Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 453 6. This Is A Delicious Limited Edition Wood! It's Out Of Print! You Know What I Mea

Chapter 453 6. This is a delicious limited edition wood! It's out of print! You know what I mean?

"Quick, quick, catch up! Everyone, bring oil and torches! Don't fall behind, and don't run around."

In the afternoon of the next day, the old sheriff of Amber Pinewood Town was riding a horse, leading all the men in the town towards Pale Hill.

He was fully armed, with a shotgun behind his hand and a warhammer in his horse pocket, and he turned around and shouted from time to time, lest any unlucky ones get separated from the large army in the forest.

The gathered farmers and hunters spoke in low voices and complained.

But they dare not curse out loud.

Because it wasn't just that they were summoned temporarily.

The Gilneans from Silver Brook Town and the Blue Sky Lumber Mill were also summoned, and all the troops stationed in the colony by Lordaeron and Gilneas were mobilized.

The cavalry rode back and forth through the forest, looking for more men to help.

These farmers also escorted all the carriages in the town, which were filled with kerosene and collected firewood.

They didn't know what happened to the generally peaceful Grizzly Hills, and they didn't dare to ask, so they could only follow the sheriff all the way forward.

As they walked, some sharp-eyed hunters discovered the strange "travelers".

"It's the bear man! The bear man with angry claws on the other side of the snow mountain!"

They exclaimed, causing some less-informed farmers to stand up from the carriage and look not far away. Sure enough, it was the bears, the white bears and the gray bears were also lining up to go to the gray hill.

Each of them dragged a large bundle of wood behind them, and some bearmen led a moose-like camel beast, loaded with straw for kindling.

The bears remained silent.

They also saw humans, but they didn't take the initiative to come forward to contact them, but the destination of the two was the same, and they were both under the huge and surprisingly large tree stump in Gray Hills.

Ten minutes later, the humans from Pinewood Town arrived here. The army had set up a small camp here, and then they got strange orders.

"People of the Light! Put all the firewood and kerosene you have brought around Vordrassil, and don't venture into that great tree, where there is a terrible evil.

Today we will burn the remains of this evil god and bring peace to Grizzly Hills. "

An old priest wearing a robe of the Church of the Holy Light spoke to a group of farmers with a staff. In the colony, priests of the Holy Light were not uncommon, and they were an important pillar of faith in the colony.

But such a high-level priest as the old priest is rarely seen in this place far from his homeland.

Holy Light, look at the holy emblem on his chest, this is a bishop!

A group of loyal believers of the Holy Light immediately rushed forward, asking for the bishop's blessing. The old priest looked serious, and promised that after offering to the Holy Light, he would go to Pinewood Town to hold a grand baptism with holy water.

Only then did this group of tough and savage colonial men be appeased.

Under the command of the bishop, a group of farmers and hunters no longer complained just now. They happily carried firewood to the huge tree stump, and then poured kerosene on it.

Oddly enough, those Ursines who don't believe in the Light are doing the same.

And some careful people also noticed the serious expressions of the astonishingly large number of Holy Light priests in the camp, and the vigilance of those army commanders as if they were facing an enemy.

Reminiscent of the "remains of evil gods" that the old priest said before.

Hiss, this matter seems to have become weird all of a sudden, it really makes people dare not think about it.

These smart people exchanged glances with each other, and their movements were quick. They only wanted to finish the work and go home quickly. It would be best to read more scriptures tonight and pray for the blessing of the Holy Light.

It's just that I don't know how to buy a boat ticket back to the Eastern Continent. Is it too late?

But the truth is far beyond what these ordinary people think.

The respected Bishop of the Northern Colony, who was just teleported from the Borean Tundra three hours ago, is not qualified to set foot on Vordassil, and can only preside over the preparations for the "purification ceremony" on the periphery.

In the huge hollow tree trunk of Vordrassil at this time, the traces of the battle at Greythroat Castle last night are still there, and the corpses of fallen bearmen are hung around the spiral tree ring.

On the ground there is still a large sea of ​​corpses and blood, as well as a third of the ground that has been frozen and hundreds of fallen bearmen frozen in it.

On the upper level of the tree ring, close to the outside, where the air is still relatively fresh, Laike is talking with the great knight Dathrohan who rushed from the headquarters of the Holy Light Church in the Eastern Continent.

"It's impossible to completely burn Vordassil.

Four thousand years of time, coupled with the natural magic power of this tree, made its bark nearly ten meters thick, and it had turned into a substance similar to stone.

Not to mention flames, if you bring in a dwarf artillery, don't even think about destroying it in the slightest. "

The pirate was leaning against a bearman's hut, while stroking the head of the well-behaved little murloc on his shoulder, he said to the silent knight holding a warhammer and looking down at the entire Greythroat Castle:

"The best way now is to use a fire to clean up the existing corrupt forces here.

Flame will purify everything, not just talk, although the flames born in nature have no magical power, it is definitely enough to burn weak and dark things.

After the void remnants here are cleared, if you are free, you can send some high-ranking priests to help the local bears dig into the ground inch by inch.

As long as all the dead roots of Vordrassil's deep underground can be pulled out and burned, the city of the bearmen will be free from the infestation of the void forever. "

"Well, I will pass on your suggestion to His Majesty the Pope."

Dathrohan still had the same stuffy temper, and his speech was short and forceful. He glanced at Greythroat Castle below, and said:

"You just said that this nightmare tree was planted by the druids? Are the druids not responsible for such a big event here? Thousands of bearmen have been polluted. Once they rush out of Greythroat Fort, The native humans are finished.

If you weren't here to stop all of this, I can't even imagine the consequences of the disaster. "

"It's actually not as serious as you think."

Bo Laike snapped his fingers and said:

"The local Raging Claw tribe won't allow the fallen bears to kill, and it's just a coincidence for me to participate. As for your claim that the Druids are not responsible.

If you talk about this pot carefully, you can't throw it on their heads.

The druids applied natural magic to Vordrassil, ensuring the peace here for four thousand and five hundred years, and they have tried their best to make up for it.

That tree sprouted and grew suddenly more than ten years ago, which no one expected. "

"Well, that's true."

Dathrohan nodded, and he asked again:

"Can bear people communicate?"

"Okay, but I think what you want to ask is whether bear people can believe in the Holy Light?"

The pirate glanced at the missionary-addicted grand knight, and said:

"People believe in Usoc and Usor, let alone Usor, Usor is still sleeping in the Emerald Dreamland.

The demigod of the wilderness is at the same level as the Naaru in terms of strength. Well, you don't need to know what the Naaru is. In short, I don't think your missionary work will be successful.

But give it a try, maybe there will be surprises? Ursine berserk paladins, using beasts, naturally fighting against the power of the Holy Light, sounds exciting.

Also, is it true that the Pope can't come to Grizzly Hills? "

"Recently, the situation in northern Xinjiang is a bit tricky."

Dathrohan shook his head, he said:

"The Pope needs to be there, he cannot just leave.

Also, I know everything about the Void is a priority, but next time try not to send a message at midnight, the Pope is old after all, and he needs to take care of his health.

The news you sent last night kept the Pope up all night.

In addition, the next time you send a messenger to keep a low profile, a blue dragon yelling "the evil god is coming" suddenly appears in the Holy Light's Hope Chapel, it will scare many people, and it will be a big trouble to keep it secret. "

Bo Laike shrugged.

Judging by his appearance, it is obvious that he does not intend to change his style, which made the knight helpless for a while, and then he asked:

"You must invite the Pope, is there something important?"

"Well, it's very important."

Bu Laike glanced at the square stone hammer in Dathrohan's hand, and said:

"But it's okay to have this thing. Driving a holy artifact with your holy light power should be barely enough to complete the purification ceremony for a demigod.

Yes, you heard that right.

I have come to you to purify a demigod.

It is the god of the bear people, Ursoc.

It was revived the wrong way by these fallen bearmen, and it is now corrupted by the void, and if we don't hurry, by the time Ursoc falls into the void, the whole of Northrend will be finished.

Although it doesn't have the earthly power of Deathwing, it can't cause world-destroying events, but the things that a crazy demigod can do are far beyond your imagination.

Once it rushed into the cage of the ancient gods and destroyed the already overwhelmed defenses there, alas, the crisis of annihilation will be at the next moment. "

"Why didn't you make this clear earlier!"

Dathrohan is stupid now.

After hearing this situation, he immediately scolded:

"For such a big event, it's no wonder you want to ask the Pope to come and let your incoherent blue dragon open the door. I'll go back to the Eastern Continent and invite the Pope to bring all the great knights and senior priests with him."

"Don't worry, it's not that bad."

Bu Laike grabbed Dathrohan's gauntlets and said:

"You alone are enough, believe me. There is a problem with Ursoc's resurrection. Its current strength is far less than that of a demigod. I don't even need you to fight.

I just need you to hold the Silver Hand and cleanse its void-tainted corpse after I'm done fighting. Alright, the situation is urgent, hurry up and direct those priests to do things.

Burn this place down early.

I'll be waiting for you in Ursoc's Lair on the northern border of Grizzly Hills and Zul'Drak.

Come alone, don't bring others.

There is only one artifact, but it can't protect too many people. This kind of thing has always been more troublesome when there are more people. "

After speaking, the figure of the pirate disappeared in front of the eyes of the paladin.

The face under the big knight's helmet frowned.

The pirate's stealth skills are getting better and better. He was hidden in the shadows when we met before, but he could still feel the waves, but now he can't feel the waves at all.

The aura was completely obscured, as if it had been erased from the material world. In terms of shadow skills alone, it was even more powerful than the few master assassins the great knight had seen.

He shook his head and didn't think about it. Looking down from this height, the tragic scene in Greythroat Castle left the great knight who had fought all his life speechless.

There are at least a few thousand fallen bears here. Although some of them were defeated after the Nightmare Tree was burned and escaped in the dark, the number of bears who died here is also an exaggerated number.

Their stinking blood nearly turned Greythroat into a hell.

These are the scenes that Bo Laike created last night, and although there is a blue dragon helping him, and the suspected participation of alien warriors and demons, the number of people will definitely not exceed ten.

"How far has his strength grown now? Is it a legend? It doesn't look like it. But he has not yet reached the legend, and he can have such a combat power. The future of Laike Shaw is limitless.

It makes people dare not even think about it.

Fortunately, he is still on the side of Shengguang. "

With this in mind, the great knight put the holy warhammer in his hand on his shoulders, and he took a step forward in heavy armor, just like jumping off a pit, and jumped hundreds of meters below. go down.

He keeps accelerating through the air.

The blue cloak behind him fluttered in the wind, like a falling meteorite.

As the fierce ground got closer and closer, the great knight's observation of the tragic battlefield below became clearer. When he was only a dozen meters away from the ground, Dathrohan was surrounded by a bright golden holy light.

The power from faith was exerted on his body, forming an eggshell-like divine power protection.


Dathrohan landed safely, and the powerful impact created a large bruise on the ground. His body fell short, and then he lost his strength and straightened again.

That impact shattered the blue ice wall remaining here, and also shattered those bear men like ice sculptures.

Standing alone in this dark place, he strode forward in the sea of ​​corpses and blood, following the guidance of the holy light, and came to a large group of ashes.

The big knight knelt there, stretched out the gauntlet with holy light, and pushed the ashes away.

This should be the place where the nightmare tree exists. Bu Laike said that the tree was burned to ashes, but the big knight didn't think so. The amount of ashes here was obviously insufficient.

It should be the pirates who took away the branches of the nightmare tree.

But the great knight didn't dwell too much on this issue.

He scattered the ashes in his hands, stood up, and sprinkled a golden flame on the fallen corpse under his feet in the darkness. Like a pyromaniac, he incinerated and purified the remains of those sad, hideous creatures that exuded the smell of corruption.

"Poor aliens, may the Holy Light bless your souls."


On the way to Ursoc's lair, Starlet, riding a moose, complained loudly to Boo Laike:

"I'm a noble blue dragon, and a lady, next time you ask me to help you carry a log, I'll be really angry! Flying back and forth all night, I've had enough!

Let all your rotten wood die. "

"That's not some rotten wood, it's the essence of the tree of the sky, it's really hard for those fallen bears to hide so much, but there's no more in this world.

It's out of print, understand?

Out-of-print items are the most expensive. "

The pirate waved his hand, playing with a charred black slender stick in his hand, and said:

"The Nagfar will definitely be satisfied, and if you can give some to the other two ships, everyone will be satisfied. You will be satisfied too, and you will only complain about this and that.

I promise, as long as you finish this order, you will be satisfied too. "

(end of this chapter)

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