Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 440 149. Bring Me Bad News Again, I Will Lock You Up In The Zoo Sooner Or Later!

Chapter 440 149. Bring me bad news again, I will lock you up in the zoo sooner or later!

Crystal Song Forest, as the name suggests, is a fantasy forest composed of crystals.

But to find out the cause and effect relationship, it is not that the crystal grows here and becomes a forest, but that there is a big forest here. Because of some tragedies that happened a long time ago, this forest has become the crystal shape it is today.

They still maintain their once prosperous posture, and those canopy leaves are still lifelike, but they have been permanently infiltrated by frenzied magic energy, and have been transformed into the weird posture they are today.

Laike stopped in his tracks, took a piece of crystallized bark from the trunk of the big tree that crystallized, shining with purple and reddish light, and held it in his hand.

He used his newfound half-elf abilities to wring out of them a cloud of primordial chaotic magic.

He made that thing into a small ball, like a bright light bulb, tossed it up and down in his hand, and threw it to the little murloc sitting on his shoulder.

The latter dunked the magic ball into his paws and squeezed it hard.

There was a muffled sound like a balloon being pinched and popped.

This bad-natured little guy was also dressed in the costume of an adventurer murloc, with a jungle hat on his head, and he grinned and let out a croaking laugh.

It seems that this game is very interesting.

"There is crystallized magic power everywhere, and the children of the night will be so happy to come here."

The pirate pursed his lips, feeling the chaotic and majestic arcane magic power around him, he complained:

"This forest looks like a candy house exuding a sweet aroma to the Son of the Night. Just knock a stone down, and with a little processing, it can be made into a delicious magic stone.

It's a pity that they can't come here, and the blue dragon will not allow them to come here. "


The little star rushed down from the sky.

The young dragon completed its body transformation in the air, just like the best divers. It flipped more than a dozen consecutive somersaults in the air, and finally stretched its body, like an agile elf, and landed firmly beside the pirate.

The impact of the fall splashed dust, causing Little Xingxing to shorten his body on the spot, shed his strength, and jumped up again.

Fortunately, she is wearing an elf hunting suit instead of a skirt today, otherwise the spring will be leaked.

But it doesn't matter.

The only male here is the captain, and the captain is now "blind". Without Keir Rogge's eyes, he can only rely on blind sense to lock the surrounding situation.

Even if little Xingxing ran around naked in front of his eyes, it would be fine.

Of course, how could such a dignified little lady like Stella Gosa do such a disgraceful thing?

"Captain, why does the crystal forest here feel so familiar to me? It seems to be caused by the crystallization magic of the blue dragons?"

After landing on the ground, Little Xingxing looked at his omniscient captain and asked a question:

"I found the elf ruins you mentioned ahead.

In the depths of the forest, there is a very large ruined city, but it seems to have been blasted by a huge magic, and there are elves and undead whose souls have been torn apart everywhere.

What's going on. "

"The situation here is indeed related to your blue dragons, but don't worry, it's not the blue dragons that caused all this. Those highborne were not killed by the blue dragons either, they died of greed.

Heck, it's corny, right?

Another story about greed and disaster. All the stories of the Highborne are related to these two factors. "

The pirates walked towards the elf ruins in the direction indicated by the little star.

In this gorgeous and mysterious crystal forest that maintains an extremely low temperature, Bu Laike casually summoned shadow magic power, while explaining to the curious elementary school girl beside him:

"After the Great War of the Ancients, most of the Highborne sank into the deep sea with Azshara, waiting for them to become the dark fate of Naga.

But a few lucky Highborne survived.

The Shal'dorei of Suramar, Sin Della of Eresthalas, and the elves of Sandara City, there are very few records about this city in the elf empire.

Because it was originally a city built by Azshara to store arcane knowledge and various dangerous items, it was a very marginal functional building.

There are not many highborne here, but they are all loyal to Azshara.

After the cataclysm, they were trapped in Northrend, and they learned the news of the destruction of the Elven Empire. Like Suramar and Elesalas, they chose to self-isolate.

But they were not lucky enough, they didn't have the Nightwell, let alone Dath'Remar Sunstrider, who was able to steal the bottle of the Well of Eternity from Illidan.

Years of self-isolation have made their desire for magic grow day by day, so under the desire, they did stupid things. "

During the opening of the fel energy portal, the pirates summoned their own demon servants, and Clin Fran and the big-eyed Glazer were summoned.

Bu Laike pointed to the front and said in a casual tone:

"Go to the ruins ahead, the wraiths there are in pain, the big bang tore their souls apart, making it impossible for them to be awakened again.

Go relieve their pain.

I want two-thirds of the soul stones I hunted, and you two will share the rest. "

"You are becoming more and more generous, and you are becoming more and more like a qualified warlock, powerful master."

Crazy Clin Fran laughed cruelly.

This elite demon guard had grown in size after being raised by the recently hunted soul. Holding his magic steel battle axe, he rushed towards the Sandara ruins in front of him.

The big-eyed demon wobbled after him.

"You go too."

Bu Laike flicked the murloc's head on his shoulder and said:

"Find the Moonwell I need. I must find it before the moon rises today."

"quack quack"

Ben Boerba blew twice and blew a murloc whistle, the moon-white owl flew over quickly and silently, held the little murloc's shoulders with its claws, and glided towards the depths of the forest ahead with it.

"Where were we talking?"

The pirate looked back at Little Xingxing, who shook his head and said:

"Speaking of those Shandarari being foolish."

"Oh, yes, they were stupid."

Bu Laike snapped his fingers and continued:

"These famished elves are unwilling to bow to their kaldorei brethren, probably because they live in the city and look down on the wild elves who live in the trees.

They try to save themselves.

Probably shortly after the establishment of the Sunstrider Dynasty, these elves accidentally discovered some blue dragons who occasionally came here to play.

They secretly observed those blue dragons, and found that the blue dragons would crystallize some trees or creatures, use this magic to gather magic power, and then draw it out for use.

This is the crystallization magic unique to blue dragons, right? "

"Yes, I will too."

Little Xingxing picked up a leaf from under her feet and put it in her hand.

She exhaled a breath of cold air towards the leaf, and the leaf quickly froze, and transformed into a beautiful crystal under the transformation of some kind of dragon magic.

Stellagosa picked up the wafer leaf with two fingers and said to Bu Laike;

"This is the innate magic of our blue dragons, even young dragons can do it. It can also freeze the magic power inside the crystallized object, which is convenient for us to extract.

But we'll only do that if magic is scarce.

This magic is just fun for us, and it is useless in most cases. "

The chubby little dragon Aimigosa floating on Little Xingxing's shoulder also breathed a breath of cold air towards the sky, which means that he really knows how to do this magic.

"It's just a trick to you."

The pirate shrugged and said in a regretful tone:

"But for the famished Sandara elves, that was a life-saving straw. They first sent envoys to the Magic Hub to humbly pray to learn this kind of magic, but the blue dragon flatly refused.

So these guys are living on the sidelines.

They sent the most powerful group of spellcasters, sneaked into the magic hub, stole some crystallized holy objects of your blue dragon army and came back to study them.

Facts have proved that the magical talents of the elves are really not covered, they actually learned it.

Then before they had enough fun, the blue dragon came to seek revenge.

The formation is quite large, and all the blue dragons are pulled together to form an "army" of more than a dozen giant dragons. Those elves did something wrong, knowing that they couldn't resist the blue dragon's attack.

So they decided to 'preemptive strike'. "

Bu Laike will not talk about it here.

But there is no need for him to say what happened next, Little Xingxing can guess, the young dragon pursed her lips, and patted the crystallized tree beside her, she said:

"The ignorant are truly fearless.

They must be planning to crystallize this area to draw magic power to resist my people, but even my people dare not use crystallization magic so crazily.

Once the magic power is frozen on a large scale, it is easy to resonate. This unstable resonance is not a superposition of one plus one, but an exponential increase.

They must have played off.

So there was a big bang? "

"Well, a huge explosion."

Bu Laike shrugged and said:

"In the history books of the Kaldorei, Quel'dorei, and even the Zandalari trolls, they all witnessed the big explosion that occurred on the Northrend continent at a node more than 6,000 years ago.

It is said that on that day a magical light shot straight into the sky, and even the spellweavers were alarmed.

If the old blue dragon hadn't personally used the focusing rainbow to absorb most of the magic power, maybe Northrend would have been divided into two.

These elves are too skilled. I guess they are not skilled in using them. They froze the underground magic net together, which caused such a large-scale explosion. "

"How much trouble these elves have caused because of magic."

Little Xingxing finished listening to the story of the Sandara elves, and she couldn't help sticking out her tongue and said:

"Why don't they have a long memory? Didn't the explosion of the Well of Eternity teach them a lesson?"

"Hehe, the only lesson the elves have learned from countless lessons is that they haven't learned any."

The pirate said a tongue twister.

He commented:

"Now the night elves are more honest.

But the other elves are still cowardly. Suramar has a nightwell, and Quel'dorei has a sunwell. Even a half-elf like me plans to get another magic well out of Tol Barad.

Tsk tsk, Azeroth is really full of disasters, the average person is bombed, and they have 'magic nuclear weapons' in their hands. "

"Hey hey hey!"

Little Xingxing's eyes widened in surprise, and she said:

"Captain, when did you become a half-elf? Aren't you a human with roots?"

"Now, look at my ears."

Bu Laike took off his death shadow helmet, pointed to his ear, and said:

"Is it sharpened a little bit?"

"Really! It's so small, even though it's smaller than Quel'dorei's pointed ears, it's really pointed! Captain, how did you do it?"

Little Star exclaimed.

The pirate waved his hand and said calmly:

"I had a dream last night, and then I awakened the blood of the elves, don't make such a fuss, I will change to the legendary profession of the watcher in a while.

You will protect me in a while, and open your eyes by the way. "

"No problem! Put it on me."

Little Xingxing patted his chest, expressing that he was very reliable.

But the constantly beating chest made the pirates marvel at the unscientific figure of the blue dragon junior, um, maybe it was secretly enlarged by magic?

Alas, the girl's mind, who knows.

However, the moment the two walked into the ruins of Sandara, a familiar voice suddenly sounded beside them:

"Hey, that handsome pirate over there, and the little blue dragon princess, come here, look this way!"

"Huh? Old Garni? What are you doing here? I didn't build a dump, how did you get here?"

Bu Laike was shocked for a moment.

He didn't expect to see an old acquaintance here, and the old Garni who stepped on a pile of gravel and emerged from the mist curled his lips in a very humane manner.

It stared at its bright, wise and cunning eyeballs, shook its head and said:

"Look around you, Boo Laike, this place is a big bombed-up dump. I've been here a long time ago, it's one of my 'stocking places'.

I also pissed here, and used pheromones to enclose the territory. You see, there are no animals running around here. It's all due to me, but I didn't expect you to be here too.

That little blue dragon girl, the wood you squeezed in your hand is the place where Ben Loa peed~"

Old Ghani laughed in a nasty tone, Little Xingxing's expression changed, and he immediately threw the strangely shaped piece of wood out of his hand, and even used magic to summon mountain spring water to wash his hands vigorously.

He raised his middle finger at the unruly Loa again.

The fine jaw dragon is happier.

It just likes to tease these legendary creatures, and once again slapped Laike in a serious manner, and said sharply:

"I didn't come to chat with you, your subordinate Red Jack, I have something important to tell you!

A few days ago, Ravenholdt Manor offered a bounty, which was only allowed to be accepted by master assassins. Someone paid a lot of money to search for information on the human pirates who robbed Suramar and Watch Island.

Now several master assassins have taken on this task.

You can't keep your secret. "

Old Ghani paused, and the slender jawed dragon showed a very unbeatable smile. It made a hey-hee laughing sound and said to Bo Laike:

"The most wonderful thing is, where do you think this reward came from? Hehe, the expression on your face is really interesting. Is it a happy frown? Or a happy wry smile?

Ha, I knew it, I wouldn't make this trip in vain.

To see your wonderful 'face change' is worth my hard work. "

(end of this chapter)

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