Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1960 88. Dog Chain...Broken

Chapter 1960 88. The dog chain is broken

"Hahaha, the auras of Zovar and the Silent One have disappeared, and even Aggramar was sent into Zarevantis. Three gods stepped into the Holy Land, and only one can come out alive.

Best of all, there may not be a single winner in the end. "

At the highest point of the Sanctuary of Dominion, on the dome platform overlooking the Devouring Abyss, Emperor Denathrius proudly held a glass of bloody wine.

The scorching wind of the Devouring Abyss blew his long white hair, and made his blood-colored cloak flutter behind him.

The chaotic scenes of the Eternal City were displayed in front of the emperor in the form of projections, which were the "live broadcast" sent back for their master by the dreadlords who had been lurking in Bu Laike's plundering fleet in advance.

The Emperor could see the great and holy city already in the midst of plundering wars, the servants of the gods to defend it, the marauders gathered by Braike and the Oathsworn at the behest of Zovar, and those who Exiles from various countries who escaped the war in Oribos.

It was like a grand and bloody gladiatorial fight.

All lives are put into it, they have their own goals and goals, and they fight hard in that city for different desires and persistence, pleasing the high-ranking bystanders with blood and death.

This is too much for the appetite of Emperor Denathrius.

In his cognition, at the beginning of today's great era, there should be such a "appetizing" ceremony to celebrate the era of death that is about to start.

Of course, the great emperor's confidence does not only come from the Nathrezim who he has placed under the stars in the material world, nor does it come from the conspiracy he has carefully prepared for countless epochs. He has now grasped the reality Now, enough power to realize one's own ambitions.

Right in front of the Emperor's eyes, all over the Maw, the legions belonging to the warden Zovar are being assembled.

The incalculable number of Oathsworn warriors, led by their respective commanders, lined up on the scorched wasteland of the Maw Abyss, and those terrifying and ferocious scorched giant beasts were also driven out from the beast path, and the sky was everywhere. They are all soul-eating dragons and their knights entangled in the shadow of death, as well as those fierce shadow-forged hounds.

The warden's magic eye flies in the air.

They are the eyes of Emperor Denathrius, allowing him to easily see the endless legions on the land of the Maw.

These death vanguards cast by Zovar with the souls that fell into the Maw in the past are enough to squeeze a world like Azeroth apart, not to mention that every vanguard has the blessing of death.

Today, when the death force is stronger, the soldiers born from the Maw are also stronger, and as long as the Styx flows, his soldiers will never die.

Even if the resisters in the material world miraculously killed all the death vanguards sent by Emperor Denathrius, so what?

In the Torghast Tower of Sinful Souls behind the Great Emperor, under every stone in the land of the Devouring Abyss, there are countless suffering souls waiting to be infused into the spiritual steel armor and transformed into new Oathsworn , Charge into battle for the great cause of the great emperor.

And the power of death is eternal!

Every time an enemy falls, the power of death will increase by one point. Every time they become weaker, the great power of the emperor will expand by one point. This is a war that will never have a second ending, and the outcome of this war As early as the moment the Emperor bewitched Sargeras to form the Burning Legion, he had already won!

Speaking of the Burning Legion?

Hehe, what kind of rubbish is that?

"Sitting on such an invincible army, my ancient brother Zovar can easily use his power to suppress the stars, wipe out all dissatisfaction, and establish a large eternal territory.

He is obsessed with finding the elusive power left behind by the Firstborn. "

On the high platform of the ruling sanctuary, Emperor Denathrius raised the wine glass in his hand, watching the blood-colored liquid in the glass swirl in the glass, reflecting his bright blood pupils.

At this moment when there was only one step away from the final goal, the emperor couldn't help but sigh:

"Zovall still doesn't understand that even if he does find the power to reshape reality, he can't really shape a unified universe as he wants.

As long as the conflict of the original force is still there, as long as the power is still there, those creatures who pursue power will always spark conflicts.

Like an overly naive child.

How can I teach Him to learn to accept the reality that already exists, and try to find a solution to the problem under this rule, instead of recklessly trying to reshape the rule.

Even the Firstborn who established the original order failed, how could He succeed?

It's really sad.

Ha ha, but this is not a bad thing, it is precisely because of His stubbornness and innocence that he has given me such invincible power! What Zovar wants to do but can't do, I will help him do it.

Just use the army of death left behind by him, step by step to complete a unified empire of death"

"Your Majesty, the changes in the curtain of life and death are within your great expectations. After the opening of the passage of Zaresantis, it is being weakened, and the road to the material world is about to open."

A Venthyr blood mage holding a complex magic instrument measured changes in certain powers and respectfully reported to Denathius:

"The boundary between the living and the dead is undergoing a certain change. Perhaps in the era of your rule, the shadow kingdom and the material world will truly be connected.

Congratulations, you can tour your great country without hindrance. "

"Well, be humble, my servant, that's for later."

The emperor enjoyed this flattering celebration very much, but he still waved his hands gracefully and said to his servants:

"Let my legions continue to assemble, and after the veil that hinders the conquest of death dissipates, I will personally lead them to set foot on the material world that is reflected on the shadow kingdom.

Our first conquest begins with Azeroth.

It must be fascinating to see a world that gave birth to such a spine-chilling villain and jerk like Brad Laike Shaw, and a sleeping star-soul

Well, that's great.

I will personally conceive the first Death Titan of the Endless Empire.

I'm going to share this good news with my other brother and I can't wait.

Is that door open? "

He asked a question.

The respectful Venthyr nobleman behind him immediately replied:

"Yes, Your Majesty, the door to the Runecarver's secret room has been opened with the efforts of your loyal servants, you can go to check on your prisoner at any time, do you need us to tidy up his appearance to complete this conversation?

You know, the prisoner is in a terrible state, and it would be an insult to you to have him appear before you in such a foul state. "

"no need."

The emperor said with a straight face:

"You don't even know how honorable he used to be. His status is not based on his appearance. Forget it, what's the use of telling you this?

You cannot understand those ancient bonds.

Don't let other people bother us. "

"Yes, Your Majesty."

A group of Venthyr nobles bowed down in unison, respectfully sending their future ruler, and even the future ruler of the entire universe, away from this high platform. Emperor Denathrius looked back at the River Styx at the end of his eyes for the last time.

It is said that from that river the rough pirate servants of Bu Laike crossed the Veil of Life and Death before His coming.

Tsk tsk, as expected of a group of bandits, it's easy to do such things as sliding doors and picking locks.

With a happy mood, the emperor quickly entered the Torghast Tower of Sin Souls. Even after Zovall left, this tower was still so gloomy and cold, and there were those wailings that almost never stopped. The pagoda echoed constantly, as if some kind of infiltrating tune was welcoming the arrival of the honored ones.

Denathrius ignored the damned accompaniment. Before stepping into the secret room of the Rune Carver, he glanced at the scorched monster king who was patrolling in this gloomy tower.

It is said to be the first brutal Abyss Maw Beast created by Zovar himself, and its brute force is strong enough to tear the most powerful Eternal Colossus in the Fortress of Promotion to pieces.

It's a pity that such a beast is too vulgar and lacks wisdom.

The emperor didn't like such a creation very much, but it didn't prevent him from seeing this guy named "Taraglu" as a pet that could execute all rebels for him.

"Come here, stay here!"

Denathius waved his hand, and the terrifying King of the Scorched Behemoth walked over with heavy steel hooves, and stood respectfully outside the secret room.

When Zovar left, he handed over the control of the Maw to Denathrius, and the Lord of Sin is now the new master of this land.

"My old brother, I have come to see you."

When the emperor stepped into the secret room of the talisman engraver, he was greeted with a stench. It was a strange smell formed by the accumulation of stains that had never been bathed in countless days and nights of forging and hard work. It made the tidy Denah Si could hardly hold back.

He could only stop at the edge of the secret room, looking at the rune-carver titan, whose hands and neck were bound by three chains of dominance, and whose face was covered by hideous instruments of torture.

The latter seemed to be resting and sleeping, unaware of the changes in the entire Devouring Abyss and even the entire Shadow Realm, and was still snoring foolishly.

The emperor called out:

"Wake up, my brother, I have good news for you. Look, I brought back your extracted memory, here you are, recall your identity, so that the conversation between us will be more interesting." Make some sense."

Denathius threw it casually, and threw the engraver's memory crystal he had brought back from Zovall's ossuary to the titan in front of him. The thing shattered in mid-air, injecting wisps of pale memories into the The titan in front of him was emptied of memories, and the return of the memories made the talisman engraver scream.

The experience of being nailed into a red-hot iron nail made him roar and struggle, and it also made the three chains on the top of his head collide with each other to make harsh sounds.

Perhaps because of the pain, he broke two chains in a row and let himself collapse on the ground in embarrassment, panting and moaning in pain under the torture tool of the spirit steel skeleton.

"Denacius. Why are you here?"

The Runecarver seems to have fully recovered his memory.

His voice was weak and tired, but he could already hear a tone belonging to the former military master in the dull voice. He raised his head with difficulty, and looked at Denathius who was smiling at him along the gap of the skull mask , He said:

"Where is Zovall? Where is the villain who plotted against me?"

"Ah, our ancient brother has just fulfilled his pure wish, and a dangerous figure from another world helped him open the way to the Holy Land of the Firstborn."

The emperor did not hide anything, and told the weak soldier lord frankly about the current situation:

"Zovall wants to obtain the power left by our Creator in the Holy Land of the Firstborn, so as to rewrite reality and fulfill his desire for the unity of the world in his heart.

He has always been so stubborn and idealized, but I am different.

Remembering the Firstborn's admonition when they expelled us from the Creator's sanctuary, we cannot return to the place where we were born, so it never occurred to me to draw power from there.

My brother, a conquest of the material world is about to begin, and after the material world there will be other realms of the force. It will be a glorious conquest, but to tell you the truth, I have little confidence in my military command ability nothing. "

Denathius said very humbly to the embarrassing talisman in front of him:

"I need your outstanding military ability, I need you to command this army for me, sweep the universe for me, bring me victory, I know you can do it."

"I don't want to help you."

The weak military master coughed twice. Before the emperor continued to persuade, he seemed to remember something, and asked suddenly:

"The passage of Zaresantis is opened, and the curtain of life and death left by the Firstborn is bound to be affected, and the barrier between us and the material world is weakening, right?

You're looking forward to marching across the stars, but before that, I have to make sure of one thing.

Helm of Domination!

Is the sacred relic that Zovar ordered me to build to form the vanguard of death in the material world still there? Can you still feel it?

tell me!

Denathrius, this really matters! "

"Of course, it is in Azeroth. It is like a mark, a lighthouse in the dark. It can guide my army to the target and send us into that magical world precisely."

Emperor Denathrius stretched out his finger, tapped his temple, and said:

"Before Zovall left, he handed over the dominance of the Maw to me. I can perceive the magical helmet like him, and I can also give orders to the soul that obeys death just like him.

Well, Frostmourne and Helm of Dominion are artifacts that can shape an army of death in the material world overnight, and only an excellent blacksmith like you can create such magical strategic treasures for us. "

The Great Emperor rubbed his chin and said:

"Perhaps after we conquer Azeroth, I will ask you to create more artifacts like this for me, which will make my conquest easier.

Although this will make me lack a sense of accomplishment, how can I say it?

Big things matter. "

"Hehe, you said you can control the Helm of Domination?"

Hearing what Emperor Denathius said, the military master immediately lay down on the ground and let out a weak but mocking laugh. He raised his head with a smile and said to the emperor:

"No! You can't control it. Although I am old and forgetful, I still vaguely remember Zovall's original request. It is an artifact that only the warden can control.

You may give orders, Denathrius, but the spirit in the helm of dominion may not obey. "

"So what?"

The emperor snorted and said disdainfully:

"It's just a natural disaster of undead. I don't need those low-level undead at all."

"That's right, but"

The soldier master struggled to get up, and sat cross-legged in his secret room. He lowered his head, coughed, and said:

"But I remember that when I was forging the helmet, I seemed to add some strange things to it. Some powers that would not work when the curtain of life and death was stable, but would produce miraculous effects as long as the barrier was weakened."


The expression of the Great Emperor Denathrius changed slightly. He swung a long scarlet whip and lashed at the Soldier Lord, causing him to cry out in pain. An uneasiness was brewing in the Great Emperor's heart.

As time went by, the uneasiness grew rapidly.

He cried out:

"What did you add to it!"


The soldier lord curled up in pain under the flying scarlet whip, and the Eternal, who had lost his godhead and strength, was too weak to resist the emperor's abuse.

But he was not afraid, instead he said to the emperor with a cheerful tone:

"I hid the key in that battle helmet, as long as they can find that key, they can actively shatter the weak curtain of life and death."

"Hahaha, I thought it was something."

Emperor Denathius sneered and said:

"Wouldn't that be better, anyway, the veil left by the Firstborn is about to collapse, and the power of death is getting stronger day by day, and it has already been overwhelmed.

You are doing me a favor, and I should probably honor you for that."

"No, it's different! You really don't have any talent in military affairs, arrogant fool!"

The soldier master lay down on the ground and explained very seriously:

"A complete irreparable collapse is different from a fixed-point broken node, a passive opening is different from an active opening, and whoever controls the war is different!

It is not you who invaded them, Denathrius!

It is they who conquer you.


Did you hear that?

The sound of the chain breaking

Run away, run away, my brother, Bo Laike Shaw is just the craziest of all the lives born under the stars, and he's not even the strongest.

Now, they, and even the forces behind them, are coming! "

(end of this chapter)

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