Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 312 21. Then, You Should Call Me Your Highness---【26/40】

Chapter 312 21. Then, you should call me "Your Highness"——【2640】

(Add [1/15] for the prisoner brother on the throne, that was wrong before, this brother gave three cuties, thank you so much, Haoxuan re-confirmed it when it was released just now, only to find out that it is true is three

That is, 40 chapters will be added today, not 35 chapters, and 5 more chapters will be added later. )

"Look, that mountain, the fortress city built on the ridge, is called the Moon Guard Fortress. It is the last surviving moon guard in Azeroth, and the most elite spellcaster army under Elisande's command. .

But the relationship between them and the Grand Magister is not really a subordination, more like a cooperation. "

In the valley of the elven ruins of Ty'anor, Bu Laike pointed to a looming mountain peak in the distance, and said to Natalie beside him:

"Those Guardians of the Moon were the first elves in this world to be exposed to arcane magic. When the Well of Eternity was still there, they could mobilize almost unlimited magic power to fight.

In the early days of the War of the Ancients, a large part of the reason why the Burning Legion failed to flatten the Elf Empire was because the moon guards were extremely powerful.

They slay demons with magic, as simple as eating and drinking.

Now the group of mages in Dalaran are not worthy of licking their shoes.

Unfortunately, after the explosion of the Well of Eternity, the Guardians of the Moon lost their source of magic.

Some of them gave up the way of mages and integrated into the druid order of night elves. For the rest, an agreement was reached with Elisande.

They help Elisande defend the city of Suramar.

The Grand Magister gave them the magic of the Nightwell as a reward. "

The ship doctor recorded all this information in her "travel log", and now she likes to listen to stories told by the captain who is ten years younger than her.

Every time I listen to a story, I feel like I am in that period of history, and I am immersed in ancient wisdom and lessons.

"There are powerful moon guards, and a large group of die-hard spellcasters. The Son of the Night has a spellcasting ability comparable to that of the high elves. With just a little training, you can walk on the path of spellcasters.

If you think about it this way, the power in the hands of the great magister Elisande can be called terrifying. "

The ship doctor sighed:

"She can rely on her strength to easily defeat all challengers after the Battle of the Ancients, and establish a kingdom or even an empire that belongs to her.

From what I have seen with my own eyes, Suramar is full of magic power. If the Nightborne come out in full force, at least no one in the eastern continent can resist them. The Alliance and the Horde are united, and it is estimated that they are not the opponents of these Nightborne.

Such a powerful force was used by her to create a 'turtle shell'.

Lock yourself and your own people in a city, and just block yourself for 10,000 years. "

"Because the night elves are watching them, my ship's doctor."

The pirate crossed his hips and looked at the moon-protecting fortress in the distance. He sighed softly:

"At this point in time, the combat power of the Night Elf Moon God Kingdom is invincible, adding all the civilizations you know and don't know to attack the Night Elves, the odds of winning are too small.

After all, it was able to survive facing the Fallen Titan 10,000 years ago, defeating the civilization of the Burning Legion that came out in full force.

In this vast expanse of stars, there are not many civilizations that can do this kind of miracle.

Although the group of young ladies who live in trees and eat wild fruits are low-key, they are indeed the overlords of civilization and the backbone of the world of Azeroth.

Just thinking about going to Mount Hyjal to plunder in the future gives me a headache.

Of course, even if the night elves allow Elisande to move freely, she and her people will not leave Suramar. It's not that they don't know how vast the world is, they know it very well.

But they cannot leave.

Am I right? Teacher Liresa. "

Bu Laike turned his head and looked at General Windrunner, who was devastated behind him. He no longer had the composure and vigor of the past. His tone was gentle, but he said maliciously:

"The reason why the Nightborne cannot leave Suramar is the same reason why you high elves cannot leave Quel'Thalas. Both of you elf races are cursed by power!

The farther you are from your hometown, the weaker you become.

That weakness cannot be resisted by will, it is the gangrene in your bones, the demons in your hearts, and saddest of all, it is yourselves to unleash.

But no one is forcing you.

Even though the night elves treated the ancestors of Quel'Thalas rudely and inappropriately, the moon priests and druids really wanted to save you.

They wanted to save their kind from a tragic fate, but Dath'Remar Sunstrider refused this kindness.

He is proud and confident that he and his people can find a way to coexist with magic.

Well, now, six thousand and eight hundred years after Darth'Remar Sunstrider established Quel'Thalas, let me, an ordinary pirate, come to you, to the Ranger-General of Silvermoon City, Quell The big shot at Salas asks a question. "

The pirate coughed and pretended to be a wise man.

He crouched down.

Looking at Windrunner's mother, who was covering her face in front of her eyes, in great pain, he asked:

"Do you think the baseless, foolish and arrogant fantasy of the first Sun King Dath'Remar Sunstrider revered by all elves has come true?

Do you think, high elves, that you will get the future you want?

Do you think you Quel'dorei are really higher than the night elves? "

"do not talk"

Ms. Liresa Windrunner covered her head, surrounded by the corpses of the Withered behind her, and said in a painful, desperate, and mournful tone, trembling with the same plea and escape:

"Stop it, please, stop it."

But her downcast posture was even more desolate, and she didn't refute it, which proved that the pirates' vicious words were not just nonsense.

It's a pity that this is a secret that only pirates and elves know.

Ms. Natalie Serling, who was listening next to her, was confused. She didn't even know what kind of riddle the two were playing. Perhaps the question in her heart was heard by the pirates.

The next moment, Bo Laike stood up and motioned for Natalie to follow.

When they walked to a still intact corpse of the Withered, the pirate glanced aside. The newly rescued Nightborne little ones were under the care of Sefiel, looking at them with their head protruding.

"Don't look at it, good children. Eat some candy first, and I will take you to find your mother later."

Boo Laike grinned and threw another handful of goblin hard candy at the group of kids, making them circle Sephiel again and sing some kind of Nightborne song.

The pirates who listened missed it in their hearts, but they didn't forget the business.

"This kind of elf is called the Withered, and they are the products of the degradation of the Nightborne."

Bo Laike pointed to the corpse at his feet.

The corpse had pale skin, a face as shriveled as a dead corpse, and the whole body was skinny, with clear rib marks. The most frightening thing is that the faces of these withered ones seem to have "melted".

They even saw white bones after their flesh and blood had been peeled off.

And those eyes with purple glare like those of the Sons of the Night have become pale and lifeless, obviously they have lost their vision long ago.

They can only wander like zombies, they are still alive and have vitality.

But it's no different from being dead.

Anyone who sees this thing will be shocked, including Natalie Serling, who is well-informed and even involved in the mysteries of the void. When she saw the withered for the first time, her heart jumped.

This is a terrible distortion of the power of life, it is not the same as the void corruption, it is not distorted by external force, this is from the internal decay and decay.

Represents a rather dark, rather dire fate.

The pirate snorted and looked back at the autistic Windrunner's mother behind him. He said to Natalie in a gentle and patient tone:

"Being a withered is a fate worse than death. The elves are plagued not only by a hunger for the Nightwell's arcane energies, but also by the fear of progressive memory loss.

Under the torment of the magic addiction in the body, the last symptom of the nightborn transformed into the withered is the loss of vision.

After losing their eyesight, the only perception they have left is arcane energy.

They will turn into mindless beasts, looking for all the arcane magic power that can be extracted in the never-ending hunger surging in their hearts, and absorbing those energies frantically.

They will turn into mindless beings who feed on magic. "

"Magic addiction?"

Natalie caught a key word in Bo Laike's words, she raised her head suddenly, covered her mouth, and said in a voice:

"That's not just for the high elves"

"Now you finally understand."

The pirate laughed and pointed to the direction of the purple sky in Suramar, he said:

"Magic addiction is not exclusive to high elves. The night children built the night well, and the high elves built the sun well, although the names are different.

But the behavior is strikingly similar.

They were unwilling to give up their pursuit of magic under the persuasion of the night elves, and they couldn't suppress the desire for magic power in their blood, so they indulged their desires.

Let yourself absorb excess magic power every day to meet your own needs.

Day after day, year after year.

The magic power has strengthened the Xiadorei and Quel'dorei, but the magic power has also transformed and destroyed them in the indulgence again and again. They are no longer able to resist the hunger for magic power in their souls.

They have plunged their family into a feverish and pathetic addiction.

Just go a day without their magic powers and they'll be restless! If they don't give it for half a month, they will lose their minds! Without it for a month, they start to degenerate. "

Bu Laike patted Natalie's shoulder, who was already dumbfounded. He pointed to the withered corpse under his feet, and said:

"The causes of the magic addiction of the Nightborne and the high elves are slightly different, but the form of expression is the same. It is nothing more than the degeneration speed of the Shal'dorei, which is faster than the Quel'dorei.

Probably because the Son of the Night has absorbed more magic power than Quel Doredo for three thousand years, resulting in a stronger magic addiction.

But a magic addiction is a magic addiction!

That is an incurable disease engraved in the blood and soul of the elves of the two races!

Now, you understand why Quel'Thalas was founded six thousand and eight hundred years ago, but few high elves emigrated outside the country, right? they don't want to go

As long as they leave the glory of the sunwell, they will meet the sad end of the withered.

I've always heard that the high elves pride themselves on their universal gift for magic, and every time I hear that, I laugh.

Yes, my laugh is mocking them.

A group of elves who have sucked up magic power and become stupid, are they still qualified to be complacent? "

Natalie pursed her lips and nodded.

The black-robed ship doctor turned around and looked at the autistic General Liresa behind him with pity. She could now understand why General Windrunner lost control when he saw the Withered just now.

She saw the future of the high elves.

Suramar and the Withered are the future of Quel'Thalas.

What is even more desperate is that she cannot reverse this future.

As the pirates said cruelly, the Quel'dorei have gone too far on the road to self-destruction. They have long missed the chance to save themselves, and the future of this race can only slip in despair.

"No! The Nightwell has been around for 10,000 years, and it's still supplying magic power."

Natalie looked at the pirate and said:

"The Sunwell has existed for more than 6,000 years, and it hasn't had any problems. As long as the Sunwell is still there, the magic addiction of the high elves will not explode on a large scale.

As long as they protect the Sunwell, as long as they."

"So, my ship doctor, facing a civilization that is about to perish due to magic addiction, your suggestion to them is to let them continue to indulge their desires, continue to absorb magic power, and continue to strengthen their magic addiction?"

Bo Laike looked at Natalie strangely and said:

"You are a high-level doctor, facing an addicted patient, the prescription you prescribed actually made him take more drugs? Are you kidding me?"


Natalie was caught up in the question, and she wanted to refute the explanation.

But if you think about it carefully, there is really no need for explanation.

This question is unsolvable.

"Okay, the problem is explained clearly, it's time to talk about the solution."

The pirate strode up to General Liresa, he stretched out his hand, pulled up the autistic Windrunner mother, stretched out his hand, and tapped General Liresa's shoulders on both sides.

It's like being honored by nobles.

He looked into the dark eyes of Windrunner's mother and said to her:

"I want you to fight for me, Liresa Windrunner. I want you to be my retainer willingly, and stop talking about the pursuit of peace, freedom and other crazy things.

As long as the Proudmoore family is alive, you will give everything to my cause!

Just like you give everything for your country.

Only with such great loyalty can I have enough reason to convince myself to entrust you with the method to save your people and country. "


Liresa suddenly raised her head and looked at the pirate.

The latter put his hips on his hips, tilted his head, and said to her:

"You should call me 'Your Highness', my 'ancestral elf', be more polite, those children are watching, don't teach them badly."

(end of this chapter)

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