Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 601 154. The Burning City, The Burning Blade--Add Root For The Paofan Aluminum Ice Brothers【

Chapter 601 154. The Burning City, the Burning Blade--Add roots for the Paofan Aluminum Ice Brothers [930]

"That necromancer troll is not a good partner, he hides an ambitious, evil and crazy soul under his glib, and it's only a matter of time before he will betray your agreement.

His necromancy is also unique, the product of some kind of dark curse. "

Watching Gaboa lead a group of Amani thugs to carry away Harraz, the bobcat spirit who was seriously injured by the old lich, on a wooden frame, Meri Dongfeng leaned on his staff and whispered to Bo Laike:

"His immortality is linked to that troll Reaper we saw before, and perhaps old Bwonsamdi has dropped his own pawn on the sea besides you.

It doesn't trust you. "

"Old Bwonsamdi doesn't trust anyone, he's just a troll old man who's lonely and crazy out of fear of his father."

Bu Laike complained:

"I don't have any hope of Gaboa's loyalty either.

That guy has persevered in launching a rebellion against Zemlan during seven thousand years of hard imprisonment. Betrayal is in his bones, but that doesn't mean I can't use him.

It is impossible for Kul Tiras under the leadership of Dai Lin to make peace with the pirates. If Gaboya wants to restore the glory of the Zandalari pirates in the South China Sea, he must pass Dai Lin's test.

What he said was right, saving his life would be beneficial to my affairs.

Besides, if I don't rely on Gaboya, who else can I rely on? "

The stinky pirate shrugged helplessly, and the magic eyes on his shoulders turned for a moment to look at the burning city behind him, and said to the old lich:

"Are you relying on Black Spirit pirates who only know how to hunt for treasure and make fun? They are far behind in every aspect. Even with the support of the Burning Legion, they are doomed to fail to achieve great things.

However, they are developing in the direction of 'sea comedian', which is very promising.

Well, let's not talk about these.

Can you get rid of the dark aura on these two knives? "

The pirate took the Kingslayer's Twin Blades out of his luggage and handed it to the old lich, who took it in his hand and inspected it carefully, nodded and said:

"As long as there is a holy object of order of sufficient strength, this aura originating from evil energy can be removed, including the wisp of consciousness attached to it by the fraudster.

But it depends on whether the Holy Light Church is willing to lend their silver hands. "

"Let me talk to the Pope."

Bu Laike said to the old lich:

"Old Faol owes me a lot of favors. It shouldn't be a big problem to borrow their holy relics. You don't have to return them to me after the purification, and give them to that infatuated man named Khadgar.

Get him ready and I'll have him with me when I venture out into Kalimdor.

At that time, I will gain a great mentor who is uncrowned, and he will also get a wild female orc as a reward. I hope he will be diligent in exercising during this time, so that there will be no more thirty seconds, huh? "

The stinky pirate was talking dirty about Khadgar, but the Sorcerer's Stone in his bag vibrated. He took it out, injected it with magic power, and heard his incompetent subordinate Xieyan yelling over there:

"Captain! Run! Lord Daval captured Reid, and I managed to escape after all my demons were killed in battle. That horrible man will soon know that you planned all of today's events.

run! "

"Huh? I thought he was cowardly today and didn't plan to come."

Bo Laike was taken aback.

But immediately calmed down, he pretended to be nonchalant, and replied to Xieyan:

"Don't be afraid, just Daval Prestor, hurry up and withdraw with the things you have snatched, save Red if you can, save yourself first if you can't.

Don't come to Dalaran, I'll take care of the rest. "

After finishing speaking, the pirate crushed the Philosopher's Stone in his hand, waved out the first mate Sefiel's Soul Requiem coin, put it in his ear and asked:

"Safir, my mate, where is the Nagfar?"

"It takes five minutes to arrive at the shore of Lin Hai, Silver Pine Forest, Captain! I heard that there are black dragons infesting here, and the Nagfar and I are ready to fight to the death!"

Pirate Dragon's first mate still didn't understand the current situation, so she replied excitedly.

Bu Laike nodded and said:

"When you arrive, stop at the coast, lay out all the tidal stones, let the ship spirit cooperate with my dispatch, and you also wait for my order. It's not just the black dragon that came here today.

You'll see our moment of glory soon. "

After finishing the conversation with Sefiel, the pirate twisted his neck, took a deep breath, and said to the old Lich beside him:

"I want to tell you something, Merry, don't be afraid."

"I already know today's disaster in your advance prophecy, look at Dalaran right now."

The old lich said with a look of displeasure:

"My city has been set on fire. Things have gone so bad, how can it continue to go bad? Tell me, I'm not afraid."

"it is good!"

The pirate coughed and said in a sticky tone:

"Deathwing is coming to Dalaran!

You'd better prepare the Eye of Dalaran in advance according to my instructions, otherwise we should consider using a transcontinental portal to quickly transport my people and yours to the Northrend continent for refuge. "


The old Lich clenched his staff tightly, and the name "Deathwing" came out of Bo Laike's mouth, which made Meri Dongfeng stunned for five seconds before he could react.

Old Merri angrily picked up his staff and smashed it on Laike's head. The Lich, who was always known for his indifference, would shake his hands like an angry old man, swinging his crutch to beat the villain.

He said angrily:

"Such a big thing! Why didn't you say it in advance! You bastard, I'll kill you!"

"I said so!"

Bu Laike didn't dare to resist, he hugged his head to avoid the old Lich's wand, he screamed strangely while running:

"I said it in advance, at least three demigods are going to descend on Dalaran today, wouldn't Deathwing be a fallen demigod?"


Old Meili was so angry that he swears, and he cursed:

"A creature of the level of Deathwing, with the blessing of the power of the earth, has already surpassed the concept of a demigod! You are trying to piss me off!

Where do you want me to find a few righteous demigods to help out?

The king of magic can't stop it from going crazy! "

"What are you yelling at me? Isn't there a dream walker in your Tirisfal council?"

Bu Laike shouted:

"Hurry up and summon the awakened Ysera to come over, remember to ask her to wear more clothes when she comes here! This time she is here to fight, not to show on the catwalk.

I can also be a demigod here.

Don't look at me with that look, I'm not crazy, if I say yes, I will definitely have it, don't worry, Deathwing will definitely not be able to destroy your city today.

Open your eyes, the demons burned Deathwing long before he came. "


Outside the burning city gate of Dalaran, the battle between the spellcasters and the elemental abomination has come to an end, and the constantly discharging elemental abomination Gavazt is weaker than when he appeared on the stage under the continuous magic bombardment of the mages More than half.

It was no longer able to unleash the lightning storm that enveloped the city.

After all, it is just the crystallization of resentment and divine power left over from the fall of a powerful loa thousands of years ago. In Dalaran, a place where elemental power is not prosperous, it has no channel to replenish its own elemental power.

Especially after the Spellweaver loosened the lock on the northern border magic net, the archmages who regained the source of magic power were fully fired, even when Prince Kael'thas had to temporarily return to the city due to the internal affairs of the elves , relying on the joint efforts of several archmages, still suppressed the evil.

They may soon be victorious, then head back to the city and activate the city ward to cleanse Dalaran of the demonic invasion.

At this point in the battle, Dalaran is doomed to fail.

The demons are too destructive, and most of the city has turned into burning ruins. The archmages are not in a hurry now, and the jars are broken.

Anyway, urban reconstruction is an inevitable result. Since most of the residents in the city are protected by the magic barrier of Nazaras College, it is better to let the demons destroy more.

It also saves them from having to bulldoze those buildings by themselves.

Near the city gate, there are also demons wreaking havoc.

They blocked the way out of the city, trying to sacrifice all life in the city to their dark gods.

For the life that wants to leave the chaotic Dalaran, the blockade set by the demons in front of them is an obstacle that must be stepped on.

This is very dangerous, but for some powerful people, mere demons are not opponents that cannot be killed.


The smelly blood splattered everywhere, and the moment the first demon guard was attacked, the other demons reacted and rushed towards the attacker.

But the orc swordsman Lantresor, who appeared from the Wind Walk, was expressionless. Facing the swarming demons, he just silently raised the black flaming blade in his hand.

In the hands of Bu Laike, this Juggernaut Blade has always been used as a sharp enough battlefield killer. Pirates are not Juggernauts, and he cannot activate the special effects of the Flame Blade through the Juggernaut's inheritance.

But when this knife falls into the hands of a real sword master, its destructive power is almost doubled instantly.

As Lanteroso's fingers brushed against the frosted blade, the elemental imprints on the black blade activated one after another, and a mass of elemental flames danced and covered the blade.

The gray-blue tall orc didn't seem to be waving a sharp blade, but more like waving a burning pillar of fire.

The bloody battle flag behind him was waving, and in the unique, concise and deadly attack of the Juggernaut, Lantresor took the initiative to attack the demon.

The extremely simple and elegant swordsmanship is often used to cut the devil in two with a single horizontal slash, or a vertical slash invisible to the naked eye. Under the ravages of this orc sword master, it was difficult for the demons in front of him to really block his fatal strike.

The orc stepped forward seven times, and after beheading thirteen demon dogs, the remaining demon dogs felt terror. They whined and retreated, not daring to take the initiative to bite again.

Demons are not without fear.

In the absence of a commander to command, the demons will also break up in small groups.

After all, these destructive beings who seek brutal power are not exempt from the real fear that befalls them when they pursue the fear of others.

After stripping off that brutal and powerful appearance, they are not much different from other beings.


Lantresor waved the flaming blade in his hand, and the stinky devil's blood dripped down along the frosted sharp blade. When the elemental flame disappeared from the blade, the sword did not smell of blood.

But he didn't escape into the wind walk immediately.

When the blue-skinned orc sword master turned his head, another orc appeared in front of him in the bloody dust that was blown by a gust of wind on the ruined street behind him that was covered with ashes and smoke.

He used exactly the same combat techniques as him.

The use of the wind walk is even more subtle than his.

The orc was a greenskin.

But judging from his unusually tall and unbowed waist, it can be seen that he did not drink the blood of the devil, and the green skin was only polluted by the evil energy of other companions after drinking the blood.

He is dressed almost exactly the same as Lantereso, with his upper body naked and his lower body wearing a battle armor like a battle skirt. His stretched muscles are covered with battle marks. Those scars that look very scary represent this orc Also a warrior.

And the dark red elemental rosary hanging around his neck, and the fire blade battle flag on his back, showed his identity.

The last Burning Blade Master, the genius of the Burning Blade Clan, the successor favored by Old Dahl, but chose the self-exiled Burning Blade legend, Samuro, because he disagreed with the old tribe's philosophy.

The blood of the demon is dripping from the blade of the Juggernaut in Samuro's hand.

Lantresso looked back over Samuro's body, and not far away, several panicked humans were running out of a ruin holding a crying child.

The man in that family hesitated.

But when he escaped, he still made a thank you to Samuro. Obviously, before meeting his "brother", the Burning Blade Master was doing some "saving things" in the city within his power.

"You don't have to atone for us."

Lanteroso raised the knife in his hand and said in a sarcasm:

"You did not join the old Horde, you left us before we crossed the Dark Portal and trampled the world. Your hands are clean, my brother.

Your heart is probably also pure. "

He looked at the two one-handed knives carried by Samuro's waist, and said:

"Have you completed your own trial? Can you fight with three weapons at the same time? Are you here today to open my eyes?"

"I have no intention of fighting you, Lantrisor."

Samuro sensed the resentment in Lantresso's heart. He sheathed his sword and said softly:

"Give me Sankesu, and I will take it back to where it should go. The Burning Blade clan has been defeated, and the chief died in battle, but his daughter Azuka Bladefury is still holding on to Havalor, the holy land of the Burning Blade." .

This sword should be inherited by her. "

"Azuka? That stupid and violent woman?"

Lantresso spat at the ground disdainfully and rudely, he said:

"She stupidly insists on bloodline theory, that is, she tried to exile me from the clan several times, and all her energy was used to win over the clansmen, and she was not even as good as ordinary Azeroth veterans.

She is not qualified to inherit the glory of Sankesu!

If it were you, Samuro, if you begged for this sword, I would gladly give it to you, you deserve it! But I won't give it to anyone but you!

I have been poisoned by the stupid blood theory for the first half of my life. I will not allow you to do ugly things with this blade of glory. When I got this sword, I swore to it to carry forward the inheritance of the Juggernaut!

I want all fighters who are qualified to walk on this road, no longer have to suffer the shame of my past

I want to rebuild the legacy of the Juggernaut.

And this time, it's not just the orcs who can occupy this path of power. "

"You'll just kill them."

Samuro said coldly:

"Not everyone can walk the path of the Juggernaut! Give me the sword, Lantresor, I know you have some psychological problems, but I don't have time to untie you right now!

This city is very dangerous, my instinct is warning, we should not stay here, you can go back to Havalor with me, we can rebuild the clan together. "

"You're scared, hehe."

Lantresso held the saber in his hands with both hands, and he said to Samuro in front of him:

"It seems that years of self-exile have also caused you to suffer from some unhealthy 'mental diseases', and you are not as brave as you were when you were young.

come on!

Let me see the results of your practice.

If you want to claim this sword in your service to that foolish woman, then step over my dead body! "

(end of this chapter)

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