Then a dark shadow appeared in front of him.

"Mr. President, I have something to tell you."


Seeing Eric in black uniform appearing in front of him, Mr. President was taken aback.

Immediately, he hurriedly reached out to the phone, ready to call the guards.

But soon Eric moved in front of him in an instant and grabbed him.

"Forgot to tell you, Mr. President, that your guards were all taken out. If you try to challenge my bottom line again, then I'll make you like them."

"No! Don't kill me! People of the motherland!"

The frightened Mr. President, who almost wet his pants, immediately begged Eric for mercy.

"I won't kill you, but I want you to understand that the war between you and me has begun, and now you are my prisoner, and your life and death are under my control. And this country is now under my control!"

Eric said something that surprised Mr. President.


The next second, Mr. President's body flew out of the office heavily and fell on the lawn outside.

Immediately afterwards, Eric used super speed to move to Mr. President's side, and used his right foot to step on the opponent's chest.


Eric heard Wonder Woman's voice nearby, "Someone is filming!"

She hovered in mid-air and said with a worried look on her face.

"Well, I have something to say."

Eric grabbed the collar of the already embarrassed Mr. President.

"Are you going to speak to people in America? I don't think now is a good time."

Although Wonder Woman is more supportive of Eric's crackdown on these politicians and rebuilding a new system, she is worried that the public will react too strongly.

"The world will listen to you, but not now, Eric!"

"It's now!"

Eric dragged Mr. President forward with a cold expression, "I will hold a press conference at the United Nations."

Before Wonder Woman could react, Eric grabbed Mr. President's body and flew into the sky.

Diana was a little helpless and had to fly into the sky to keep up with Eric's flight speed.

United Nations Building.

The officials of various countries who were holding a meeting were clamoring for their own interests, and they were all dumbfounded when they saw Eric dragging Mr. President to the podium.

Looking at Mr. President, who was trembling under the feet of the motherland, and then looking at the motherlander with a serious expression, he was speechless for a while, not knowing how to react.

"Today is a very special day, and you should remember it, because from this day on, the ruler of the United States is no longer this shivering, unable to say anything. I declare - starting today, I to be the ruler of the federal government.”

"There is no war, there is no bloodshed in conflict with each other, from now on, criminals and beasts can no longer roam the world, and in everything, I will lead this country forward."

Eric's words were broadcast directly through the scene, and countless people who heard this scene opened their mouths.

"Everything is over! Starting today, the history of the United States has entered a new era!"

Eric's eyes looked around, making his own declaration.

Jonathan's departure, for him, released the shackles in his body.

For revenge, for the people around him to no longer be hurt, he wants to be the king who controls everything!

Chapter 285: The horror of twisted morbid silence

Gotham City, a month later.

The streets are deserted, and Gotham has fallen into complete silence.

Batman stood in the corner of the building, looking at this strange city.

No more sinful voices to pierce the silence of the night, no more sudden gunshots to wake the children from their sleep, no more screams to pierce the darkness.

No more police cars chasing outlaws, men and women, through narrow alleys, with the sound of brakes and sirens.

From a certain point of view, this should be the Gotham of Batman's dream.

But he knew that it was a distorted pathology, a terror derived from silence.

The streets are clad in black military police uniforms and tactical helmets, and armed soldiers patrol the streets.

Batman looked at the group of military police who appeared a month ago and belonged to the motherland, took a deep breath, fired his hook gun, and took his body away from here.

Avoiding the gaze of the military police, Batman came to a remote area and pressed a few numbers on the iron gate.


As he pressed the correct code, the iron door slowly opened, and Batman's figure quickly moved inside.

"You shouldn't be here at this time, Batman, the whole city is after you now! If they find you, I'm sure you won't be able to get rid of them in the future!"

Fox, who was somewhat haggard, immediately welcomed Batman in.

"I know, but I found some clues that maybe it's helpful in our situation."

Batman pulled a tiny vial from his belt and handed it to his former general manager of Wayne Enterprises.

"what is this?"

"A special potion, or we can call him the Superman Reagent, the reason why the group of military police outside is so powerful, I suspect that's the kind of thing I got."

Batman said sternly.

"Is that so?"

Fox took the reagent bottle and stared at the tiny green liquid inside with complicated eyes.

His mind returned to the coup a month earlier.

After the people of the motherland publicly announced at the United Nations that the United States would be in charge of him from now on, the United States immediately fell into riots.

But strangely, only the Metropolis is doing business as usual.

It seems that the citizens there are not resistant to having their leader replaced by an alien, and most people in Kansas have a welcoming attitude towards the natives.

The weirdness of the metropolis is beyond everyone's understanding.

Immediately after the motherland and his men, quickly seized the command of the important army, promoted the upper-level officers who obeyed him, opposed all his expulsion, and quickly mastered the army in this way.

Although the superman in the middle once came out to stop him, it gave hope to those who were dissatisfied with the people of the motherland.

But unfortunately, as soon as Superman appeared, he was directly defeated by the motherland.

After defeating Superman, the native people began to build their own army.

The "Black Gendarmerie" appeared across the country and gradually began to suppress those resisting forces.

The repressed U.S. government, which was retreating, had no choice but to retreat again and again. It retreated to the northernmost state of Alaska and continued to fight against the motherland.

For Gotham, the motherland adopted the most severe repression method, and all criminals were imprisoned in Black Gate Prison or Arkham Asylum.

Take the harshest punishment for criminals who try to escape.

The streets are full of "b (ck black) gendarmerie", searching for those caught.

Batman, a Gotham vigilante, also became the target of arrest.

"How did you get this kind of thing?"

Sighing with emotion for the earth-shaking changes that have taken place this month, Fox packed up his mood and asked Batman.

"An informant, there are always people who secretly rebel against the people of the motherland."

Batman whispered, "If we crack this, we'll find a way to break it!"

"I will detect its ingredients as quickly as possible!"

Fox nodded and received the reagents in a refrigerated safe dedicated to storing important medicines and reagents.

"You have to take care of your own safety too, Bruce."

"I will."


Fox sighed and said, "I don't quite understand why this happened. Obviously, the people of the motherland protected us from the beginning, and he even fought against General Zod for the sake of mankind."

Batman was silent for a moment, then said, "The origin of everything comes from a funeral!"

"The loss may have been, for him, the cork that was unplugged, and the devil was released from it!"

He moved the joints of his wrists and turned to leave.

"We need more people to stand up against him. I heard that there was an accident at the "Red Star Lab", a man named Victor Stone was fused with something and became a half-human half-machine The cyborg, maybe—he's one of the people I'm looking for. "

As Batman's words faded away, Fox's expression became a little complicated.

"Just wishing you luck, Bruce!"

Fox sighed and said to himself.

Metropolis, laboratory.

Dr. Hamilton, who had been following Eric, put all the materials in the safe, took off his clothes, and left the laboratory.

After he left, a dark figure sneakily used the key in his hand to open the door of the laboratory and enter the laboratory.

After looking around in the laboratory, he finally locked his eyes on the safe in the corner of the laboratory.

Using the lock-picking tool in his hand, Sombra easily opened the safe and took out a reagent bottle with green liquid from it.

After succeeding, leave the laboratory immediately, and prepare to leave here along the dark corridor.



The hallway lights were turned on, and the dazzling lights immediately filled the entire hallway.

Black Shadow, the Death Archer, narrowed his eyes slightly, looking at a tall, stern-faced woman walking towards him.

Behind her are two soldiers of the gendarmerie with guns.

The woman who appeared in the corridor was Rika the Kryptonian!

Rika stepped on his military boots expressionlessly and walked towards the dead shooter.

The other party's heavy footsteps sounded like the footsteps of death.

Since his boss, Amanda Waller, joined the Motherland camp, he joined the Motherland camp along with the members of Task Force x.

Although he became a part of the motherland's camp, he did not agree with the dictatorship of the other party.

So he secretly made contact with his old acquaintance in Gotham, Batman, and used his identity to steal important clues in the laboratory and hand them over to Batman.

Facing the head of the gendarmerie coming towards him, the dead shooter felt a little worried.

After all, he had seen with his own eyes how the opponent dealt with the enemy.

"You stole the previous reagent, right?!"

Rika asked in a voice without emotion.

"it's me!"

The death shooter responded, grabbing the gun at his waist.

boom! boom!

Suddenly two shots were fired.

The soldier on the left of Reka was shot and fell to the ground, but the soldier on the right reacted in advance and avoided the bullet, raising his rifle and shooting at the dead shooter.

But his movement was stopped by Rika.

"Don't shoot!"

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