Asura God

Chapter 05

Asura The latest chapter of Emperor, the 05 chapter Yaoshan, floating astronomy
Yaoshan is one of the many forbidden areas of Azure Cloud Sect. It is tall and straight, and its height is high. It goes straight into the sky and is surrounded by fog. It can’t see the true appearance of the mountain outside. The spiritual strength here is very rich and it is a veritable treasure. From the mountainside to the top of the mountain, it is said that there are three or fifty medicinal gardens, large and small, and some hidden and special small medicinal gardens, planting more precious herbs.

Qin Ming stood at the foot of the mountain and looked up at the majestic Yaoshan. The fog is heavy, not only wet Qi, but more is the spiritual strength. He took Qi deeply, cool and moist, and Shen Qi was cool. The spiritual strength here is stronger than his remote warehouse.

If you can cultivate here, how happy it should be.

Qin Ming put a good delivery list on his body and carefully entered the medicine hill with a stone tank.

I didn’t dare to go in the past, this time I took a risk?

Due to the strong intensity of the spiritual strength, there is not only a large amount of spiral grass growing in the drug mountain, but even those trees are extraordinarily thick and tall. A large number of roots are like a python, and they are scattered and intertwined. Many branches fall to the ground. It is not clear whether the branches are small or small. tree. It’s like a completely enclosed space, and people who haven’t been here are easily lost in the direction.

Yaoshan is very mysterious to most of Azure Cloud Sect’s disciplines, because few people have been here.

Qin Ming went out this time, bravely walked in the dense and wet old forest, while greedily breathing the spiritual Qi, while observing everywhere, looking forward to whether he could find a spiritual grass or something.

The servant status is sometimes quite useful. If someone finds out, they say that they are shipping.

The more Qin Ming goes to the mountains, the more I like this place.

This is simply a fairyland.

If you can cultivation for a month here, it will be worthwhile to close him for a year.

“Hey, is there really a spiral grass?” Qin Ming’s eyes lit up, suddenly found a green grass in the messy tree roots, half covered by the dead leaves, only a few small leaves, if not Qin Ming’s eyes, I don’t really see it.

One under the grade spirit grass.

Qin Ming put down the stone jar, carefully pulled it out, looked at the four people, stuffed it into his mouth, and chewed it down.

A cool spirit Qi spreads from the mouth to the whole body.

I don’t know what kind of herb, anyway, it feels refreshing!

Qin Ming came to the spirit, while holding the stone tank steady, while carefully observing, in a short while he was once again let him see the spicy grass, mixed in a mess of grass.

So bold and daring to go to the mountains for an hour, he actually found five spicy grass.

Although they are all under the grade spirit grass, it is enough for Qin Ming to surprise.

“It’s a strong scent.” Qin Ming shrugged his nose and walked forward. The front of the result was suddenly open, and a vast medicinal garden appeared in front of him. The thin mist shrouded there, not clear, but the scent of medicine He and Ling Qi both came to the face, so that he could not help but deeply mention Qi.

“Who!” sighed and passed from the side.

Qin Ming woke up and hurriedly put down the stone jar. He sang: “The lower class Qin Ming, according to the requirements of Zhang Dong, the delivery.”

An eyebrow-stricken juvenile disciple came out from Xiaolin next to the medicine garden. His eyebrows were wrinkled and his eyes were not good: “Nonsense! When will the medicine garden be shipped with your warehouse?”

“This is a list, please look over, I am just ordered to do things.” Qin Ming passed the list.

That discipline just blinked, did not pick up, he approached Qin Ming indifferently: “He let you send you to send, courage is not small, forget the rules of Azure Cloud Sect?”

“Delivery may be punished, and it will be punished if you don’t send it. This is a management arrangement, and I can’t help it.”

“Oh, a manager also dares to take the whole person in the medicine garden? Is he not knowing how to live or die, or you are daring.” The teenager circled around Qin Ming, his eyes were very cold.

“I just came to deliver the goods. The list is also written by Zhang Dong. You can investigate the Senior Brother.”

“Who is your Senior Brother.”

“No, it’s not. Things are in the stone jar, I will give it to you?”

“Slow. You are a Spirit Martial Realm? How can a servant be a Spirit Martial Realm!” The discipline suddenly became vigilant.

“This is a bit of a disappointment. The servant can’t be Spirit Martial Realm. The servant is also the Azure Cloud Sect’s discipline.”

At this time, a cold voice came from the medicine garden: “What happened?”

“Ling Xue Senior Sister, there is a servant who is good at the medicine garden.” The disciplinary attitude became very respectful.

“Servant?” A female disciples looming in the fog, can’t see the appearance, but can see the tall figure, a white dress.

Ling Xue? Yaoshan Shoushan Elder’s personal disciple! Qin Ming heard this name and was able to be accepted as a personal disciple by Edoyama Elder. This is how many people envy the glory.

“You are Qin Ming?” The woman made a sound, cold and indifferent.

“It’s me.” Qin Ming was a little surprised, she actually knew me.

“走吧,这里不是你该来的地方。”女disciple 转身走进迷雾,没多问也没难为Qin Ming 。

“谢Senior Sister 。”Qin Ming 举起石缸,心里嘀咕,这么好说话?


凌雪声音飘出来:“没必要难为个仆役,搜他身,如果没私藏spirit grass 就不用罚了。”

“看你Senior Sister 多开明,何必为难个仆役。”Qin Ming 呵呵笑着。

少年打量了会儿Qin Ming ,不情愿的搜了搜身,连石缸都没放过。“赶紧走,以后别再来。”

“能不能劳烦Senior Brother 送我出去?我迷路了。”


“那我自己走了。”Qin Ming 故意高喊了声,扛着石缸走进密林。他没直接离开,继续在密林里游逛,寻找spirit grass ,顺便看看能不能碰到中grade spirit grass ,或者是其他的宝贝。


药山是Azure Cloud Sect 真正的宝山,disciple Elder 们平常用的spirit grass 药材七成左右都是来自这里。由于环境非常特殊,灵Qi 又充裕,所以药材不一定都会培养在药园里,有些特殊的spirit grass 会培养在单独的地方,例如悬崖、例如河沟、例如瀑布边,那里都被特殊圈出来,还不一定都有人看护。


所以守护药山的disciple 需要定期在药山各处转转,寻找‘遗漏’的spirit grass 。

Qin Ming 转了半个时辰,再次发现两颗下grade spirit grass ,都赶快塞到嘴里,囫囵咽下去。

他现在是在冒险,冒着大风险!表面轻松,心却提到嗓子眼,也嘀咕着能不能找到棵’偷长’的珍贵spirit grass ?

“你是谁?”一位巡逻的disciple 发现了Qin Ming 。

“我是来送货的,凌雪Senior Sister 见过的,她让我离开,可我有点迷路了。”Qin Ming 没躲没闪,还快步迎了上去。

“凌雪Senior Sister ?”那位disciple 怀疑的看着他。


那disciple 走过来亲自检查他的石缸,搜了搜身,还看了看清单。“沿着这条路往下走,别到处乱转,如果让我再碰到你,决不轻饶。”

“谢Senior Brother 。”Qin Ming 快步离开,消失在迷雾里,可在远远离开那位disciple 后,他再次放慢脚步,到处乱转,嘴里嘀咕着spirit grass 啊spirit grass 。

一个时辰下来,收获不大,只看到一颗下grade spirit grass ,不过碰到了三位巡山disciple ,其中一位差点要揪着他去见Elder 。

Qin Ming 不敢再久留了,但也不甘心,咬着牙再次乱转。



“终于有点收获了。”Qin Ming 看看四下无人,放下石缸,从里面掏出条绳索,固定好一端,小心的往下爬。


Qin Ming 很快爬到那里,可身边的青Rattan 面突然窜出条粗壮的大蟒,张着血盘大口吞向Qin Ming 脑袋。


Qin Ming 心头一跳,下意识的轮起一拳,轰在蛇头上,足有三四百斤的拳力。


可没等Qin Ming 缓口Qi ,下面藤蔓里陆陆续续出现窸窣声,一条又一条的粗壮大蟒醒了,吞吐着蛇信探出脑袋,盯住了Qin Ming 。

“果然是棵宝贝。”Qin Ming 非但没害怕,反而激动了。据说珍贵的野生spirit grass 周围都会有些野兽守护,守护的野兽越多越强大,说明spirit grass 越珍贵。

悬崖壁上的藤蔓大surface area 晃动,不仅有大蟒出现,还有些毒蛇。

“我知道了,蛇心果?”Qin Ming 惊喜,中品灵果?这里竟然有棵中品灵果!太好了,不枉我冒险一次啊。

可是这颗蛇心果的体型有点过于大了,以前见到过一位精英disciple 显摆过蛇心果,只有鸡蛋那么大,可这颗起码跟他的拳头一样大。

“这是野生的吗?看样子像。”Qin Ming 看看环境,如果是圈养的,应该会有特殊标识,可这里没有。

大蟒和毒蛇们则开始躁动,成群的现身,扑向Qin Ming 。

这里的异响惊动了附近巡逻的disciple ,一阵急促的脚步声朝着这里冲了过来。

Qin Ming 来不及多想,仔细看了看位置,顺着绳索爬上悬崖,手脚麻利的整理好。

“你怎么还在这?”一声冷喝从前面传过来,是之前见过Qin Ming 的一位disciple 。

“Senior Brother ,你就把我送出去吧,我是真迷路了。”Qin Ming 苦着脸。

“真迷路还是假迷路?我看看你身上是不是藏了东西。”那disciple 走过来,再次检查Qin Ming 。


“我好像知道你是谁了,你是那个Qin Ming ,听说你Spirit Martial Realm 了?”

“Spirit Martial third grade 了。”

“how did you do that?”


这disciple 显然不信,可也知道不可能从Qin Ming 嘴里套出人家自己的小秘密:“赶快走,我再提醒你一次,不要靠近药山,下次在看到,不会这么容易饶了你。”

“many thanks Senior Brother 。”Qin Ming 道谢,举着石缸离开。等离开药山后,又偷偷在山脚下转了圈,找到了那颗蛇心果的位置,做个隐秘标志,改天再来拿。


Qin Ming 心情大好,举着石缸往回走,盘算着晚上过来收了它。

可没等Qin Ming 离开药山多远,眉头一动,他慢慢停下,回头望向旁边的小林:“既然来了就别藏着了,滚出来。”

“怪不得人家都叫你小野兽呢,鼻子够灵敏的,这么远就闻到Elder Sister 身上的香味了?”一个袅袅娜娜的柔媚身影,莲步款款,穿过青碧翠绿的林木,走出了淡淡的阴影,来到了明媚的阳光下。

这是一个妩媚动人的女子,有着让人无法抗拒的Qi 质与魅力,十六七岁的年纪本应该青春靓丽,她却偏偏长得风情万种,柔媚多姿,像是春水化成的一般,堪称尤物。


Zhao Min !Zhao Lie 的那个Elder Sister ,Azure Cloud Sect 里有名的美女,那股子狐媚Qi 质能让很多男人心里痒痒,据说Azure Cloud Sect 的少Sect Master 都在跟她搞暧昧。

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