Everyone knows stealth technology, but invisible technology with the naked eye, that is unheard of.

The experts got shaken.

“Su Ming, can you explain what is called ‘naked eye stealth technology’?”

“This technology is just a concept! Can it really be done in reality? ”

“Invisible to the naked eye, that is, science fiction and fantasy. Is the end of technology really theology? ”

“Su Ming, you better explain this new technology to everyone! Otherwise we will be very confused. ”

“Su Ming, the old man is 80 this year, I would like to honor you as a teacher, please Teacher Su, give us a lesson, I want to help the military develop stealth technology.”

“Su Ming, I am an expert in materials, if necessary, I am willing to enter Huasheng Group to help you develop invisible technology.”

“Su Ming, I am a doctor of photons and particles, and the invisible technology you said should involve photonics!” Can I join Huasheng Group and help you develop this technology? ”


In the Chinese Academy of Sciences, there was a riot, and scientists were collectively excited.

Some quantum science, mechanics, photon research… Scientists have asked to join Huasheng Group, and they volunteered to help Su Ming develop stealth technology.

Su Ming smiled and said, “Thank you for your love.” If you want to join Huasheng Group, I am very welcome. ”

“The invisible technology I am talking about is a very advanced future technology.”

“The so-called invisible technology is also called ‘light shielding technology’. We humans can see objects because light refracts, and through the refraction of light from objects, we can see various pictures. ”

“Folks, when an object does not refract light at all, it can be invisible to the naked eye.”

“This light shielding technology should belong to dark energy technology.”

“Dark energy has many magical characteristics, the first of which is that it does not interact with gravity. Second, it does not interact with light. ”

“Using the characteristics of dark energy that does not interact with light and does not refract light, and developing light shielding technology, it can actually become a reality.”

As soon as Su Ming’s words came out, the scientists were shocked and all stood up.

“Dark energy technology… In the scientific community, this is just a concept! ”

“Dark energy accounts for 95% of the energy of the universe, at least hundreds of millions of times more than the energy known to human beings now, but unfortunately, human beings have not been able to understand a kind of dark energy until now.”

“Su Ming’s research on dark energy will help mankind understand the mysteries of the universe, which is definitely a great discovery.”

“All of humanity, no one can understand a dark energy. Su Ming actually mastered dark energy technology, and also used dark energy technology to develop light shielding technology. This is an absolute miracle in human history. ”

“I’ve studied dark energy. Dark energy does not interact with gravity. The universe relies on dark energy to balance planets, and if there is no dark energy to isolate gravity. Planets with large gravity will keep catching planets with low gravity, and finally, all the planets in the universe will gather together and become a super planet. Dark energy is amazing, it is one of the mysteries of the universe. ”

“Newton’s gravitational pull does not apply to dark energy. Dark energy is amazing, it will subvert human understanding, physics. ”

“Teacher Su Ming, please give us a lesson! Dark energy is so profound, if you don’t explain it, we don’t understand it! ”

Those physics experts at the Chinese Academy of Sciences are already going crazy.

They were like sending a new continent, frantically asking Su Ming to teach them lessons, and they were eager to understand the mysterious dark energy.

Su Ming smiled and said, “In that case, then I will explain to you my research on dark energy.” ”

Su Ming needed scientists to help operate two invisible material production lines.

If scientists don’t know anything about dark energy, they can’t master the production line.

You can’t let Su Ming himself operate two production lines and produce invisible materials day and night.

It is necessary to train these scientists so that they can be used for their own use.

At that moment, Su Ming transformed into a teacher of scientists, let people move a few blackboards, and Su Ming began to lecture those experts.

Sections of tadpole-like symbols appeared on the board, each representing a different meaning.

When those symbols and numbers, as well as all kinds of esoteric formulas, appeared on the board.

These highly intelligent scientists have black lines and are confused.

These so-called elite experts were as ignorant as elementary school students in front of Su Ming.

The characters on the blackboard, individually they recognized, combined, then like the book of heaven, made them dizzy at a glance.

Fortunately, Su Ming obtained the ‘Kun-style fighter stealth technology’, and there is a lot of dark energy knowledge in his brain.

Su Ming dictated, patiently explained, and told the scientists about various theories and formulas of dark energy over and over again.

With Su Ming’s lecture, some scientists who had been studying dark energy were like waking up from a big dream, and they suddenly opened up, and the problems that had plagued them for a long time were easily solved by Su Ming.

The experts asked crazy questions, and Su Ming answered like a stream.

This unprecedented lecture on dark energy lasted about 8 hours.

Under Su Ming’s explanation, many scientists understood dark energy, and they were ecstatic and tearful with excitement.

“Su Ming, listen to Jun Yi’s words, it is better to read a hundred years of books! Without your explanation, humans may not be able to understand dark energy for another 50 years. ”

“According to Su Ming, dark energy is everywhere! Every minute, tons of dark energy pass through our human bodies, and humans are unaware. ”

“The little devil built a dark energy capture laboratory hundreds of meters underground 10 years ago, and the devil wanted to rely on dark energy technology to achieve scientific and technological breakthroughs. But 10 years have passed, and the devil has not captured a single dark energy. ”

“What the devil didn’t do, Su Ming easily did. Dark energy technology will bring a scientific and technological revolution. It’s a great piece of technology. ”

“Su Ming is the founder of dark energy physics, he created the theory of dark energy, and China is ahead of all countries in terms of dark energy. Other countries are not even qualified to lift shoes for us except to look up to us. With the breakthrough of dark energy technology alone, Su Ming should win the Nobel Prize in Physics. ”

“How can the Nobel Prize represent Su Ming’s ability! The emergence of dark energy technology will subvert human understanding of physics. ”

“If you compare the physical knowledge of the earth to a piece of sand. That dark energy will represent the entire galaxy. In the face of the universe, we humans are too small, and in the face of dark energy, we humans are too ignorant!

“Fortunately, we have Su Ming, a peerless genius, whose discovery of dark energy is greater than Einstein’s discovery of the ‘theory of relativity’. We humans, if under the leadership of Su Ming, continue to study dark energy. The human world will enter the era of dark energy. Human science and technology and civilization will surely usher in a big explosion again. And our country will be the leader of dark energy technology. ”

In the Chinese Academy of Sciences, those scientists were so excited that they were like elementary school students, frantically discussing dark energy.

The types of dark energy may be as high as trillions.

Su Ming obtained the ‘Kun-style Fighter Stealth Technology’, which contained dozens of dark energy knowledge.

Su Ming only talked about more than a dozen dark energy knowledge, and they were so crazy.

If Su Ming obtained tens of thousands, millions of dark energy knowledge.

I don’t know what kind of excitement scientists will be in the future.

[Ask for collection of flowers evaluation tickets, the data is so miserable, the codeword has no motivation. ] Can you support it? 】

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