Armor Frenzy

Chapter 639: indiscriminate bombing

Thousands of missiles rushed out of the human battleship, dragging a faint trail and scurrying towards Io Zero.

The overwhelming missiles rushed towards the delicious cake like a large group of flies. No one dared to doubt their effect. At this moment, even the aliens felt desperate, and some alien warships escaped from Io Zero. .

There was no need for the expedition fleet to approach Io Zero anymore. Gao Kai immediately ordered the fleet to adjust its orbit. The fleet turned a corner less than 30,000 kilometers away from Io Zero and gradually separated from Io Zero.

At the same time, the alien fleets on Europa, Ganymede, Callisto and several other satellites, which are closer to Jupiter, all took off and rushed towards the expedition fleet fiercely from all directions, but the closest is still Io. Six Fleet.

"Commander, the observation team reported that the enemy's speed suddenly increased, twice the previous maximum speed!"

A smile appeared on Gao Kai's face: "I only remembered to speed up now? It's too late!"

He guessed in his heart that the aliens probably wanted to copy the last tactics, using Io as bait to surround the Second Fleet near Io, but unfortunately they did not expect that the main weapon of the Second Fleet was cannons, not cannons. Easier to intercept missiles.

The expedition fleet quickly went away, but the battle around Io Zero did not stop. First, thousands of nuclear bombs fell on Io Zero's surface layer by layer. The rising mushroom cloud has not dissipated, and a new mushroom cloud has risen. From then on, there was even a spectacle of two cannonballs falling to the same position, a mushroom cloud inside a mushroom cloud.

The side of Io Zero facing the expedition fleet was almost covered by a nuclear explosion, the ice and snow melted and evaporated, the sand and gravel melted and vitrified, and everything in sight was completely destroyed by the nuclear explosion.

Seeing all this, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but for some reason, no one cheered for it.

Although the expedition fleet destroyed Io, the alien fleet is still there. Now the Second Fleet has exhausted all the ammunition reserves. Only those dozens of fighter jets still have the power to fight, and they have no ability to destroy the alien fleet at all.

Needless to say, everyone knows in their hearts that as long as the alien fleet exists for one day, it will be the great enemy of human existence.

All the shells fell on Io, and the missiles would take a while to arrive, and the battlefield fell into a brief stagnation.

Ye Han in the headquarters looked at Gao Kai curiously: "This is the end? What about the back?"

Although he went to the headquarters early in the morning to watch the excitement, he knew his identity very well.

"The back?" Gao Kai smiled mysteriously, "You'll know just by looking at it."

Ye Han turned his suspicious eyes to the screen. The shells ran out, and only the missiles continued to fly towards Io. Could the missiles go around the back of Io?

The missile swarm finally arrived at Io, and the alien fleet that still adhered to the mother planet struggled to intercept them. Their efforts did achieve certain results, but they were unable to block all the missiles.

In the past, the aliens could still rely on the ground's anti-aircraft firepower for a period of time, but the ground has now been flattened by a large number of nuclear bombs, and they can only watch the missiles fall into Io Zero.

Like a meteor shower.

A rain of death.

Ye Han glanced at Gao Kai in surprise, the missile just fell into Io Zero, what's the difference between it and a cannonball?

Gao Kai also gave Ye Han a confident look, Ye Han's eyes turned back to the screen, just in time to see a mushroom cloud rising from the top of the guard.

The air burst, not the ground burst of the shell, was the only difference Ye Han found.

Gao Kai let out a long breath: "It's done!"

Many people, including Ye Han, were puzzled, what happened?

Only a few of the fleet executives showed joyful smiles, which made everyone even more puzzled.

"We used cobalt bombs..."

Those who know what to do suddenly realize, but most people still don't know what to do, including Ye Han.

Seeing this, Gao Kai continued to explain: "The cobalt bomb is actually a type of neutron bomb. To put it simply, a layer of cobalt 59 is added to the outside of the neutron bomb." By bombarding the cobalt layer, ordinary cobalt can be turned into the radioactive element cobalt-60, which can release high-energy gamma rays when it decays, do you understand?"

Now most people understand it.

Most people have never touched or even heard of cobalt 60, but it has a wide range of applications, and can be used in breeding, flaw detection, disinfection, and radiotherapy.

Because of its wide application, there have been many casualties caused by cobalt-60 radioactive sources. For example, a small shiny thing was picked up on the road and brought home, and the whole family was almost dead. (One more thing, it is said that most radioactive sources are made into chains or pendants. If you encounter unknown metals in the wild, especially small pieces of unknown metals, don't bring them home.)

The principle of the cobalt bomb is also very simple. The air explosion of the nuclear bomb produces a large amount of cobalt 60. After this thing enters the atmosphere, it continues to decay, producing continuous gamma rays to irradiate Io Zero. Even if the cobalt 60 dust falls, the irradiation will not stop.

What are gamma rays? It is a powerful ray produced in large quantities when a supernova explodes, and it is a high-risk ray that can kill all living things!

The spread of cobalt-60 is definitely not comparable to supernova explosions, but the damage caused by gamma rays is not much worse. Even if the aliens are not dead, they have to hide in the ground and be honest.

Although he understood the meaning of the cobalt bomb, Ye Han still couldn't let it go, and asked worriedly: "Aliens flew in from outside the solar system. The most important thing in interstellar space is radiation. They have a way to fly across the interstellar space. Can't deal with cobalt-60 radiation?"

"It's and the Sea of ​​Clouds." Gao Kai said with a bit of disappointment.

Sea of ​​Clouds...

Everyone was startled and turned their attention to the screen.

Tens of thousands of kilometers away, the sea of ​​​​clouds has broken through the blockade of the alien fleet with its indomitable posture, and rushed towards Io Zero with countless fine lights.

The alien fleet tried desperately to intercept, and even launched a fleet to collide with the Sea of ​​Clouds.

The uncontrolled Yunhai had no way to hide or avoid it. It was hit by three alien warships in a row, and the attitude of the warship changed irreversibly.

But the deformed Yunhai is still intact, even if countless fine lights cut countless fragments on it, it still cannot stop it from rushing towards Io, but it just smashed the course of the Yunhai.

Until it fell into the atmosphere, the alien fleet with all its strength was able to cut the Yunhai into two pieces. The first half of the Yunhai fell into the atmosphere and continued to fall to the ground. Objects, including shells and missiles that were not fired in time, as well as various unknown objects such as the armor on the ship, internal equipment, and even a reactor fell out.

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