Assassin Simulator: I deduced the accidental formula!

Chapter 166 [From the soul, deep into the b1 marrow! 】2!

The father and son Yan Guozhang and Yan Zhihui are definitely mentally tough people. Their family history was not so glorious back then, and it was full of bloody violence from the very beginning.

It is absolutely impossible for someone who can break through that kind of harsh conditions to be timid.

Yan Zhihui is not too young. He is in his 30s and approaching 40. In his childhood, Yan Guozhang was just a laid-off worker with little money.

These two fathers and sons have worked hard together over the years, so even when they were fleeing, their living conditions were a little bit worse and they were a little bit more difficult, and they didn't crush these two pampered, long-time big men.

Now, Yan Zhihui has truly collapsed, and he feels a chill emanating from the depths of his soul and the inside of his marrow, completely wrapping himself up.

Going back to the source, it was the scene when Song Haoming jumped downstairs while laughing wildly and saying it was your turn.

This scene circled in his mind during the day and suddenly appeared in his dreams at night.

Yan Zhihui has dreamed countless times at midnight thinking of all kinds of regrets!

Looking at his soaked pajamas and sheets, he wanted to cry without tears.

If only I hadn't provoked that - Death Artist!

But at this point he really realized one thing.

The nightmare is no longer a nightmare but a reality. Sooner or later, he will be taken away by that terrifying killer, and it is estimated that he will die quite tragically.

He looked at Hugel opposite, whose face had been boiled pink.

And the body seems to be still not dead, hands and feet twitch from time to time.

The Yan family's father and son chose this person who had been sponsored as a hiding spot because they saw that the other party, as a serial killer, still has a certain amount of force, but now he died like a dog without any meaning.

And Yan Zhihui felt a sense of psychology.

"I'm afraid I will die worse than he. 35

"Why? Why is this happening?

After that, he shouted in a frenzy, and this gesture made Yan Guozhang frown.

He could see that his son was completely frightened.

"However I am not, I am also reporting a few points now, if I can sacrifice this waste and let me live alone, I will definitely not hesitate any more.

Yan Guozhang just smiled bitterly.

Although he can still maintain a bit of prudence.

The tape that the House of Death had left in the soup pot earlier had worked perfectly.

There is no way for him to give Yan Zhihui complete trust anymore. The cooperative relationship between them, a father and son who is fleeing, has gradually tended to collapse, and only waited for the last straw to overwhelm the camel.

"And this straw is probably also released by the dead artist."

Although Yan Guozhang thought clearly, he had no way to do it, and he should even have an inexplicable guess in his heart, maybe the dead artist wanted to see their father and son kill each other.

Then maybe after satisfying him, he still has a chance to survive.

He had no idea of ​​confrontation in his heart for a long time, and he just wanted to live, even if it was to survive.

"Because no matter how hard I try, I can't stand up to that death artist, who knows if he is human or something?

"I'm afraid he won't give this chance. 35

Yan Guozhang was talking, but his conjecture was not at all like what his children had revealed.

Because the thought conveyed in the previous tape, if it is true, then I must retain the advantage of this intelligence.

"Yan Zhihui can also sacrifice when necessary!"

At this time, Yan Zhihui's thoughts were much simpler. From the beginning, he didn't feel that he must protect his father's life.

He has always been willing to do whatever it takes for his own interests. If Li Mo told him that killing Yan Guozhang would save his life, he would have done it faster than anyone else.

At this time, he was only a little emotional, and as expected, the intelligence of his own old fox was higher, and he was able to maintain a certain level of composure in the face of such an extremely desperate environment.

The idea of ​​coming back is indeed correct.

When he came back all the way, he also wanted to understand that the death artist is definitely not ready to close the net, so take this opportunity to see if he can discuss a method and way of escaping from a desperate situation with his father.

"Even if there is no idea, when the death artist really comes after him, maybe there will be a back.

"After all, I have been loved by this father since I was a child.

Yan Zhihui forced a smile.

Unexpectedly, Yan Guozhang also flashed similar thoughts a few times while staring at his son.

"If this kid is really too rubbish, you might as well give me the chance to survive, after all, at my current age, I still have a chance.

The father and son, one is out of their own greed and desire, and gradually raised a bit of bad intentions towards their father.

And Yan Guozhang, this is the tape that was left by Li Mo on purpose, gradually broke through the atrium, and raised a bit of malice towards Yan Zhihui.

The initiator of all this suddenly encountered a little trouble.

Li Mo has always been overly cautious even though everything seemed safe.

This time, he realized that he had almost withdrawn the funds on his body, and then randomly filled out more than a dozen fake ways to withdraw bank cards on the dark Internet.

Then he set off towards the nearest bus terminal, preparing to collect money.

Of course, this action was the result of a rehearsal he had done through the deduction, and something really happened.

[Text commentary: When you came to the bus terminal and got your bank card, you suddenly felt that the atmosphere around you was a little weird. When you turned to leave, you suddenly stepped on a ruling mine and was instantly blown into the sky. 】

Li Mo in the picture is a little confused. He is in a very good mood with his bank card. He is about to spend another wave. Suddenly, his feet are relieved. Fried to pieces.

【The game is over!】


"It's actually overcast?"

The killer was a little embarrassed.

Li Mo could only sigh with emotion, and he really relaxed a lot.

Since his previous successful withdrawals went smoothly, he has not been particularly concerned about this matter.

Almost every time, I fill in a dozen addresses at random and start to act.

"Sure enough, I was born in distress and died in comfort, this time I overturned."

He had just opened his eyes when he was still on the coach.

Li Mo didn't make too much noise, after all, most of the passengers around him were still asleep.

However, he was stroking his chin, which was a little strange.

・・・ Flowers・・・

"Generally speaking, the assassination is naturally carried out by sending me a credit card through the dark net, so it must be aimed at my identity as an artist of death.

"There aren't many people who have enemies with me, just those from the pursuit team and the Homeland Security Bureau, and the Yan family and their sons."

Li Mo pondered for a while, and forcibly expanded the scope a little bit.

"And there should be those targets I have assassinated, their relatives and friends.

"But not so much?"

"It's basically impossible for those people to have any power after death.

While he was talking, he felt a little interesting.

"What is doubtful is Karl Roscoe. He is the governor of Wisconsin after all, and he may have some political power, or he is from the Bisdaq Pharmaceutical Company. For example, the people of the Song family still want to fight to the death. 99

But soon, he ruled out these possibilities one by one.

He has already analyzed the attitude of the people at the Department of Homeland Security towards Li Mo.

It's a complete feeling of sympathy.

It has the taste of the police in the superheroes in the movie.


On the surface, it is necessary to catch death. The artist actually admires this one.

"But in fact, they are much more responsible, and they have been deliberately trying to catch me and bring me to justice."

"I'm not a hero either, but to satisfy my hobby for art and a little simplicity..."

Li Mo covered his forehead and didn't speak for a long time.

To be honest, he still admires the conscientiousness of the people from the Homeland Security Bureau.

Most of the other assassination targets were fallen trees, even the most powerful Xia Rongzai.

Li Mo also confirmed with his own eyes that his subordinates had already divided up the property.

It is almost impossible to say that there are any hidden forces.

As for the Song family, it is even more unlikely.

They are now being interrogated with high intensity, how can they have the time to deal with him, and they are assassinated by making bombs in the country.

With the financial resources of the Yan family, it is possible, but if the Song family is to be honest, they are really not qualified.

"Even if Song Biru had the money, she would not be willing.

"So who else could that be?"

"That big drug lord on the border? There shouldn't be any chance. He won't have the courage to come to the country."

After Li Mo thought about it, the only thing he could doubt was his last target, Karl Roscoe.

The time is also right.

"But it's quite interesting. It's really beautiful."

He was inexplicably in a better mood again.

"The Yan family, the Homeland Security Agency, and an unknown spoiler.

"There are more and more interesting things that seem to be happening.

Li Mo laughed happily, and immediately an old man beside him stopped snoring frantically and glared at him angrily.

"What are you doing? Don't sleep at night."

There were also a lot of passengers around, glaring at this death artist, who was already highly regarded domestically and even internationally, but the latter waved his hands in a good-natured manner.

"Sorry sorry, I just suddenly found out about myself, uh..."

"There is a happy event at home." Guang.

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