The effect of vibranium kitchen knives is amazing, this magical alloy, enough to make the company’s salted fish turn over.

Employees who were worried about losing their jobs are now excited, and they are frantically sharing the live broadcast room with friends and family.

Instantly, the flow of people in the live broadcast room increased greatly.

The number of people online, from 20,000, quickly skyrocketed to 100,000.

Su Ming’s live broadcast room, because of the large increase in the flow of people, soon became a hot spot on the Douyin website, attracting more and more people to the live broadcast room.

The employees of Huasheng Group were still unfulfilled and asked Su Ming one after another.

“President Su, this super alloy, why is it so strong, ordinary molten iron, add a few grams of alloy, it will become a super alloy, which is also amazing.”

“President Su, we, Huasheng Group, want to switch to selling kitchen knives?”

“President Su, this alloy has such amazing properties that it is used to make kitchen knives, which is a bit tyrannical. Are you planning to use superalloys to make higher-end products? ”

“President Su, the performance of this alloy is so amazing, don’t you know the high cost of construction? Is it expensive? ”

“President Su, in addition to the extremely high hardness and very sharp nature of this alloy, does it have other strong properties?”


Faced with the inquiries of employees and netizens, Su Ming smiled and narrowed his eyes.

In order to sell artificial vibranium, save the company.

Su Ming naturally did not give up this good opportunity to expand his fame.

“Brothers! I came up with this super alloy that was inspired by the movie, and I call this metal vibranium. ”

As soon as Su Ming’s words came out, the live broadcast room suddenly became more lively.

“Groove! Is vibranium the kind of super metal in Marvel movies? ”

“Vibranium in the movie seems to be able to withstand all physical damage, Nima! It’s a bit sci-fi! Is this super metal really made by our company? ”

“I heard that our President Su is a high-caliber student of the University of Science and Technology of China, but I didn’t expect that Mr. Su hid deeply, he is not only a high-quality student, he is also a genius.”

“Awesome! President Su can actually get inspiration from the movie, make the super alloy in the movie, genius is not enough to praise President Su, we Su is always a peerless genius. ”

“Groove! Our company really wants to research vibranium, so is it still worried about getting rich? Vibranium in Marvel movies, are unattainable super materials! ”

“Vibranium in the movie can bounce back all physical damage, I don’t know if the vibranium that President Su made will work.”

“In the movie, Captain America’s shield, called ‘vibranium sound absorbing shield’, it is said that the impact will not produce sound, if this sound absorption ability, used in nuclear submarines, then China can not create, the world’s first-class nuclear submarine.”

“Groove! In the movie, the Black Panther combat suit is made of vibranium, and the defense is extremely strong. I don’t know if the vibranium that President Su made can be made into a combat suit. If it works, equip the troops, our country will have a super special forces. ”

“The role of vibranium is too amazing, civilian is too wasteful, and it can be used in the national defense military to play the greatest role.”

“It seems that our company is about to receive a large order from the Ministry of Defense. Haha, our vibranium is so amazing, how much is definitely produced, how much the country wants. ”

“President Su is awesome, even vibranium has come out, and he will definitely not worry about business in the future.”

“Haha, such a powerful alloy of vibranium will definitely shock the world. Eagle sauce sanctioned our company has a hairy use. Our vibranium is not exported abroad, only sold domestically, and demand exceeds supply. Afraid of a hairy sanction. ”

“yes! Vibranium is so powerful, it will definitely be valued by the country. In the future, just selling vibranium products in China, you will not worry about making money. The sanctions of Eagle Sauce no longer work for our company. ”


The employees of Huasheng Group are now as excited as chicken blood, and they guessed the economic value brought by vibranium from the powerful performance of vibranium. Now no one will worry about corporate sanctions, no business, everyone will lose their jobs.

With vibranium, as long as you manufacture a variety of products, just sell them in China, you can make a lot of money, not in foreign markets.

The sanctions of Eagle Sauce ended up sanctioning only loneliness.

Seeing that the employees were excited, Su Ming was very happy.

“Brothers! In addition to its high strength and indestructibility, vibranium does much more than that. ”

“Our vibranium, of course, the performance is not as amazing as in the movie, but it is also enough to shock the world.”

“Vibranium has a high temperature resistance of 100,000 degrees, and ordinary steel will melt at a high temperature of about 1,500 degrees.”

“The strength of vibranium steel is more than 10 times the strength of special steel. If vibranium steel is used, it is made into the deck of an aircraft carrier. No country in the world has anti-ship missiles that can sink our aircraft carriers. ”

“Vibranium uses molecular metal technology, which has a strong absorption of sound waves and kinetic energy. If vibranium is used to manufacture nuclear submarines, China’s nuclear submarines will be 10 times more resistant to underwater pressure, and when submarines are manufactured, they can use less steel to dive to depths below 1500 meters. China’s nuclear submarines will soon become world-class. ”

“In addition to the application of vibranium in military and national defense, it can also bring revolutionary impact to civilian enterprises.”

“If a bearing is made of vibranium, the life of the bearing is increased by more than 20 times. Bearings are necessary for all machinery, and in theory, vibranium can improve the life of all machinery in China. ”

“When an engine is made from vibranium, the performance of the engine will change qualitatively. Whether it is a car engine, an aircraft engine, or a fighter engine, as long as vibranium is used, not only the thrust of the engine will be increased several times. And the life expectancy will also increase several times. ”

Vibranium can also be used to make car protection bars. Vibranium’s strong shock absorption ability, molecular shock ability, coupled with the strength and hardness of metamorphosis, can avoid the impact of the car when colliding and hurt the people in the car. ”

“Vibranium is almost a universal metal, and its role is widely used.”

“This super metal, although expensive. But only 100 grams are needed to turn a ton of ordinary steel into super alloy steel. ”

“Our vibranium technology, unique in the world, is 100 years ahead of the world.”

“In my capacity as Chairman of Huasheng Group, I assure you. Vibranium technology, real and effective, can be questioned and tested by anyone. ”

“I hereby extend an invitation to companies across the country that are interested in vibranium. If you want to get vibranium materials, please contact our company as soon as possible. ”

[Collection, flowers, new books, support, thank you.] 】

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