Ascension Through Generations

Chapter 162 Weird Suicide

"Pure Yin Spiritual Energy!" At this time, someone suddenly shouted.

As soon as these words came out, there was an uproar in the cabin!

There are many types of spiritual energy in the world, and the more extreme the attributes of the spiritual energy, the rarer they are. The five elements of aura of metal, wood, water, fire, and earth are the most common, followed by wind, thunder, and ice, and the rarest is the aura of yin and yang.

The reason why yin and yang spiritual energy is so rare is that the conditions for their birth are extremely demanding on the weather and terrain. If they are even short of it, they will evolve into spiritual energy of other attributes or even disappear into thin air.

Following the simple principle that the rarer it is, the more precious it is, special areas that breed yin and yang spiritual energy often also hide equally precious treasures.

As the Dafu gradually moved forward, the pure Yin aura in the surrounding environment became more and more intense, and the blue flames became more dense.

In the helm of the Dafu, Hailan'er had already stopped catching the flames and looked ahead with a shocked face. Li Mu, who was pretending to be cool next to him, also opened his mouth slightly and looked a little pale.

At this time, through the glass window, one can see that against the dark background, an endless blue "ocean" slowly appeared before the three of them.

Countless blue flames rose from the ocean and swayed randomly in the sea water.

And under this ocean, as far as the eye can see, there are mountains of bones piled up, and countless corpses and skeletons of creatures rise and fall in layers, spreading to the end of the sight, and finally disappearing into the darkness.

Dafu's "driving" on this ocean of bones is like accidentally breaking into a strange and mysterious foreign land, mysterious, dead, but extremely majestic.

After a long time, Hai Laner broke the silence, with a frightened expression on her face, and stammered: "What is this!"

Hai Dafu groaned and said solemnly: "I'm afraid this is the legendary ocean cemetery. We are in luck this time!"

Li Mu heard that he was retreating, and immediately answered: "Boss, the pure Yin spiritual energy here is so strong, there must be a pure Yin spiritual vein nearby. Our opportunity to develop has arrived, we must not miss it!"

Hai Dafu nodded slightly, "Don't worry, I won't take the blame for the talent! Since we have come to this treasured land, we naturally can't return empty-handed."

A moment later, after the spirit whale let out its last cry, its huge body completely lost its life breath, and its body sank into the blue "ocean" below.

Hai Dafu's face was filled with joy when he saw this, and he immediately changed his formation and drove the Dafu to the surface.

Bang bang!

As the treasure ship floated upward, the whale rope was quickly tightened, dragging the huge whale carcass slowly towards the sea.

Halfway through the float, Hai Laner suddenly slapped her father's arm, pointed to the edge of the boat window, and said in surprise: "Dad, look...?"


Hai Dafu looked over and suddenly let out a startled cry.

Only a dozen miles away, a huge shadow suddenly appeared through the dim blue flames.

This shadow is roughly cylindrical in shape, about a mile in diameter, and becomes thicker as it goes downwards.

Hai Dafu was curious, so he drove the Dafu there.

As it got closer, the shadow revealed its true face. It turned out to be a huge and towering gray-white coral reef. It accumulated and grew from the seabed thousands of feet deep. After countless years of accumulation, it finally grew to its current size.

As he slowly approached the coral reef, Li Mu clearly felt that the pure Yin aura became more intense.

He was immediately overjoyed and said hurriedly: "Boss, do you feel it? This coral reef is most likely Ji Ling Shan! That spiritual vein must be underneath it."

Hai Dafu was stunned when he heard this, and after a brief thought, he burst out laughing and said, "It is indeed Ji Lingshan. It's really hard to find anything even after wearing iron shoes. It took no effort at all to get it!"

Ji Lingshan, also known as Lingshan, is naturally fond of spirits. Wherever it grows, there must be spiritual veins.

After the Jiling Coral grew for tens of millions of years, the reefs broke through the sea surface to form coral islands, and finally the islands evolved into spiritual islands.

Many spiritual islands in the Broken Star Sea come from this.

Hailan'er is also very excited, if this coral reef has broken through the sea and grown into an island.

That means that the Hai family owns a spiritual island, and it is a rare pure Yin spiritual island.

With Lingdao, the Hai family has the foundation to build a clan.

Thinking of the bright future prospects, Hai Laner couldn't help but feel excited.

A quarter of an hour later, the Dafu suddenly broke through the water, and its huge hull surfaced.

As soon as the treasure ship surfaced, Zhao Sheng and others couldn't wait to escape from the cabin and ran to the deck to breathe in the fresh air.

After everyone calmed down their tension, Hai Dafu directed everyone to start salvaging the spirit whale carcass.

Three days passed in the blink of an eye.

The water around the Dafu was full of blood. This bloody water attracted waves of sharks and other marine predators, but they were mercilessly killed by the cultivators.

After three days and three nights of separation, only a huge skeleton of the spirit whale was left, next to the Dafu.

Not only each person's storage bag, but also the warehouse on the ship was filled with spirit whale meat and spirit blubber.

In the Broken Star Sea, spirit whale meat is an ingredient rich in spiritual energy and is very popular among those who refine their energy and cultivate immortality. The spiritual resin has a wider range of uses. It can not only be used as an auxiliary spiritual material for alchemy and weapon refining, but also an indispensable material for refining special fire thunder.

A spirit whale is a huge asset.

If it had been before, everyone at Dafuhao would have been happy.

But there was no joyful atmosphere on the boat at this moment, and instead it seemed very dull.

In the captain's cabin, Hai Dafu, Hailan'er, Li Mu, and Chen Laoer were sitting together.

Hai Dafu stroked his red beard and asked solemnly: "What's your number?"

Li Mu said in a gloomy tone: "Four, Skinny Monkey also jumped into the sea just now!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Laoer yelled: "Fuck! What's going on? He was fine yesterday, why did he suddenly jump into the sea and commit suicide today?"

It is clear that everyone is going to get rich, and it is clear that yesterday we were smiling and enjoying the future.

But the next day, the man plunged into the sea and committed suicide without saying a word.

A cultivator would actually commit suicide without warning and choose to suffocate to death.

This is a joke!

But when the jokes happen over and over again, anyone will shudder.

Hailan'er was the most timid. She was afraid and pulled Hai Dafu's sleeves, and said in panic: "Dad, let's leave quickly! This ghost place is ominous. If you don't leave, it will be too late."

Hai Dafu was hesitant. There was an unknown treasure hidden under this sea area. If he left now, he might not be able to find it next time.

Li Mu suggested: "Boss, I think it's very strange here. Why don't we leave this sea area temporarily and check the situation then?"

Chen Laoer thought of Xiaotian's instructions when he came, so he echoed: "Captain, there is a marine cemetery under this sea. I think the death of Shouhou and the others must be related to it. It's best for us to leave first. "

"In this case, let's—"

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