Arms Dealers From Hogwarts

Chapter 192 This chapter is a transition, which is repeated with the original work and can be skippe

Finally, after waiting for a long time, the main event came.

Professor McGonagall led a long row of first-year freshmen to the top of the auditorium. This group of first-year freshmen looked worse than the seniors. They seemed to have been soaked in water. Most of them were shivering, cold and nervous.

At this time, Professor McGonagall carried a three-legged stool and placed it on the ground in front of the freshman, and placed a tattered, dirty, patched wizard hat on the stool.

The first-year freshmen stared at it blankly, and all eyes were on the Sorting Hat.

In the silence, a mouth-like slit opened near the brim of the Sorting Hat, and suddenly it sang:

That was over a thousand years ago,

I've just been woven into shape,

There are four famous wizards,

Their names have survived to this day:

Brave Gryffindor, from the barren swamp,

Beautiful Ravenclaw, from the quiet riverside,

Merciful Hufflepuff, from the open valley,

Smart Slytherin, from that quagmire.

They share one dream, one wish,

At the same time, there is a bold plan,

To cultivate young wizards into talents,

That's how Hogwarts School was founded.

The four great wizards

Each one builds his own academy,

in the students they teach

The talents that are valued vary.

According to Gryffindor, the bravest

should receive the highest reward;

Ravenclaw thinks the smartest

always the most promising;

Hufflepuff felt,

hardest working

are most eligible for admission to the College;

And the power-hungry Slytherin

I like those ambitious teenagers the most.

The four sorcerers in their living years

Personally select the best students,

But when they slept in Jiuquan,

How to pick out the talents among the students?

Gryffindor figured it out,

He took me off his head,

The Big Four have injected me with ideas,

From now on, it's up to me to choose and evaluate!

Well, buckle me well on the head,

I've never seen it before,

I want to see your mind,

Find out which college you belong to!

As in the first grade, the Sorting Hat prepared a new song, and after it was sung, the auditorium burst into applause.

Anyway, the Sorting Hat's song is much better than the Hogwarts school song, and it changes every year.

In front of the faculty chair, Professor McGonagall unfolded a large roll of parchment.

"Whoever I call by name puts a hat on his head and sits on a stool," she said to the group of first-year students. "Stuart Ackley!"

A boy stepped forward, shivering on a stool.

"Ravenclaw!" shouted the Sorting Hat.

"Malcolm Bardock!"


Jemini clapped politely.

One freshman after another was assigned to various colleges, and Jemini looked at the Sorting Hat eagerly, hoping to hear him shout Azkaban.

But, unfortunately, no.

The sorting ceremony ended after the last child named Kevin Whitt was sorted into Hufflepuff.

Dumbledore stood up. He smiled and looked at the students below. He opened his arms and made a welcoming gesture: "I only have two words to tell you! Eat!"


The voices of Harry and Ron came from the long table in Gryffindor. Like hyenas who had been hungry for days, they began to scavenge frantically as soon as the food appeared.

Jemini eats very reservedly. He always keeps small snacks in his storage space, so he doesn't have to worry about being hungry.

Perhaps because of the cold and hunger, today's students ate very quickly, and in no time, even desserts were swept away.

When the plate was clean again, Dumbledore stood up again, and the humming of the hall ceased, except for the whistling of the wind and the pounding of the rain outside the window.

"Okay!" Dumbledore looked at the students below with a smile: "Now that we have all eaten and drank enough, I must ask everyone's attention again. I want to announce a few announcements."

"Mr. Filch, the administrator, wants me to tell you that there are several more items that are prohibited from being used in the castle this year. They are the screaming swimming ball, the wolf tooth flying saucer and the combo boomerang. The whole list includes about four hundred and thirty Seven items can be found in Mr. Filch's office, and those who are interested can check it out."

Dumbledore said, the corners of his mouth twitched a few times, and he seemed a little speechless and a little wanting to laugh.

Then he continued: "As before, I would like to remind everyone that the Forbidden Forest on the other side of the grounds is not accessible to students, and Hogwarts Village, all students under the third year are not allowed to visit, and I am very sorry Tell everyone that there will be no House Cup Quidditch this year."

Jemini was not surprised at all, and before the players protested, Dumbledore's voice sounded again.

"This is because a large event will start in October and will continue throughout the school year, taking up a lot of teachers' time and energy - but I'm sure you'll all have a lot of fun with it. I'm very happy to announce that this year At Hogwarts—"

A loud bang.

Dumbledore was interrupted when the door to the Great Hall was knocked open.

A man was standing in the doorway, leaning on a long cane and wrapped in a black travel cloak, when a forked lightning flashed across the ceiling, illuminating the stranger, he took off his hood and shook his head. He let out his long gray hair and started walking towards the staff desk.

Jemini knew who he was - Mad-Eye Moody.

However, it is not yet certain that he is really Mad-Eye Moody.

His face looked like it had been scratched by Buckbeak a few times, twisted and terrifying, causing the students around him to shrink their necks.

It wasn't until he walked to the staff seat that Dumbledore broke the silence in the auditorium with a smile: "Please allow me to introduce our new Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher-Professor Moody."

No one applauds.

Only Dumbledore and Hagrid clapped their hands, and the scattered applause seemed a bit desolate in the auditorium of Nuoda.

Then they both put down their hands wisely.

Seeing that no one was interested in Mad-Eye Moody, Dumbledore had to change the subject, clearing his throat: "As I said just now - in the next few months, we will be very honored to host a What a fantastic event, one that hasn't been held in over a century, and I'm delighted to tell you that the Triwizard Tournament will be held at Hogwarts this year!"

There was a burst of discussion below, and Dumbledore continued: "Maybe some of you still don't know what's going on in this hegemony match, so I hope those who know the situation will forgive me and explain a little more, I allow their minds to wander off for a while."

"The Triwizard Tournament was created about seven hundred years ago as a friendly competition between the three largest schools of magic in Europe."

"God is such a friendship and competition..." Jemini pouted and muttered in a low voice.

In order to allow Jemini to participate, Fudge brought a group of Ministry of Magic officials to argue that the group of overseas wizards agreed that students under the age of seventeen could participate if they met the conditions. Contest.

Dumbledore also said on stage: "In October, the headmasters of Beauxbatons and Durmstrang will lead their carefully selected contenders, and the ceremony to select the warriors will take place on the eve of All Saints' Day. An impartial The referees will decide which students are most eligible to compete in the Tri-Fight Cup, earning honors for their schools and 7,000 Galleons as individuals."

Jemini was surprised for a moment, but considering that he had donated 10,000 Galleons to the Triwizard Tournament, it didn't seem surprising that he was able to take out a prize of 7,000 Galleons.

Very good, this money has to go back to my pocket no matter what.

"I know you're all eager to win the Triwizard trophy for Hogwarts..."

Dumbledore finally said what the students didn't like to hear: "However, the participating schools and the Ministry of Magic have always believed that there is an age limit for this year's competitors, only seventeen years old - that is, seventeen Only students over the age of —— are allowed to apply for consideration, we feel that…”

Dumbledore couldn't finish his words, and a strong protest sounded below.

"This measure is necessary because the competition project is still very difficult and dangerous, no matter how many precautions we take, it is impossible for students under the sixth and seventh grades to deal with it..."

"The strongest student in our school is only fourteen now!" Qiu Zhang shouted loudly, and then she winked in Jemini's direction.

Jemini grinned, Shirley glanced at Qiu Zhang, then with a small smile on the corner of her mouth, she put her hand around Jemini's arm.

Autumn Zhang: ! ! !

"Of course—" Dumbledore blinked: "Considering that some exceptionally outstanding students are indeed very powerful before the age of seventeen, students under the age of seventeen can get at least three With the signature of the dean, you are eligible to participate in the selection."

The protests below stopped.

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