Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 485 38. Shengguang: I Only Care About Curing Illnesses And Saving Lives, Not Marriage Matter

Chapter 485 38. Shengguang: I only care about curing illnesses and saving lives, not marriage matters

"These Quel'dorei are good at what they do."

Bu Laike was playing with something in his hand, and he took the little murloc from the boat to board the ghost ship, rubbing his chin and looking at the blood-red orb in his hand.

"Huh? Where did this come from?"

The first officer looked at the orb in Bu Laike's hand curiously, and asked doubtfully.

The pirate looked back at the distant island, and said:

"It's a gift from someone, and it's said to be a gift from Your Excellency Taseran to a new friend."

"Tsk tsk, pay attention."

The bronze dragon pouted and said something, then glanced at the little murloc's hand, and found that this ghostly little murloc also had a "meeting gift" in his hand.

This guy also doesn't know how to keep a low profile, and even held it up for Seifel to show off.

"Why does the little murloc have gifts?"

The first mate said dissatisfied:

"Why not for me?"

"Don't underestimate this guy."

Bu Laike tossed the thing in his hand up and down, pouted his mouth in the direction of the little murloc, and said to Sefiel:

"The emissary was very discerning. He could see the extraordinaryness of this little idiot at a glance. He even asked me for a price and wanted to buy it. I suspect that there is some way to see 'luck' at the Institute of Relics.

They knew that the little idiot was lucky, and they planned to buy it back and use it as a 'treasure hunting mouse'.

It's a pity that this little idiot is 'not for sale'. "

After speaking, he glanced at the blood-red orb in his hand, and the character card immediately gave the entry:

Quel'dorei Orb

Excellent quality


Release the Transformation Spell, change the user's appearance, disguise as a Quel'dorei elf in a short period of time, and can customize the appearance. The Spirit Transfiguration spell lasts for 15 minutes and has a cooldown of 24 hours.


This transformation spell has been specially blessed, so it will not be damaged even in fierce battles.

"Same effect as Orb of Deceit, but not as useful as Orb of Deceit."

Bu Laike commented casually, threw the orb in his hand to Seifel, and said:

"I remember that there was a nasty pirate on Anne's ship who was 'Elf Control'. He kept bullying his wife, and the relationship between husband and wife was very distorted. Give this orb to that poor woman, and say it is a gift from the leader.

Although I don't say it, I am actually a women's rights protectionist.

On weekdays, I hate those garbage men who bully their wives the most, so tell that woman for me, let her deal with that dirty pirate severely. "


Sefiel has also heard the twisted story between the North Sea pirate "Silver Moon" Harry and his wife Olanna.

Xin said that the captain is good at winning people's hearts.

Although Na Olanna was bullied by the scumbag Yinyue Harry, but he was a powerful pirate gunner, a rare elite among the North Sea pirates.

Now that he has this thing in hand, Olanna will definitely eat that nasty dirty pirate to death.

The relationship between husband and wife will definitely be reversed.

Well, it sure is interesting.

The first mate left excitedly, and went to find old Garni "delivery" in the garbage dump at the bilge. But Laike was still on the deck, sitting on the side of the boat with a dwarf pipe in his mouth, and hooked his fingers at the little murloc.


"Come on, let me see what they gave you, and give you an 'appraisal'."


At first, the little murloc still held the treasure and was unwilling to give it. After all, it was a gift given to it by name.

This is the first time someone gave it a gift.

The first time of anything is memorable.

And it knew the character of Bu Laike very well, and was about to refuse, but seemed to think of something terrible, and suddenly got excited, and honestly handed the thing in his hand to the pirate.

It was also in the shape of a small orb, which should be a magic item.

As soon as he got it, a purple light spread in front of Laike's eyes, making the pirates call these elves rich.

But there is also a little imbalance in my heart.

You send epic equipment to murlocs, and send me a blue-quality transformation toy?

Tsk tsk, the pirates began to doubt the professionalism of these elves again.

But after reading the entry for the thing, Laike laughed again. These elves are really interesting. The epic orb they gave to the little murloc is also a toy:

Super Monkey Ball

epic quality


Activate the Beast Transformation Spell, turning the user into a violent northern gorilla with magical power in a short period of time, which can be used in battle. Please let go of the wildness in your heart!

The Beast Transformation spell lasts for 5 minutes and has a cooldown of one hour.

Item description:

This peculiar gadget is a windfall of the Relic Society exploring an elven ruin in Northrend. It is said to be a by-product of the research of natural forces by the arcanists of the Elven Empire.

It's a pity that the power of nature is so unpredictable that the elf empire cannot stabilize this violent power for a long time.

That ancient research has long been lost in time, and now only this orb remains.

Please note that although the Super Monkey Ball is just a magic toy, please do not let immature children use it, so as not to cause a terrible impact on the world view they are still exploring.

"Hahaha, it really is what you need most, give it, I don't want this toy."

Bu Laike threw the monkey ball to the murloc.

The latter held it in his hand, croaked twice, and pressed it a few times for some unknown reason, and activated the toy without a teacher.

In an instant, purple magic power enveloped the little murloc's body, and under the radiance of the transformation spell, the small murloc instantly transformed into a three-meter-tall northern gorilla.

He has a strong body, with ferocious and powerful arms, and a pair of beast eyes shining with violent light.

Feeling its "new power", Benbo Erba roared excitedly, beat its chest like a real silverback gorilla, and let out bursts of roars.

Around the gorilla, there was a lavender magic shield shining.

This means that the transformed little murloc not only possesses the violent destructive power of a gorilla, but also possesses certain magical defense power.

This powerful feeling made the little murloc feel full of strength for the first time.

It yelled and ran around on the deck, intending to smash something to release the surging "beast desire" in its heart, but when it saw Bo Laike looking at it quietly, it immediately froze down again.

However, the animalism exuded by the little murloc after transforming into a gorilla stimulated the big bear who was sleeping soundly in the cabin.

Dajiao thought that there was an enemy invading, so he roared and jumped out of the cabin.

When I saw a strange-looking gorilla running around on the deck, I saw that the foreign monkey dared to run wild on its territory, so I was furious and beat it with its bear paw.

The little murloc was no longer afraid.

Feeling the seemingly inexhaustible explosive power in its body, it clenched its fists like a real gorilla, slapped its chest, howled and fought bravely with the big gorilla.

But it is a murloc after all, and it doesn't understand the fighting methods of beasts.

After a few blows, he was easily pushed down on the deck by the big bear, and the two big bear paws greeted him left and right, and the weakly beaten murlocs screamed.

This scene was completely seen by Thisalie Crow, who was parked on the mainmast, and the amused Miss Druid also let out a crow's laughter, thinking that the daily entertainment of these pirates was quite interesting.

But soon, she remembered her duty as an intelligence worker, and quickly turned her attention back to the pirates.

Be serious!

It's a reconnaissance mission.

There must be no slack in the slightest, so as not to be discovered by keen and cunning pirates.

The infighting between Quel'Thalas and Windrunner has been documented before, and if the opportunity is found, it can be sent back to the Cenarion Order.

Well, that's a good start.

Thisalie Crow thought that as long as she continued to "bear the burden of humiliation", she might soon be able to dig out all the secrets of the pirates.

At that time, this hateful smelly pirate will be useless.

Get a group of druids to come and sink him and his wrecked ship.

Dare to humiliate our united and powerful druids!

There must be a price to pay! ——

"How is his injury?"

Windrunner's Tower, outside of Sylvanas' room, Windrunner's eldest daughter Alleria looked seriously at an elf priest with maroon red hair.

The latter is an elf who believes in the Holy Light.

In a magical country like Quel'Thalas, a priest like her cannot be called orthodox. After all, elves admire arcane power more than the belief in the Holy Light.

Recently, however, things have changed.

Perhaps it was the large-scale war that made the elves realize the necessity of the existence of priests of the Holy Light. The Silvermoon Council, which had been wary of the belief in the Holy Light before, actually began to actively promote the training and recruitment of priests of the Holy Light.

This also kept Ms. Liadlin, a high-ranking priest who is one of the leaders of the Holy Light Sect of the Elf, very busy.

If it wasn't for something wrong with the Windrunner family today, she wouldn't have come to check it out in person, but what happened after she came here made Liadrin gasp.

Good guy!

Ranger General Sylvanas was injured, Windrunner's eldest daughter Alleria was seriously injured, Rilas Windrunner was severely frightened, and Lordaeron Ranger General Nathanos Marris was unconscious.

And it's not just them.

Almost everyone in the two elite ranger teams that participated in the hunt last night was injured, and a dozen Phoenix mages were struck unconscious by lightning, and they are still awake now.

No wonder Windrunner Manor wanted to block the news and invited a high-level priest like her to sit in the town. This is indeed not an ordinary situation.

This was the heaviest of all military operations in Quel'Thalas since the end of the Orc Wars.

But what surprised Liadrin was that there was not a single dead person in such a large-scale battle damage.

This situation is a bit subtle.

And Liadrin, who just finished treating Nathanos, just shook her head in the face of Alleria's question, and said softly with the dignity and stability that a high-ranking priest should have:

"The arrow pierced General Maris's back and shot out from his abdomen. Because it stayed for a short time, it didn't cause any damage to the organs. It was just a coma caused by excessive blood loss.

In fact, his condition looks serious, but he is the least injured among the three of you.

You can recover quickly with just a simple rest. "

Having said that, Liadrin hesitated for a moment. She seemed to have something to say. Alleria noticed the change in Priest Shengguang's expression. She sighed and said:

"Liadrin, we are comrades-in-arms who fought side by side in the Burning Plains, so there is no need to be so restrained in Windrunner Manor. If you have any doubts or questions, please tell me.

If I can tell you, I will know everything. "

"Then I asked."

The pastor glanced at the eldest daughter of Windrunner with a sad expression, and she said softly:

"I learned about last night's situation from the other wounded, especially Lord Halduron, who gave me a very complete description of last night's battle situation.

According to what he said, the arrow shot by the intruder could completely kill General Marris and General Cirvanas at once, and given their current situation, it was impossible to dodge.

But I examined the wound with my own hands and found a state of affairs I had never seen before.

The arrow pierced through Maris's body with an extremely precise posture, but did not hurt any bones or internal organs, as if it had been calculated in advance, and passed through the connection between the internal organs and the spine.

You are a legendary ranger and you should know how dangerous that situation is.

As long as the arrow deviates by an inch, His Excellency Nathanos will be able to spend the rest of his life paralyzed in bed.

There are only two possibilities for this situation.

Either General Maris is lucky and has the protection of the Holy Light.

Either the intruder's shooting skills were extremely high, and he took all factors into account before shooting that arrow.

Without harming Nathanos at all, he used his body to block and change the direction of the arrow, allowing the arrow that was supposed to smash Ms. Sylvanas' head to fly past her cheek.

I lean more towards the latter. "

Liadrin glanced at Alleria's expression, and her voice became softer:

"Lord Halduron claimed that the distance at that time was an ultra-long range of 1,500 yards. I had also learned archery, and that was an unimaginable scene.

And this shocking shooting technique, as far as I know, is the only one in Quel'Thalas."

"You don't have to say it."

Alleria waved her hand, she closed her eyes and said:

"That is the secret shooting technique of the Windrunner family. It needs to be used with the family's sacred objects. Only direct blood can learn it. My sisters and I have learned it.

But to be honest, we can't achieve such deadly precision. My mother can do it when I was young, but now, there is a second person.

Moreover, that person claimed to be his mother's disciple. "

"That is to say."

The face of the senior priest changed suddenly. She drew religious symbols on her chest and said in a frightened tone:

"General Liresa, she."

"Yes, my mother is still alive, in a cursed way that no one wants to see, and she taught a pirate the family archery."

Alleria announced the answer. She looked around and said to Liadrin:

"I can't get any more inside information now, so this news can't be known by others, Leah, I have to say something more."

"I know."

The high priest took a deep breath.

The rosary in her hand turned a few times faster, and she said solemnly:

"I swear in the name of the Holy Light that this news will never be spread through my words. But for the Sun King, I'm afraid General Cirvanas will go to explain it in person, but her current mental state. "

"I'll go."

Aurelia, with her arms hanging, glanced at the house next to her and said:

"I also have a request related to the future inheritance of the Windrunner family to report to His Majesty the Sun King. Please take good care of my sister and brother, Liadrin.

Especially Cirvanas, what happened last night was a bit too unbearable for her. "

"I know, I will take good care of them, please rest assured."

Liadrin nodded solemnly. She watched Alleria leave with the family bow on her back. A strange feeling surged in the heart of this senior priest.

It was widely rumored that Ms. Alleria, who had long been alienated from Quel'Thalas, might not leave her hometown this time.

After the departure of General Liresa, the Windrunner family, which has declined slightly, is about to usher in another hero who can support the family's glory. But Liadrin is a high-ranking priest of the Holy Light after all, and she has high-level connections with the Church of the Holy Light.

She has also heard about the relationship between Ms. Alleria and General Turalyon during this period of time.

If Alleria chose to stay with General Turalyon in Quel'Thalas, how would she deal with this unexpected situation? Could it be that this talented and beautiful couple is really going to be torn apart like this?

"Oh, may the Holy Light bless you."

(end of this chapter)

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