"What the **** is this place?!"

After the Boomerang captain cursed, he asked the dead shooter.

"You'll find out soon, but this time there are a few more newcomers!"

The death shooter didn't answer him, and turned his attention to the other guys lying on the floor.

The black spider staggered up from the ground, slapped his forehead, looked at his surroundings, and asked, "What is this place and why am I wearing a strange uniform?"

Black Spider, whose real name is Eric Needham, is an extreme vigilante in Gotham who calls himself Black Spider. He is the mortal enemy of Batman. He does not have any superpowers, but uses his fighting skills and firearms technology to fight.

The black spider touched the uniform on his body with his hand, showing a puzzled expression.

"Hey, you stepped on me! Get your feet off, or I'll show you what it's like to be cold-blooded!"

The black spider was about to move forward, and suddenly realized that he seemed to have stepped on something. He looked down, and a woman with silver-white hair and a bunny costume was glaring at him.

And he seems to have accidentally stepped on the other party's smooth calf.

Before she could react, the bunny girl roared and rushed towards the black spider.

Although her hands were bound by some kind of material, her fighting power was still terrifyingly powerful. A punch hit the black spider's chin, knocking the opponent down to the ground.


The black spider, who was still in a stunned state, was beaten to the ground by the opponent.

The bunny girl used her fists to hold the opponent's neck fiercely, "Has no one ever told you to respect women no matter what the occasion?"

"Who are you?"

The black spider asked with some difficulty breathing.

"Killer Frost! Remember my name!"

"Hehe, it turns out to be an ice guy! Next, you have to remember my name, Black Spider!"

The black spider let out a cold snort, stretched out his feet, kicked the killer frost who was pressing on his body, and kicked her forward.

"Can you guys be quieter? I feel like my head is about to explode with your noise. Can't you give some love to a woman who has lost her love?!"

A woman who got up from the ground, wearing a loose red and black coat, covered her head and said dissatisfiedly to several people.

With her impressive clown makeup and hot body, as well as her crazy performance, people recognize her identity at a glance - Harley Quinn.

She held her chin and said in a jumping voice, "I remember trying to kill my Mr. J. Oh, death, what a beautiful word. I was there with Mr. J. I felt that way. I think To die madly with him, but he rejected me, that's sad."

Harley Harley's voice sounds like a naughty choir girl reading a poem.

"Hmm, so you broke up?"

Killer Frost had some curiosity and asked her.

As far as she knows, the appearance of Harley Quinn has always been associated with the crazy clown in Gotham. Could it be that the crazy woman in front of her killed the clown?

Harry let out a high-pitched scream, "Of course not!"

Then she waved her cartoon-painted arm angrily. "He said he wanted to die with the bat and gave me a pink bill to take a taxi home."

Harley Quinn grew gloomy.

Frost Killer's facial features are three-dimensional and prominent, with white thighs and a graceful figure.

Except for the stern face that is full of strangers.

She seemed to disdain Harley's infatuation, "Since we broke up, don't keep mentioning each other, it will only make you look like a bitch!"

Hearing Killer Frost's ridicule to herself, Harley Quinn became even more unhappy, and rushed towards Killer Frost when she got up.

"I'm going to tear the mouth of you stinky penguin!"

In the face of the opponent's attack, Killer Frost would of course not be afraid, and immediately rushed up to fight the opponent.

Just as the two of them started to fight against each other, the door of the room was opened.

A tall black woman walked in, accompanied by the soldiers.

"If I were you, I would maintain some courtesy and respect at this time."

Amanda Waller said to the people in front of her.

"Who are you?"

Captain Boomerang frowned and asked.

"Amanda Waller, I'm here to persuade you criminals to join our special forces."

Amanda looked at these guys in a circle and said with a serious expression.

"I reject!"

Killer Frost immediately expressed his opinion, "I don't want to be a lackey of the government, it sounds like my life will be controlled by you."

The dead shooter who has recovered and returned to Amanda's command looked at his boss and shook his head, "I kill to eliminate evil, but now, I will not work with these evil people."

The Boomerang Captain, who had no bottom line, agreed with a bachelor. "So I can breathe fresh air again, and can I reduce my sentence? You are welcome to come to me at any time, ma'am, I have always refused to ask such a request!"

Ignoring these people, Amanda kept her hands behind her back and looked at these people with no emotion in her eyes.

"Department X is a secret assassination team organized by the government. All members are criminals with life imprisonment. Death is not a pity! But you help me, and after completing the task, I will shorten your sentence!"

The Black Spider asked Amanda, "What if we fail?"

"If you fail, you will die! Any other stupid questions?"


Killer Frost, who was sitting on the ground, asked her, "What's in my neck, I can feel you putting something in my neck, is it a tracker?"


Amanda glanced coldly at Killer Frost, "It's a tracker, and it's also a powerful nano-dynamite. If you run away, are captured by the enemy, or don't obey my orders, or answer my questions too slowly, your heads will be destroyed. Blow it up!"

"If you don't believe your heads are going to blow up, then try to get out of this room."

Amanda turned and faced the door.

The door opened slowly, revealing the dimly lit corridor outside.

Facing the door so close, everyone hesitated and looked at each other, no one dared to be the first to eat crabs.

"Very well, it looks like we've agreed on something."

Seeing that the group of people she had chosen did not move, Amanda turned around with a satisfied expression on her face.

"Your first mission is."

As Amanda spoke, she worked on the air in front of her.

A translucent virtual panel appeared in the air, and Amanda quickly operated on it.


As soon as Amanda's voice fell, a figure was called out, and the figure floated in the air.

Seeing Eric's figure, the dead shooters were all stunned.

"My God! Madam, don't tell us that we are going to fight this guy, or bring him back to you. I can't do such an impossible request!"

Captain Boomerang was dumbfounded when he saw the full-length portrait of Eric in uniform.

In the Battle of the Metropolis a year ago, as long as he wasn't blind, everyone knew how terrible that guy was.

If he was going to fight such a superman himself, he would rather stay in a dark cell.

"I don't think this is a good idea! When the natives were fighting aliens, they almost destroyed the city. Even if a few of us go together, I don't think we have any chance of winning!"

"Of course you don't have any chance of winning, even if you add a hundred of you, you can't hurt him!"

Amanda snorted coldly and said to the other party: "Your task is to find the motherland and Superman, get close to them, and deliver our words to them."

"So this is a search plan?"

The dead shooter looked at the old boss who had been missing for more than two years, but his appearance did not seem to have changed, and asked, "This kind of plan, the US government can use their high technology to complete, why do you want to find us?"

"Because you, in a sense, also belong to superpowers. The use of superpowers in superpower affairs is a plan that Tianyan will always desire. I will not pay attention to what purpose and means you use, in short, to find the motherland. Humans and superhumans, and then pass them on the idea of ​​government.”

"Oh, I understand, your purpose."

Harley Quinn suddenly raised her hand, "You want to negotiate with the motherland, don't you?"

"That's not what you should care about!"

Amanda turned to leave, "A rights broker will contact you next, good luck!"


Death Archer stopped Amanda who was about to leave.

"What's wrong? Lawton?"

Amanda didn't turn around and asked in an inaudible voice.

"If you're serious, I'll take things seriously. If you play tricks on me, I'll kill you!"

Amanda turned around, smiled slightly at the Death Archer, and turned away.

"I love you, my little cowboy, you threatened that black woman, I'm going to be conquered by you!"

Harry didn't know when he jumped into the arms of the dead shooter and made a small bird.

"You are so handsome that I am moved!"

The death shooter looked down at Harley in his arms, turned his body slightly, and pulled away from Harley's leaning.


Harley, who had lost her partner, let out a scream and fell to the ground.

"It won't be so simple."

The dead shooter's eyes shot a dignified light, "Motherlander, his horror is beyond anyone's imagination."

The dead shooter thought about being knocked out by a man while Smallville was investigating a missing informant.

Although he was lucky enough to survive, he had been lying in the hospital for more than a year. If it wasn't for his luck, he would have died long ago and couldn't have died any longer.

The figure of the other party, and the image of the motherland of the metropolis, overlapped in his mind.

On one side, Harry stood up from the ground with a crying expression.

"You are rude, cowboy!"

The corners of Harry's mouth pouted upward, making a look that I'm so angry that I won't forgive you even if you came to coax me.

The Boomerang captain on the side looked at Harley's resentful expression and couldn't help but say, "I tell you, Harley, if you want to flirt, you can come to me."


Harry made a look of disgust and raised his eyes, "You should go flirt with your kitty because you look like a British Shorthair!"


Killer Frost walked up to Death Archer and said, "We just need to find him, not fight him!"

"I hope so."

Death Archer's expression became more solemn.

One day later, Gotham.

Harley Quinn was wearing a Harley Quinn suit, standing in front of the doll store, took a deep breath, aimed at the store glass in front of her, and kicked forward sharply.

The glass of the store was shattered by her, and using agile movements, Harley Quinn jumped forward.

Looking at the dolls placed in the wall cabinet, Harry walked up and flipped through them.

Then his expression became very angry, he aimed at the doll in front of him and pushed it hard to the ground.


"Hey ah!"


After punching and kicking several dolls on the ground, Harley squatted on the ground with her stomach covered, panting.

"Huchi! Huchi! Damn it, all my weapons are hidden here!"

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