Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 211 Fire Dragon

Seeing Hagrid's uneasy look, Jemini shook his head, took out his dagger and swung it, turning the ugly big flower into a blooming red rose.

"Uh… thank you, Jemini."

"You're welcome." Jemini put away the dagger.

"Hagrid! Jemini?" Harry's voice sounded from behind Jemini. Jemini turned his head, rolled his eyes, and saw Harry wearing an invisibility cloak.

"Okay, the two of you, hurry into the room." Hagrid glanced around, then dragged Jemini and Harry into the room.

"What are you going to show me?" Harry looked at Hagrid warily.

He met Hagrid in Hogsmeade during the day, and Hagrid told him to come over at night and show him a big baby.

Harry didn't know what Hagrid was referring to as the big baby, he suspected it was a fried tail snail, or where Hagrid bought a three-headed dog or something.

"Come with me, don't make a sound, and cover your bodies with invisibility cloaks." Hagrid made a shush gesture.

Harry lifted the invisibility cloak: "Come here, Jemini."

"No, thank you." Jemini cast an illusion spell on himself.

Seeing that both of them were well concealed, Hagrid opened the cabin and strode into the darkness. Jemini and Harry followed, watching Hagrid towards Beauxbatons. The carriage passed by.

"Hagrid, how did you—"

"Shhh!" Hagrid made a gesture, and then knocked three times on the door of Beauxbatons' carriage. Seeing Hagrid's movements, Jemini suddenly thought of a certain great saint.

The door was opened, and Ms. Maxim stepped out of the car, a silk shawl wrapped around her vast shoulders, and smiled at Hagrid.

"Ah, Hagrid... is the time up?"

"Good evening." Hagrid laughed, reaching out to help her down the golden steps.

Madam Maxime turned and closed the carriage door, Hagrid handed her his arm, and the two walked together around the edge of the makeshift paddock, where Beauxbatons' Pegasus was kept.

"Where are you taking me, Hagrid?" asked Lady Maxime.

"you will like it.

Hagrid's voice was gruff and dry, sounding like a buffalo begging: "It's worth a look, trust me, but—don't tell anyone that I brought you here, okay?" You shouldn't know. "

Hearing Hagrid's doting tone, Jemini got goosebumps all over.

"Of course I won't say it~" Ms. Maxime's long black eyelashes flickered.

Jemini's scalp felt numb as if it had been electrocuted.

I beg you two to stop the show!

"What are the two of them...what are you trying to do?" Harry's voice came from under the invisibility cloak in a low voice.

"Maybe to tell you, how did the giant fall in love?" Jemini chuckled.

Harry: "???"

"Didn't Hagrid tell you what he wanted us to do?" Harry asked.

"Two warriors come together, what are you talking about, of course it's a complete problem." Jemini shook his head.

"Through the question? The first project?"

"That's right." Jemini nodded.

Several people kept walking along the Black Lake, and the castle and Black Lake behind them were no longer visible. At the same time, several people also heard bursts of shouting from the front.

Hagrid and Maxim were walking through a forest, Jemini jumped into a tree, and Harry quickly followed.

Then, while walking through the woods, Harry saw a few bonfires, a group of men jumping around the bonfires, and then Harry opened his mouth in surprise.

Fire dragon.

Four very ferocious-looking adult fire dragons were locked in the paddock surrounded by thick wooden boards, standing on their hind legs, roaring and snorting.

Clouds of fiery flames spewed from their fang-filled mouths, shooting into the dark night sky.

Jemini looked at these majestic fire dragons, although he was really shocked by the vicious appearance when he first saw them, but soon he was not interested.

Four fire dragons, the tallest of which was no more than fifty feet.

This value sounds awesome, but convert the unit - about sixteen or seventeen meters, about the height of a four-story building.

Although I hadn't seen a fire dragon in my life, I was a little surprised when I first saw it, but after seeing it clearly, I found that it was the same thing, and Susa with the complete body could play them like a ball.

What made Jemini speechless was that seven or eight dragon trainers cast a stun spell on the largest black dragon, and the fire dragon staggered into a coma.

"Want to take a closer look?" Hagrid asked Madam Maxime excitedly.

The two walked towards the fence together, and Harry followed suit, and a wizard turned to meet Hagrid, Charlie Weasley, whom Jemini had seen at the World Cup.

"How is it, Hagrid?" Charlie breathed heavily. "They should be all right now—we gave them sleeping pills, and they came to sleep all the way, thinking they would wake up in the quiet night, They'll feel better, but you see, they're not happy, not at all—"

"What species do you have here, Charlie?" Hagrid asked, looking obsessively at the largest black fire dragon, as if he was picking a pet.

"This is the Hungarian Horntail." Charlie introduced: "The smaller one over there is a common Welsh green dragon -- the silver-blue one is a Swedish short-nosed dragon -- and the red one is a Chinese fireball."

Charlie looked around. Madam Maxime was walking along the paddock, staring at the stunned fire dragons.

"I didn't expect you to bring her here, Hagrid." Charlie frowned. "The warrior shouldn't know what he's facing, she'll tell her students, right?"

"I just think she's very willing to come and see." Hagrid had forgotten about Ms. Maxim, and he stared at the dragons in front of him fascinatedly.

"What a romantic date..." Charlie whispered, shaking his head helplessly.

"Four in all," said Hagrid. "So each warrior needs to deal with one, right? What do they need to do—fight the dragon?"

Jemini heard a slight thud under the tree, and Harry slumped to the ground.

He just remembered that, because of his own reasons, Harry couldn't guard the Philosopher's Stone, break into the secret room, and fight the basilisk as in the original book. Compared with the original book, the current Harry's temperament is much worse, although his strength is better than the original book. Be stronger.

However, as the protagonist of the story series, Harry's temperament is not as good as the original, at least not too bad, anyway, this guy is also a purebred Gryffindor.

"I think it's probably just to pass by the fire dragon." Charlie said: "If the situation is not good, we will come to the rescue at any time and recite the extinguishing spell on the fire dragon. All they want are female fire dragons who are brooding and hatching eggs. I don't understand why. ...but I can tell you that the person who spreads to the Hungarian hornet has no good fruit to eat, and the back of it is as dangerous as the front."

Charlie said, pointing to the wasp's tail, from which long bronze thorns appeared every few inches, looking particularly attractive.

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