In the capital, in the five-star international hotel, Su Ming slept beautifully.

After waking up, Su Ming found that he had actually slept for 12 hours.

Su Ming felt a little hungry, pushed open the door, and prepared to go to the restaurant for lunch.

As soon as I opened the door, a group of bigwigs stood outside the presidential suite.

Su Ming was taken aback.

“Admiral Yang, Major General Liu, Dr. Fang, Academician Luo… What are you doing! Why stay outside the house? ”

Admiral Yang smiled a little embarrassed: “We are afraid of disturbing Major Su’s rest, so we can only guard outside.” ”

Su Ming couldn’t laugh or cry: “Admiral Yang, you are too polite!” I’m just a major, you’re a three-star general! Admiral, guard the door for me, pass it out, others say that I Su Ming is proud of his merits, and take the admiral as a gatekeeper! ”

Admiral Yang smiled: “What about Admiral, I am happy to be able to show Major Su, I am happy.” ”

Su Ming smiled and shook his head: “Admiral Yang, you still call me Xiao Su!” Are you guys working so hard outside the door, is there something to ask me? ”

Admiral Yang smiled and said, “Comrade Xiao Su is really smart!” Our minds are seen through by you at a glance. ”

“Comrade Xiaosu, our country has decided to invest 100 billion to create super bombers, super transport aircraft. The four major aviation groups will cooperate with experts from the Chinese Academy of Sciences to start action. Comrade Xiaosu, you know so much about detonation engines. If you have a problem, I have to ask for your help! ”

Su Ming nodded: “Strategic bombers and large transport aircraft are one of the most lacking weapons in our country, and I will definitely help if I can help.” ”

“Comrade Xiao Su, with your words, I am relieved. I have called the heads of the big four aviation groups, and if necessary, they will be at your disposal. ”

Su Ming was taken aback: “Admiral Yang, hundreds of thousands of employees of the four major aviation groups, obey my command. Admiral Yang, the military really trusts me! ”

Admiral Yang smiled and said, “This is the order of the elders, there is no doubt about the use of people, and doubts are not used.” For a genius like you, we should give you the privilege of letting you do it freely. If you are given too many restrictions, it will be difficult to use your talents! ”

Su Ming scratched his head and forced a smile: “We have 20,000 employees of Huasheng Group, and I have a hard time managing it. If I were to manage the big 4 airline groups, I wouldn’t have time for other research. I can help with this strategic bomber and transport aircraft thing, but I don’t command and manage. ”

Admiral Yang was helpless: “Comrade Xiao Su, you are the least greedy person I have ever met. If you promise to help, we’ll be satisfied. ”

“Comrade Xiao Su, I have good news for you. China attaches great importance to dark energy technology and super stealth technology. The state is ready to invest 100 billion yuan to develop these two technologies. ”

“Comrade Xiao Su, I have to ask you for help then!”

Su Ming said happily: “The development of dark energy technology is carried out by the Chinese Academy of Sciences itself!” I recommend the top universities in the country to add dark energy courses. Let our country have more talents in dark energy research. ”

“As for super stealth technology, it is not difficult for us at Huasheng Group. We have built a new type of ‘invisible technology factory’, if the experts of the Chinese Academy of Sciences are willing to go to work at our Huasheng Group.” I will soon be able to turn both technologies into products. ”

“Admiral Yang, it’s better to hand over the military’s stealth product orders to our Huasheng Group!” Our company needs orders, and I still have 20,000 employees to support! ”

Admiral Yang laughed: “Now that Huasheng Group has mastered this technology, of course we are willing to hand over the order to you, and with you in charge of this super stealth technology, the military can sit back and relax.” ”

“Comrade Xiao Su, I will immediately ask the financial department to allocate 50 billion yuan to you, which should be our funds for purchasing invisible products.”

Another 50 billion large orders, and it is to give money first, and then ship.

When the military strikes, it is generous, and it is quick to fight money.

Su Chen’s heart blossomed, and his mouth almost smiled crookedly.

A full set of invisible technology, I only spent 2,000 contribution points!

2000 contribution points, unexpectedly brought 50 billion large orders.

“Thank you Admiral Yang, thank you military, I promise to develop super stealth technology as soon as possible, please the military wait for my good news.”

Admiral Yang nodded happily: “We have absolute confidence in Comrade Xiao Su. ”

“Comrade Xiao Su, there is one last thing I want to tell you.”

“Admiral Yang, please speak directly.”

Admiral Yang said with a smile: “Comrade Xiao Su, your understanding of engine technology is unique in the world. Detonation ramjet engine, you can see the flaws at a glance, help us design improvements. That ‘scramjet engine’ technology is not difficult for you. ”

Su Ming smirked: “Military, do you want to invite me to come up with the ‘scramjet engine’ technology?” ”

Admiral Yang nodded embarrassedly: “You guessed right. In terms of civilian engine technology, our country lags behind Eagle Sauce! Many of our airlines’ planes are purchased from Boeing in Eagle Sauce or Airbus in the West. ”

“For decades, our country has spent at least trillions of dollars on foreign aircraft.”

“With the development of our economy, in the next few decades, more and more airports will be built, and the demand for aircraft will reach 5 trillion US dollars.”

“Is it bad to stay in the country for this $5 trillion? Why let foreigners earn. ”

“If you can help China solve the ‘scramjet engine’ technology, China can not only keep the $5 trillion orders at home, but China can even manufacture the world’s most advanced passenger aircraft, seize foreign markets, and export various large passenger aircraft abroad.”

“The aircraft manufacturing industry will drive millions of companies across the country, which will add millions, even tens of millions of jobs, to our country!” This will be of great help to the development of the country’s economy. ”

Su Ming thought for a moment and agreed: “Scramjet engine, once the manufacturing is successful.” Boeing of Eagle Sauce will deal a fatal blow. The president of Boeing came to our Huasheng Group some time ago to arrogantly claim that if I did not sell vibranium technology to them, they would impose more severe sanctions on me. ”

“Boeing dares to offend me, then let him taste bankruptcy.”

“Admiral Yang, Boeing is the weapon giant of Eagle Sauce, and once bankrupt, it will deal a heavy blow to Eagle Sauce. I promised to help the country develop a ‘scramjet engine’, and I’m going to engage in the Eagle Sauce mentality. ”

Admiral Yang was overjoyed: “On behalf of the National Civil Aviation Corporation, thank you Major Su.” ”

“You’re welcome, take me to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, gather the experts, and I will help the country now to develop ‘scramjet engine’ technology.”

“Great, Comrade Xiao Su, please over here.”

At the moment, a group of bigwigs happily took Su Chen and rushed to the Chinese Academy of Sciences.

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