Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 402 111. Your Taste Is Really...Unique

Chapter 402 111. Your taste is really different

The process of leaving Suramar went very smoothly.

After the little star of the blue dragon searched for the underground magic network node in the Moon County Manor and started the teleportation, Braike brought Anaris Moon County and the little star to the magic canal solar eclipse under Cape Suramar in the hall.

The portal to the civilian area remained open.

It is powered by the underground magic net, and it does not interfere with the magic flow of the Nightwell. It will not attract the attention of Suramar Arcanists if it is turned on for a short time.

A large amount of supplies have been sent to the Eclipse Hall, most of which are magic wine, which is absolutely indispensable for the Nightborne pirates under Anaris.

It is also the best bargaining chip used by Captain Yuejun to control the pirates under his command.

"You got the property that your father left you, it should be worth at least a few million gold coins, right?"

Bu Laike wore the cloak of the watchman and his own death shadow helmet, and asked Anaris behind him:

"How are you going to spend it?"


The Yuejun chick curled her lips, a little contemptuous of the captain's pettiness.

she says:

"Captain, you underestimate my family too much.

Although I haven't counted them, and I don't know the exchange rate between gems and gold coins on your side, I estimate that the "startup capital" that my sister gave me is at least tens of millions.

As for how to spend it?

I want to buy some boats first. "

Anaris snapped his fingers excitedly and said:

"It needs to be a very good ship, not the kind of merchant ship currently in use. Its firepower is too poor, and it can't support the arcanists under my command to enchant the ship.

I want a bigger, stronger, more powerful and gorgeous one!

And my sister is also trying to send people to the Eastern Continent recently, looking for forces that can help Nightborne make warships. The great magister was very concerned about this matter, and approved a large sum of money for my sister to use.

I want to help her a little bit.

Does the captain have anyone to recommend? "

"The ancestor tortoise."

Bu Laike says:

"It's the easiest way to buy a boat from them.

Moreover, there are also ancestor tortoise activities in the Broken Isles. Elisande will not doubt this channel. The tortoises can buy second-hand boats from the Zandalari trolls, which are most suitable for the novices of the night children.

With their level of sailing, even the best boat is a waste.

As for you want to buy a boat for yourself, you have to plan well.

Take it easy.

My people are already active in Kul Tiras, and they will find a way to purchase Kul Tiras' decommissioned warships for us, which are the best ships in the endless sea. "

"Why is it second-hand again? I don't like to use other people's used things!"

The Yuejun chick is rich and powerful now, and said very dissatisfied:

"Can't we order our new ships? Since the Kingdom of Kul Tiras is the most powerful naval nation on the endless sea, shouldn't they have many shipyards?"

"There are many shipyards."

Bu Laike "glanced" at his captain with the Eye of Keir Rogge, and said:

"But do you think Daelin is a fool? Will let other forces build warships in their own country? Stormsong Valley has the best shipyards in Azeroth, but they never take on warships.

If you want to build new ships, you can only build merchant ships.

We have to modify it ourselves when we get it back, and it takes too long to build a ship. We can’t afford to wait. At this stage, buying a second-hand ship is the best choice.

The Orc War has just ended, and many warships in Kul Tiras are about to be decommissioned. As long as we find the right way, we can all replace them with Kul Tiran warships before the end of next year.


The pirate paused, rubbed his chin and said:

"It's not impossible for you to want a new ship.

According to the information obtained by the Uncrowned under my command, the Gilneas fleet is building three main warships. Using the shipbuilding knowledge their spies stole from Kul Tiras, they designed it after the latest Kul Tiras warships.

In another month or two, the three ships will be launched.

And after the Lordaeron Kingdom regained its vitality after the war, King Terenas would definitely strengthen the coastal defenses. Their fleet was originally the most powerful among the Seven Kingdoms of Man except Kul Tiras.

At that time, there will also be a batch of old ships for sale and new ships built. "

"Then let's grab it back."

Anaris eagerly said:

"As long as you lead us, captain, with the Tidal Stone in hand, it's easy to grab a few ships!"

"It's easy to grab the boat."

Bu Laike waved his hand and said:

"But can the pirates under your command be activated? Can they display their combat effectiveness? According to the current level of the Nightborne pirates, even if Dai Lin's Sea Wang Quan is given to you, you will not be able to beat a third-class warship.

That's a boat!

My Moonshire Captain.

Those are weapons of war that need to be paired with elite sailors and gunners to exert their combat effectiveness. If they fall into the hands of a group of trash, they will be completely ruined.

Instead of thinking about how to get the ship, you might as well think about how to make the pirates under your command quickly form combat effectiveness.

Learn more from the North Sea lunatics. Those guys are not good at fighting alone, but combined with their own ships, they can kill you and your night children in the waves. "


The pirate's sarcastic remarks extinguished the ambition of Captain Yuejun and made her realize the reality again.

On the way out of the eclipse hall, she slipped a bag of exquisite Suramar mooncloth to Bo Laike, whispering:

"The captain must pick the spoils first. This is your share, Your Excellency Commander, and there is also my sister's apology."

"You are very good, you."

Bu Laike took the bag unceremoniously, whistled, and glanced inside.

Huo, good guy.

The jewels gathered together almost dazzled his eyes.

This is the light of wealth, the light that can make the pirates' blood boil. It also made Bo Laike couldn't help feeling the horror of the wealth possessed by these elves.

Anaris' casual gift, coupled with Lilith's apology, is equivalent to sending several boats to Bu Laike.

He likes such sensible subordinates.

Watching Anaris go to the alpaca under the escort of several tauren bodyguards, Laike took out a few gems from his luggage and threw them to the little star beside him.


"You helped too, so this is your share."

"Hey! Is this too little?"

The little blue dragon princess played with the gem very dissatisfied, she scolded:

"I also helped you with your homework. Give me a few more yuan, or I will go."

"Give it up, you unsatisfied little bastard."

The pirate grabbed another handful of gems from his luggage and stuffed them into the hands of the insatiable little star.

This made the blue dragon girl squint her eyes with a smile. She just likes these shiny things, but she doesn't care much about gold coins and silver coins.

"Go, go back and help me write my homework for tonight."

Bu Laike hung the bag on his waist in distress, and turned around to shout to Little Xingxing.

The latter got the gem in his hand, and he was in a good mood, and he didn't refute it. He turned around and teleported back to the Nagfar.

Humming a song, tossing the sapphire in his hand up and down, he pushed open the door of the captain's cabin with ease, and sat on the vulgar and gorgeous captain's throne of Bo Laike.

He picked up the quill pen, dipped it in ink, and started to help his senior write today's arcane magic homework.

As it was written, Little Xingxing suddenly felt something was wrong.

She looked up and almost had a cardiac arrest in fright.

Dean Lanyue, who was recuperating, leaned on a cane, and stood in front of the table expressionlessly, looking at the little princess Lanlong who was earning pocket money by "writing homework".

The expression on Dean Alya Lanyue's face couldn't be described as good. There was a coldness shining in the eyes behind the crystal glasses, which made Little Xingxing tremble with fright.

With a swipe of the quill in his hand, an ink stain was drawn on the homework test paper.

"Dean, listen to my explanation, the matter is not"

"Stella Gosa, I always knew that you are a good boy who is eager to learn, but you have been led badly by your seniors. This is my mistake. If you like doing homework so much.

I still have a lot of test papers accumulated over the years, which will definitely make you write happily.

Come with me. "

"Dean! Don't! I know I'm wrong!"


"cough cough"

Bu Laike, who was walking in the broken beach at night, suddenly coughed a few times. He touched his heart, and felt that something related to him seemed to be something bad happened.

He looked suspiciously to the left and right, and picked up the crossbow in his hand again.

He picked up the snake-man bone arrow, and in the dark night, without using the eyes of Keir Rogge, he stood on the coast and practiced blind throwing towards the beach in the distance.

Nail the big crabs that crawled onto the beach in the dark to death in shallow water.

Seeing his proficiency, the blind sense training during this period of time has obviously touched the door. In this dead night, the pirate put another arrow on the crossbow.

As soon as he lifted it, he turned around the next moment and pulled the trigger behind him.


The bone arrow shot out, and the pirates used the shadow master's talent to add a flowing shadow on it, so that when the arrow shot out, it blended with the night without a sound.


Another arrow was shot from not far away, and it accurately knocked down the crossbow bolt fired by Bu Laike to the ground. The arrows of the two arrows collided and sparks sparked in the air.

"That's right, the accuracy of the quick aim combat technique has been improved."

The voice of General Liresa resounded from the night, and she appeared in front of Laike with a dark bow on her back, quite satisfied with the growth rate of her disciple.

But that's just the beginning.

Bo Laike hasn't grown up enough for her to be applauded.

However, what the pirate is paying attention to now is not Windrunner's mother's evaluation. He feels the ranger general in front of him with a suspicious expression, and there is a faint beast breath wafting in the night.

Bo Laike moved his nose and said:

"Where did you catch it?"

"Wilds of Suramar, just below the ruins of Tel'anor, is where you first showed me the edge of the valley of the Withered, in the hills near the river."

Windrunner's mother knelt down and reached out to touch her side. A dark purple magic saber leopard hidden in the void also jumped out of the night shaking its head and tail.

Like a big cat, it feels the owner's touch and purrs.

But it's not cute at all!

Counting the wagging tail, the body is more than three meters long, and it is almost four meters long. It has beautiful and strange magic lines on its body.

It was a natural magic pattern, and the back end of its tail exuded a blue and white color fusion gradient light in the dark night, which represented that the fusion of this guy and magic power had reached a very deep level.

There was also some kind of magic light in those leopard eyes.

"I actually found it the last time I went there."

Liresa Windrunner helped her pet to smooth her hair, and said with some regret:

"It is a noble leopard king. It had the potential to become a spirit beast, but unfortunately, it survived for a long time in Suramar, and like the Nightborne, it fell into the magic power and was transformed into a magical creature.

It not only has some characteristics of wild beasts, but also has some abilities of spirit beasts.

This is a beautiful and wild creature that can only be born in Suramar. I just needed a battle pet, so I went to the wilderness.

It seems that my charm is okay.

Minnie is willing to leave with me and travel the world with me. "

The pirate threw a scout forward, and the pet entry of the ranger general appeared in front of his eyes:

Name: "Blaze of the Wild" Myonix

Race: Enchanted Beast/Spirit Beast Variant

Status: Magic Perception, Alliance of the Hunt, Strong Strike Aura [Liresa Windrunner]

Level: Level 60 Beast [Elite] / Level 3 Spirit Beast Variant

The moment this investigation was thrown away, the big purple leopard, who was being petted by the mother of the windrunner, flipped upside down, lowered its body towards the pirate, and made a pounce motion.

Its big mouth was open, and the two fangs shone with a lingering magic light, which represented that this guy could use some simple magic power.

"Minnie, I know he's annoying, but he's a friend, be quiet."

Ms. Liresa gestured and said something indifferent, and the big cat immediately became docile, squatting on the ground and wagging its tail. But those sharp eyes kept staring at Bo Laike's neck.

It seems to be looking at where to bite in, so that this annoying pirate can be killed with one blow.

"I'm not saying it's not good enough. But your taste is too bad, sir. Look at this leopard. It doesn't have any distinctive features."

Seeing that the beast he had just tamed was so obedient, Bu Laike felt a little sour in his heart. He didn't know where his stupid wolf had gone.

Look at other people's pets, and then look at your own.


We are all hunters, different people have different fates.

He pouted again and commented:

"There are leopards exactly like it everywhere in Suramar, and taking such a common war beast out to fight doesn't show the prestige you should have as a mentor at all.

If you ask me, it's better to look for it in Northrend.

As far as I know, there are at least five spirit beasts wandering there, with your skill and charm as an instructor, as long as you are lucky, you will be able to."

"I died at the hands of Gul'dan first, and then I was taken on the Naglfar by you in a daze to become a ghost, and I was bound by a certain unscrupulous highness with responsibilities and missions, and had to serve him."

General Liresa rolled her eyes and said faintly:

"Then, you made me believe in my luck?"

"Uh, that's true. In fact, if you take a closer look, this leopard is not too ugly. It matches your mentor very well. Take it back to show your three daughters another day.

By the way, take a walk around the Tower of the Windrunner, and I will go with you, and look at the place where the mentor lived. "

The pirate shrugged and said helplessly:

"I just received news that the tomb raiding operation of the Assassin Alliance's trash in the Tower of the Windrunner has completely failed.

They left more than a dozen corpses there, and were hunted down jointly by Ms. Cirvanas and Vereesa's little sister, and were almost taken to a branch.

What a waste.

I can't do this little thing well, so I have to do it myself. "

(end of this chapter)

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