Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 639 192. Father And Son Bureau

Chapter 639 192. Father and Son Bureau


Once again salvos from the Gilneas support fleet swept across the sea, but this time it was not aimed at killing.

A huge amount of shells landed precisely between the undead pirate fleet and the Gilneas vanguard fleet, and the exploding jets of water and gunpowder billowed indiscriminately, tearing up everything that existed in the waters nearly half a mile wide.

Dai Lin took advantage of Gilneas' firepower to artificially create a "isolation zone", and then, driven by the ocean currents induced by the tidesage, "escorted" the heavily damaged vanguard fleet back to the rear.

This shelling was like a cold "warning".

As long as the pirates dare to catch up, they will be greeted with a brutal and merciless sweep.

Under Dai Lin's command, the second-class warships of the support fleet that had completed two rounds of shelling were galloping across the sea and regaining their shelling positions.

This navy, which was originally acting in a rigid manner, seems to have been injected with "soul" all of a sudden.

Their tactics have become more diverse, and they are no longer solely pursuing artillery advantage.

While the naval guns were being reloaded, the Haixians set off a huge wave and rushed towards the pirates, disrupting their formation, interfering with their artillery counterattack, and accelerating their own fleet.

Under the tie of the huge black flagship, Lord of the North, the menacing group of Gilneans seemed to be leaning in for a board fight.

The bottom gun windows of those battleships specially used for close combat bombardment have been opened, and small black cannons have been pushed into the gun positions.

The Gilneas sailors, who were full of anger from the wanton bombing by the pirates before, grabbed their muskets and machetes, and the armored and provocative sailors had already grabbed the cables, and their eyes were filled with the pleasure of revenge.

Things like morale and momentum are invisible and intangible, but they do exist.

After Daelin shattered the pirates' vanguard with a merciless barrage, the Gilneans' courage seemed to return to them, and their hunger for victory all the more fervent.

On the other hand, the pirates.

The number of people and the number of ships were not dominant. They lost the stupid forwards who did not obey orders, which made their own disadvantage even greater. Facing the entire naval fleet that overwhelmed them, some guys with a bad mentality began to fire indiscriminately.

Most of the shells flew out and smashed into the sea, only a few hit the naval flagship, but those shells approached the ship, and were blocked by the invisible sea wind wrapped around the sides of the battleship, and could not hurt the flagship at all.

The distance is getting closer and closer, and it is about to enter the distance where the "sea charge" can be very full of Kul Tiras style.

Dai Lin's fingers were stroking the hilt of the sword, and on the deck outside the command room, the elite Gilneas navy commanded by the great knight Cyrus was ready for a gang battle.

"Notify Lord Darius."

Dai Lin gave the order:

"After I command the fleet to complete the first round of charge, I need his forward fleet to start covering the bombardment immediately! Gain time for my fleet to turn and recharge.

The subsequent tactics are carried out alternately in this way.

My fleet is charging ahead, and he is in charge of fire support. According to my experience, after a maximum of two rounds of impact, these pirates will collapse.

Also, how is your magic power prepared? "

When the navy fleet entered the charging distance of the sea, Dai Lin suddenly turned around and asked, and Jetaris glanced at a strange crescent moon jewel ornament placed next to the command room.

The green fluorescence inside the latter is almost full.

She turned to Dai Lin and said:

"It's ready, and you can call other creatures to join the battle at any time."

With a wave of Dai Lin's hand, his temporary ship suddenly accelerated.

Under the loud call of the high-ranking Haixian, the sea at this time was like an angry roar, forming rolling waves out of thin air behind several assault warships led by Dai Lin, pushing them to launch a deadly and dangerous sea towards the pirate fleet ahead. shock.

"What are you waiting for?"

During such a high-speed assault, the admiral holding the hilt of the command sword said in a deep voice:

"Summon that creature to enter the arena! Go attack the ghost ship hiding in the mist and can't lock it with artillery fire. I need it to accurately decapitate the pirates' flagship!"

"General, as far as I know, that alien creature is very destructive, but it can be controlled for a very short time."

Adjutant Getaris asked while recording the order:

"Perhaps we should concentrate our superior firepower and send it to defeat the pirate fleet first."

"No! Superior fire tactics are the strategy for dealing with regular navies."

Dai Lin seemed to be in a good mood, so she casually mentioned:

"But what we are facing now is a group of pirates, young man. You have to learn to distinguish the different characteristics of different enemies. A well-trained navy with a complete command system will not stop fighting because the flagship is trapped.

When the commander is killed, the captain with the highest military rank will take over the command, so the beheading tactic is difficult for the navy.

But pirates are different.

These guys bully the good and fear the evil. They don't have a strong will and strict discipline. They choose to follow a great pirate because of a mix of fear, greed and ambition.

Pirates have no loyalty.

Therefore, when dealing with them, the best strategy should be 'scare' tactics.

Send out elite warships to destroy and injure the pirate commander. Once the commander's flagship is sunk, the morale of the pirates will plummet, and they will collapse without a fight.

If you want more loot, not a pile of rotten wood and dead bodies strewn across the sea, and you don't want to inflict more casualties on your side, then you should use this tactic wisely. "

"As expected of an admiral! Got it."

Female staff officer Getaris nodded again and again.

She quietly recorded this passage in her notebook, and she felt that the rewards of participating in the war as Dai Lin's adjutant today were more than that of staying in the Gilneas Navy for a year.

This king of the sea really has a special charm that can make people obey all his orders willingly.

She quickly left Dai Lin's side, picked up the crescent gem filled with green fluorescence, and handed it to a Gilnean mage, asking him to take it to the vanguard fleet immediately and hand it over to Lord Darius use.

Although it is not clear what the alien creature that the lord regards as a secret weapon is, but it must be very powerful if it can be used as the fleet's trump card until now, right?

Defeating a ghost ship should be easy, right? ——

The stinky pirate will be standing on the bow of the Naglfar, looking forward to his own warships facing the attack of the Gilneas fleet.

The orc pirate ship commanded by Maim at the front was crushed by the opponent at the moment it was hit by the "Northern Lord". The poor old ship was smashed into the hull and keel in the ear-piercing explosion, and was humiliated and pushed down to the surface of the sea. .

It was divided into two in the rampage of the black giant ship.

The remaining few giant ships followed Dai Lin to crush the army of undead pirates. Fortunately, this naval battle was not crowded together like a land battle, and there was enough space between each ship.

This allowed Daelin's charge to only shatter Maim's ship and a hapless snakeman boat.

But the problem is, the sea charge tactics of the Kul Tiras fleet have never existed for the purpose of killing, it is an effective method of destroying the morale of the enemy.

After witnessing his own ship being crushed mercilessly by warships, no matter how stubborn a pirate is, he will be shocked.

Once the command system of the pirates is out of control, what awaits them is the ruthless slaughter from the naval fleet.

It can be said that Dai Lin skillfully grasped the rhythm of the battle as soon as the sea charge strategy started.

Relying on the super mobility and precision and lethality brought by the tide sage's call for the power of the sea, Dai Lin has the final say on whether to fight or go, and the enemy can only passively accept it.

"That lunatic Daelin has launched a charge! Every time I watch the Kul Tiras fleet's sea charge, it makes people's blood boil. This is him driving a broken Gilnean ship.

If his monster-like Wang Quan at sea was here, a single charge would shatter the poor morale and confidence of my stupid subordinates.

Not to mention them, even I will be afraid of Dai Lin who is charging. "

Bu Laike shook his head, not looking at his subordinates who were being slaughtered, he would be unable to save them even if he wanted to.

The Naglfar is fast, but doesn't have any fire projection capabilities.

With Hai Xian protecting Dai Lin's ship, even if Bu Laike crashes into it with all his might, it will end up killing Dai Lin.

The ghost ship wrapped in the ocean fog was silently advancing towards the rear of the theater. He glanced at the flanking sea area. In the already opened ocean fog, the large ghost gunship Sister of Mercy was approaching.

The scarlet flag has also been hoisted on its upper mast.

The smaller Vrykul longship Jotunheim's Might came faster. The ghost captain Grayson stood at the bow, and behind him a group of ghost pirates were paddling while singing pirate songs, making his ship continue to accelerate. .

"You! Go to that ship!"

Bu Laike waved to the approaching Captain Grayson, signaling him to dock on the side of the Naglfar ship, and turned back to a group of trainee pirates on the deck and shouted:

"The time has come for you to devote your allegiance to the fleet.

Credorne, you lead them, and cooperate with Grayson to carry out the 'beheading' mission, as far as possible from the fleet commanded by Dai Lin, and attack those Gilneans who are rearranging their formation!

Go and do your best to create chaos!

Fuck all those Gilnean captains!

They must not be allowed to launch shelling during the sea charge. Once they form a chain tactic of charge and shelling, our fleet will be demoralized after at most two more rounds of charge. "

"As ordered."

The commander of the Undead Sea Knights wearing rusted armor, Knight Joan Cridan, replied in a low voice, carrying a battle sword with a death rune inscribed by the old lich himself, urging the new scumbags to climb up. Board Grayson's longship.

After the "upgrade", this ship maintained the high speed and maneuverability that a long ship should have. Even if the Gilnean ship had the help of the tide, it could not compare to the plundering ship in terms of speed.

It is perfect for performing special operations missions in large battlefields.

"Sister of Mercy, follow us."

Captain Al Reiss of the ghost gunship also received instructions from the Naglfar. The old pirate did not resist. Holding his rusty sailor knife, he manipulated his black gunboat and the Naglfar to line up .

Under the cover of the fog of ocean pollution, the two ships rushed to the rear of the Gilneas vanguard fleet at the fastest speed.

Laike's goals are fairly clear.

He stared at the big red ship in the center of the rear fleet, which should be one of the three flagships built by the Gilneans from the blueprints stolen from Kul Tiras.

Needless to say, there must be a big man from Gilneas on it.

"Dai Lin can ignore the life and death of ordinary sailors, but I think the life and death of an important figure in Gilneas will definitely force him to give up the frontal battlefield and come back to support.

He still didn't bring enough Haixians this time, and there was no way to take care of both sides.

This is our only chance of winning!

Tsk tsk, winning Dai Lin is such a sense of accomplishment no matter when you think about it. "

Bu Laike drew out the legendary long sword at his waist, and while poisoning the blade, he said to the mother of Windrunner who was walking quickly beside him:

"Mentor, for this glorious and great goal, I invite you to be an assassin with me this time."

"I am your retainer, and it is my duty to serve you."

General Liresa held a dark bow and looked at the distant Gilneas vanguard fleet in the mist. She said:

"However, that's the question.

Gilneas' vanguard fleet was badly damaged, but regrouped and morale restored, you only have three ghost ships here, I reckon you can't even get close to them and you'll be pushed back by the artillery. "

"I have many ways to interfere with them."

Bu Laike turned his head and "looked" at Sefiel, and the first mate dragon immediately grabbed a horn made of whale shark bone, put it near his mouth, puffed up his cheeks, and blew it.

This weird sound penetrated into the deep sea through the sea water, calling out a group of legendary creatures who had been hiding in the trench just after the war started.

Bubbles of gurgling water began to emerge around the Gilneas vanguard fleet that was calibrating the bombing point. By the time Lord Darius felt something was wrong, it was already too late.

"Aw! I am the Thunderer! The chosen warrior of the Tidal Stone! Landlubbers, drown in the sea!"

Amidst the thunderous roar, a huge sea titan with a height of more than ten meters and its body decorated with broken ship wrecks and wooden starfish jumped out of the sea water.

He landed brutally on the battleship deck, shaking the ship from side to side, and holding two heavy rusted anchors with both hands, he swung them like two war hammers.

In the cruel and cold-blooded stare, two consecutive slams forcefully turned the deck of a third-class warship on the edge of the fleet into a bloody hell. The anchor swept across and overturned most of the entire poop.

The appearance of Gork the Thunderer was just the beginning.

Under his leadership, the remaining seven sea titans jumped out of the deep water one by one, rolling the waves.

One person chooses a ship to jump on, and amidst the terrified screams of the Gilneans, these violent, legendary creatures of the deep sea domesticated by the undead fleet wreak havoc.

It took less than ten seconds to mess up Gilneas' vanguard fleet.


Lord Darius C Luo Lei, who rushed out of the cabin with a tomahawk, saw a sea titan jumping on his flagship, and his eyes were bloodshot with anger.

Roaring, the legendary warrior was about to rush forward and kill the disgusting monster.

But before charging, he didn't forget to smash the moonlight gem dotted with green fluorescent light under his feet.

"Beasts from other worlds, your enemy is in the mist!"

"Go! Eat them all!"

(end of this chapter)

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