Assassin Simulator: I deduced the accidental formula!

Chapter 163 [Perfect Calculation] 8 more!

Li Mo called a taxi and came to a nearby grove very well.

"Thank you."

He watched the driver's car disappear at the end of his field of vision.

In the less developed place of X City, Li Mo still acts very cautiously, although there is no surveillance around, and even the people are relatively sparse, it is very difficult to find a few witnesses.

It is said that it is a small forest, but it is a statement that people in western Yunnan are used to seeing big scenes. In Li Mo's opinion, this place covering several hundreds of hectares is already a lush dense forest.

"The first is to go 2472 steps east. Luo

"Then go 712 steps north."9

he muttered.

On the one hand, he took a slow step, and at the same time put his hand on the pulse to calculate.

Although there are still many poisonous insects and beasts in this wild woodland, Li Mo is not afraid of them, but he is more worried about wasting time.

Fortunately, he has a perfect route and will not encounter any twists and turns at all.

In fact, it is very interesting to strengthen his body by the deduction system, and it is completely in line with the enhancement of a perfect assassin or killer.

Li Mo can achieve that each step has a high degree of unity with the previous step in the case of long-distance travel, and even the distance taken, the time spent is exactly the same.

This also allows him to completely follow the map, without spending time recording himself, where he found enough poisonous mushrooms.

Get exactly what you want.

"This assassination is not the point at all."

"The key is to make 22 Yan Guozhang realize that I will follow them endlessly like a ghost until it is..."

Politely smiled, but unfortunately stopped halfway through.

He took out a small plastic shovel that he carried with him, and found several colored, three colorful mushrooms.

Although it is difficult for the local people in western Yunnan to be deceived by this kind of thing, or mistakenly convinced.

But like this kind of fungus, there are countless variants and similar-looking species, even some professionals may overturn, not to mention that the original hometown is not the Hugel here.

At least politely this time the assassination and arrangement were quite smooth.

"It's not bad, I have gained a lot."

Li Mo held the handful of mushrooms and placed it in a container he had specially prepared to ensure its integrity. There was still a lot of dirt on it.

Li Mo has always been meticulous about these details so that the transplant can look like a natural growth afterward.

After that, he rushed and ran to the bamboo forest not far from where Yan Guozhang and his son were hiding.

"Calculating the time, that Hugel has already finished grocery shopping. On the way back, there are still three minutes for my words, but it is more than enough."

While thinking about it, Li Mo moved quickly. He pulled out the next native mushroom, stuffed it into his pocket at will, and carefully planted the group of highly poisonous mushrooms he picked one by one.

In total, he planted about 13 flowers, and the final time was exactly 2 minutes and 58 seconds.

"It's probably the most elaborate work I've done so far in all of my assassinations.

Li Mo couldn't help feeling this way.

Poisoning Hugel is as simple as eating and drinking water, and it is also full of accidental factors. It was this one who killed himself by picking poisonous mushrooms and simmering soup to drink himself to death.

But the problem is that this chicken is killed to show the monkeys.

Although it is the effect of the butterfly effect, since Li Mo planted these thirteen poisonous mushrooms, everything has relied on randomness since then.

No matter how much Hugel will use to stew the soup, and how poisonous the mushrooms he eats first, can this target fall at the perfect time.

Then he presented the gift that Li Mo had prepared earlier.

He actually put a tiny speaker in a certain mushroom to trigger the condition, that is, after high temperature and impact.

This kind of small thing is actually not particularly complicated to do.

Of course, Li Mo actually bought it directly through the dark net, and he has no time to learn this skill.

"It's done perfectly."

He is entitled to say so.

Because it is exactly the same as the result of a dozen deductions.

After that, he left the bamboo forest without looking back. In fact, his figure had just crossed a small hillside, after the shadow was blocked by the rock.

A figure appeared in the bamboo forest.

Hugel brushed past the killer.

It means his life is coming to an end.

The serial murderer, with a large and small bag of ingredients in his hand, came to the bamboo forest casually, and prepared some mushrooms to go home and make soup according to his usual habits.

Although he is not a local, he still has some understanding of plants and knows what can and cannot be eaten.

This is usually the case. After all, he has been picking this bamboo forest for 8 or 9 years, and Hugel feels that he knows everything by heart.

So much so that he hardly hesitated when he discovered that a dozen or so attractive mushrooms had grown near the root of the tree he frequented.

After recognizing it a little more, I felt that this thing should not be eaten, so I arbitrarily picked it into my vegetable basket.

Then he hummed a song while walking home.

He has more respect for the two fathers and sons of Yan Guo, Zhang Yanzhi and Wisdom, who have escaped.

"Although it is said that those women and children were killed by me, there is nothing I can do. After all, I have to satisfy my own desires and needs. Besides, don't I often do public welfare or something? You can't blame me." 5

"They shouldn't run out in the middle of the night, how dangerous it is, I'm doing good deeds, they ask for mercy, and I remind the citizens of X City.

"It's all good, it's all good."

Hugel obviously has a strong logic of his own. What he believes is that someone should repay his kindness. As for those strangers?

Killing is killing what doesn't matter.

"It's rare that Mr. Yan came over to be frightened, for fear of being caught by that dead artist, so I'll make up for him.

All kinds of thoughts ran through Hugel's mind.

The action was agile and quickly arrived in a somewhat dilapidated house.

"Are you there, sir?"

He shouted into the door, and then saw Yan Guozhang looking at him with some dissatisfaction.

"You... forget it."

Yan Guozhang thought for a while, but did not continue to get angry.

He was thinking about something, but was interrupted by Hugel.

But Yan Guozhang also considered that the other party was indeed a desperado, and even had some mental illness.

So I didn't bother to pursue it with Hugel, so as not to have a conflict, but I couldn't get better on my own side.

"Sit for you and I'll cook for you, waiting for the one from your house... Lin'er should be back too!

The murderer thought about it for a long time before finding a more suitable adjective.

Then he came to the stove with chicken and mushrooms.

To be honest, his house is really old, and there is no clear dividing line between the kitchen and the living room.

So this one is still full of kindness when calling.

"Be careful not to get smoked by the smoke.

After he said a few words to Yan Guozhang, he was hesitantly started to sort out the ingredients.

Kill the chicken, open it, break the belly, wash it, and finally boil the pot and pour water to cut the ginger and pull out the garlic, followed by seasoning and stewing.

Soon, the aroma of chicken soup wafted out, and even Yan Guozhang, the pampered big man, was gradually appeased a little bit, and his flustered mind had a little more appetite.

"By the way, why hasn't this bastard Zhihui come back? Something happened, right?"

Soon Yan Guozhang couldn't laugh anymore, because he always felt that his temples were jumping suddenly, as if there was a bad omen, although he had been very uneasy since he escaped.

"Damn death artist!

"Do you have to kill them all?"

The old man couldn't help sighing with emotion. When he saw the post on the dark net, he felt bad.

It has always been the remote control of the capital's involvement in the accusation of Bisdaq Pharmaceutical Company. The original situation was still very good, and this person even doubted whether he could go back.

But suddenly the situation took a turn for the worse, and Karl Roske died.

Yan Guozhang and Yan Zhihui also knew that the situation was over, so they hurriedly packed up what was supposed to be cleaned up, and were ready to go to the city.

"Okay, don't think about it, wait until that bastard comes back, and stay here for a while with peace of mind.

The old man nodded. In fact, the reason why his son wanted to leave was very simple, that is, to buy some medicine for a heart attack for his father, he was in a hurry and was unprepared.

No matter what outsiders think of their father and son, there is still a deep feeling for each other.

"The money can be gone, but my son must not have an accident. 35

Yan Guozhang looked up at the sky and inexplicably had some thoughts of wanting to pray.

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