Chapter 331

The area of ​​the Broken Isles is still very large. According to Laike's experience of coming here twice, this big island can already be regarded as a small piece of land.

Calculating its area, it is twice the size of the Kingdom of Lordaeron. Of course, it is divided into several regions and occupied by different forces.

In this lonely overseas, in what human beings think is outside the civilization, there are many strange creatures.

For example, when the Alpaca sailed to the westernmost land of the Broken Isles, on the coastline, it also encountered some strange tauren with antlers on their heads.

They sailed along the coast in their own small boats, like a group of travelers.

Probably also the first time to see strange outsiders like humans, orcs, fox people, trolls, and snake people.

The group of brave, or ignorant and fearless Tauren travelers also took the initiative to approach the Alpaca, wanting to show their kindness.

The result was of course tragic.

The six tauren of the caravan were tied up by the pirates, dragged aboard, and became captives of the undead pirates.

Except for the North Sea pirates who had seen the tauren before, the group of guys under Laike's command had never seen a tauren. It was the first time for them to see this strange race that was 2.5 meters tall and weighed around 800 pounds. It was the same as the little titan.

The very short vulpera don't even reach the tauren's knees.

Udora and her clansman looked at the six upright bulls who were tied to the mast and sat cross-legged, all twice as tall as her, with horrified eyes.

The Vulpera Quartermaster made a comparison of the height and weight between the following two, and came to a very sad conclusion.

These tauren with reindeer antlers on their heads and a big bull face can probably trample a fox to death with one hoof.

"Hey, why are these tauren different from the ones I've seen?"

The noise on the deck quickly aroused the curiosity of the goblin engineer Fuslag. The goblin waved a wrench and squeezed into the crowd, glanced at the mast, and shouted:

"Why are their horns like this?

The tauren in Desolace should have horns. Could it be that the tauren with reindeer horns is a freak born after some perverted tauren and the deer he domesticated? "


It is understandable to speak vulgarly.

But no one could answer his question. The pirates here are all ignorant guys. Only a few old sea dogs from the North Sea can understand a little tauren language.

But the pirates in the North Sea did not actually speak the orthodox tauren language, but the language of the yak people in Northrend.

The two races look very similar, and they do have the same origin.

But they have already become two different races under the division of geography.

Naturally, languages ​​cannot communicate with each other.

As for the Kalimdor tauren language that the goblin Fuslag learned when he was doing business with the tauren in Desolace when he was young, it is even more impossible for the six tauren of the Broken Isles in front of him to understand.

This noisy discussion did not come to an end until it attracted the noble daughter of the Nightborn, Anaris Moonshire, who was enjoying lunch on the boat.

"This is the Highmountain tauren. When I was hunting outside Suramar, I occasionally met their hunters."

The great nobleman Anaris will be wearing a suit of human pirate clothes, which she bought from Marci the tattooed woman in exchange for her own jewelry pendant.

He also changed a good sailor knife for himself and hung it on his waist, dressed almost like a pirate.

This scheming female elf introduced to the surrounding pirates in the half-baked human language she just learned:

"Highmountain is just north of Suramar, and it is the highest place on this island. There are five tribes living there. The Tauren of Highmountain are very united and let them go quickly.

Or they'll send the Eagle Rider to take revenge. "

"It's better to come."

Yudora, who was envious of the tauren's good physique, put her hands on her hips and shouted:

"When they come, they will be taken as prisoners. Besides, it's up to the captain to release them. Yuejun, can you speak their words? Persuade them to surrender and ask them to join us."

"I can only speak a few words."

Anaris waved her hand modestly, but seeing that she had learned the human language talent within two days, this elf would definitely speak the language of the Kaolin tauren.

She received an aristocratic education since she was a child, and linguistics is also a part of it.

The cunning elf leaned down and said to Eudora, who was wagging his tail:

"But if Captain Eudora appoints me as the Alpaca's first mate, I can try to persuade them to surrender for you. The Highmountain tauren are also very adventurous, and they are actually easy to coax if you use the right method.

These bulls are very simple and honest. "

"The first mate can't do it."

But fox people are also very cunning.

Eudora glanced at the female elf who was still wearing perfume, she wagged her tail and said:

"You have only been on the ship for a few days? Letting you be the first mate now will make others unconvinced, but if you can persuade these six tauren to join us, I can consider giving you the status of 'captain advisor' .

I can't vouch for other boats.

Just on my boat, you don't have to worry about someone bullying you, or doing something bad to you. Someone tried to get into your room last night, and you found out, right? "

"Okay, I accept the job."

Anaris snorted, but did not answer the little foxman's malicious question. She straightened the pirate turban on her head and walked towards the six roaring and struggling Tauren travelers in front of her.

At the same time as the Alpaca persuaded them to surrender, in front of the fleet, on the coast of the waters near Azsuna, the Nagfar, which came earlier, surfaced in the sun.

The scene where the black keel ghost ship squeezed through the sea and appeared on the sea amidst the vibrations of the waves, feasted the eyes of a group of tortoises waiting on the shore.

They had heard stories about the Nagfar and the undead pirates from their compatriots, and they didn't believe it before, but now that they saw the ghost ship with their own eyes, the turtles finally believed it.

There are also a few turtle people who took out scrolls and wanted to record today's story.

This may be a turning point in the history of the tortoise population.

"Ha, turtle man! What a familiar friend. I also dealt with you when I ran amok in the South China Sea more than a hundred years ago. I have also been deceived by you many times. You are all a bunch of damned profiteers."

Grayson's vrykul raider would act as a traffic boat, taking the Commander and Lady Doctor to the coast.

This rude ghost pirate with a dark blue body stepped on the side of the ship with his left foot. When he was docking, he yelled at the tortoises in front of him and made rude gestures.

His ghost crew members looked at the turtle man in front of them curiously.

The place in the North Sea is a place where the tortoises are rarely involved, and the climate there is too cold, which is not suitable for the tortoises to stay for a long time. That's why the North Sea lunatics had rarely seen such a weird creature as the Tortoise.


Several ghost pirates worked together to lower the plank of the boat and put it on the beach.

He was very stupid to prepare for the landing for his own commander, and Bo Laike, who was wearing a pirate king suit, ignored them, put the little murloc on his shoulders, and strode onto the deck.

Ms. Natalie in a black trench coat followed behind him.

"Don't pay attention to my subordinate's rude speech, just treat him like a bunch of idiots."

The pirate walked up to the tortoises who were waiting on the beach in front of them, and said to a tortoise who was dressed similarly to Kou Qiao, except that the VIPs and clothes were embellished with purple crystals:

"Are you the scroll sage Nora? That coward Kou Qiao didn't dare to come, and he wouldn't tell me when I asked him, but I doubt that Kou Qiao owes you a debt of favor, or worse, a debt of love?"

"Not as complicated as you think, pirate."

Scroll Sage Nora, the archeopteryx tortoise, is hard to tell from its appearance that it is a female tortoise.

The contours of her face are indeed softer, though, and this would say in a distinctly feminine voice:

"There is only a little conflict between me and him. We were hatched from the same batch of eggs, but our relationship has not been good.

But you guys, why are you here so late?

I received a message from Kou Qiao, and I have been waiting in Azsuna with my people for more than two months. "

"Something is delayed, isn't this here?"

Bu Laike waved his hands, looked left and right at the desolate coast in front of him, and at the mouth of the big river not far away, estimated the depth of the river, shook his head regretfully and said:

"The Nagfar can't get in, let alone the Alpaca. It is estimated that Grayson's ship can get in, and the other ships have to berth on the coast."

"There is an abandoned temple in the south, just on the hillside."

Nora, the first tortoise, pointed to the hillside next to the guide, and said to Boo Laike:

"There is a bay over there, where your fleet can dock, but the temple is occupied by a group of nightborn exile elves, where they make golems, which is a bit difficult to deal with.

There's also a big ruin to the north with nearly a thousand nightborne elves ruled by a madman named Al Yi Si who claims to be the prince of Suramar or something. "

"The exile still wants to be a prince, no problem."

Bu Laike gave a meaningful laugh and said:

"I'll make him a real prince soon, the pirate prince of the Shal'dorei, sounds great, right? Well, let's stop talking nonsense, have you found the hiding place of the Tidal Stone?"

"did not find."

Nora said in an uncharacteristically candid tone:

"According to the information you gave, we found the ruins of the Nazaras School of Magic in the inner lake of Azsuna. It is easy to find it, but we can't get in."

"Can't get in? No way."

Bu Laike frowned and said:

"That place should be undefended right now, there are many dead highborne arcanist ghosts inside, they are bound by the curse on this land, and they are not aggressive.

Why can't I get in? "

"Because of Naga."

The Tortollan Scroll Sage sighed, and said to Bu Laike:

"Let's go to the territory first, let's talk as we go."

"walk over?"

The pirate glanced at the short legs of the tortoises, shook his head, whistled backwards, and shouted to the ghost captain who was drinking:

"Put your boat into the inland river, don't waste time, let's go by water."

"That piece of water is occupied by Naga, your ship can't get through."

The scroll sage Nora knew from the look in Bu Laike's eyes just now that the damned pirate was mocking the tortoises for moving as slowly as tortoises, but they were right.

Nora could only explain to the pirates with dissatisfaction:

"When we first came, the number of Naga here was still small.

They are afraid of Azsuna's curse, so they rarely come to this sea area. But it may be that they found out that we made a camp here and came to attack us.

Those idiots didn't know how to anger the elf ghosts in the ruins of the magic academy, so that those elf ghosts also ran out to fight them.

The Naga couldn't beat the ghosts, so they summoned the local murlocs and sea titans from the sea, and the war officially escalated.

Now around the inner lake, it has become a mess.

The passage leading to the depths of the magic academy was blocked by those elf ghosts with magic. The nightborn exiles in the north saw the opportunity and wanted to take advantage of it.

They sent men against us, but we repelled them and took some prisoners.

I brought one with me. "

Nora waved her claws, and immediately two fierce tortoise guards holding war halberds dragged a thin and unsightly Nightborne prisoner over.

Throw that guy at Boo Laike's feet.

The latter has probably not absorbed magic power for several days, and he is already in a trance of hunger and thirst, holding his body and shivering.


Laike looked at the pitiful skinny nightborne elf at his feet, he threw a scout, and the identity information returned made the pirate's eyes widen.

"Yo, it's you, tragic fool."

The pirate kicked the Nightborne underfoot, took Gul'dan's head, and held it under his nostrils.


"Come on, take a sip. Then show me your traditional art."

"I do not!"

This Nightborne is weird.

Obviously the magic power was right in front of him, but he stretched out his hand and pushed it, and shouted:

"I'm not like one of those mana-burned freaks! Get this tempting thing away! Get away from me. Ah, this mana smells so good but I can't!"


He slapped himself, gritted his teeth and shook his body and said:

"I'm not a mana addict like them, ha! I'm not. My will is as strong as steel. Huh? I smell mana wine

Give me a sip!

Just take a sip. "

The guy opened his eyes, sniffed the smell of magic wine and raised his head, only to see the pirate's shining eyes.

"Hello, Shameless Runas."

Bu Laike shook the wine bottle in his hand, and said to the slobbering elf in front of him:

"Interested in working for me?"

(end of this chapter)

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