Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 264 83. Before The Trial, I Allow You To Defend Yourself

Chapter 264 83. Before the trial, I allow you to defend yourself

Twilight Forest, Tranquil Garden Cemetery.

Before the darkness invaded the land, this was the place where the townspeople buried their dead. It was in a mountain depression, surrounded by a forest, very peaceful.

But after the dark magic came from Deadwind Pass, it became a dangerous place. Among the refugees in the forest, there are terrible rumors about the "resurrection of corpses" here.

But tonight, the legendary walking skeletons did not crawl out of the tomb to frighten people, because this place has been occupied by another kind of deep darkness.

Across a dilapidated chapel, the Templar Assassins and the author of the Light and Shadow Doctrine were confronting each other.

A black magic curtain blocked the area between the two sides, like a not-so-thick wall.

The color of the magic was not right, it was purple-black.

It was like a floating veil of dim light, vaguely visible in the abandoned church, the figure half kneeling in front of the collapsed icon with his back to the two.

The verification conditions proposed by Bu Laike are very idealistic.

The former archbishop of the Stormwind Kingdom, Natalie Serling, who he wanted to hide here, released a holy light spell on him to judge whether she had fallen into darkness.

At first glance, it sounds like an unreliable game.

But just now, when the crazy priests who had gone too far in the dark were executed in the ruins of Nightshade Town, the facts have proved that this method is very effective.

"You proclaim a dangerous and fascinating doctrine, claiming to walk in the light and shadow, not to be blinded by the holy light, and not to reject the blessing of the shadow.

I think it's a cool thing to do.

The premise is that what you do is consistent with what you claim. "

In the gloomy cemetery, the pirate leaned on the hand of death, and said to Natalie at the other end of the dark magic power:

"Old Faol once said to me that darkness is a temptation, and I agree with this statement.

Madam Archbishop, if you, like your followers who have been lured into madness, have completely embraced the morbid void, then what we are here today to 'save' is not just your soul. "

His words sparked the laughter of Bishop Natalie who seemed to be praying in the chapel.

It seemed as if he had heard some funny joke.

"During these two years"

She responded in that hoarse, thirsty voice:

"I roamed the familiar lands, fighting the orcs in every ruin that I had blessed with the Holy Light, and those alien invaders were driven out of this land by me.

Westfall, Erwin Forest, Redridge Mountains, and this land shrouded in darkness.

I am like a ghost crawling out of hell, holding the fire of revenge. Wherever I go, no matter how violent the enemy is, they can only helplessly drown in their own fear.

There isn't a day when those heretics don't want to kill me, but so many orcs swear, none of them can.

young people.

You're just claiming a judgment you can't do.

Let's go back.

Take my last words to Faol, and tell my good teacher that I have gone too far in darkness, and there is no one who can redeem my soul. "

This blunt answer made Nathanos raise his eyebrows. He glanced at Bu Laike and pulled the war bow in his hand a little, obviously ready to attack.

A keen ranger like him, even though separated by a magic curtain, can still clearly feel that Natalie tried hard to cover up her weakness.

But the pain in her voice suggested she was probably bluffing.

According to Garney Sr., her followers did not rebel tonight.

In the past few days, those crazy people have been trying to kill Natalie Serling and have tried to take away the shadow relic in her hand. The archbishop must have been injured.

She is not hiding in this place.

She escaped.

The pirate raised his finger and waved to the ranger beside him, signaling him not to start a fight first.

Bo Laike looked left and right at the deserted and eerie cemetery around him.

In this cemetery, the soil of many tombs showed signs of renovation. From his perception, he could also feel the "restless" dead under the soil and in the rotten coffins.

Those rotting husks whose souls have been taken by death have been imbued with something more sinister by the forces of darkness, and they should be prowling around in the night, attacking life.

But now, they are very "fearful", hiding in their graves and not daring to come out.

The dead are not afraid.

There's only another, more dangerous force holding them back

"It's getting out of hand, isn't it? Nathalie Serling."

Bu Laike squatted down, grabbed a handful of soil from the tomb, put it in his hand to examine it, let go of his hand, and let the soil fall to the ground. Leaning on his sickle, he glanced at the abandoned chapel.


"Don't be mysterious, Archbishop, you don't know in whose presence you're putting on a bad drama.

It no longer responds to your calls.

You can no longer hear the blurred voice that sounds in your waking and sleeping dreams. Xal'atath, the old-fashioned monster, is tired of you.

It's tired.

Just like what it has been doing for countless millennia in the past. Your body and soul can no longer arouse its interest, and it wants to abandon you.

No, judging from the fact that the members of the Church of the Forgotten Shadow you created are out of control, it has already abandoned you.

This time, it did not choose to leave without saying goodbye.

With just a few words, it easily set off an internal struggle, and it wants to complete another curtain call in the midst of the clink of weapons pierced into your body by the rebels and the flow of regretful blood.

In the blood left by the arrogant life who called itself the "master", once again returned to the darkness of history. "

The pirate chuckled.

Without fear, he walked towards the ruined church that looked strange no matter what.

"do not come!"

Natalie's voice sharpened and she threatened:

"Since you know Xal'atath's name, you should know how dangerous it is when it is angry. You are doing something that will hurt you and retreat, young man!

This is the final warning! "

"If you can still use it to cast a shadow spell, then I would rather die generously."

Bu Laike's words were full of sarcasm.

He stood in front of that endlessly circulating, extremely ominous, purple-black magic curtain full of poison. Under Nathanos' stunned gaze, the pirate raised his finger and poked lightly.


Amidst the sound that sounded like a balloon leaking, the mysterious and scary magic barrier in front of him was easily cut open by Laike with his fingers.

Much like black slime smeared on the walls.

As long as you can overcome the cleanliness in your mind, it will not threaten you at all.

Seeing that his trick was exposed, Archbishop Natalie Serling, who was wearing a black robe, suddenly stood up in this abandoned chapel.

She turned around, covered the horrible almost piercing wound in her waist and abdomen with her left hand, and held a weird weapon in her right hand.

Leaving aside the evil spirit of that weapon.

As for the archbishop herself, she was a bit younger than the pirates imagined.

The hood of the hood was cut by a sharp knife, revealing the black hair of the slender archbishop, and the young face that was not beautiful, but not ugly either.

Her cheeks were very pale and her lips were ashen.

It was a sign of excessive blood loss, and there was also a sense of confusion in the black eyes, and the panic when the secret of weakness was discovered.

Probably because of being in contact with shadows and listening to the void all year round, this lady has a gloomy aura lingering around her.

At first glance, it is very uncomfortable, like an evil witch in a fairy tale.

The pirate looked over Natalie Serling's body and looked at the collapsed icon behind her. In front of the symbol of the Church of the Holy Light, there was a pool of coagulated blood.

Apparently, before their arrival, the archbishop was doing some harm to himself.

"It seems that this is the cemetery you chose for yourself. The taste is really not very good. If I were to choose a cemetery for myself, I would choose a beautiful boat."

The pirate pointed to his feet, and he said to the trembling archbishop in front of him in a voice that dissected his mind:

"Did you predict that you would not escape catastrophe today, so you want to send your soul into the void, so as to avoid eternal death after the body is damaged?

Do you know the risks of doing this?

Xal'atath taught you this magic, right? Don't you suspect that it has an ulterior motive in making you send your soul into the void?

Under the circumstances that it has completely abandoned you and instigated a rebellion to bury you completely, do you think it is appropriate to do things according to the method it taught you?

Use your little brain to think about it. "

Natalie didn't answer.

She looked at the pirate carrying an ominous scythe in front of her, Nathanos aiming at her with an arrow from outside, and the ferocious beast looming in the shadows around her.

She tried hard to maintain her posture, not wanting the people in front of her to see her shaken and weak.

"give it to me!"

The pirate shook his head, held out his hand to Natalie, and said:

"Give me that dangerous dagger, don't listen to the weird things it says to you, look at you now, human or ghost

Hasn't it hurt you enough?

Give it to me, don't ask for it.

Although my companions and I are handsome as angels, believe me, we are not as good as those legendary creatures. "

This bad thing is still in the mood to joke.

Natalie would be hesitant.

The plan in her heart was shattered by Laike, and the doubts that existed in her heart surged again. She glanced at the coagulated blood behind her, and the dark shadow that was beating under the blood.

He glanced at his hand again, and no longer responded to his shadow relic.

Holding the thing, she took a step back.

She pursed her lips and said in a voice mingled with regret and pain:

"I have gone too far. When Xal'atath stopped whispering to me, I woke up from that dark dream. I looked back and saw no light that guided my soul.

Me, I did terrible things.

Not that it tempted me to do it.

It just showed me that it was possible, that I made the choice.

I told myself countless times that those were the enemy.

But what I did still surpassed the taboos of morality and etiquette. It was an evil deed that could not be described as madness. I had turned myself into a monster. "

As Natalie spoke, Bo Laike's fingers flicked behind him.


The bowstring in Nathanos' hand buzzed, and the flying arrow pierced into the church, causing Natalie to raise her head suddenly, trying to prop up a shield.

The arrow was just a bait to distract attention. At the same moment, the figure of the pirate disappeared in place, and appeared behind Natalie with a shadow step. He grabbed her right wrist and twisted it down hard.

In the severe pain, the evil object in the archbishop's hand was thrown out, jumped on the ground a few times, and fell into the shadow of the corner.

And Natalie herself, in a whirlwind, was thrown over the shoulder by Bu Laike and smashed hard on the dusty ground of the dilapidated church.

She is too weak.

Being backstabbed viciously by her own people almost cost her most of her life, and now she is being treated so roughly by the pirates, the remaining half of her life is almost thrown out of her body.

In pain, she raised her head, and saw the pirate was pressing on her body, with a snake-shaped black dagger in her hand, and the entangled shadow was between her eyes.

"You don't have to confess to me. I'm not a priest who saves souls, and I'm not in the mood to listen to you about your twisted mental journey, Archbishop."

The pirate stared at her with his right eye, and said word by word:

"Forgiving you is a matter of Holy Light. My only duty when I was invited here is to send you to see Holy Light, or take you back to see Faol."

"Now, ma'am. Cast a Holy Light spell and heal yourself."

"Be serious, this is your last chance to defend yourself."

(end of this chapter)

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