Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 227 Small things look really unique

At this time, the Quidditch pitch was completely different from what it used to be. A fence more than 20 feet high surrounded the edge of the pitch. There was a gap in front of everyone, and the passage inside was dark and a little scary.

Five minutes later, people began to enter the stands, hundreds of students filed in, and the air was filled with excited voices and footsteps.

The sky was a clear dark blue, and the stars appeared one by one.

"We will be patrolling outside the labyrinth." Professor McGonagall said to the warriors: "If you encounter difficulties and want to be rescued, fire red sparks into the sky, and we will have someone to help you, do you understand?"

The warriors nodded.

"Okay, let's go!"

Bagman's loud voice sounded.

"Ladies and gentlemen, the final game of the Triwizard Tournament is about to begin! Let me report the current score! Jemini Fox - 99 points, first place..."

Cheers sounded in the stands, and the rest of Jemini were not listening. He was not interested in the last few.

"Now, Mr. Fox, listen to my whistle: three-two-one-"

The short whistle sounded, and Jemini glanced at Harry, then dodged and disappeared.

Harry understood what Jemini meant, and it was nothing more than to make him hurry up. Because of the last place in the score, Harry might have to be the last to find the trophy.

A few minutes later, with both Krum and Fleur entering the labyrinth, Harry was the last to enter the labyrinth.

Fifty meters after walking out, Harry saw a huge corpse of an exploding snail lying across the road.

Harry sneered, not needing to think to know who killed this thing.

"Show me the way."

The wand circled in his hand, then pointed in the direction of true north.

Harry followed the direction of the wand and walked all the way to the center of the labyrinth. After discovering the corpses of more than a dozen magical animals along the way, Harry saw a sphinx.

It has the face of a woman, but the body is exactly like a lion,

Huge claws, long yellow tail.

Its almond eyes looked at Harry as Harry approached, then squatted down.

"You are very close to your goal, and the quickest way is to pass from me."

"So... can I get over here?" Harry asked tentatively.

"No, unless you can answer my riddle, and once you get it right - I'll let you go. If you don't get it right - I'll jump in. If you don't answer - I'll let you go without hurting you."

Harry's heart sank. He was not good at this stuff. After thinking about it, he said inexplicably, "Did a good-looking boy come over just now?"

The Sphinx was silent for a moment.

It couldn't help but recall the handsome human boy who had passed by before.

The corpse of a troll smashed through the wall with the roar of the wind, crossed the other wall against its face, and the boy walked out of the wall in a leisurely manner.

The moment he saw himself, the boy seemed very happy, and said that for the sake of his wisdom, he would not kill it.

Then he patted his head and swaggered away.

Until the end, the Sphinx did not dare to make a sound, as if she was a quiet little sister.

"Want to guess the riddle?"

"Don't change the subject..."

"I dare not provoke him, I will die." Sphinx said calmly: "That human boy is too terrifying, he just walked past me, and I felt scared to death."

"So you let him go anyway?" Harry asked.

Sphinx paused, pointed his claws at the bush wall next to him: "He passed from here, but the wall is automatically repaired, it has nothing to do with me..."

"Thank you!" Harry took out his wand and aimed it at the wall: "Thunderbolt!"

With a loud bang, a hole was blown out in the wall.

Harry drilled through the hole, and soon, there was another sound from the other side of the wall: "Thunderbolt explosion!"

"Thunderbolt explosion!"

"Thunderbolt - Explosion!"

The Sphinx lay down comfortably: "The human cubs are terrible now..."

Finally, after blowing up several walls in a row, Harry finally saw the trophy on a straight road. The trophy was placed 300 meters away. At this time, Jemini was squatting under the table where the trophy was placed, holding a dagger in his hand. There are hundreds of boring paddling on the ground.

"Jemini!" Harry hurried over, stepped over the corpse of an eight-eyed giant spider, and came to Jemini: "Sorry, it's been a long wait, Krum and the others haven't arrived?"

"Not yet." Jemini smiled: "I changed the maze, they should be going back and forth."

Harry: "..."

"Okay, it's not too late, let's go now." Jemini stood up: "I count one, two, three, let's reach out and grab the trophy together."

"one two Three!"

The two of them stretched out their hands to hold the trophy, and then, the sky was spinning, and it seemed that something was hooked behind the navel. Amid the whistling wind and the whirling colors, the two flew out.

This roller coaster ride didn't last long, and Harry thumped and fell to the ground in no time.

Jemini landed lightly on the ground, turning the dagger in a leisurely manner, looking around the gloomy place.

The two were standing on an overgrown cemetery, and they could see the black outline of a small church behind a tall yew tree on the right, and a hill on the left, barely making out the hillside. Exquisite old house.

"Here's what you said..."

"Shh—" Jemini made a silent gesture, and then looked into the darkness ahead.

In the darkness, a figure walked towards the two of them, one foot taller and one shorter between the graves. He was short in stature, wearing a cloak, and seemed to be holding something in his arms.

With a muffled sound, Harry next to Jemini clutched his scar and fell to the ground. Then, a high-pitched and cold voice sounded.

"Get out of the way!"

The air was silent for a while.

"I said, get in the way!"

"Okay, stop screaming." Jemini sneered, took a few steps forward, and reached out to grab the thing in the man's arms.

In the black package, a bloody snake face appeared in Jeminiy's sight. At this time, Voldemort looked only the size of a baby, curled up in the black package.

"Yoyoyo... The little things look really unique."

"Jemini Fox..." The snake face twisted: "Is it you? You controlled Peter Pettigrew?"

"Yeah~ Surprise, surprise?" Jemini said lightly: "This shouldn't be the first time we've met, but it should be for you."

As soon as Jemini's voice fell, a long black shadow suddenly appeared in the nearby grass, opening its stinky mouth and biting towards Jemini.

With a wave of Jemini's hand, the silver light cracked, and a huge snake head fell weakly on the grass.

"Okay, I'm still in a hurry, let's go straight to the process, Wormtail, and boil the water."

Jemini waved his hand in a tone that sounded like he was going to put Voldemort in a hot pot.

"Yes!" Wormtail turned around and left.

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