Longguo, Beijing, international hotel.

After Su Ming finished the press conference, he slipped away to rest.

Now on the Internet, on TV, there are news of the angry march of citizens of the Eagle Sauce Country.

They demanded that the emperor lift the sanctions order and import various products of the Huasheng Group.

Emperor Bai, who originally wanted to sanction Su Ming, was now invisibly sanctioned by Su Ming.

Bai the Great is most afraid of the angry Eagle Sauce citizens, because the position of the Great Emperor is determined by the votes of the citizens.

Other countries cannot threaten the position of the Great Emperor, but the citizens of Eagle Sauce can.

Su Ming has long understood how powerful it is.

Therefore, the various genetic products he has made are simply irresistible to the charm of ordinary people.

“Eagle sauce has to sanction me, now it’s hard to bully! This is called harm, and harm is done. ”

“Eagle sauce wants to sanction me! But his citizens refused to agree. Ha ha! Lift a rock and shoot yourself in the foot, Eagle Sauce deserves it! Good manners, what to sanction Lao Tzu for. ”

“It looks like the dog leg of Eagle Sauce, the little devil, the little stick, the little Yingzi, the little Dezi, the little Fazi, they don’t listen to the words of Eagle Sauce, don’t sanction me ha!” Do these doglegs want to abandon the eagle sauce and hug our country’s thighs. ”

“It seems that the power of civilian science and technology is not weaker than the power of military technology!” At least in terms of winning people’s hearts, civilian technology is better than military technology. Because civilian science and technology are crucial to everyone’s vital interests. ”

“Hmm! I have to get some more civilian science and technology, so that citizens of all countries will itch in their hearts, force countries to beg me for export, and let countries automatically give their arms to our country. ”

“Once the allies of Eagle Sauce are dealt with, and Eagle Sauce’s left and right arm is broken, Eagle Sauce is still angry. Big brother without a little brother, is that called big brother? ”

“I have to hurry up and get the electromagnetic weapon out.” I’m going to prevent Eagle Sauce from lifting the table and not playing! Eagle sauce, this dog thing, has the world’s most awesome nuclear weapons! ”

“As long as electromagnetic weapons come out, Eagle Sauce will not pose any threat to our country.” Even if Eagle Sauce is crazy and wants to threaten our country with nuclear weapons, our country can use electromagnetic weapons to get nuclear weapons. ”

“Wait until I get out the high-power electromagnetic weapons and turn the nuclear weapons of Eagle Sauce and Mao Xiong into scrap iron.” They will not have the ability to break the table with our country. ”

“Haha, the conventional weapons of Eagle Sauce can no longer get rid of our country. Soon his nuclear 640 weapons also became scrap iron, civilian science and technology were inferior to our country, and the economy was being caught up by our country. Eagle sauce, you take your head and play with me. ”

“In terms of energy, we also have to think about it. Eagle sauce this dog thing started the Middle East war for oil. ”

“Most of the world’s oil outlet to the sea has been mastered by Eagle Sauce, and if Eagle Sauce jumps off the wall and uses energy to jam our country’s neck, it will be troublesome.”

“When the Ark reactor comes out, China only needs electric energy and one energy source, and it will not be afraid of the eagle sauce card energy neck.”

Su Ming lay on the bed and thought a lot.

Eagle sauce never suffers losses, and if there is revenge, it will be rewarded.

With Eagle Sauce’s personality, he is definitely not willing to admit defeat just like that.

Su Ming had to think of all kinds of possibilities to prevent Eagle Sauce from lifting the table.

This night, Su Ming slept soundly, because the pressure was all on the eagle sauce’s side.

The next day, Su Ming just got up, and there was a group of people squatting outside the door.

“It’s really served, every time Lao Tzu stays in an international hotel, he is squatted. The previous few times it was Admiral Yang and them, this time, they actually squatted a group of foreigners. ”

Su Ming saw the dog big household and several local tycoons in the Middle East at a glance.

In addition, there are bigwigs from other countries.

Thinking with his toes, Su Ming also knew that these guys must have come for nano weapons and high-explosive ammunition.

The two techniques he sold to Mao Xiong made Mao Xiong’s strength skyrocket by 3 times.

These small countries are afraid of being beaten every day and dream of improving their strength.

The charm of nanoweapons and high-explosive ammunition technology, they can not bear it.

There is money to earn, and the contribution points are sent to the door again, how can Su Ming refuse.

“Everyone, please inside.”

Su Ming smiled and invited those big guys into the house.

Mohammed was very polite: “Mr. Su, I’m sorry we disturbed you. Do you like staying at this hotel? If you like it, I’ll buy it and give it to you. ”

The dog is really generous, in order to please Su Ming, he actually wants to buy this hotel.

Su Ming smiled: “Mr. Mohammed, I’m sorry, this is a hotel for entertaining VIPs in my country, you have money, you can’t buy it.” The level of security here is comparable to the royal palace of Eagle Sauce, and I stay here just to be comfortable. ”

Mohammed was a little embarrassed: “Mr. Su Ming, we have the only seven-star hotel in the world in the Middle East, if you are free, I hope you will come to be a guest, how long do you want to stay, and we will let you stay.” ”

Su Ming smiled: “Thank you Mr. Mohammed for the invitation, our company has a lot of things to do, enjoy the fun!” In the future, I am so young that I can’t waste time. ”

Mohammed was even more embarrassed: “As a prince, in addition to eating and drinking, I have fun, Mr. Su is young and handsome, rich and billions, and so motivated, compared with you, I am a waste material, ashamed!” ”

“Mr. Mohammed, you have a mine at home! Go down with a hoe and the ground is full of oil. Your life, born rich, can lie flat, I can’t compare with you, so I can only work hard. ”

Su Ming was too polite to say that Mohammed did not dare to speak again.

After a group of local tycoons entered the house, they sat down, and they did not beat around the bush, and directly indicated that they wanted to buy nanoweapons and high-explosive ammunition.

Su Ming smiled: “Your country is an ally with Eagle Sauce, and Eagle Sauce sanctioned me. When you buy the weapons of the Huasheng Group, don’t you worry about being sanctioned by Eagle Sauce? ”

Mohammed smiled hehe: “Even Xiaoyingzi, Xiao Dezi, and Xiao Dezi don’t put the sanctions of Eagle Sauce in their eyes.” The sanctions of Eagle Sauce will not stand even the citizens of their own country. Eagle sauce can only pretend and harden his mouth. We are a sovereign country, we have our own security needs, and we don’t have to look at the eagle sauce on the face of everything. ”

“Mr. Su, request that two weapons be exported to us.”

Su Ming didn’t waste his tongue either: “Well, for the sake of your country’s sincerity in doing business with me, I don’t want a high price.” Nano worm stock solution, 10,000 US dollars per gram, I sold to Mao Xiong at this price. ”

“Ammunition incendiary agents can directly turn ordinary ammunition into high-explosive ammunition. The price is $100,000 per kilogram, and I sold it to the hairy bear at the same price. ”

The dog owner was immediately excited, holding Su Ming’s hands, and was very excited: “Your country has a strategic relationship with Maoxiong, and you sell Maoxiong weapons at a cheaper price, we can understand.” I never expected that Mr. Su would be so generous and sell weapons to our country at the same price as hairy bears. Mr. Su, you are such a good person. ”

Su Ming almost couldn’t help but laugh, the price of the weapon he sold to Mao Xiong was 30 times that of the Dragon Kingdom.

The dog was slaughtered, and I have to thank myself.

Although Su Ming wanted to laugh, he controlled it.

He solemnly held Mohammed’s hand: “I am a person who operates in good faith, your country is a familiar customer, of course I will treat it favorably.” If there are any other weapons in the future, I hope that your country will purchase them. ”

Mohammed was very moved: “I am afraid that Mr. Su is not willing to sell, of course we are willing to purchase, for the sake of national security, how much money is worth it.” ”

At the moment, Su Ming smiled (AJAF) and signed two arms purchase contracts with Mohammed.

The big dogs are selling $20 billion, and they don’t know who they want so many nanoweapons and high-explosive ammunition to defend against.

But Eagle Sauce’s younger brother Se Lieguo may be restless at this moment. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

These weapons purchased by the big dogs, if fired at the Sermon countries.

It may only take an hour to push the Sermons back to the Stone Age.

The dog owner signed the contract, paid the deposit, and left satisfied.

Other countries, football countries, Persian countries, Baba sheep countries, Mexican countries… More than a dozen other countries have also signed contracts with Su Ming.

Although there are no big dog tycoons in these countries, the orders they provide have reached a price of $40 billion.

Su Ming signed the contract for the last afternoon before he got these countries.

The order of 60 billion US dollars arrived, and Su Ming almost couldn’t help but laugh up to the sky.

Mao Xiong helped himself advertise, a wave of missiles washed the ground, and beat Er Mao to only one breath.

Seeing that the hairy bear is so powerful, these countries have developed a strong interest in their weapons.

This is also thanks to the fact that Eagle Sauce the Great held a press conference against himself and helped him promote his fame to the world.

“It seems that we still have to provide some more weapons to the hairy bear, and the hairy bear advertisement is too good.”

Su Ming was excited, and the system’s prompt sounded in his head again.

[Contribution host, your weapon, has brought security to 800 million people, you have made a huge contribution to human civilization, and you have received 200,000 contribution point rewards. 】

[Contribution host, your weapons, for the defense industry, brought 60 billion dollars in revenue, you made a huge contribution to the country, you gained 180,000 contribution points. 】

This wave of arms sales not only got 60 billion US dollars in orders, but also earned 380,000 contribution points.

Su Ming’s heart was crooked.

In order to complete the order, Su Ming quickly returned to Huasheng Group.

Su Ming handed the order to the company’s supervisor and ordered them to produce.

Su Ming himself entered the electromagnetic weapons research room and began to study electromagnetic weapons.

Su Ming got Iron Man’s electromagnetic weapon technology.

This weapon requires the Ark reactor to exert its maximum power.

Su Ming now has insufficient contribution points to get the Ark reactor technology, but it doesn’t matter, Su Ming also has high energy storage battery technology, this nano battery, the capacity is extremely large, can meet the needs of electromagnetic weapons.

Su Ming was in the laboratory, frantically researching.

A week later, an electromagnetic gun and a pair of electromagnetic gloves were manufactured by Su Ming.

Two weeks later, a high-energy storage battery was also manufactured by Su Ming.

Combining electromagnetic guns and high energy storage batteries, a powerful electromagnetic weapon has been born.

This electromagnetic gun uses electricity as an energy source, and there are electromagnetic acceleration pipes inside the barrel.

Electromagnetic acceleration is used to generate thrust.

In an instant, the iron ball can be ejected.

Electromagnetic weapons have been studied by various countries, and the Dragon Kingdom is at the forefront of the world.

Longguo has designed a variety of electromagnetic guns, but the power is too small, the main reason is that these electromagnetic guns have too strong demand for electric energy, and there is no strong electric energy support.

The electromagnetic gun cannot exert powerful power.

The electromagnetic gun designed by the Dragon Kingdom before can only eject coins, and its power can only be on a wooden board, making shallow pits.

The root cause is that there is not enough electrical energy to generate stronger thrust.

Su Ming’s high energy storage battery has more than 10,000 times the storage power of ordinary batteries.

Instantly release powerful electric energy, the thrust generated by electromagnetic acceleration can turn electromagnetic weapons into terrifying killers.

“It’s time for our soldiers to use electromagnetic weapons.”

“With this weapon, it is difficult for our army to be invincible.”

“After the naval warship is equipped with electromagnetic guns, it will also be invincible. The navy of Eagle Sauce is not even qualified to take a look at our navy. ”

“Air Force! It is best to install electromagnetic weapons on the next generation of aerospace fighters. Electromagnetic weapons can strike 20,000 kilometers in a second. A second into the air, a missile from another country will be shot down. Our country can sit back and relax in the future. ”

In two weeks, after completing electromagnetic weapon technology and high-energy storage battery technology, Su Ming was in a good mood.

He immediately dialed the military phone.

A moment later, the phone rang, and Admiral Yang’s happy voice came from the other end: “Comrade Xiao Su, has there been any technological breakthrough?” ”

Su Ming smiled slightly: “Hmm! Old Yang, you guessed right. The nuclear weapons of Eagle Sauce and Mao Bear will be scrap iron for our country in the future, and our country will become the first country in the world that will not be attacked by nuclear weapons. ”

“Groove! Comrade Xiaosu, what are you talking about. Are you going to scrap the nuclear weapons of Hairy Bear and Eagle Sauce? ”

“Hey, hey! Lao Yang, you guessed it. “。

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