycle ritual came from Medivh's wisdom, or from the subtle influence of Sargeras.

In short, on the land of Azeroth, it is estimated that it is difficult to find a warlock ritual comparable to this super magic circle.

It is said that Medivh left a blueprint of the Dark Cycle Ritual drawn by himself in a secret room in the Great Library of the Tower of Karazhan, but it is a pity that Laike was in a hurry last time and did not have time to search for that secret room.

But that's not a bad thing either.

The magic circle in that place is so rare that after Medivh's death, the chamber may have been taken over by powerful demons as their own.

The last time Laike was in a weak state when he went to Karazhan, even if he found the secret room, he would definitely not be able to defeat the demon hidden inside, and he might be taught a lesson.

"After I finish my call today, you will continue to work. This is what you will do for the next half month."

Bo Laike left here with a flash, and jumped to the upper edge of the warlock tower, condescendingly observing the integrity of the ceremony below.

He shouted to his busy servants and apprentices:

"After Xieyan returns, he will also join your work.

This dark cycle ritual must be made into a semi-permanent imprint, and in the future this place will be used as the place where the 'Black Sickle Priory' specializes in high-level demon summoning.

This place will become the new Holy Land of the Warlock School!


You pathetic dwarf, look at the location of that sigil you just placed, should I goug out one of your eyes so you can better align?

It is thousands of miles away from the nodes depicted in my blueprint!

Do you want to be crushed by out-of-control fel energy before the ritual begins? Whose life do you think you're playing with? idiot! If you don't change your forgetfulness, I will give you a new brain! "

The dwarf warlock who was named suddenly shook his body, staring at Bu Laike's vicious scolding, he hastily adjusted the position of the magic seal just now and smiled embarrassingly.

The other warlock apprentices were not in the mood to comfort the dwarf, they would also be nervous.

After returning from the experience in Dalaran, this was the first time they participated in such a large-scale demon summoning ceremony, and Laike personally directed it, which made everyone nervous.

Even Anaris Yuejun, who likes to talk and joke the most, has a straight face at this moment, half-kneeling on the ground and placing the Fel Stones one by one, even the angle at which the Fel Stones are inserted into the ground can't be wrong.

"With such a complicated ceremony, it seems that the little master is going to summon a 'big guy' today."

Xalatas saw the ceremony below from a height with the help of the pirate's perception sharing, and she, who was well-informed, recognized the weight of the ceremony in an instant.

she says:

"But the magic power needed to start such a ceremony is also considerable. Is the master going to extract the underground magic net? If you really plan to do this, wouldn't it be safer to wait until that silly little blue dragon comes back?"

"When she comes back, the day lily will be cold."

The pirate pouted, snapped his fingers, and summoned his "fat blue man".

Zuramat the Obliterator, who had completed his progression and became an ethereal lord, emerged into the material world from the singularity of the shadows, howling.

This dark elemental creature like a shadow cotton candy in armor waved its claws and said in a low and inarticulate voice:

"I come from the void to serve my master."

"Okay, good."

Bo Laike laughed.

Stretching his hand into Fatty Blue's soft body, he fumbled around like a fish, and took Gul'dan's head out of Fatty Blue's body a few seconds later.

"not weak"

The moment the treasure was taken out, the ethereal lord let out a whimper.

It obviously likes that the head of Gul'dan, which is full of shadow energy, stays in its body. The warm feeling in the body makes it full of power.

Laike ignored the complaints of his silent and melancholy blue fat servant. He looked at the Skull of Gul'dan in his hand, and a brand new attribute entry came into view:

Reforged Skull of Gul'dan

Excellent Legendary Quality [Shadow Enhancement]

Superior Shadow Infusion. Supreme Mana Empowerment. Supreme Mana Drain. Supreme Magic Resistance. Major Casting Haste

Item effects:

1. Shadow casting brilliant halo:

Greatly increase the magic power recovery speed of all shadow casters within 30 yards, and powerfully strengthen the casting speed of all shadow magic.

2. Incarnation of Shadow Demon:

Actively absorb the magic power in the reforged Skull of Gul'dan, temporarily change the life form into the "shadow" form, greatly strengthen the destructive power of all shadow magic, and gain the power of shadow demons in a short time.

Note: To activate this special effect, the user needs to have master-level shadow magic manipulation! Otherwise, the flesh and blood will be infested by the shadow magic power, alienated into special creatures, and even death in severe cases.

Item description:

The real Skull of Gul'dan has collapsed with Illidan Stormrage's fel drain, and its story should have ended there.

But after being ingeniously repaired by Alya Blue Moon and strengthened by the legendary dark Atamar crystal, the Skull of Gul'dan abandoned the messy evil energy and devoted itself to nourishing and repairing the shadow power.

Finally, it completed its rebirth and was promoted to a more powerful form.

Perhaps it is more appropriate to call it the "Shadow Skull" at this time. This is a miraculous work that belongs exclusively to the warlock master Bu Laike Shaw, and only in his hands can this shadow artifact exert its truly powerful power.

"I don't need the little star to manipulate the magic net, because I have a more suitable ritual core, or call it 'bait'."

Bu Laike held the reforged Skull of Gul'dan in his hands, and he looked at the black eye sockets of the skull in front of him, the shadow magic inside it almost condensed into a vortex entity.

And the golden star dots shining on its skull are the traces left by Dean Lanyue when he repaired it, representing past failures, but under the lingering shadow power at this moment, even these star dots have become mysterious and abnormal .

The stinky pirate put on the classic pose of a brother Dan who doesn't know where the waves are going to the stars at this time, and he said to Xalatas:

"Those powerful nathrezim demons in the Twisting Nether have their own power characteristics, just like the waste of Kassanatil has the fel power bestowed by Sargeras, every dreadlord has their own Housekeeping skills.

So let me ask you a question, my loyal servant.

Do you know, among the many famous dreadlords, who is the best at shadow magic? "

"Well, this question is a bit difficult, I have to mobilize my ancient memory to search again."

Xalatas pretended to be puzzled, and after the actor's thinking was silent, he tentatively replied:

"The Devil Lord Bainholler? Or the Defiler Rather Laike?"

"Neither! You're playing dumb, which makes me feel very boring."

Bo Laike stretched out his fingers, pinched something inside Gul'dan's skull, and pulled it out lightly. The Atamar crystal with flowing shadows lay in his palm, blooming with a mysterious and seductive luster.

The pirate blinked his eyes, threw the crystal back into his bag, and said to Xal'atath, who was pretending to be stupid:

"Bainholler still doesn't know which world to carry out the Legion's conquest. As for Laser Laike? Hehe, that unlucky guy had the title of 'The Polluter' long before Archimonde joined the Burning Legion .

But the powerful Archimonde rudely took away the title that belonged to it, Lace Laike, who dared not speak out, could only avoid the great demon far away, and did not dare to mention that he was also called the polluter in the past, for fear Caused Archimonde's dissatisfaction.

That was a very sad and poor fellow.

At present, the Nathrezim lords who are best at shadow magic are their third lord, Meng Faithtos. It can play shadow magic so well that it can provide me with pure enough magic without much transformation. Shadow magic.

It is the most suitable dreadlord to be my inner demon.

Do you know what the best thing is? "

"Ha! I know this!"

Xal'atath laughed treacherously and viciously with her villainous master, and she said with a long laugh:

"The wings of the third lord of the Dreadlord are sea blue! That's your favorite color, little master. It's really a 'coincidence'. It seems that it is born with an inextricable fate with you."

"Ah, as expected, you still understand me. Give me some strength later, and put down the leader of the third lord who is related to me. If you do a good job, I will reward you.

This time I mean it.

I'll make you an offer you can't refuse. "

Bo Laike nodded in satisfaction.

He flew down and landed in the center of the prepared dark cycle ceremony. He waved his hand, and the other warlocks retreated outside the magic circle.

The pirate bent down and placed the Skull of Gul'dan entwined with shadow magic on the altar in the center of the ceremony. This is the core of the ceremony and what Laike called "bait".

He wants to use this thing to lead the third lord of the dreaded demon king cruising in the twisting void to the material world.

This is very risky behavior.

Just listening to the title of "Third Lord" of Meng Faith, one knows that this guy's strength is definitely not comparable to that of a weak and fearful demon king like Casanatir.

But the pirates are not what they used to be.

Sitting on the magical resources of the entire Naxalas Academy, let alone the third lord, even if the first lord of Nathrezim, "The Blasphemer" Tichondrius, came over, he would not hesitate at all.

Isn't he just a dreadlord?

If it dares to come over, Bo Laike will embarrass it by talking about its shameful massacre by Huon Gaoling blocking the portal 10,000 years ago!

"Shua, Shua"

In the streamer of the teleportation technique, the ghosts of three legendary mages, Dean Lanyue, Prince Farondis and Archmage Elan, appeared in the outer triangular circle of the dark cycle ceremony.

They will use their powerful magical control to help Bu Laike suppress the demons who are about to enter the material world.

And other warlocks also took their positions.

A lot of spell slots are reserved on the outermost layer of the ceremony, which is where they stand.

They basically play no big role in this ceremony, and can only be used as "human suppressors" to alleviate the magic shock of the ceremony.

At the same time, with the help of the connection of the ceremony, help the host of the ceremony, Bu Laike, and the three archmages share the spiritual pressure.

100% pure tools without any additions.

"Are you all ready? I'm going to start."

Bo Laike took out the dark spell of the Book of Medivh that he had kept privately from his luggage.

He read the forbidden voice on the page in pure demonic language.

When the first character was spoken, it turned into a deep thunder-like sound wave, echoing on both sides of the material world and the twisting void at the same time. This is not an ordinary summoning spell, and ordinary warlocks don't even think about it.

The shadow magic power escaping from Gul'dan's skull was poured into the dark cycle ritual under Bo Laike's feet, and a rotating dark green fel energy portal emerged in the space in front of Bo Laike's eyes.

As he accurately pronounced a long list of obscure demon names, a more precise connection was established between him and a powerful being in the Twisting Nether.

As the breath of Gul'dan's head penetrated into the demon portal, soon there was a reaction on the other side.

A daemon claw studded with blue gemstones emerged from the portal first, under the expectant and longing gaze of the Eye of Keir Rogge on Bo Laike's shoulder.

Then, a pair of big and beautiful blue bat wings spread out in front of the pirates.

The third lord of Nathrezim stepped proudly from the Twisting Nether into this lackluster material world, and was immediately drawn to the orc skull beneath his feet that radiated shadow power.

Of course, the mighty third lord of the dreadlord with beautiful wings and blue horns also noticed Laike in front of him.

The pirate would now bow politely and exclaim like a carol:

"Welcome to my humble house, it really makes this poor place of mine flourish, my dear 'Eternal Night Great Soul Hall Master', don't rush away when you come.

I have some doubts about shadow magic, and I still need your answers. "

"Little ones! Do it!"

(end of this chapter)

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