Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 258 77. Post-War Entertainment Time

Chapter 258 77. Post-war Entertainment Time

"call out"

When the capable soldiers of Company B fought their way out of the hall occupied by a group of orcs and rushed out of the prison of Blackrock Spire, Corporal John J. Keeshan, an elite soldier of the Alliance, suddenly heard a sharp whistle.

He wiped the blood from his face, glanced to the side, and saw the weird alliance assassin from before, leaning on the stone bridge on the edge of the Blackstone Tower in a leisurely posture.

It was the bridge broken by last night's explosion, and the assassin was leaning against the shadow of the bridge pier.

Below his feet is an abyss hundreds of meters high, below which is a bubbling magma pool. Unless it is a giant dragon that can swim in the magma, it will die if it falls.

"Not bad, seven minutes and thirty-four seconds. Although the opponent is a group of old, weak, sick and disabled, they are still orcs. I now believe that you are the elite of the alliance."

Bu Laike looked at the group of lonely warriors.

All of them were wounded, but they all carried weapons in their hands, all of which were snatched from the orcs. Two guys were seriously injured while fighting the orcs, and they were being carried by their companions, half dead.

The leader, Corporal Keishan, was even more brave. Not to mention the blood all over his body, even the bow string in his hand was dripping blood. He must have strangled an orc to death with this thing just now.

"follow me."

A fight made these guys gasp for breath.

By the time the adrenaline rush wears off, they should be exhausted.

Bu Laike didn't talk nonsense, he gestured to the group of people, and led them around several outposts in Blackrock Spire, passing through the elbows of the dwarf statues carved on the mountain by the Dark Iron dwarves.

This is the "employee channel" for players in the game.

"Next, I will take you to Darkforge City, which is currently the only place where you can leave Blackrock Mountain."

The pirate led the group of alliance warriors up the huge rickety iron chain, and said to his back:

"Secret action, have you learned it? If someone makes a noise later and attracts the Dark Iron Dwarves to chase you, don't blame me for giving up on you."

"who are you?"

The vigilant Corporal Keshan put his war bow on his back, walked nimbly on the iron chain, and asked in a low voice:

"Is it someone from SI:7?"

"Do you think the assassin under Mathias Shaw's little trash can come and go freely in Blackstone Mountain under the current situation like me?"

Bu Laike asked back:

"SI7 is in your heart, is it so powerful?"

This rhetorical question silenced Corporal Keeshan.

Indeed, in the previous missions he had cooperated with MI7, those assassins were indeed capable, but they were indeed not so powerful.

The assassin in front of him must be a very powerful person.

Bu Laike led the elite of Company B, along the iron cable from the Blackrock Tower, all the way to the center of the hollowed out mountain of Blackrock Mountain, where a lonely platform stood in the magma pool.

"It was originally connected by a bridge and a platform with a large ring around it."

The pirate jumped onto the platform, pointed to the chains and broken bridge marks around him, and said to the Alliance soldiers behind him like a tour guide:

"Blackrock Spire was originally part of Darkforge City, but after the orcs seized Blackrock Spire as a base, the Dark Iron Dwarves took the initiative to blow up the bridge.

The orcs can't get in, but the dwarves have drilling machines that can come in and out freely. Those drilling machines that can dig tunnels underground are the tools we left with.

Are there any assassins among you? "

He asked a question, and the corporal replied immediately:

"Yes, sir, we have three assassins."


This title made Bo Laike smile. He glanced at Keeshan, who was upright and maintaining a military posture, and said:

"Okay, let your assassins follow me. After we clear the way, you will follow."

There were three assassins in the crowd behind them. They followed Laike to sneak up the stone steps below the platform. Compared with the pirate's miraculous stealth skills, these three soldiers were inferior.

But in the dark place with little sunlight inside the Blackrock Tower, it is enough.

"You know how to fight Sap, you don't need me to teach you. Let's fight Sap all the way, the troops of the Dark Iron Dwarves are preparing to attack Blackrock Spire, and the barracks in Darkforge City are empty.

be careful.

If found, solve the problem by yourself.

Or fix yourself. "

After speaking, Bu Laike rushed out first.

Holding a wooden stick in his hand, he hit the black iron sentinel in front of him with a bang on the back of the head, causing the black short man to roll his eyes and fall to the ground.

He dragged the unconscious dwarf into a side corner, and reached out for a steal.

He found a small purse, shook it by his ear, and put it in his pocket with satisfaction, then Shadowstep appeared behind another sentinel and beat him down again.

The skill of sap is very useful.

The knowledgeable high-ranking assassins are very good at hitting with the sap, and they can knock people out just right without harming their lives.

In the present case, it is more efficient than assassination.

The dwarves have rough skin and thick flesh, and it is difficult to kill them with one blow. However, they are also humanoid creatures, and the back of their heads is also vulnerable. As long as they are more precise, they will also be knocked out.

At the beginning, the three assassins were a little unskilled, but soon, under Laike's superb skills and teaching by precept and example, they figured out the weak points of the dwarves, and happily played sap.

Of course, pirate teaching comes at a price.

After they knocked out the dwarves, all the rewards for the search and theft were to be given to Bo Laike.

This is using the three assassins as tools, but they have just saved their own life, and now they are still running away with themselves. In front of such a great kindness, a little money is all.

The fact is also as predicted by Bu Laike, the Black Iron Emperor Thaurissan is leading his elite army to besiege the lower level of the Blackstone Spire, trying to regain his territory.

The barracks in Darkforge City were empty.

There were only some garrison troops patrolling back and forth, and it was easy for Bu Laike, the "head snake", to sneak in with the B Company and the others.

They sneaked past the eastern barracks, and under the precise guidance of the pirates, they walked through the Arena of Order, where the black iron dwarves usually used to fight slaves, and then walked along the empty corridor to the golem workshop.

Bo Laike stole some blueprints of the Dark Iron Dwarves' battle golems from the workshop, and planned to sell them back to the mages of Dalaran.

"It's unbelievable that you are so familiar with this city."

After walking through the golem workshop, Corporal Keeshan, who was following Boo Laike, exclaimed:

"If you weren't a human being, I would even think you were born in the Dark Forge City of the Dark Iron Dwarves. Have you been here before?"

"This is like my home."

The pirate curled his lips and said in an exaggerated tone:

"I know how to walk with my eyes closed. If you want to have an exciting time, I can even take you around Thaurissan's palace.

But it is estimated that a few warriors will die to serve as bait for us to lure the enemy away. "

"Uh, let's do it next time. It's important to escape."

Keeshan grinned, holding his bow, looked around, and asked again:

"Sir, where are we going next?"

"Ahead, the Black Iron Bar."

Bu Laike pointed to the gate in front of him, and there was a harsh noise coming from a few hundred meters away. It sounded like a group of dwarves with loud voices were carnivaling inside, and it was very lively.

"If I remember correctly, there is a civilian drilling machine in the barn Curry, and it is the only big machine in the entire Darkforge City that is not guarded by the soldiers of the Dark Iron Dwarves.

Let me ask you, are you familiar with bar brawls? "

Bu Laike asked a question, Corporal Keeshan and the soldiers around him laughed in a low voice, the brave Corporal coughed and said:

"When the orcs weren't calling, we guys were regulars at the bars in Lakeside, and we know that, sir."

"That's good."

The pirate whistled and said:

"At that time, we will fight after we go in. The more chaotic the situation, the better. Pick a few smart ones, take the opportunity to sneak into the Curry warehouse, and start the drilling machine."

After finishing speaking, he threw five or six smoke bombs used by the assassins to Keeshan, set up a demon teleportation array on the spot that could go straight into the Black Iron Bar, jumped into the shadows by himself, and groped into the noisy bar in front of him with the three assassins. past.

The Black Iron Bar is located in the center of Darkforge City, where a group of Dark Iron slavers gathered, all of whom were wealthy classes under the rule of Emperor Dagran Thaurissan.

They never expected that someone would break through the obstacles and enter here.

After the four assassins entered the bar, these black iron slave owners were still gulping ale to the accompaniment of harsh music, and some drunk guys had already jumped onto the table and started dancing.

Huh. The dancing posture of the dwarves is really.

Pirates feel hot eyes.

He casually picked up a bottle of wine by the table, without looking at it, and threw it towards the busiest crowd.


With a crisp sound, the wine bottle exploded on the head of a bald dwarf, and the liquor was spilled everywhere. The attacked guy roared, grabbed the battle ax at hand, and looked for the attacker drunkenly.

The other three assassins followed suit, picking up wine bottles and throwing them around, which soon led to a big brawl among a group of drunkards.

Kishan and the others who were waiting outside heard the chaos inside, so they jumped into the bar through the demon portal, and they were all dizzy by the violent teleportation.

But while lying on the ground, he also threw out the smoke bomb in his hand.

As the acrid smoke rose, the bar became more chaotic.

This group of people regained their composure, and without any explanation, they picked up the chairs around them and threw them around, completely escalating the fight.

"Hahaha, I just like this kind of excitement! After the big battle, there is nothing better than a drunken brawl."

The pirate stood on the wine table and smashed a bottle on the head of the screaming dwarf boss.

With blood splattering everywhere, he laughed again, grabbed a bottle of wine from the back of the wine cabinet, bit off the cork, and gulped down a mouthful.

This wine was brewed by the Dark Iron Dwarves. It tasted like drinking a mass of magma. The alcohol content was unknown. Anyway, after drinking half a bottle, Bo Laike entered the alcoholic state.

"Huh, black iron spirits, great!"

With a hearty roar, he jumped off the wine cabinet with the bottle in hand, knocked a female dwarf to the ground with a punch, and knocked out the entire table next to it, knocking down several drunken dwarves.

Pirates don't use weapons either.

Just use a pair of fists and any tools at hand to punch anyone who rushes in front of you.

Broken wine bottles, blood-stained folding stools, fists stained with wine, chaotic screams, brave laughter, and excitement full of wine aromas are the essence of bar fights.

Any brawler with a weapon is a bunch of cowards!

It was said that they wanted to lead the Alliance warriors to escape from Black Rock Mountain, but the pirates themselves fell into the fun of the chaos first.

By the time Keeshan and his group found and activated the stupid black iron drilling machine in the warehouse Curry of the Black Iron Bar, Bo Laike had already knocked down half of the dwarf alcoholics in the bar with his bare hands.

By the way, violently smashed open the wine cellar of the Black Iron Bar.

With a group of drunkards who didn't know how to get along with him, he rushed into the wine cellar and moved out the best black iron spirits in the bar case by case.

Among the three rucksacks that Laike carries with him, one is specially used for storing wine.

He took advantage of the chaos to put several cases of wine in his rucksack, then rolled up his sleeves drunkenly, and brought along the little murlocs who were also drunk, intending to continue to have a few more fights, which was lively and lively.

In the end, Keishan, who had been punched several times in the face, found him and dragged him into Curry.

"Hey, friends, I'm leaving, I'm not having fun this time, I'll come back to fight with you next time!"

A drunken Bo Laike grabbed the handle of the activated drilling machine, waved to a group of black iron alcoholics chasing after him, and threw the half-drunk bottle at them.

It hit a dwarf's eye socket, splashing the blood from that hapless man, and he fell to the ground covering his eyes.

Amidst the laughter of the drunkard pirates, the terrifying drilling machine rumbled and penetrated into the dug tunnel below, and disappeared into the Darkforge City amidst the shouts and curses of the black iron drunkards.


What a fulfilling evening.

(end of this chapter)

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