Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 290 109. Cut Five Treasures Today, Cut Ten Treasures Tomorrow, And Serve Pirates With Treasu

Chapter 290 109. Cut five treasures today, cut ten treasures tomorrow, serve pirates with treasures, like fighting a fire with salary-【435】

(Add more [4/5] for the brothers of "Sniffle and Breathe Nest")

"It's okay, right?"

In the Tol Barad sea area in the dark night, under the deep sea, in the quiet, in the captain's cabin of the Naglfar, Braike looked at the mirror in front of him, admiring his own in the cabin where the light was not so good. new image.

He turned his body around, and said to the frowning Pirate Dragon mate who was beside him with his arms folded and his chin propped:

"This battle suit is not ugly."

"I don't think so."

Sefiel, whose aesthetics are very different from that of human beings, shook his head and said stubbornly:

"Other parts are okay, but this shoulder armor is too ugly. Didn't you notice that there are two large oval armors on your shoulders, which are very similar to the corsets you human women use?"

The upright first mate Pirate Dragon shook his head frantically and said:

"No, I have the dual dignity of being a first officer and a dragon, and I cannot allow my captain to go out to fight in such a shameful thing. You can be shameless, but I want it."

"It's okay."

The pirate looked at himself in the mirror.

He is now wearing a leather armor battle suit with a very uniform style, with a simple and plain appearance, only dotted with a skull pattern specially made of magic threads and metal armor pieces on the chest.

The belt is red, otherwise it is the black outfit that pirates like very much.

But it is indeed as Seifel said, the shoulder armor of this suit is made into a half-covered shape, buckled on the shoulders like two hemispheres, it is very thick and can effectively defend against weapons.

It's just the shape.

It is indeed similar to the Bra of female friends.

"What about the battle suit made up of eight components?"

The pirate picked up the helmet of this suit from the table at hand, rubbed it in his hand, and thought to himself:

"And this is not a game where purple equipment is flooded. In this real world, every set of such advanced magic suits is an orphan.

Even if there are imitations, the number will not be too many.

Besides, what are you afraid of being ugly, the main reason is that the effect of the suit is good. "

Thinking of this, Laike put the black leather armor helmet in his hand on his head. The shape of this helmet is very characteristic, it is full-face.

After wearing it, there is a hard leather neck guard erected around it like a collar, and a circle of metal armor pieces, forming a trident logo on the forehead.

It perfectly protects the back of the pirate's head, ears, and neck.

There is also a matching red mask, which fits right in front of the helmet, covering Laike's face tightly, only revealing a pair of eyes.

"quite handsome."

He looked at himself in the mirror, raised his hand and made a ninja gesture, and put the pirate windbreaker of the Pirate King suit on his shoulders like a cloak.

It just covered the weird Bra-like shoulder armor.

Bu Laike stretched out his hand, touched the black, comfortable gloves, which did not affect the movement at all, and the entry of this dark suit jumped into the eyes of the pirate:

Name: Night Killer Suit

Status: Epic quality [Assassin exclusive]

Completeness: 8/8

Set properties:

Super Tough. Super Agility. Super Stamina. Super Accuracy. Super Critical Strike. Max Strength. Max Fire Resistance. Enhanced Shadow Resistance

Set effect:

1. Killer guidelines

Stealth. Proficiency +1

Disappears. Cooldown halved

Shadow Master. Enhanced effect

2. Assassination frenzy

After killing the target, the effect of "Assassination Frenzy" will be obtained, which doubles the destructive power of the next assassination and can be stacked three times.

3. Night

While in shadow, wounds heal faster.

Every time Vanish, Shadow Cloak, and Shadow Dance are used, the shadow force is summoned to heal the wound and get the effect of "recovery".

"What a good entry."

Bu Laike thought to himself:

"Isn't this equivalent to carrying an extra legendary weapon with you?"

"Hi, Sefiel."

The pirate turned his head and said to the dissatisfied first officer:

"Can you tell the material of this suit? It doesn't look like the leather of an ordinary beast."

"It's made of the skins of the Fire Demon and the Lava Behemoth."

Pirate Dragon is indeed well-informed, stepped forward to touch the material of the suit, and said to his captain:

"The people who made it were very skilled, and while perfectly retaining the toughness of the leather, it also inherited the magic resistance of the two legendary creatures.

If I'm not mistaken, this battle armor has existed for at least two hundred years.

It should come from the hands of the Dark Iron Dwarves.

In Azeroth, only they can touch those two legendary creatures in the Molten Core below the city of Shadowforge. However, you can't wear a pirate hat when you wear this magical suit. "

Sefiel smiled like the little fox who stole the chicken, she reached out to touch the pirate hat of the Pirate King that Laike put aside, and said:

"These powerful magical powers depend on the completeness of the battle suit. If one piece is missing, its effect will be severely reduced. This kind of complete set of battle suits is indeed rare.

So, this super cool pirate hat is mine. "


Sefiel's outstretched claw was hit hard by Bu Laike, and the pirate Shi Shiran took off the helmet of the night killer armor, threw it into his magic luggage, and put his pirate hat on his head.

He said:

"Wouldn't it be nice to just put it on again during the battle? Who stipulated that I can't carry several sets of armor with me? You reminded me that this armor only strengthened my strength as an assassin.

I also had to find myself two more ranger and warlock sets.

This depends on the strength of our black knights. If they can find the first set, they will definitely be able to find the second set. Wait for a while before visiting their treasure house.

Oh, don't pout. "

Bu Laike stretched out his hand and patted the Pirate Dragon's cheek frivolously. He said:

"You want a good-looking pirate hat? No problem, I'll find it for you right away. The captains of the North Sea pirates should have it in stock. What color do you want? What style?

Really, when I go to Gilneas, can I make a set for you? "


First officer Seifel folded his arms, suspended in the air, turned his head away, and said with a pouted mouth:

"Don't want those cheap ones, they don't match my identity, and they don't show the noble image of this first officer. I want the navy coat and military cap of the Kul Tirans!"

The pirate dragon said with bright eyes:

"That navy suit is so cool, you have to find me one that fits, or I'll grab your Pirate King hat and clothes."

"Okay, okay, can't I find it for you? Anyway, you have recently made preparations for sailing, and we may be going to a far away place in a while."


Bu Laike got a cool new equipment here, and his heart is hot.

But in Karazhan, the Tower of Darkness, which is far away in the Deadwind Pass, which has been almost emptied and only a large number of books are left, the black knights are very depressed.

On the gloomy and dark terrace of Karazhan, the leader of the black knights, Aredin, was leaning on his heavy sword, watching the two companions who had been killed by Garona and Khadgar reborn under the power of the curse.

Behind them, on the edge of the huge and empty terrace, the violent undead dragon Nightmare is maintaining the sleeping posture of the giant dragon, lying in the corner.

But the bone dragon's eyes were like burning, but it stared at the nine lives in front of it that were cursed like it.

"Ever since that damned pirate robbed us of the treasure we dedicated to Lord Sargeras, the curse has been activated again, and the peace we finally obtained was broken again."

Aredin, leader of the black knights, said in a voice as cold as winter:

"That power churned within us, bringing us terrible torments.

We endured the humiliation brought to us by Bu Laike Shaw, we endured the humiliation, and it took us so much time to rediscover those treasures on this land.

Desire to sooth our pain.

But that orc and human mage who suddenly appeared, ruined all our efforts

Can't go on like this! "

"That's Khadgar and Garona, Aredin."

Another black knight holding a steel staff said coldly:

"They were the ones who killed Medivh. That night you went out looking for treasures for your master. I stayed in the cellar. I witnessed the betrayal and assassination with my own eyes."

"That's Medivh's business, it has nothing to do with us."

Eredin waved his hand and said coldly:

"Facts have proved that passive defense is impossible to succeed. Laike Shaw and his accomplices are wantonly trampling on our efforts and the meaning of existence.

If we don't eradicate them, no matter how many treasures we find, we will only make wedding dresses for those shameless mice!

They treat us like a treasure trove that they can come in and out at will and take at will.

They are consumed with a frenzy of predation, a madness that only killing can end.

Can't go on like this!

We must respond to this malice! With the strength and allies left behind by the master, we must wage a war against Bu Laike Shaw and the idiots who follow him!

We must take back those treasures that give us peace of mind. "

The other black knights fell silent.

Regardless of their cool appearance and the majesty of big villains, before they became black knights, they were just a group of despicable liars. Although driven by the curse, they also carried out killing.

But they're not professional fighters, as evidenced by the ease with which Garona and Khadgar can defeat them.

If it weren't for those two guys trying to purify the dark aura of the Kingslayer's Double Blades, they messed up and got injured, just relying on nine black knights would not be enough for those two guys.

"We are not strong enough, Aredin."

The newly revived black knight with a hammer on his back rubbed his painful forehead and said:

"The continuous strengthening of the curse takes time, and there are only nine of us."

"No, we are outnumbered!"

Aridin waved his hand, and immediately a black knight with two swords handed over the Kingslayer Double Blades that Garona had left in Karazhan. Aridin held the two daggers and said to the other black knights:

"The master we are loyal to has other followers among the stars. Demons, endless demons, countless demons, they will all become forces that we can drive.

The stupid Garona gave us this weapon that can be linked to the demon king Kil'jaeden.

Brothers, we will soon have countless cannon fodder at our disposal, and we can easily destroy that dirty pirate! Best of all, our curse comes from the Great Master.

Even the demon king can't refuse our help, he Kil'jaeden, hehe, it's nothing more than the master's lackey.

Not much more noble than us. "

The leader of the black knight looked at the double blades of the kingslayer in his hand, and he shouted loudly:

"We were too foolish to regard the curse as a burden, but no, brothers, it is a 'gift' from the master, which frees us from the torment of death.

What a sad day we were content to be rats in the sewer, cut off from what was going on around the world, but it's over!

That damned pirate reminds us that we can do more.

The plunder of the dirty cloth Laike Shaw, while hurting us, also opened a new door for us. Since the evil party of the sea can plunder us wantonly, why do we have to swallow our breath?

The world is big!

This world is full of treasures that can please the owner and make us stronger.


We have opened our black eyes from ignorance and humbleness, and it is time for our career to enter the next stage.

We need a boat!

A ship that can hold all the treasures in the world.

There are many such ships on the shores of the Blasted Lands, and the Kul Tiran warships are at our disposal, grab one and bring it back!

I will make contact with his servants among the stars in this dark temple left by the master, when everything is ready, brothers.

We, the Black Spirit Pirates!

He will set foot on the sea of ​​plunder in the name of his master. We will pay back Laike Shaw and his gang a hundredfold for all the humiliation they have done to us!

In the pursuit of slaughtering the evil party, we will also enjoy the fun of eternal plunder.


Bu Laike Shaw.

Your comeuppance has come. "

(end of this chapter)

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