Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 380 89. I'm Going To Pull Them Together A

Chapter 380 89. I'm going to pull them together A

"Heal them, don't let them die."

Bu Laike played with the blood-stained gold coin in his hand, and said something to the black-robed ship doctor who ran over from the mist.

Ms. Natalie nodded, and commanded the three tall antler tauren to pick up the three dying Nightborne and quickly retreated to the coast not far away.

Captain Grayson's ghost ship awaits them there.

And Anaris Yuejun, who was guarded by two tauren, also grabbed a loaded musket and walked to Braike. She was about to explain her plan to her captain, but Braike Waving interrupted.

"Now is not the time to talk."

The captain glanced at the fog that was gradually dissipating ahead, and said to the Yuejun chick:

"Since you have a plan for your family-related affairs, you can implement it yourself. I only need to see the result. In addition, your sister made a promise to me.

But she missed the appointment.

She may have thought that a pact with a pirate was nothing more than that.

Just like the political game you elven nobles play, just enough apologies and gifts to make me forget about it.

Unfortunately not. "

Bu Laike threw the bloody cursed gold coin to Anaris with a complex expression, and he said:

"I made an empirical mistake. I thought your sister was more useful than you, but it turns out that I was wrong. I changed my destiny with my own hands, but I am still relying on past experience.

I put too much trust in those strangers I only met once, but I ignored that they were not what I imagined.

take it.

When we land in Suramar, you will go to your sister for me, do whatever you want, I have only one request.

Let her remember this lesson

I want her to deeply remember the price of doing something wrong, and I want her to deeply understand how rude it is to violate the agreement between me and her.

I want her to wake up screaming from nightmares every night for the rest of her life as she recalls this event.

Don't show such a look of fear, my Captain Moonshire. "

The pirate reached out and patted Anaris on the shoulder, and he said softly:

"I'm not trying to punish your sister. I'm a very reasonable person. Punishment is just a means. If scolding is useful, the blade doesn't have to appear.

I just want her to realize her mistakes deeply.

You see, I entrusted this matter to you, which means I haven't given up on her yet.

If you don't quite convey what you mean to me, if your sister doesn't realize her mistake, then I don't mind coming in person. "

"She'll learn her lesson, I promise."

The Yuejun girl clenched the cursed gold coin in her hand, the slightly cold touch stimulated her skin, and the blood stained on the gold coin made her very uncomfortable.

But she didn't show it, she just made a promise to Bu Laike, to her captain and commander Chen Ken.

"I trust your resolve, Anaris. You'll be a great pirate, and I see potential in you."

Bu Laike walked into the mist with the moon blade in his hand, and he said without looking back:

"The legend of you will spread in this sea.

Not because of the influence of your last name, but because of what you did later. Bravely step out of the shadow of Yuejun to accomplish the great cause of Anaris.


Don't bother me getting back on the field.

I was bullied by the leader of the watchmen, I want to bully them too, alas, I didn't know, I was also such a grudge.

What a pity. "

The Yuejun girl didn't dare to disturb the captain's "leisure and elegance" who bullied others. She took out her handkerchief and wanted to wipe off the blood on the gold coins, but after a moment of hesitation, she put the polluted gold coins in her pocket as they were.

"Mr. Moros."

Anaris took a deep breath, and asked to the empty side:

"Is the 'study' of my housekeeper Runas over?"

"It's still a little bit worse."

The undead butler in a tuxedo whispered in the shadows:

"He has a lot of faults that need to be corrected, and many of his habits do not conform to the values ​​​​of high society."

"Please complete his training as soon as possible."

Moon County Chick said:

"When I go back to Suramar City, I need him to accompany me. In addition, there is no need to pursue perfection too much. We are just a group of pirates. It is enough to have that meaning.

No matter how elegant the posture of holding the knife is, it can't change the essence of robbery, can it? "

"That's a huge mistake, Miss Annaris."

Moros said softly:

"Being a pirate doesn't mean giving up who you really are.

It is just a profession, far from representing your life. Just like my master, although he enjoys the pleasure of plundering, he never forgets the country of his origin and his identity.

You should learn from him too.

Be classy at all times.

No matter how difficult the situation is, you can't bow your head. Maintaining decency is your best response to all malice. If you lose yourself and truly become a 'pirate', then you will lose your characteristics in the eyes of the master.

Become one of those who can be sacrificed at any time. "

Anaris froze for a moment.

She felt that these words made sense, so she thanked the butler of the dead, but Moros was no longer there, and as Bo Laike's butler, he had a lot of things to do.

Windrunner's mother also carried an exaggerated war bow and walked through the thinning fog. Anaris followed her and asked her about the story of the high elf kingdom.

Just as the two approached Grayson's ghost ship docked by the coast, there was a loud noise from the direction of the Warden's Cave.

Ms. Liresa turned her head, and saw a black shadow flying into the sky like an eagle, and the thick evil energy wrapped around it gathered into a flying storm in the sky.

With the vision of a legendary ranger, he can clearly see a figure with wings on his back moving quickly through the high sky amidst the energy billowing like black smoke, grazing into the distance.

"Illidan Stormrage, the traitor ten thousand years ago, escaped."

Mother Windrunner sighed, and saw some hippogryphs in heavy armor carrying the Watchers into the air, chasing Illidan in the direction where he was fleeing.

But their speed was much slower than that of the Demon Hunters.

Can't catch up.

General Ranger shook his head, boarded the ghost ship, and approached the Naglfar, but within a few minutes, there was another sharp bird's neighing in the airspace near the Watcher, as if a flock of crows had arrived.

This caused the face of the well-informed Ms. Windrunner to change slightly. She raised her head to inspect the sky, and soon found a large black shadow approaching at the end of the fog.

Flapping their huge black wings, they fly in groups, harnessing the power of the natural wind, making them far faster than all winged birds in nature.

Its body resembles a crow.

But it was so big and abnormal that each of them carried a moon priest wearing a moon white robe, or a ranger in chain armor with a bow in his hand.

These big crows are covered with large black feathers, but on their chests or on top of their heads, there is a unified symbol that symbolizes their identities.

Although there were only a few big crows that flew over, these guys drove the strong wind together to create a small hurricane, quickly dispelling all the remaining sea fog above the Watch Island.

"Storm Crow!"

General Liresa recognized those unique crows, she turned her head and scolded the ghost pirates who were also looking up at the spectacle:

"The druids of Val'sharah have come to aid the Wardens, and they came fast.

Quick, send us back to the Naglfar. These druids of raptors can harness the power of the hurricane. Once we are entangled by them, it will be difficult for us to escape. "

"But General, the Naglfar can submerge."

Grayson hurriedly ordered his ghost ship to speed up and head towards the Nagfar, and he said:

"It's no big deal that these weird crows can control the wind. We hide in the sea, and they have nothing to do with us."


General Windrunner angrily said:

"Druids use the power of nature. The sky, land and sea are their home fields. Under the pursuit of nearly a hundred elite druids, even if they dive into the water, the Naglfar is not safe.

The priests of the moon also came.

Once the night falls, we can't get rid of the Druid's pursuit. At that time, the Kaldorei will be strengthened again under the moonlight, and the watchmen will chase us, and there is only one battle left to greet us. fiasco. "

"Send a message to His Royal Highness Bo Laike and ask him to come back immediately. The looting of Watch Island is over, and we have to leave."


"I just knocked out the second Warden."

Bo Laike, who was called back to the ship, was visibly displeased, with a Moonblade in one hand and a captured Warden's Owl Helmet in the other.

It seems to be planning to use this thing as a trophy.

On the deck of the ghost ship that had dived into the sea and was speeding towards the sea off Watch Island, the returned captain threw the helmet in his hand to his first mate, and complained to Windrunner's mother:

"Isn't it the druids who came to support? There is nothing to be afraid of.

At this point in time, those archdruids who have experienced the battle of the ancients are still sleeping in the den, busy playing kiss games with the green dragon ladies in the emerald dream.

Those who can come to support are Val'sharah's second-line characters. "

"Really? My disciple, it's really a 'relief' to see that you are so confident."

The ranger general with folded arms ignored Bu Laike's bragging words, she said coldly:

"Then explain to me, why is there a legendary leader among the 30 elite druids who are chasing the Naglfar unhurriedly in the sea and have already formed an attack formation?

And in the storm crows cruising on the sea and sky, I also felt the breath of the two legends.

So, do the second-tier characters in your perception refer to these legends of elves who have experienced thousands of years of polishing their strength? Do you understand the situation now?

There are three arch druids alone!

This does not count the moon priests and rangers in Valshara Moon Temple. It is conservatively estimated that there are at least five or more legendary elves gathered on Watch Island.

This is still the case when Maiev Shadowsong goes to hunt down Illidan.

This is just their vanguard!

You said that Val'sharah is a sacred place for druids, and there is a natural gate leading to Moonglade, so you can constantly call in strong men from Mount Hyjal.

The kaldorei's power is truly hopeless, and we've messed with them now.

How are you going to deal with this situation? "


The pirate snapped his fingers.

Glancing towards the front of the deck, Dean Lanyue and Archmage Ellan were placing five broken Tidal Stones on a temporary support.

When the broken stones approached, there was sea blue energy intertwined between the cracks, like extremely unstable currents, bouncing back and forth on the stones.

In the deep and dark sea water right now, there is a light that illuminates the deep sea.

Bo Laike looked at the Tidal Stone being put back together.

He glanced at General Liresa with his arms folded again, and he didn't know if it was an illusion, but he could always feel that Windrunner's mother was a bit stern.

Very guilty.

Is there something you are hiding from yourself?

"I plan to pull these Kaldorei who came to help together."

Bu Laike gave Windrunner's mother a strange look, and explained:

"I'm about to leave the Broken Isles, so I have to leave something to show that I've been there before. Just think of it as a big surprise for them. After all, every plunder needs a big scene as the ending terminator.

Just let these druids who have slept for 10,000 years see the changes in the world.

Are you ready? Dean. "

He shouted to the front of the deck, and Dean Lanyue properly pushed the tidal stone fragments in his hand outward, and checked the comfort of the energy operation.

Pushing his own crystal glasses, he nodded to Bo Laike.

"very good."

The pirate raised his left hand to communicate with the spirit of the ship.

"Let's say goodbye to the confident druids who met for the first time, and make some money from them by the way."

"Nagfar, listen to my order and go up!"

(end of this chapter)

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