Armor Frenzy

Chapter 625: 0 heads

Moon, Beiyuezhou.

The launch of the air carrier was uneventful. Although Beiyuezhou did not deliberately keep it secret, there were not many people who knew it. Instead, the international base was the first to know the news.

After several rounds of consultations, the base group has made a development plan for the air carrier and ordinary warships to go hand in hand.

Yankees don't want to be led by the nose of the North, but the reality is that people are strong and I am weak. No matter how reluctant the pragmatic Americans are, they can't go against the objective laws, and there is nothing they can do to keep up with the footsteps of the North.

After a year of rapid development, the current Beiyuezhou is not what it used to be. No matter the size of the base, the number of mines, smelting capacity, manufacturing capacity, industrial and agricultural production or lunar soil extraction, there has been considerable progress, and its production capacity has far exceeded that of the past. A year ago, it was not only the strongest backing of the Beiyuezhou fleet, but also left the international base far behind.

The international base was very dissatisfied with this situation, and tried their best to surpass Beiyuezhou, even at the expense of slowing down the development of the international fleet, otherwise the international fleet would definitely not be the current size.

A year later, Beiyuezhou is still operated independently by Beidu, but the number of member states of the base group has increased to 14.

The situation on Earth has not undergone a fundamental change. The main energy of major countries in the world is still on the fight against insect disasters. Few countries have the spare capacity to develop into space, but many countries with insufficient national strength are trying their best to drill into the base group. , I hope to catch this wave of rides.

Out of political and economic interests and other considerations, the Yankees have selectively absorbed several member states, but there are quite a few countries under investigation.

The Yankees tried to internationalize and complicate the issue of the moon by absorbing new members, but the North did not take it at all and only spoke with strength.

The competition between Beidu and the base group has already turned to the bright side. As long as the eyes are not blind, they can see the filth of both sides.

Maozi's enthusiasm for going into space has never been extinguished, and he has always wanted to take advantage of the contradiction between Beiyuezhou and the international base to open the gap to space. Unfortunately, Beidu is very wary of Maozi's unscrupulousness and has always refused to agree to Maozi's request.

Maozi's domestic insect disasters are mainly concentrated in Siberia, and the disaster situation in its European territories is not serious. As the international situation tends to stabilize, Maozi's situation is slowly improving, and the idea of ​​self-reliance has gradually emerged.

The skinny camel was bigger than a horse, and Maozi was one of the three former spacefaring nations, no matter how difficult it was or lacking in technology, no one could stop him from developing into space.

But the aerospace engineering is in full view, and the launch of the spacecraft can't be hidden from anyone. Just by looking at the size of the rocket, you can know where Maozi wants to send the spacecraft.

As a vested interest, neither the Beidu nor the base group can allow Maozi to join the Moon Club. The result is that Maozi's spacecraft will go to the sky without any problem. Once there is a problem of changing orbit and flying to the moon, it will come, or it will be hit by an abandoned satellite. Either it was hit by an unknown body, or the spacecraft failed inexplicably. In a word, it is possible to go to the sky, but not to the moon!

No matter how rough Maozi's skills are, he won't have so many accidents. Anyone with a long brain will understand that someone must be secretly playing tricks.

However, Yankee and Bei are both very secretive. Mao Zi knew who did it, but he couldn't find any evidence.

The United States does not want to see Mao re-emerge, and Beidu, who has risen, does not want to have a strong and restless neighbor around him. Since Maozi is already showing signs of decline, let it decline forever.

In fact, even if Maozi was given a chance, Maozi would not want to catch up with Beiyuezhou and the International Base. Two years was not long, but it was enough for Beidu and Washington to leave Moscow far behind.

There's nothing wrong with a few spoilers on the moon.

In terms of armament, after Penglai, the Orbital Factory built the second air carrier Kunlun, which will form the dual core of the fleet with Penglai and continue the unfinished journey of the expedition to Jupiter.

In addition to this air carrier, the orbital factory also undertakes the construction of supporting warships. Two fleets with the air carrier as the core and other warships as the auxiliary are slowly taking shape in the orbital factory.

In addition to paying attention to various chores, Beidu's main energy is still on Jupiter.

Although the alien fleet was successfully eliminated, the expedition fleet was also wiped out under the siege and interception of the aliens.

Since the human side can make a decision to expedition again, the aliens must have similar ideas. Maybe one day, another alien fleet will be launched from Jupiter.

Humans have learned a lot of experience and lessons in the Battle of Crazy Waves, and figured out the force value of aliens, but then again, this time-consuming battle has not exposed the weaknesses of human beings to aliens?

If the aliens attack again, 80% of them will learn to be smarter, and smart enemies often need more hands and feet to deal with.

To this end, the military specially organized manpower to conduct a large number of actual combat games, hoping to find a way to make use of its strengths and circumvent weaknesses and give full play to its own advantages.

But no matter how you look at it, there are only a handful of human advantages, and nuclear energy is undoubtedly the strongest golden finger God has bestowed on human beings.

So the military, who didn't know how to avoid shortcoming, got into the horns of the long horns, except that all the missiles carried nuclear warheads, and the shells were also nuclearized. battleship.

The military also wants to equip the fleet with a batch of rockets carrying nuclear warheads, but considering that the rockets are far less maneuverable than simply cancel the rockets on the warships and replace them with small missiles.

In response to the problems exposed in the Battle of Fury, the military has fully optimized the missiles used in space warfare. The new missiles are smaller, lighter and faster, and their maneuverability has also improved a lot.

In order to save the limited space on the warship, the military has also carried out miniaturization experiments of nuclear power engines, hoping to apply the experimental results to aerospace fighters.

The experiment was indeed a success, but the laser used to detonate the fuel ball was extremely energy-intensive. Unless a nuclear reactor was also installed on the fighter, the little electrical energy stored on the fighter would not be able to carry the nuclear engine at all.

The military does have micro-reactors that can be installed in fighter jets, but even if the military spares no expense, the maintenance of the reactor is not a simple matter. At that time, the maintenance of fighter jets will become a nightmare for ground crews.

In the end, the fighter is still equipped with recoil thrusters using liquid hydrogen and liquid oxygen as raw materials, but a series of optimized designs have been carried out on the thrusters to reduce the volume and increase the power.

Time passed quickly, and a few months passed in an instant. In late July, the formation of the second expedition fleet was completed, and in early August, the expedition fleet set sail as planned.

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