Azeroth Shadow Trail

Chapter 1896 24. The Bad Old Man Is The Worst

Chapter 1896 24. The bad old man is the worst

Aggramar doesn't care about these so-called eternal truths, what he cares about is what Bu Laike promised. He came to the world of death to catch the instigator of all the conspiracies.

The parting of the Pantheon and Sargeras and the eventual annihilation of the enmity were enough to make Aggramar suffer, and the arrival of Braike strengthened the resolve of the Avenger.

He is willing to sacrifice everything for this purpose, let alone cooperate with the evil Eternal.

After Bu Laike persuaded Aggramar to join this small group with a few words, Zovar's attitude towards the evil god was obviously much better.

All the rooms in Torghast Tower of Guilty Souls are open to Lord Cthulhu, and the fresh anima squeezed from the suffering souls are also for Laike to choose.

If the evil god is interested, he can even enter those various torture halls and obtain the heart energy himself.

But it's a pity that the pirates hate the "tower climbing" game.

He didn't want to experience Kai Wushuang's battle at all, he just walked around the bone temple where the oathsworn stored top-level anima, took a few good balls of anima as toys, and left here.

He still has work to do.


A closed hall at the top of the Tower of Sinful Souls, which ordinary people couldn't find, was violently knocked open by the power of evil gods, and Bu Laike, with the chain of dominion wrapped around his wrist, stepped into it with a cold expression on his face.

Throwing out a cloud of truth thoughts at random, blocking all the prying senses around him, so that Zovall could no longer see him.

And in front of his eyes was a wretched titan kneeling on the platform of the hall, whose arms and neck were pulled by three chains of domination.

This guy was wearing tattered clothes. It could only be seen that the clothes used to be extremely gorgeous, but now he was covered with torture scars and dirt like an old man picking up garbage.

And he wore a huge spirit steel skull mask on his head.

Not just to hide his identity, but also a tool of torture, used to completely hide his real mask, only two balls of dark green soul fire can be seen from the mask with chains.

Beside this wretched eccentric titan is a pile of tools for forging, and there are a few unfinished rune swords left there. Laike is not a professional blacksmith, but he has a good relationship with Muradin and knows some forging skills .

From the forging skills of those rune swords, it can be seen that this locked guy is definitely a super powerful blacksmith.

That's right.

it's him!

A fierce light flashed in Bu Laike's eyes. He strode forward and waved the chain of command in his hand mercilessly, whipping it like a whip. With the wounded waist, the latter, who was chained in a painful posture, struggled and let out a painful scream.

"Are you awake?"

The evil god cursed viciously:

"I'm here to trouble you, damned Rune Carver, look what you've done to my sword!"

He pulled out the vibrating Saramani Sorrowblade from his changing robes, and let her float beside him. Sharatol and Eremeni were still uttering flattering words that made the pirates terrified. , while praising the might of the pirates, vowed to kill all the women around the pirates.

It's like turning into two scary sick sword girls.

The incomplete Excalibur was indeed completed, but while its power was greatly increased, it also showed the characteristics that made Laike very headache.

"I remember this sword."

The rune carver who was awakened by the pirate's chains lowered his head, the chains behind his head cracked, and a deep, old and hollow voice came from under the torture helmet.

He stared at the Sorrow Blade hovering in front of Bu Laike, and said:

"It was I who reshaped her, I made up for her flaws, and it was I who carved the ruling rune for her, look, what a beautiful and deadly weapon.

I thought this sword was prepared by Zovar for himself, but I didn't expect it to be a gift. "

As he spoke, the talisman carver shifted his restrained head and looked at Bu Laike. The green soul fire was beating, showing his curiosity about Bu Laike.

He said to Bu Laike, who was holding the chain of dominion, murderously:

"You must be a great person, to make Zovar care about you so much, He even allows you to come to see me. Ah, the distant time, you are the first one I saw after I was imprisoned here stranger.


The breath on your body, you are not the dead, nor are you a creature of the shadow world, are you from the material world?

It's really strange. "

"Don't worry about who I am."

Bu Laike folded his arms and said to the engraver:

"Do you remember who you are?"

"Me? I'm not. Wait, who am I? My mind is a bit messed up, some memories have been extracted, ah, damn it! Zovall took away my most important memories, leaving only my forging knowledge Serve him."

The tone of the talisman engraver became a little more intense, and the chains that bound his wrists rattled as he struggled.

He roared:

"He asked me to forge a rune sword and a helmet for him. He put fragments of his own will into it. He said he would send that weapon into the material world.


What have I done?

The power of death should be restrained in this country, and the six forces of the original force should abide by the rules and not interfere with each other, my God! By the Firstborn, I have become His accomplice. "

"That sword is called Frostmourne, and that library is called Helm of Dominion. I have seen them and even touched them."

Bu Laike picked up his pipe and looked at the crazy appearance of the rune engraver in front of him, a deep light flashed in his squinted eyes.

He said:

"If you don't consider their usefulness, but only from a practical point of view, you are undoubtedly the best blacksmith I have ever seen. I wonder, you can forge weapons like Frostmourne and Apocalypse, why? Modifying this sword for me will make her so crazy. Enough is enough!

Although I like the charming and lovely Jianniang, I can't bear the two sick girls coveting the lives of my wife and lover all the time.


You change them back for me!

Return my cute and obedient sword girl! "

"Change? No, it can't be changed, stranger."

As soon as he talked about his professional field, the crazy rune engraver immediately became energetic.

With the help of the three chains of dominion that bind his body, he made himself sit cross-legged on the ground, and said to Bo Laike with eloquence:

"This weapon of yours is quite strange, an outsider. I am also amazed by the forging technique it represents. It is a highly completed soul weapon. It should have been bred in a long time and countless battles. her will.

But you ensouled the sword in advance with the knowledge of the Venthyrs.

The skill of the soul blade comes from the inheritance of the shadow world. I vaguely remember that it was the first spirit technique I created, but that skill is not used on this kind of weapon.

Its material is too good, its potential is too amazing, so that the soul and will you give her grow too fast. "

The talisman carver shook his head, and amidst the sound of the chains colliding, he explained earnestly to the frowning Bu Laike like an old man talking about mountains:

"You made the same mistake as Denathrius, the emperor's soul blade, Remonia, is a fragment of will separated from the emperor's own mind, and there is nothing wrong with this process itself.

But every high-ranking sword fighter in Maldraxxus knows that he must guide his soul weapon to match the direction he wants, and you two laymen let your swords grow alone, and do not guide them to the right direction. Well, in your words, grow towards the correct sword girl character.

The emperor's sword lady has turned into a bloodthirsty lunatic, and your sword lady has become a very jealous and eager to monopolize her master.

It's like having a baby, stranger.

If you didn't teach your child well when you were young, your child would grow crooked. Your request now is for me to kill your child and re-bred you an obedient sword girl.

You hear what you say for yourself, it's brutal!

I can't and I don't want to. "

"Beep beep."

After the talisman carver finished speaking, the two playwright sword girls whirled around Bu Laike and made weird crying noises, accusing Bu Laike of not loving them anymore.

"The master must have other weapons outside, so he wants to abandon and kill us."

"I just said that it was a stupid choice for us to leave the master! We are going to lose him, huh, don't let me find the little bitch weapons that seduce the master, I must chop them up!"

The two sword girls were crying and arguing, which annoyed Bu Laike.

He rubbed his forehead, looked at the talisman engraver, and said:

"Okay, okay, if it's my fault... I really shouldn't spoil them too much, but what should I do now? I can't keep staring at them all the time, right?

They are too destructive now, and they have learned all kinds of terrible dark wisdom from me. My wife and lover will also be plotted and injured by them if they are not careful. "

"Well, that's definitely a problem."

The engraver thought for a while and said:

"Perhaps we can add a small restriction to your blade of sorrow, so that they cannot harm the life that is favored by you. This is very easy. You only need to add an additional inscription of depression on the sword."


With a wave of the pirate's finger, Sharathor turned into a blue streamer and shot out, accurately hitting the chain on the left hand of the rune-carver, sparks splashed and easily shattered the shackles, and the rune-carver caught off guard with a bang He fell to the ground.

"Let's begin then."

Bu Laike combined the two swords into one, put them on the forging platform in front of the talisman carver, and said:

"Get this done quickly. I don't want to hug my wife and see her killed in my arms by a jealous saber. This damn thing is too bad."

"Master, you don't love us anymore, woo woo woo."

"Shut up! If you keep arguing, I'll throw you to old Garni."

The pirate scolded, calming down the sword girls who let themselves go. The Sorrowful Blade was placed on the forging platform, and the inscription of restraint was imposed amidst the strange laughter of the talisman engraver.

The talisman engraver who lost his memory was still rambling like a damn old man:

"Well, sweet love, this thing is a real luxury in the shadow world, you are such a lucky bastard, foreigner, come, tell me about your world.

As if to satisfy the sad longing of an old man who has been imprisoned for too long and has developed some dementia. "

"Just pretend, you still have amnesia. Is the brain of the majestic Eternal so difficult to use?"

Bu Laike curled his lips and complained:

"The plot is too vulgar.

Tell me honestly, did you secretly plan and instigate the resistance of Zovall and Denathius? Another amnesia scene just right to pick myself out of it.

That way, no matter who wins or loses, you'll be invincible.

Tsk tsk, you are indeed a master of war who is good at fighting all things in the world, and he is also a master at playing tricks and tricks. The four eternal beings in the entire shadow world are played by you in applause. "

"Who knows what you said?"

The talisman engraver said with a bewildered expression:

"Master? Who is that? This name is so familiar."

The pirate glanced at the dark green eyes shining under the mask of the Rune Carver, and said softly:

"You know I'm a void god, right? Do you know what a void bastard like me is best at? Do you know what I came to the Shadowlands for?

I have already collected two of the five great marks. My wives are looking for the mark of the military master in Kesia. I will go there with my own hands for the remaining two.

The passage to the Sepulcher of the Firstborn is about to open, and it will be opened by me.

I don't lie to you either.

I'm plotting something terrible and terrible that will turn the entire shadow world upside down, if you care about your domain, now is your last chance to stop me.

Just pick up this sword and give it to my heart, and the shadow world will avoid disaster. "

"Why would I do this? Stranger."

The talisman engraver still said in a dazed tone:

"Why are you talking to yourself all the time, what a strange guy, are you a lunatic? Besides, the chaos in this world must be due to a problem with the foundation of the world's operation.

Why would I risk my fall trying to correct a system that is already flawed?

Tinkering and tinkering is so annoying, it's like forging weapons. "

The rambling old man titan engraved a rune on the Blade of Sorrow, and said in a desolate tone:

"If there is a problem with the original weapon, the best solution is to melt it down and reforge it. A true blacksmith will not try to repair a third-rate weapon with a wrong source.

A messy post-war wasteland is the most suitable for building new rules from scratch. Of course, the premise is that the erroneous poison must be completely eradicated from this area.

Well, what does all this have to do with me, an old man with amnesia?

Perhaps it was indeed some schemer who led the once impartial Zovall to see the flaws in the world by accident, or perhaps an old silver coin had indeed sensed Denathrius' dark ambitions and made use of them.

But maybe His purpose of doing all this is not to dominate the realm of death, but just to correct a mistake that existed from the source era?

Stranger, don't imagine everyone is as evil as you.

Just as intrigue can be used for good. "

"clap clap"

Bu Laike sat cross-legged in front of the forging table, clapped his hands and clapped his hands, and after a few seconds he said to the bewildered rune engraver:

"Smart people don't speak dark words! I have placed my people in Maldraxxus, and I want him to be the second military master! As for the old man who has been missing for a long time, who cares where he goes!

Now that he has already fallen into hell, wouldn't it be good to simply build a nest for himself in hell?

Anyway, Zovar said that the cursed land of Maw has always longed for its own master. "

The rune-carver paused in the inscription of the rune, and the old amnesiac glanced at Bo Laike and said:

"What a big appetite!"

At this moment, a cold and strange aura impacted the heart of Lord Evil God, making him seem to have seen countless wars in countless worlds, mountains of corpses and seas of blood, and the victors roaring upwards.

"He's still watching."

The pirate pointed to the sky and said casually:

"Since you've lost your memory, how about acting professionally?"

"Oh, of course, what you said makes a lot of sense."

The talisman engraver nodded approvingly and changed back to that demented look.

A few seconds later, the binding inscription of the Blade of Sorrow was completed. When Laike put away the sharp blade, the embarrassed old man suddenly said:

"Young man, you have to do everything well. You look like a very powerful guy. Can you help me, a bad old man, put an end to this loopy plan?"

"Hey, I'm going to be very expensive to hire."

The pirate glanced at the Rune-Carver and said:

"Can you afford it?"

"Well, although I'm not rich, I still have this skill."

The Rune Carver looked up and down at Laike, and finally on the Chain of Dominion on the pirate's wrist, and said:

"You don't have an artifact that matches your godhead, do you need my help?"

"How much?"

Bu Laike asked.

The Carver looked into his eyes and said:

"For the sake of Mr. Grom Hellscream, the second military master, it's free."

(end of this chapter)

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