In Huasheng Group, employees were all stunned when they saw Su Ming running in a pair of pants.

“What’s going on, President Su seems to have been stimulated and ran around the company for a hundred laps.”

“Groove! Our Su always seems to have turned into a humanoid beast, look at his fine muscles, just like steel wire. I didn’t expect our President Su to have such a perfect figure and such a good muscle line. ”

“Hell! Wasn’t President Su only about one meter seven or five meters before? How suddenly, he was 10 centimeters taller, as if he was one meter eight or five meters tall. ”

“yes! Now Su is always 10 centimeters taller than before. What’s going on, President Su is already 24 years old, and he is not a teenager, how can he develop a second time? ”

“President Su has not only become handsome, his running speed is not human! Even if he is a world champion, his speed is not as fast as Su Zong. It’s terrible, it’s not a normal human body. ”

“Nima! Su ran 100 laps, without a drop of sweat on his body, and his breathing was the same as usual. This is also very scary, how can ordinary people have such physical fitness, professional athletes will also sweat! ”

“I envy President Su’s figure! This figure is even better looking than bodybuilders, and there is no trace of the use of hormones, so natural, so envious! ”

“yes! President Su’s figure is the same as a sculpture, I really want to have such a figure. ”

“President Su is perfect! As a girl, I can see President Su every day, I am so happy, and I dare not think about it, such a perfect man, I don’t deserve it! ”

It was already noon, which was supposed to be the time for the employees of Huasheng Group to eat.

As a result, Su Ming’s fruit rush attracted everyone’s attention.

Being pointed out and laughed by the employees, Su Ming did not mind.

Let the female secretary send a suit, and after Su Ming put it on, he became a personable domineering president and a very beautiful man.

Su Ming smiled and said to those employees: “Brothers, sisters, are you curious, I seem to have changed a person.” ”

“Alright! I don’t hide it from everyone either. The reason why I have been reborn and have a strong, perfect body is entirely due to genetic technology. ”

As soon as Su Ming’s words came out, the faces of the employees changed greatly.

“Groove! Gene technology, this is transgenic technology! Mr. Su, did you use gene technology to mutate yourself? ”

“Genetic technology, which is said to be very harmful, has strong sequelae. President Su, you can’t let yourself leave sequelae because you want to become handsome! Good health is what matters. ”

“President Su! You are the pillar of the country, a peerless scientific and technological genius. If you engage in other technologies, we will definitely support them, but the use of genetic technology in people makes us very worried! ”

“yes! Some time ago, I saw on the Internet that someone ate genetic food, which became extremely ugly, and the side effects of gene technology were too great. ”

“I heard that many infertile people can’t have children because of genetically modified products, and genetic technology is too evil.”

“I lean! The international ban on the use of genetic technology in humans. If genetic technology is not controlled, it is terrible. Humans can now use genetic technology to clone cattle, clone sheep, if used to clone people… Isn’t the world messy? ”


Many employees of Huasheng Group are ordinary people.

They don’t have any high education, and like other people, when they hear about genetic technology, they talk about tiger color change.

Subconsciously, they regard genetic technology as an evil technology.

Su Ming was helpless, so he could only shake his head and smile bitterly, giving everyone a score for him.

“Brothers and sisters. Genetic technology is not as scary as you think. ”

“Gene technology can benefit the whole world if it is used well. If it is not used well, it will harm the whole world. ”

“For example, when the devils were in World War II, their Unit 731 used our people to conduct experiments and engage in various bacteriological weapons. These bacteriological weapons, which are biological genetic weapons, are extremely evil. ”

“Now Eagle Sauce and many other countries have long been secretly researching genetic weapons. Genetic weapons are more powerful than nuclear weapons. This weapon will be specifically targeted at specific races and destroyed. ”

“Genetic weapons, which can spread quickly through air and human contact, can wipe out a country or a specific race in a matter of days.”

“This evil genetic weapon is more terrifying than the devil. Foreigners have collected the blood of many ordinary people in our country, and they must have studied evil in this area. But don’t be afraid, our Huasheng Group’s gene technology has been ahead of the world. No one dares to wage a genetic war against our country. ”

“Genetically modified products will change human genes and produce all kinds of terrible sequelae. I admit that. ”

“I’ve already told you about the bad aspects of gene technology.”

“Then I will now talk about the benefits of gene technology.”

“China’s previous rice mu grain production was about 300 kilograms.”

Later, after years of research by Chinese scientist Yuan Lao, various hybrid rice was developed. These rice have increased China’s grain production from 300 kg to 800 kg, 1000 kg, and even 1300 kg. ”

“It is precisely because of the emergence of super rice that China does not have to worry about food security at all.”

“Yuan Lao’s use of super rice not only feeds 1.4 billion people in the country, but also solves the food problem by introducing super rice from other countries.”

“Yuan Lao’s super rice also belongs to genetic technology. Without this technology, whether our 1.4 billion people can eat enough is still a question. Not to mention how far the country has developed. ”

“Technology is not good or bad, but people are good and bad.”

“It’s like a kitchen knife, held in the hands of kind people, just used to cut vegetables. Used in the hands of bad guys, it can be used to cut people. I can’t say whether a kitchen knife is good or bad. ”

“So, please don’t be biased against gene technology.”

“We Huasheng Group is a high-tech company, and each of our technologies is at the forefront of the world.”

“You employees, you should also have some vision and insight, don’t be like the aunts and uncles in the vegetable market, listen to the wind is rain, hear gene technology, and think that it is not good technology.”

“Dear employees of Huasheng Group. In order to ensure the safety of genetic technology to everyone, I use my own body to do experiments. ”

“In terms of wealth, I already have hundreds of billions of assets, in terms of reputation, although I am only a lieutenant colonel, even the admiral must respect me.”

“I’m so young and famous, unless I have a brain disease, I will experiment with my own body. Because I know that my genetic technology, which has no side effects on the human body, is absolutely safe, I applied it to myself. ”

“You’ve seen it! My height has skyrocketed by 10 cm. Does anyone think they’re too short and want to get taller? If you want to, gene technology can do it. ”

“The speed I ran just now, you can see it! My physical fitness has surpassed ordinary people several times. If you want to be stronger and have a healthier body, genetic technology can help you do it. ”

“Everyone, my genetic technology is inspired by the movie “Superman Serum”, this gene potion can not only make me stronger, more handsome, and smarter. And you can also stay young. ”

“Who doesn’t want to stay young, don’t want to look young. In fact, as long as you want, I can use genetic technology to help you realize your dreams. ”

“My genetic technology can not only make people younger, energetic, and physically perverted. This technology, the most awesome point, is that it can make human beings live longer. ”

“There are limits to human lifespan. Ordinary people can live to be 80 years old, and by the age of 90, they are already very satisfied. ”

“In fact, human lifespans can theoretically reach 120 years or even 150 years.”

“The length of human life is closely related to the telomere thread.”

“Telomere threads control the number of cell divisions in humans. If the telomere line is too short and splits too quickly, human lifespan will reach the end point early. ”

“Through gene technology, we can control the division of telomere lines, slow down the rate of cell division, and thus increase our life expectancy from 80 years old to 120 years old or even 150 years old.”

“Folks, gene technology is almost a Creator-like ability. We humans have not been able to break through in this technology. So the real charm of gene technology has not been shown. ”

“Now, I can tell the world loudly that our Huasheng Group’s gene technology has achieved a revolutionary breakthrough. The fascination of this technology is unstoppable. ”

Su Ming’s speech shocked all the employees of the group.

Using gene technology, Su Ming can make short people taller, fat people thinner, and people with poor physique as strong as cattle.

It can even delay human aging and extend human life expectancy by decades.

“Groove! It feels like Sue is always talking about myths. Genetic technology makes human beings taller and handsome, and it can be understood. It allows humans to delay aging and live for decades longer. It’s too sci-fi, too mythical. Ancient emperors wanted to live long, but they couldn’t do it, and Su could always do it! It’s incredible. ”

“Mom, gene technology can make the whole people live for decades. If this is true, don’t say that President Su’s genetic technology is very safe, even if it is not safe, I want to inject! To live for decades longer, this temptation, whether ordinary people or billionaires, can not refuse ah! ”

“I’m so excited! Genetic agents can keep me young, and beauty is a woman’s second life. As long as it keeps me young. President Su, I am willing to do whatever you ask me to do. ”

The 20,000 employees of Huasheng Group are now as excited as chicken blood, and they are chattering.

Su Ming’s genetic technology can satisfy the fantasies of many ordinary people and make up for the regrets of many people.

This product, once appeared, the entire planet, no one can resist its temptation.

[Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluation support, thank you.] 】

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