Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 273 92. New Skin, Drustvar Limited Edition

Chapter 273 92. New skin, Drustvar limited edition

"Get these ugly creatures out of my ship! Damn! Bindel died at their hands, these murlocs eat people! Bastard!"

At midnight, under the Great Lighthouse of Westfall, the Might of Jotunheim was ready to set sail late at night.

But the new captain, Grayson, found something terrible on his precious ship-a group of dirty murlocs who somehow climbed onto his ship and planned to build a nest below the deck.

This made Captain Ghost very dissatisfied.

He waved the sailor knife in his hand, shouting loudly, trying to drive the group of murlocs away, but these bold guys were not afraid of this ghost at all.

Under the leadership of Old Blind, they croaked indiscriminately.

Going to drive this nasty ghost off the ship.

Beside the purple murloc Lao Blind who was dragging a black iron battle axe, there was a very clever murloc waving a tattered flag in his hand.

A flagpole is just a long branch, stripped of all leaves, and crooked.

And the flag itself was a shirt that I found somewhere. After it was torn apart, coral was used to grind a liquid mixed with blood and wine, and a pattern of murloc heads and skulls was smeared on it.

It's like a child's doodle.

The clever murloc waved the flag in his hand, and more than 20 powerful murlocs carefully selected from the Long Beach tribe croaked and surrounded Captain Grayson.

They all held decent weapons in their hands. Although they might not hurt the ghost, this scene still scared the old ghost pirate.

But in order to protect the boat he just got, he also risked it.

Holding the ghost sailor knife, he was about to rush over to fight, anyway, he has no entity, and these idiots can't beat him at all.


A shot was heard from high above the lighthouse.

By the open window of the lighthouse, Bu Laike, rubbing his eyes, yelled down below:

"What's the noise? Let people sleep? What happened?"

"It's a murloc! Your Excellency, Commander of the Fleet, these filthy beasts have somehow climbed onto our ship. I am fulfilling the captain's mission! I am protecting my deck and driving them out."

Captain Grayson yelled towards the lighthouse, and the dazed Bo Laike rubbed his eyes, and sure enough, he saw a bunch of squawking murlocs on the deck.

He also saw the big, purple-skinned guy.

"Uh, isn't this old blind?"

Bu Laike said in surprise:

"Why does it use an ax instead of a harpoon?"

"quack quack"

Just when the Commander of the Pirate Fleet was suspicious, a familiar cry sounded from not far away, and Benbo Erba was riding on the back of Old Bonebiter, flying towards Bu Laike.

It waved its hands at Bo Laike, croaking and explaining, the cute face was still proud, and finally whistled downward in the air.

The murlocs who were confronting the ghost captain immediately raised their heads, made a strange military salute, and shouted the name of Benbo Erba.

"Huh? You also have your own pirate group?"

Bu Laike nodded in relief, waved his hand, and said:

"That's right, the murloc pirate group, um, sounds pretty good, there are too many legendary murlocs in this world. Old Blind is just the more famous one.

Keep up the good work, you little idiot.

You've finally shown a third ability besides treasure hunting and making me happy.

Go, go, take your men, and go to the cabin.

Don't bother with that idiot ghost, he's just been dead for so long that he's out of his wits. "

The little murloc croaked and flew towards the ghost ship below while driving the old Bonebiter, but soon, Laike reacted. He squinted his eyes and threw a scout at the pirate ship below.

The result was dazzled by the blue and green lights of the deck.

Good guy.

This little murloc is fine with his subordinates.

Any murloc has an excellent quality weapon in his hand, the old blind battle axe, and the one-handed hammer in that clever murloc's hand are both of elf quality.

It seems that this little thing, when searching for treasures for Bu Laike on weekdays, kept a lot of secrets.

Bu Laike wanted to get angry. This kind of behavior of hiding loot is a big taboo of pirate gangs, which can easily lead to infighting with uneven distribution of spoils. But he changed his mind, Benbo Erba was his treasure-hunting murloc.

It is his own pet, even if it is kept private, those things are still his own in name.

It's nothing more than turning left and right.


First pretend not to know, let it continue to hide things, and then think of a way to steal all of Benbo Erba's small treasure house at once.

Plan to pass!

"This is the ghost ship from Sea Tales."

A few minutes later, Braike tidied up, took his hunter Beast Frostclaw, and walked up to the deck with three steps. Captain Grayson was already standing on the bow of the ship, holding a sail knife, full of ambition. Looking out over the calm ocean.

And Natalie, the ship doctor, was still dressed as before, wearing a long hood and holding the book "Secrets of the Void" in her hand.

Like a tourist, she scrutinized the details of this ghost ship, and could also feel the lingering gloom and coldness on this ship.

This is an ominous creation, entwined with a chilling aura.

"It's just an entry-level ghost ship, my lady doctor."

Laike slapped the ship's side, looked at the blind old man on the deck, and with the help of other murlocs, he pulled up the anchor bit by bit with the help of other murlocs.

He took another look at Grayson, who was standing at the bow of the ship, showing his pirate temperament and pretending to be giving orders. He shook his head, patted the side of the ship, and said:

"set sail!"

The moment the order was issued, the entire ship shook immediately.

Without anyone operating, the mainsail in the center of the deck fell down with a clatter, filled with the sea wind, and sailed out of the small pier bit by bit in constant vibration and shaking.

Ms. Natalie was dumbfounded watching this scene, and Bo Laike glanced at her. Seeing the surprised look of the archbishop, he was secretly relieved, and he waved his hands pretending to be calm, and said:

"What? Haven't you been on a ghost ship before?"

"They are all things shaped by death, they can understand and execute orders. This ship belongs to the kind of 'dumb' ones, and it doesn't even have the ability to dive into the water.

You can only do these simple operations, and when you are at sea, you have to be led by the captain.

The ship you're going to stay on is much smarter.

If you speak ill of it, you will be eaten by it.

Well, speaking of it, I haven't seen the Nagfar for more than a month. I don't know how my precious ship is doing now? "


What about the Nagfar?

The answer is that this legendary ghost ship is in excellent condition now.

When the Commander of the Undead Fleet set off from Westfall for Tol Barad, the Naglfar was docked at a small hidden dock in the southwestern Drustvar Mountains of Kul Tiras.

It is not appropriate to say "stop", it should be called "dive".

The ghost ship is like a giant monster in the deep sea, quietly hovering in the deep water 20 meters away from the sea surface. Its first mate, the pirate dragon Miss Safir, is currently in the captain's cabin, occupying Braike's gorgeous big Bed, fast asleep.

She is in ghost form.

But it can't change the problems of dragons.

It's easy to fall into a long slumber when you're bored.

Fortunately, the Nagfar has its own intelligence and consciousness, and does not need this useless first officer to command it.

Above this ghostly water, by the pier, there is a native village called Falconwood Town, a mountain town on the edge of the Drustvar Mountains.

He was not very famous before, but in the past month, he suddenly became famous.

At this time, there are loggers from all over the Drustvar Mountains, who are summoned here by the "Albatross" Chamber of Commerce with a lot of money. Every day, under the leadership of the foreman, they go to the red forest in the north of the town to log.

They will drag the collected wood back to the town, process it into thick planks, and store them in the warehouse.

When the night comes, there will be some strangely dressed knights who will take out the finished wooden boards from the warehouse Curry, tie them to stones, and push them into the water outside the town.

The ship spirit of the Nagfar will incorporate the planks with dark power into its own hull, replacing the decayed deck and hull.

This process does not require human intervention, just like this ghost ship is "changing clothes" for itself.

This action, which has lasted for a month, is about to come to an end.

"It is like a devouring beast that has passed its period of weakness, and after cutting off the carrion, it will soon become stronger again.

It's a pity that these woods from the Crimson Forest are only contaminated with a small amount of dark magic power, which is barely enough for it to use.

But it still yearns for better wood. "

On the deck of the Naglfar, the layer of water that blocks the sea water supports a dry area under the water.

Wearing an arcanist's robe and holding a tome in his hand, the Shadow of Elan is checking the overall status of the ghost ship.

Under the observation of the pale and illusory shadow of the great mage, he could clearly see that the replaced wood was being integrated into the whole of the ghost ship at a rapid speed.

The legendary power from the Naglfar is undergoing a "reborn" that advances moment by moment.

This was a strange sight that the archmage had never seen before, either during his lifetime or after his death. He was very interested in it, and had been observing this "assimilation" phenomenon inside and outside the ship for many days.

And behind him, in the shadow cast by the poop under the water, a person who couldn't see his figure clearly was leaning there, and responded in a tone that couldn't lift his spirits:

"I don't care about the condition of this ship, nor its desires. I am only interested in its owner now. The evil pirate who bound me to this ghost ship!

I have a lot to say, and I want to talk to him. "

It was a woman's voice, with a hint of calm and unconcealable resistance in the words.

She seems to hate the ship.

This is normal.

Compared with His Excellency Nieras Elan, who came here voluntarily, this lady was forced to "board" in a coma of soul. She didn't even have a chance to choose, so she became the "ship" on the Nagfar. passenger".

Her existence has become part of the ship's "self-defense force".

"I advise you not to be so impulsive or malicious, General Liresa."

Elan stroked the assimilated wood in front of him, and said without looking back:

"Mr. Bo Laike, is not a person who will reason with you. If you question him recklessly and demand him, I don't think you will end well.

Besides, I heard your story from First Officer Seifel.

From what I understand, it was Captain Boo Laike who rescued you from the apocalypse of being consumed by Gul'dan's enslavement. With the traditions and etiquette of your high elves.

You should see him as a benefactor, not an enemy. "

"I am not a mage, and I am not as wise as you, able to persuade myself to accept the fate of being forever bound to a ghost ship after death.

I do thank Lord Bu Laike for saving me from Gul'dan. "

The lady in the dark said with a quiet tone:

"But rather than this kind of 'eternal life', I hope he can send me into the cycle of life and death. The rangers of the Windrunner family are not afraid of death.

After dying for my country, I have fulfilled my oath and mission, and I should embark on a peaceful road.

Not like this now. "

Elan didn't answer.

After a few minutes, he stood up, took out a quill, wrote his observation diary on the grimoire in his hand, and said to the disgruntled Ms. Liresa Windrunner behind him in a calm tone :

"I have a child, I gave my life for him, and I would do more for him.

I hear you also have three daughters and a son, and they must be grieving the loss of you right now. Maybe that would make me appear to be quibbling.


Think about your children, ma'am.

During the time trapped on this ship, you have at least one day a year to see them again, talk to them, and listen to their troubles and happiness.

I can see my children grow up with my own eyes, and I can watch them step into their own life and destiny.

In the end, you can see them find their own happiness.

Seeing the bloodline of the Windrunner family live on, rather than leaving them alone to make their way to the world of the dead, there is so much more you can do for them.

This is a kind of luck as a parent.

I am grateful for this fate.

Perhaps, you should also learn to appreciate it. "

(end of this chapter)

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