Kuchiki God Division.

This man destined to become a god!

And myself.

Participating in this god-making experiment throughout the whole process is an important help to help Kuchiki Shinji become a god!

With this experiment.

He will fully realize the title of the first scientist.

Urahara Kisuke?

whispering sound.

That kind of **** is not worthy of giving him shoes!

"It's worthy of being Captain Neyuli."

"You really know me enough."

Shinji also didn't conceal Nirvana.

From Nirvana to the present.

Nirvana had already provided too much help to the gods.


He participated in almost all experiments of the gods and got the full trust of the gods.


"After all, I have been getting along with Captain God for so long."

"If you can't even guess this."

"Doesn't it seem that I am very useless."

Nie Yuli's eyes were happy, and he licked his lips.

Able to help Kuchiki Shinji.

To reach a cooperative relationship with Kujiki Shinji, or simply admit that he became his subordinate.

In Nie Yuli's view.

This is the most correct choice he has ever made!

And now.

It's time to harvest!

He will witness.

The last experiment!

"Captain God Division."

Staring at the back of Shinji walking out of the laboratory.

Nie Yuli put away the crazy expression and said slowly:

"It must be successful."

"from now on."

"I will always be here, waiting for the good news from Captain Divine Division."

Hear the words.

The priest waved his hand and chuckled:

"Do not worry."

"Let you see."

As farewell as in the past.

Shinji left this experimental base.


Turning into photons and breaking, soaring all the way!



Move again!

The speed of the light form movement is directly brought to the extreme.

The gods had calm eyes, staring at the invisible sky, sprinting at full speed!

Because I have been to the Lingwang Palace once.

So this time, the gods, who were familiar with the road, came to the periphery of the throne of heaven, outside the 72-level enchantment.

At the time of collapse five.

The Shinji can easily enter by relying on a power similar to that of the Spirit King.

It doesn't make sense to Beng Liu.

Shinji would not be able to enter.

So this time.

Without the zero team noticing it, Shinji still easily passed through all the barriers.


"I beg you."

"Count me two houses, Wang Yue, please."

"I can kneel for you."

"Just give me more bars."


It is the dolphin hall of Hikishu Kiryu.

Ermeiwu Wang Yue grabbed the door begging for nothing, and asked Hiizhou Kiryu with tears and nose for the wine she brewed.

"Didn't I hand over your share to you."

"Let it go."

"Don't break my door."

Hikishu Kiryu pulled his trouser legs out.

"But my share."

"That bald monk stole everything from me while I was taking a nap."

Ermeiwu Wang Yue said with an aggrieved expression.

The first soldier of the main army looked silly, like a silly critic.

I didn't expect it to be so dark.

I can do it in a sneaky way.

"Then... it's none of my business."

"You get out for me."

The corner of Hikizhou Tongsheng's mouth twitched slightly, and Wang Yue directly carried the two houses and threw him out.

Turned back to the table.

She froze for a moment.



"Why is there a missing piece of my biscuit."

"Is it because I remembered it wrong."

Hikishu Kiryu grabbed his big purple wave, then took a biscuit in his mouth, and muttered happily:

"Go to the hot springs."


She gradually disappeared.

And at this time.

A burst of photons converge.

Shinji stood on the spot, seeming to be chewing something in his mouth.

"Hikishu Kiryu craftsmanship is really okay."

Shinji smashed his mouth.

Just sweep away the cookies on the table.

One says one.

Hiking boat Kiryu is not just a question of Yu Jie not Yu Jie.

Her handwork is also a great batch!

Just a plate of biscuits.

Shinji felt the feeling of being hollowed out.

"I have to think of a way to make her a cook for Fudge."

Shinji touched his chin and stared at the direction where Hikishu Kiryu left.


It seems a bit difficult.

As a member of the Zero Division, guarding the Spirit Palace is their only responsibility.

Want to leave the Spirit Palace.

It is even more impossible.

Unless it is something that can shake the Three Realms.

Or maybe it's like inviting Shinji to join the zero division.

Only the members of the zero division can leave the Spirit Palace for a short time.

As the price of immortality and immortality.

They couldn't leave the throne of heaven in the Spirit Palace for a long time.


Not only sealed the Spirit King, but also their seal.

So I want to take Hikishu Kiryu.

A little troublesome.

But it's not that there is no room for operation at all.


This is not the time to think about these things.

God's eyes flickered.

The body turns into a photon and quickly shatters.

When it reappears.

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