Armor Frenzy

Chapter 563: you fight me

Beidu scoffed at the statements of various countries, and refuted them **** for tat in the face of swords and shadows.

The Outer Space Treaty is the foundation of international space law and stipulates ten basic principles that should be observed in space activities, known as the Space Constitution. The most important of these are the non-claiming of sovereignty and the non-placement of nuclear weapons and weapons of mass destruction.

Politics is like that. No country has a clean backside, but there are things that can be done but can't be said. Since the Yankees are playing the treaty card, Beidu also starts from the same angle and refutes the al-Qaeda group's argument that the al-Qaeda group is Domestic netizens have created a spoof abbreviation for the "Lunar Base Cooperation Treaty Organization". In China, except for the mouthpiece of the official media, everyone calls this organization that way.

Beidu's refutation base ship sample comes from the treaty, that is, the principle of common interests in the first paragraph of the ten principles. Simply put, it is suggested that the lunar base stems from the need to fight aliens, and the construction of the base determines whether the lunar base can be Play a role in the arrival of aliens.

Resisting aliens is in the interests of all human beings. China's exploration operations are in line with this principle, so it is reasonable and legal.

In a word, the actions of the Chinese base are beneficial to all mankind, not only should not be blamed, but also deserve the support of the international community.

The Beidu statement did not mention the issue of enclosure throughout the entire article. When a reporter stood up, he asked the Beidu foreign affairs department to avoid the important and asked the spokesperson to respond positively to the issue of the lunar enclosure.

The spokesperson smiled and responded in very skilled diplomatic language: "I reiterate that China's exploration plan is in line with the ten principles of the Outer Space Treaty."

Political language is so wonderful. The actions of the Beiyuezhou base do meet the terms of the ten principles, but to be precise, it only meets a few of them, and the compliance is far less than the violation.

The policy of the Northern Capital is unreliable: focus on substantive occupation, take advantage of what you eat first, don’t admit or deny it to the outside world, and drag your feet on Tai Chi. Pull up banners and sign signs on the moon to protest!

The treaty is meant to be torn up. Even before the plague of insects, every country with space power has violated the treaty to a greater or lesser extent, not to mention it after the plague of insects. Send all the family to space, and regard the principle of restricting militarization as nothing, lest the military force in outer space orbit be insufficient.

Today, the outer space treaty has long since become a dead letter, not to mention that this treaty is not binding in the first place, even if it is valid, it must be recognized by the North.

And the so-called principle of common interests is simply bullshit. There are more than 200 countries in the world, and there are only a handful of them with aerospace capabilities. Who is willing to divide up the interests at hand?

Not long after the Beidu statement was concluded, Washington issued another statement, strongly criticizing the Beidu statement, leading a group of younger brothers to criticize them.

Beidu refused to give an inch, and refuted them one by one. The foreign affairs departments of all the countries involved turned around in a 24-slant manner, and foaming at their respective positions.

The **** decides the head. The base group has never been monolithic. If it weren't for the ugly appearance of Beidu this time, the base group would not be so united.

The foreign affairs department of Beidu is under unprecedented pressure, but Zhong Nanhai is determined to eat it.

An anonymous high-ranking official in Beidu said it well, since 184o, you **** have been bullied and bullied, and you still want to get stuck in our necks? no way!

Not only do I want to enclose the land, but I also want to make a big circle. If you have the ability, you can go up!

A weak country has no diplomacy, and the foreign affairs department must rely on a strong country for its right to speak. Today's China is no longer the weak Qing Dynasty that can be bullied by a warship no matter how many countries launch a warship. It is the eastern dragon that even Americans are afraid of.

public opinion? public opinion? Do it alone?

The only thing that can make strength bow down is strength, and nothing else.

The attitude of the Beidu foreign affairs department is becoming more and more perfunctory. The prospecting team sent by Beiyuezhou is getting bigger and bigger, and the area that is encircled by the Chinese side is getting wider and wider. One of the prospecting teams is even less than ten kilometers away from the international base. , the discovery of a large iron ore with extremely high reserves made the base group both angry and helpless.

But what can be done?

There is a common enemy of giant insects on the earth. No matter how stupid the base group is, it is impossible to start a war with China at this time, not only because their military strength is contained by giant insects, but also because the 800 million Chinese people, mainly young and middle-aged people, are more The strength of Beidu lies in the fact that the base group cannot even send military forces to the Chinese border, not even the simplest and most direct force to Not to mention on the moon, the Beiyuezhou base's Zhanduyuan International Base, even the power armor has been publicly unveiled. The international base has no ability to fight against the Beiyuezhou base at all, and it is the Beidu network that will not be suppressed by Beiyuezhou.

Without aliens, it will take at least decades for China to get to this point, and the Yankees' suppression of China will also last for decades. From this point of view, breaking the old pattern is not a bad thing.

Beidu also doesn't want to stimulate the Yankees too much, lest the Yankees do anything out of the ordinary. Therefore, although prospecting and occupation have been testing the psychological bottom line of the Yankees, they have never broken through the bottom line.

As a result, Beidu immediately announced the discovery of the iron ore, stating that the first mining base will be built in the mining area, and that it is willing to provide high-grade ore to the international base at cost price.

It must be noted that the cost price mentioned by Beidu is the cost of apportioning the construction cost of Beiyuezhou base, not the cost of mining iron ore.

Yankee very, very, very much wants to reject Beidu's proposal, but the international base needs this mine too much. With a small amount of high-grade iron ore, the international base can enter the stage of high development, and it is even possible to go to the Yuezhou base in the north, gradually Take back the initiative.

Of course, the premise is that the iron ore must be controlled by the international base, not what iron ore is purchased from Beiyuezhou.

The Yankees decisively gave up the entanglement and turned to contact with Beidu, hoping to fully purchase the ownership of the mine, but the Chinese side also understood the significance of the mine to the international base, and would not let it go.

The two sides engaged in a series of fierce confrontations over the mine issue. During the negotiation period, Beiyuezhou's exploration activities continued uninterrupted. Many Americans believed that the area where the mine might exist fell under the control of Beiyuezhou.

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