Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 284 103. The End Of One War Is Just The Beginning Of Another

Chapter 284 103. The end of one war is just the beginning of another

"Well, the delicacies after the war can always soothe the stomachs and tired hearts of soldiers."

In the restaurant box of the Lion's Pride Hotel, Duke Mograine ate all the dishes on the table like a storm, grabbed a large glass of ale and drank it, and then let out a comfortable groan.

As the saying goes, the strength of a fighter is directly proportional to his appetite.

Judging by this standard, the Grand Duke Mograine in front of him is definitely a hero among warriors and paladins. Under Xiao Er's gaze, the strong and strong grand duke ate the food of five adults in one go.

It is simply the best among the big appetite kings.

"This western wilderness stew tastes very good. It is indeed a famous delicacy in the Kingdom of Stormwind. Maybe I should invite a cook here to go back to the northern border with me."

The Grand Duke laughed and said:

"My two children will definitely like this taste."

He drank a glass of wine, wiped his hands again, and said to Shaw, who was sitting across from him, sipping a glass of ale:

"So, tell me, Shaw, what do you want to talk to me about?"

Shaw didn't answer right away.

He put down the wine glass, felt around with his extraordinary perception, and after confirming that there were no bystanders, he took out a rolled up paper from his arms and handed it to the Grand Duke.

The latter took it casually, glanced at it, and immediately opened his eyes with anger, and holy light appeared in his hands.

He looked at Xiao Er in front of him, and said in a deep voice:

"Is the source of this news accurate?"


Xiao Er nodded and replied softly:

"It was just sent from northern Xinjiang last night, and it was sent through the private channel of His Excellency the Duke. Obviously, His Excellency the Duke is not willing to accept this entrustment.

But please understand that Ravenholdt is an Assassin organization after all.

Your Excellency the Duke can stop it for a while, but he can't control all the members. For various reasons, there will always be someone who accepts this bounty that is tantamount to rebellion. "

"The client, who is it?"

Mograine looked at the line written on the note in his hand, and every character of this line made the anger in his heart impossible to suppress.

His tone was cold, obviously with killing intent.

"I would also like to tell you the answer, Your Excellency the Duke."

Shaw shook his head and said:

"But let's not mention Ravenholdt's rules of conduct, let's say that the mastermind behind this entrustment, he or she, has hidden himself very deeply, and His Excellency the Duke must have searched for it.

But he did not give information, proving that he did not find any clues.

I have already reported these matters to Uther, the great knight who guards Marshal Lothar. Last night, the defense force near the hotel was doubled.

I asked His Highness Varian for instructions, and he asked me to tell you about this matter. His Highness believes that you are a trustworthy person. "

Duke Mograine is a veteran aristocrat. Although he is not keen on these power struggles, he also knows how bottomless his group of "citizens" are when they play tricks.

Even without Xiao's prompting, His Excellency the Duke turned around in his mind, and guessed several people who had the motivation to issue this commission, and they were all people of incomparably noble status.

This situation makes people very angry, but also makes people very helpless.

Obviously it was the sword that Lothar used to fight in the last battle on the Burning Plain, as well as the legendary color of the sword itself, as well as the identity of Marshal Lothar and his supreme prestige in the alliance at this time. to the fragile nerves of some

"It's just a broken sword!"

The Grand Duke crushed the note in his hand, and said extremely irritatedly:

"I think they are all crazy. With Lothar's character, so what if he holds that sword? How could a person like him give up his dignity and throw himself into the muddy pit of politics?

They're just worrying about something that just can't happen. "

"That's what it says, Your Excellency."

Xiao Er took a sip of his wine and said:

"But we can't see through the soul, and naturally we can't understand the thinking of those people. I'm talking about this matter with you, and I don't want to provoke a fight among the great nobles.

I'm just making a suggestion to you.

I have discussed it with my loyal Highness. His Highness Varian thinks that it is inappropriate to send Marshal Lothar back to Northern Border at this time. He should stay in the Kingdom of Stormwind. What do you think? "

"Well, very steady thinking."

The Grand Duke closed his eyes, and after a few seconds of silence, he asked again:

"What about the opinion of Great Knight Uther?"

"The great knight is also willing to stay in the Kingdom of Stormwind until His Excellency Marshal fully recovers."

Xiao Er coughed and said:

"The secret letter has been sent to the church headquarters, and His Majesty's reply should come in the next few days, but I think those conspirators who are unwilling to let Marshal Lothar continue to live will not let the marshal stay here forever.

As long as the sword is in the Marshal's hand, the plot against him will never cease.

With the character of a marshal, he will not let this kind of provocation go, he will respond to it, and as a soldier, he will face those heckles and gossips upright.

The purpose of my telling you this is here. "

Mathias breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"The marshal is in the Stormwind Kingdom, we can protect his safety, but once he chooses to go back to the northern border, SI:7 will be powerless. At that time, we will need the support of a noble from the northern border like you."

"Do not worry!"

Duke Mograine snorted coldly, clenched his fists and said:

"When Lothar wants to go back to Northern Xinjiang, let him come back.

If those black-hearted people want to harm him, they have to step over my dead body first! I will not allow them to do this to a true hero and great man.

I also ask you to protect Lothar on this lost land.

He is too old.

The duel with Orgrim was too reckless. Although he won in the end, it had caused a terrible impact on his body, and he might not be able to swing his sword as bravely as before.

He gave everything for the league, and now it's time for the league to pay him back. "

"This is our duty, Grand Duke, you don't have to worry."

Shaw nodded.

After a few seconds, he said again:

"After talking about business, I want to talk to you about a personal matter.

A few days ago, I received a piece of information. It is said that after a glorious victory on the battlefield of the Burning Plains, you got a strange trophy? "


Hearing this, Mograine's expression became strange.

He said:

"Is the infiltration ability of MI7 so strong? That thing is an unexpected harvest after drinking with a few adjutants. I don't remember that I took too many people there. Could it be that among my adjutants, there are also your spies?"

"No, no, it was just an accident."

Xiao Er waved his hand, revealing the bewildered smile typical of intelligence workers.

He said:

"You can completely trust your lieutenants, they are very loyal to you, but the key point is the loot, a friend of mine who has researched shadow magic entrusted me to ask you to buy that dark object.

He said he'd give you whatever you want in exchange for that. "

"So generous?"

The Duke stroked the beard on his chin, he showed a playful expression, scratched his fingers on the table, and said:

"I thought that thing was worthless, it exuded a rather evil aura, and I was frostbitten by the darkness just by touching it.

My lieutenant advised me to drop it, or destroy it.

I still want to take it back and show it to Your Majesty, but your 'friend' is so eager to exchange it, but it makes me feel that this thing may hide secrets that I haven't discovered. "

Mograine laughed, and in a joking tone, patted the table, and said to Xiao Er:

"As the Grand Duke of Lordaeron, I don't need money, my territory is big enough, I have a family I love deeply, and I have my faith.

Look, Shaw, I don't need anything from your friends,

His offer was unattractive to me.

So I decided, I want to keep this thing and study it slowly, just to satisfy the boring curiosity of a great nobleman. "

Having said that, Shaw already understood that the Grand Duke rejected the deal.

He didn't try to persuade him any more. Before he left, Bu Laike made it very clear that if the Duke didn't want to change it, then let him go. There will be a chance to get it in the future.

Thinking of this, Xiao Er felt that maybe he should remind the Grand Duke that he should upgrade his own anti-theft force.

But this reminder was not spoken in the end.

After politely bidding farewell to the Grand Duke, Shaw left the Lion's Pride Hotel, rode a horse, and galloped in the direction of the North County Abbey, but did not go to that sacred place.

And near the monastery, entered the forest, bypassed the dense forest, and finally came to a small manor.

He walked into the manor, and saw Pasonia Shaw, who was lying on a chair and taking a nap like an old man sleeping in the sun.

Mathias didn't disturb grandma, walked forward, picked up the dropped blanket from the ground, and gently covered grandma's legs with it.

"Your footsteps are too heavy, are you too tired?"

Basking in the sun with her eyes closed, Pasonia, who seemed to have aged a lot all of a sudden, asked a question suddenly.

"Just to let you hear it on purpose, so as not to scare you."

Under the sun, Xiao Er moved another chair, sat next to grandma, stretched out his hand to hold her remaining right hand, and put it in his hand.

This scene is very warm, like a mother-in-law and grandson telling each other about the beauty of family affection.

The premise is that the relationship between the mother-in-law and the grandson is too fucking distorted if one ignores the poisoned dagger hidden under the chair by Granny Xiao and the dagger held in Xiaoer's other hand.

"Is retirement still suitable? Grandma."

Mathias asked softly.

"It's a good life."

The silver-haired Granny Xiao leaned her head on her grandson's shoulder. She yawned and said lazily:

"So comfortable that I almost killed the three rookies you sent to spy on me last night, to be honest, my dagger was less than three centimeters away from their necks.

How do you pick people? Mathias, did you deliberately let such a rookie dangle in front of my eyes, because you were afraid that I would be bored? "

"I sent four people."

Shaw said softly:

"It seems that there is finally a qualified one. Besides, grandma, they are not monitoring you, they are protecting you."

"Do I need their protection?"

Granny Xiao sneered and said:

"I'm thinking about whether to accept that commission, my precious grandson, Lothar is very close to me, maybe I only need to draw a knife once"

"Stop kidding, grandma, you're not good at this."

Mathias stroked his grandma's trembling hand and placed it on his heart.

He said softly:

"You have served the Alliance all your life, and you have your own bottom line. Isn't that why Ravenholdt's group of legendary assassins have always despised you?

You are a hero.

No matter how they slander you, you are my hero.

In this place where grandpa is buried, spend your old age peacefully. I will protect you just like you protect me. You don't have to worry about Marshal Lothar.

The enemy hides in the shadows and has launched a war provocation.

But we are also in the dark. This is a war in the shadows. I am preparing for this battle. I believe that I will never walk alone. They will see my power with their own eyes.

The kind of force that is destined to change the world, and has begun to change the world. "

Hearing this, Granny Xiao suddenly fell silent.

After several minutes, she said:

"I don't worry about you, Mathias. It's not about your skills, nor about your mind. I'm just worried about that 'bad friend' you made.

Bo Laike Shaw, or Drake Proudmoore, the ghost who came back from the dead. I couldn't figure out what he was going to do, which made me feel uneasy.

Playing with him is like dancing with poisonous snakes.

He will teach you badly. "

"Don't be afraid, Grandma."

Xiao Er closed his eyes in the sun, feeling the warmth on his skin, and said softly:

"I've always been a slow learner."

(end of this chapter)

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