"But other than that."

"There is a third method."

Hear the words.

Neyuli was taken aback, but immediately guessed:

"It's Tsunayashiro Tokinada!"

Take his IQ.

Immediately recalled the patriarch of Tsunayashiro.

He was also a person who had entered the Palace of the Spirit King and met the Spirit King.


Only then came the idea of ​​wanting to replace the Spirit King.


Without the permission of the zero division.

How did Tsunayashiro Tokinada enter?

"It's the king key."

Shinji nodded and continued:

"The so-called "Wang Jian"."

"It refers to the bones of the members of the zero division who were restructured with the power of the spirit king when they were selected as the zero division."

"This is the skeleton created by Ichibei of the main unit for members of the zero division, and it is also the "key" to enter the Palace of the Soul King."

"Tunayashiro Tokinada used the fragments of the Spirit King to transform his own bones."


"Tunayashiro Tokinada can sneak into the Lingwang Palace secretly, but I don't know how he did it, avoiding the eyes of Team Zero."

Hear the detailed explanation from the priest.

Nie Yuli nodded, thoughtfully.

"have to say."

"Tunayashiro Tokinada is indeed an individual talent."

"He was able to discover a way to enter the Spirit Palace and put it into action."

"The key is."

"Tunayashiro Tokinada also succeeded."

God Division smiled lightly.

What he uses is similar to the third method.

The Spirit Palace is hidden above the sky.

The distance from the Lingwang Palace is boundless.

This distance.

Even the Captain-level Reaper can't get close.

Because it is too far.

Even with the physical strength and spiritual pressure of the captain class, he couldn't afford to approach the spiritual palace from the Seorei Garden.

after all.

The consumption of the instant step is still very large.

But for the priest.

There is no difficulty at this point.

As long as the light form moves.

The priest will soon be able to enter the scope of the Spirit Palace.

The loss of spiritual pressure?

That's not as fast as the spiritual pressure of the gods recovers.

Even the Extremely Radical Break is a highly dangerous skill that can even penetrate the mainland by accumulating power.

The gods can basically restore all their spiritual pressure at the same time they are released.

Then the spiritual pressure consumed by the movement of the light form is nothing.

Those enchantments are even simpler.

Bengyu had absorbed a large amount of Spirit King's power factors, and even the left and right arms of the Spirit King had been absorbed by Bengyu.

Become a nutrient for the evolution of Bengyu and the gods.

With this power.

Passing through those enchantments without being discovered, that is easy.

Even if those enchantments can be identified, the collapse jade power factor is different from the spirit king power factor.

Shinji has one last way.

That is, use the power of Bengyu to open the barrier.

As a gem that has the power of soul portrayal and can realize your wishes.

As long as the gods have the idea of ​​entering the barrier.

Bengyu will help the gods enter.

But the prerequisite is.

The power of the gods must have the conditions to achieve their wishes.

"Bengwu fusion stage" has even reached the critical value of Bengwu, and it has come into contact with the power of Beng Liu.

The priest didn't believe it anymore.

Those barriers can still keep him out.

After making Neyuli prepare in the laboratory.

Shinji came outside.

The direct light form moves without hesitation, and rushes toward the sky.

The enchantment of Seoreiwa was completely unable to stop the movement of the gods, and was directly passed through by the gods.

A large number of photons appear to teleport.

Carrying a light belt, it constantly moves toward the sky at extreme speed.

I can't remember how many times I used the light form to move.


In the sight of the gods, a looming black shadow appeared.

"Is that the Spirit Palace?"

Shensi's eyes condensed, and he suddenly stopped in the void.

The body begins to reorganize from the upper body.

"It can't be wrong."

"It's here that I feel below."

The gods stared at the black shadow on the top of his head, with a smile in his eyes.

When entering the "five-five fusion stage", the gods can already perceive the existence of the spirit palace.


You can directly use Rei Pressure to violently hit the Soul King Palace in Seorei Garden.

It's just that there is no need for Shinji to do so.

"Enchantment? It's a pity that it doesn't work for me."


Shinji put his gaze back in front of him.


It was a transparent barrier that was almost invisible to the naked eye, clearly appearing in the perception of the gods.

This is why Shinji stopped.

This barrier should be the outermost barrier of the Spirit Palace.

It is these enchantments that directly blockade this area of ​​the Spirit Palace, leaving it alone outside of other spaces.

And such an enchantment.

There are seventy-two floors!

It is conceivable.

How strict the guards of the Spirit Palace are.

The god's eyes were calm.

The body passes directly through this layer of enchantment.

The enchantment that can separate the two worlds did not impede the gods in the slightest.

Bengyu absorbed the power factor of the Spirit King, and because of its similar characteristics, it was regarded as the "key" to open the door.

Immediately afterwards.

Shinji began to accelerate.

In a very short period of time, he had already come to the front of the Spirit King Palace.

"This throne of heaven."

"It's really... spectacular."

The priest stared at the palace in front of him and couldn't help but sigh.

Speaking of.

Although he has felt the Spirit Palace many times, this is the first time that the gods have witnessed it with his own eyes.

This throne of heaven floating in the void is really spectacular.


There are five huge disc-shaped side halls, also floating in the void.

They are Lingfanlidian, the residence of the royal agents of the Lingfan squad.

Every Lingfanli Temple is no less than a small city.

And below and around them.

There are also some other buildings floating.

That is the neighborhood of the Reiwang Palace, Omotesando, and Ouchi.

The most central place.

It is a suspended central tower with four floors.

Spirit King.

Just "live" (seal) here.

Go through the last layer of enchantment.

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