Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 250 69. You Must First Calculate The Refresh Time, Fight Wits And Courage With Other People,

Chapter 250 69. You have to calculate the refresh time first, fight wits and courage with other people, and be lucky to make it possible.

"Let's do it."

On the side peak of Black Rock Mountain.

The weary soul of Orgrim Doomhammer sat cross-legged on the mountaintop.

He stroked the head of the black wolf lying beside him, and looked at the blue Kyrian angels on the battlefield below, leading the souls of the dead to the world of the dead.

He knew that as long as he broke through the pirates around him, he would be taken to a better place by these angels.

He will fight there to his heart's content, rage to his heart's content, and fight to his heart's content until eternity.

But he is so tired.

He didn't want to travel any further.

When I failed in front of Lothar, the moment I died, my journey had already reached the end.

"say something."

Behind Orgrim, Bu Laike held up the flaming blade Sanksu, like an executioner, and he said to Orgrim in front of him:

"Tell me your last words, and I will pass them on to those who want to hear them."

"I have nothing to say."

The great chief closed his eyes. This brave orc was the last to die in the old time and the first to die in the new future, but he didn't feel honored by it.

He said:

"I don't want my story to be remembered, the moment I left my glory behind, I was no longer a pure orc.

I have failed my world.

I have poisoned another world.

I failed to save my best friend.

I killed my own brother with my own hands.

I did evil to good people with good intentions.

I allow the wicked to pollute the souls of my people.

I didn't save anyone.

I didn't get anything done.

people like me

Going to hell is a kind of mercy.

But if I had a last word for you, it would be

Remember, pirate, I exchanged my own death for another's life! No matter what kind of future you arrange for this world, he has to live!

I want him to be a hero, to be a great man.

I want him to finish what I left unfinished, to save my world and my people.

But if he doesn't want to, if he can't, if he doesn't do anything.

That's nothing to regret.

He owes nothing to this world.

For the sins we have committed, we will pay for them.

Let's do it. "

Orgrim's soul took a deep breath, and the moment the pirate behind him raised his flaming blade, he turned his head and said to the Warg Frostclaw who was licking his fingers:

"This time, let me find the way for you, Frostclaw. Protect him for me."


In the mournful sound of the ghost wolf, the pirate threw up the recovered white griffin feathers, and the sharp saber slammed down in the next moment, using the power of hunting spirits to sway with the sharp blade.

The moment it cut through Orgrim's soul, it collapsed together with the floating Bai Yu.

With the scorching heat pouring into his arms, the pirate took out the full heart energy and threw it into the Warlock class, he was not even in the mood to watch the beating of the numbers.

Nothing fancy.

Such a legendary soul will definitely be able to push the warlock class to the 30th node, and then prepare for the warlock's shadow trial.

As the sun shone, in front of the pirate with the knife, where Orgrim Doomhammer was, there was only a mass of black ashes left, and there was a black ghost wolf crouching there, howling upwards.

This is mourning the death of the master.

The white feather cut by the sharp blade flew and fell into the mass of ashes exuding sorrow. Laike squatted down, stretched out his hand, and grabbed a small mass of cold ashes.

Let go of your fingers again, letting the wind blow the ashes on your fingertips to scatter.

He knows what it is.

This is Mingshang.

It is the last sorrow left in the world after a soul is destroyed by violence. Not all souls can produce this thing, only those souls full of anima can drop Mingshang.

It is a crafting material.

But it is a pity that how to use Mingshang is a secret art of the evil people in the shadow world, and it is not inherited from the world of the living. Even the omniscient Bu Laike has no idea how to use it.


Seeing that the pirates were about to put away the last remnants of Orgrim, the ferocious ghost wolf Frostclaw was about to bite Bo Laike's finger, but the pirates were not afraid of it at all.

His soul strength is much stronger than this newly born ghost wolf.

"Hey, Orgrim left you to protect Thrall."

Bu Laike leaned on his knife and said:

"If you dare to bite me, you will have no chance to protect that green-skinned boy. In your current situation, it's useless for you to go to Thrall's side.

I still have to get the Doomhammer for you.

How about we have a discussion, you serve me, I will protect him, you have just seen how powerful I am. If you don't agree, I will order my assassins to assassinate him now.

I am a master assassin, and I have plenty of resources to mobilize. "

He said to Frostclaw the Ghost Wolf:

"Besides, I'm also a ranger. Although I haven't learned how to tame animals, I always feel that there is something missing when I go out without a pet.

Don't be stupid, don't be a beast.

I know you understand. "

Frostpaw tilted his head, looking angrily at the despicable pirate in front of him, wishing he could pounce on and bite Boo Laike's neck right now, but he couldn't.

It is weak.

Power after death no longer depends on the explosion of flesh and blood.

Without teaching it, it has no idea what it can do, let alone a pirate with spirit-hunting powers.

Under the coercion of Bu Laike, the poor ghost wolf turned his head to look at the ghost left by his master, lowered his head, and let out a mournful whimper, while the pirate laughed like a big villain.

He stretched out his hand and stroked the soul body of the claws.

From the character card, he mobilized the death power obtained from the soul stealer, and "threw" it on the ghost wolf in front of him. The black light spots sprinkled on the soul body, making Frostclaw between the virtual and the real. The body in between quickly solidified.

It's like having a body again.

But still can't get rid of the illusion of the ghost.

"I ask you, will you be my pet? Will you serve me as you served Orgrim?"

Bu Laike asked seriously.

Frostclaw felt the stronger body, and it stared into Bo Laike's eyes, as if to emphasize to him that the pirates should not forget the last agreement between him and Orgrim.

Finally, it bowed its haughty head before Laike.

The character card in front of the pirate changes rapidly, and there is another pet column on the first page, which is placed under the skill column of the ranger. When you click the fold, you can see the pet information:

Name: Frost Claw

Status: The body of the ghost. The heart can be weak

Loyalty: Resistance

Mood: Depressed

Level: Level 60 Beast / Level 1 Spirit Beast


Soul Hunting, Sly Heart, Lightning Reflexes, Ghost Walking, Soul Shock, Soul Eater, Howl of Terror

"The hunter's pet is indeed more advanced than the warlock's tool demon."

The pirate grinned, stroked the untamed Frostclaw's soul mane, and said with a broad smile:

"You guys still have the data of hidden occupations and mood happiness, and the warlock's demon pets don't have it. It's amazing. It really is the best dad hunter in the world.

Well, don't feel bad.

It was a relief for Orgrim to die like this.

Oh, don't bite me, I'm not cursing him.

You have to know that his original death method was very bleak, at least I gave him face. "

Bu Laike stood up, took out the hurricane hunting bow from the magic bag, put a snake man quiver on his back, and waved the bow in his hand decently.

Like a hunter summoning a pet, he blew a loud whistle and said to Frostpaw beside him:

"Walk around, find some prey for you to replenish your body, feed you some more souls, and you will be happy, right? It's really easy to feed, you."

As he spoke, he took Frost Claw along the road down the side peak, all the way to the battlefield.

The pirate looked at Frostclaw who was running after him. Although the beast was still in an untamable state, the feeling of being hunted by the wild beast was really good.

Nathanos was right.

Every hunter should not be alone, every hunter should have his own beast companion.

They are the best war pioneers and the best solitary companions.

As for his mode of taming Frostclaw, it is definitely not the normal animal taming technique, but the pirate doesn't care anymore, anyway, he is now a hunter with a baby.

No matter how it was obtained.

Let's enjoy the pleasure of controlling beasts and hunting first.

Oh, right.

Don't forget to release the old bone chewer, this eagle can increase vision.

Look at myself now, there are flying eagles, lackeys, and a pig, isn't this a replica of Azeroth's "Batman"?

Well, speaking of Batman.

Everyone is a person who walks in the shadows, do you need some style of your own? ——

"Go! Go!"

At this time, on the battlefield of the Burning Plains, Nathanos was retreating in embarrassment with a compatriot on his back.

He and his Ranger squad had just been caught in a nasty ambush, and those damned greenskins had deliberately left badly wounded Union soldiers by the side of the road to lure them into taking the bait.

As the Ranger Squad approached, a group of Bleeding Hollow orcs, wielding hunting clubs, rushed out and massacred them.

Elf rangers are not so easy to deal with.

But in the midst of chaos, they were at a numerical disadvantage and couldn't find support at all, and were defeated by blood ring hunters several times their own.

Who would have imagined that the orcs would dare to take the initiative to ambush the alliance army when the Horde was defeated?

"Let me go, you can't go far with me."

The female elf carried by Nathanos will be seriously injured. The enchanted armor on her body was torn apart by the blood ring hunters with hunting sticks. The worst thing is, the female elf was hit by a poisoned arrow.

There was an obviously poisoned arrow stuck in her back, piercing the plate armor and piercing the flesh, making her cheeks extremely pale.

But logically speaking, if he was poisoned by the blood ring orcs, he should have been poisoned to death long ago.

But the female elf still persisted. Although she was weak, it seemed that she could persist for a while.

"He's chasing after him, he's coming soon, let me go."

The female elf was moved by the human ranger helping her, but she didn't want to implicate the warrior. The powerful stalker behind her was obviously chasing her.

I also blame myself for being too high-profile.

"Shut up! Finna Golden Sword!"

While running with her on his back, Nathanos swiftly threw traps under his feet. It could be seen that he was not running away in a hurry, but was trying to lure the pursuers behind him into a certain trap.

"You! How do you know my name?"

Fenner, who was seriously injured, was stunned for a moment, and she asked:

"How come so many people know my name recently?"

"Of course I know. You are Bu Laike's sister, a rare warrior among the elves. It's so easy to recognize. I didn't expect to meet you just by chasing a group of orcs."

Marius blew a whistle, summoned his loyal hound, Desolation, and gave orders to the fierce Gilnean royal hound:

"Desolation, go! Look for allies! There are our people nearby, bring someone to help, there is a big guy behind!"

"Wow, woof"

The loyal Desolation immediately accepted the order, and instead of fighting back to entangle with the powerful opponent, it ran quickly with four claws in the direction indicated by the master.

A qualified pet always knows what to do to best help the owner.

"Are you, Bu Laike Shaw's friend?"

When Fenna heard Nathanos' answer, she immediately thought of the "illegitimate brother" who was driven away by her viciously a few days ago, and guilt surged in her weakness.

She gave a sharp push, and Nathanos, who was carrying her on his back, was pushed out.

Pulling out the short sword from his waist again, he stood there panting, and shouted to Maris:

"Hurry up! That orc legend is old, but it's not something we can deal with. You go to him and tell him, I apologize for the last time we broke up.

If I survived, I must apologize to my face.

go now! "

"Is this the time to be tough? Bastard!"

Seeing that Fenna didn't follow the routine, Nathanos scolded anxiously:

"You Proudmoore family are a bunch of stubborn donkeys who need to be beaten! Come here quickly, Dead Eye is about to catch up...Huh? Wait, what is that?

Am I dazzled? "

(end of this chapter)

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