Chapter 651

Princess Calia is coming home soon, and she is in a good mood.

Although she knows exactly what kind of situation she will face when she goes back, it is indeed a happy thing to be unscathed after going through such a thing, and to be able to reunite with her family.

But she didn't know that her brother was not happy at this time.

Prince Alsace Menethil is currently in the cathedral in Stratholme, an important city in the Kingdom of Lordaeron, and today will be his baptism ceremony.

After the ceremony, His Royal Highness will become an honorable recruit of the Silver Hand.

He was baptized together with King Varian Wrynn of the Stormwind Kingdom, and a group of other selected reserve paladins.

The ceremony was supposed to be more lively and grand, after all, the baptism of a king and a prince is a real event.

But the Dalaran incident has not yet passed a week, and the entire northern border is still immersed in the hesitation and loss after the destruction. The clean-up work of Dalaran City has not yet been completed, let alone the reconstruction.

It stands to reason that the work efficiency of a group of mages is not so low, but the troublesome thing is that after Deathwing raged, a lot of corrupted blood was left near the Dalaran pit.

Those things contaminated with void power will continue to release weak void erosion until they are cleared.

Therefore, in addition to cleaning up the ruins of the giant pit, the mages also asked professionals like Meri Dongfeng to clean up the fallen flesh and blood.

Those things are hidden in the fissures in the shattered ground.

Others have already attached to the creatures near the Silverpine Forest, and alienated fish have appeared in Lake Lordamere. Seeing that this "biochemical crisis" will continue to expand, the council of six immediately issued a closure order.

A huge violet magic barrier shrouded the entire lake of Lordamere, enveloping the polluted creatures and the earth, preventing the power of the void from leaking out.

It is said that there are blue dragons and green dragons helping them complete this matter, but it is extremely difficult to clean up the remnants of the void.

Therefore, according to a conservative estimate, even with the help of other kingdoms, it would take at least several years, or even more than ten years, for Dalaran to be rebuilt.

This is big bad news.

The residents of Dalaran were forced to move to nearby cities, and the mourning for the victims continued. Under such circumstances, it was naturally impossible for the Church of the Holy Light to hold another magnificent ceremony considering the mournful public opinion.

This is also Varian's personal request.

The young king did not want his private affairs to affect the people and the kingdom who needed to recuperate.

Alsace was in favor of the move.

Therefore, the simple ceremony was not the reason for the little prince's unhappiness. What really made him feel dissatisfied and depressed was Varian's concealment from him.

It was about the assassination of Marshal Lothar.

Arthas knew that Varian had the truth in his hands, but every time he asked, Varian was reluctant to discuss the issue. The countries in northern Xinjiang have also been arresting people said to be related to the case recently.

However, there are also gossip rumors that these arrested people are "scapegoats".

They may not be clean themselves, and they deserve to be judged, but those black hands who are really hiding behind the scenes and presiding over all these things cannot be really caught.

How could Alsace, who pursued justice since childhood, accept this result?

"Just tell me."

In the church where all kinds of ceremonial items needed for baptism have been prepared, Alsace, wearing a ceremonial armor, begged Varian who was watching the tome of the Holy Light in a low voice:

"I promise not to tell anyone, I will keep it secret.

You know how much I admire Marshal Lothar. I cannot forgive his tragedy. I may not be able to avenge him, but I have the right to know who killed him!

Varian, you can't be so selfish about keeping a secret.

I also have the right to know. "

"I'm not being selfish, Arthas."

Varian, who was also wearing ritual armor, sighed. He looked at the resolute Alsace beside him, and said:

"I just don't want this unfortunate incident to continue to expand. If Marshal Lothar can speak now, he will definitely tell you that the matter is over and it is over.

Those dark and dirty things should be forgotten, not brought up again and again.

You don't need to know those dark things, you just need to take it as a lesson, draw righteous wisdom from it, and use that wisdom to guide you and tell you what you want to be in the future.

Believe me, you don't want to know those searing truths.

It's vicious acid that will unsettle you and make you sick. "

The young king reached out and patted Alsace on the shoulder. He said:

"Don't worry, everything will be fine. His Holiness the Pope has confirmed that your sister is still alive, and Dalaran and the church have sent forces to search for it. Calia will return home soon."

"I'm not worried about my sister."

Arthas whispered:

"She is a terrifying woman who has been in love with a World Destroyer like Deathwing for several years, and there is nothing in this world worthy of her fear.

But I care about the truth.

I have a feeling that there must be some kind of connection between it and me, otherwise it wouldn't make me so anxious.

You sent that damned dwarf away ahead of time, and I rushed to the cage for nothing, as if there was an invisible hand preventing me from getting closer to the truth.

But the more they blocked me, the more determined I was to understand those darkness.

Just like what you said, if I need to find the belief that is enough to support me to walk the path of justice, I must first understand the darkness, and then I can find a way to defeat them from the darkness. "


Varian shook his head and scolded softly:

"You are a paladin with the will of the holy light. You only need to stand on the side of the light forever, and the darkness will collapse without a fight. You don't need to walk on the edge of the evil cliff to actively understand them.

Have you forgotten the admonition of His Majesty the Pope?

Kind people should never take the initiative to walk into the darkness, the night has evil magic power, it will blind your eyes, and when you realize that you have gone too far in the darkness, you can no longer turn back.

Be good, that's all for now.

Stop worrying those who care about you. "

After finishing speaking, Varian saw the stern-faced Grand Duke Bolvar Fortagan walking into the church. He got up and said a few words to the Grand Duke, and Varian's expression became ugly.

Alsace next to him heard only a few words such as "Gilneas", "pirate", "defeated", "injured", and "cursed".

But looking at Varian's expression, he knew that something must have happened.

A few minutes later, under Alsace's amazed gaze, the whole church was full of people, and even Faol, who was sick in bed, was alarmed.

Arthas saw His Majesty Faol walk into a portal opened by the Archmage Mo Della with the help of the Grand Knight Dathrohan, followed by Varian and the Grand Duke Bolvar.

Before leaving, the young king called to Arthas:

"You wait here for a while, we may come back in an hour to continue the christening ceremony, don't run around, Alsace."

"What happened?"

The little prince asked a question.

Varian didn't answer, and strode into the portal. Slightly dizzy, they crossed half of the northern border, from Stratholme to the hinterland of the Gilneas mountains.

At the entrance of the Greymane Royal Manor, His Majesty Jean, with a serious face and eyes full of anger, was hugging the only daughter of Lord Darius C Luo Lei, Lord Darius C Luo Lei, the northern lord.

Little Rona's eyes were red, obviously she had just cried, her little face was full of fear, helplessness and worry.

"All the senior priests in the country are helpless, I have to ask for your help at this time, Your Majesty."

Gene, who has always been proud, will be very humble.

He took Rona's hand, walked up to the old Pope, and said to him:

"Please be sure to save Darius. He is not only my lord, my general, but also my brother. I owe him several lives."

"Let me check on him first."

Faol leaned on the sacred staff and was supported by the great knight. He coughed and said:

"I heard from the messenger that the northern lord seems to be under a vicious curse?"

"It's just speculation."

Gene said in a low tone:

"But my court mage told me that there is indeed a strange, dark force in Darius' body that cannot be dispelled. Those damned pirates must have killed him!

Dai Lin is right!

All the pirates in this world deserve to die! "

"We have brought the holy hammer, which is powerful enough to suppress the power of any curse."

Dathrohan, the great knight next to the Pope, was carrying a wooden box. He said to Gene in a deep voice:

"Your Majesty, don't worry, the Holy Light will protect the lord's health."

On the other side, in the Alonsus Chapel in Stratholme.

Arthas sat alone on the chair and was sulking. Just now Varian and the others did not take him away, and they were even unwilling to tell him what happened. This made the little prince feel that he was excluded from the crowd.

They don't bring themselves to play with!

Well, the little prince is actually not that childish.

He knew that something must have happened there, so naturally he didn't complain too much, but it really didn't feel good to hide everything from him.

He has been persuading himself to accept it, but he is only an eleven-year-old child. Although he eats well and grows up well, and already has the height comparable to a young man, his mind is not fully mature.

And this kind of thing, always take a step back, the more you think about it, the more angry you get.

After more than ten minutes, Alsace stood up abruptly. He looked around and made a bad decision.

Since Varian won't tell him the truth, he'll find out for himself!

When Alsace came to Stratholme yesterday, while listening to the chat between Grand Knight Uther and Grand Knight Fording, he mentioned that the testimony of Zac Yaozhi has been stored in the church file room, and it is said that he will be permanently archived.

That place was tightly guarded, and the Great Knight Dathrohan and his followers had always been in charge of it personally. In the past, Alsace never even thought of sneaking in.

But today is different.

Grand Knight Dathrohan accompanied Mian down to Gilneas, where the defenses had been greatly weakened. But he certainly wouldn't be able to pass through this rattling armor.

Alsace rolled his eyes, he walked out of the church graciously, and told the gatekeeper paladin that he was going back to his place to rest for a while and read the scriptures of the Holy Light.

After going out, the little prince turned into an alley.

He quickly took off the ritual armor, put on the lined hunting suit, moved his body, and took out a set of rolled hook locks from the luggage.

When he was beaten by Bu Laike before, he had seen how pirates used this kind of hook to climb walls. He thought it was very convenient, so he prepared a set for himself.

Didn't expect this to come in handy.

Alsace is very familiar with the structure of the Alonsus Chapel. After all, this is the land of Lordaeron. He often came to Stratholme to play when he was a child.

He looked around, threw the hook and lock on the nearby building, climbed up like a monkey, then lowered his footsteps on the eaves, and walked to the top of the file room, where there was a small skylight.

He glanced down.

Well, there's only a dozing young pastor in the room.

The little prince waited patiently for more than ten minutes. After seeing the priest lying on the table and falling asleep, he put down the hook fixed on the eaves. Like a paratrooper, he grabbed the rope with thick leather gloves and landed silently. down.

Arthas, who was doing this kind of thing for the first time, felt a surge of excitement in his heart, and an evil pleasure of doing something bad.

"This is for justice!"

He told himself so in his heart, then rubbed his hands, tiptoed into the depths of the file room, and began to search according to the time stamp on the file.

Soon, he found a stack of thin files, which marked the warning of the Church of the Holy Light.

Non-high-level priests and paladins are not available.

Alsace hesitated.

"It's for justice! Surely the Light of Justice will forgive my little peek!"

He told himself so, and prayed to the Holy Light, and after a few seconds, no Holy Light sent down punishment, and the little prince thought it was the Holy Light's acquiescence.

So he opened the file in his hand.

Although the content of the testimony revealed by the dwarf master was short, it was really exciting!

On the first page, Alsace saw several names that made him feel astonished.

"Lord Godfrey of Gilneas, Admiral Dellas B Laikemoore of Stormgard, Lord Barov of Alterac, and House Prestor of the House of Deathwing.

Holy Light above! "

The little prince exclaimed. As a member of the royal family, no matter how young he is, he can fully understand the heavy meanings of these names.

He already felt restless.

Damn it!

Varian's warning was right!

If this matter continues to be excavated, the waves caused by it will be terrible.

The frightened Alsace put the dossier on the table, and he made up his mind not to read any more. Although he hadn't seen the list of the Kingdom of Lordaeron yet, he had a subtle feeling.

If you continue to look at it yourself, it will definitely cause some bad things.

But when he took a step forward, the curiosity in his heart and his insistence on justice made him scratch his heart like a cat's claw. He really wanted to know who was involved in the kingdom of Lordaeron.

I will rule this country in the future!

You must distinguish in advance who you can rely on and who is evil.

The emergence of this idea made Alsace turn around hesitantly. He put his hand on the file, took a deep breath, and turned a page backwards as if solving a mystery.

"Marshal Osmar Garithos. Unexpected, but reasonable."

The little prince looked at the two names, and he thought of the palace where Marshal Lothar was recuperating, which was guarded by Marshal Garithers, and where Zac Brightfinger was also captured.

There is no doubt that the Field Marshal facilitated the assassins.

"When I am on the throne, I will depose you and exile you from my kingdom! You are a double-faced coward! Thanks to the marshal who praised your bravery."

Alsace cursed angrily.

It seems that this is the end of it.

The little prince looked at the end of the file. He grinned and planned to close the file, but accidentally turned to the next page, which recorded some behind-the-scenes figures who were not directly involved in the assassination.

And among them was a name that made Alsace's eyes widen:

Sponsor of the operation: Terenas Menethil, Lord Rivendell.

"Do not!!!"

(end of this chapter)

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